Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO



A lot of this really is besides the point. The issue is, you guys jumped in with the equivalent of a fucking stick figure on a napkin. Where is the business sense in that?

I mean, I guess part of me understands it. We're desperate for a new MMO and you're willing to ignore some of the more recent shit stains to attempt to even go in the direction you want.

I'm sure most people are aware he cannot deliver this. But it's really discouraging. You need to hold these god damn people accountable. You're willing to fund shit because it's ALL YOU HAVE so we're just going round and round.

How could you encourage such a blatant..well whatever it was. You're giving the message that it's totally ok to just walk in without anything solid. He's almost literally taking a loan out with everyone here funding himand he has shit for collateral, and can't even give you a straight answer on what it's going to.

"I'm going to build a house. Or a house boat. Or just a boat. Or a fucking treehouse. Ehhh, fuck it. Here's this sketch I drew of what I want to build. Yes, that is totally chewbacca on a jetski. That concept is solid, man."
I'm not saying the haven't screwed up this kickstarter royally, they have. I'm well aware they could very well never deliver a game but I am willing to risk some money on it. However I do think that since they are using unity a talented zone designer like Vu can produce a lot of quality content in a relatively short time. Vanguard was rough at release but it was still a good game despite it's flaws and I would happily take vanguard as it was on March of 2007 bugs and all over the game SoE dumbed it down into.

Boozecube, don't you know that all of the people currently pledging on Kickstarter are just going to jump onto that website and pledge right away when the kickstarter ends? Dayna said so!


Bronze Knight of the Realm
This mess is so fucking sad, has there ever been a worse KS? Why couldnt they just shut it down after 2-3 weeks and start new? This extremely amateurish chaos is just crazy... im going to pull my pledge today, i have absolutely no faith left for them to deliver anything at all after this debacle


Bronze Knight of the Realm
One more thing, i wouldnt be surprised if the KS would go DOWN by 50-100k in the last 48h with how this is playing out...


One more thing, i wouldnt be surprised if the KS would go DOWN by 50-100k in the last 48h with how this is playing out...
That would be sad. I'll probably actually be upping my pledge since I do want this to at least register over $500,000 to at least show that there was a half million dollars of support for this project.


Looks like they changed the website to no longer display what they raised on kickstarter and now says "we've raised coming soon". Looks like the comments Popsicledeath and Dahkoht posted on the kickstarter page were listened to afterall.


Looks like they changed the website to no longer display what they raised on kickstarter and now says "we've raised coming soon". Looks like the comments Popsicledeath and Dahkoht posted on the kickstarter page were listened to afterall.

This is the shit that makes me mad.41:30when Sal is asked about Dark Knights and he knows nothing! WTF? im still backing this but theses people are really testing my faith. How can you not be critical of this KS its got so many mistakes.
Agreed. If they are unemployed and this is their only project, shouldn't basically all their time be going to toward that? They should be eating and breathing pantheon. "I don't know" and "I'm not sure" or "You'll have to ask someone else" are not acceptable answers.


Looks like they changed the website to no longer display what they raised on kickstarter and now says "we've raised coming soon". Looks like the comments Popsicledeath and Dahkoht posted on the kickstarter page were listened to after all.

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
I don't get what makes you think that brad is trying to do anything other than get your money. What evidence do you have?
The whole thing is too amateur for a scam of this magnitude would be my reason for it the honest attempt to make a game but being incredibly delusional about their chances at this point.

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
"Apprentice Developer ($14.95 monthly)

Full Access to the Site. Apprentice Developers are the heart of our community, and held is highest regard. "

Really , someone needs to link that shit to SA and Reddit and wherever to see the repsonses. McQuaid is full fucking lunatic mode. 15/month makes you an apprentice developer on the Pantheon Team.

What could go wrong with that ?
Is this for real? I have never been to their site but they cannot be serious about this any longer. Also, what makes them think that is any better?


Trakanon Raider
Shit, if they are giving out Apprenticeships for Game Design on this project, it'd almost be worth the 15/mo. As soon as VRI start offering shares in the company for my 15/mo I'll be all over it.

Wait, no I wouldn't.


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
And the amount keeps falling. So this ks is a statistical anomaly of failure?
Pretty much,

Of the projects that have reached 20% of their funding goal, 81% were successfully funded. Of the projects that have reached 60% of their funding goal, 98% were successfully funded. Projects either make their goal or find little support. There's little in-between.
You have to be a giant fuck up and sit on your own balls repeatedly to get over 20% in the first couple of days and then have it bomb after. As you can see the hype was pretty good the first few days and then as a whole we collectively went "Hold up a sec, we're getting the shaft." Even the shitty quality of the initial launch could of been overcome with solid updates, plans, and transparency.

I would say the $800k goal would of been a slam dunk easy if this was led by almost any semi-decent project manager, or PR guy.





Pretty much,

You have to be a giant fuck up and sit on your own balls repeatedly to get over 20% in the first couple of days and then have it bomb after. As you can see the hype was pretty good the first few days and then as a whole we collectively went "Hold up a sec, we're getting the shaft." Even the shitty quality of the initial launch could of been overcome with solid updates, plans, and transparency.

I would say the $800k goal would of been a slam dunk easy if this was led by almost any semi-decent project manager, or PR guy.



I know only 1 in 50 manage to screw it up this badly.


Trakanon Raider
Remember when Brad mentioned that what was let of his namesake is riding on this game and he'll have to get a job at McDonald's if it fails?


Blackwing Lair Raider
Wow I go to sleep and I miss all the drama from last night. That interview video, not really much to say. That fact that he doesn't know one thing about Dark Knight yet he's got the word 'creative' in his title tells you all you need to know about this 'attempt at making a game'. I really and truly believe that this group of 10 people, this team that calls themselves VRI is really nothing of the sort. It's just 10 scattered people that are just coming up with things piecemeal, passes it by Brad and then posts it on the KS. There is zero communication between them, no team meetings, nothing like that. So one person comes up with one class, passes the idea (read that again, idea) by Brad and you now have a class in Pantheon with nothing behind it (detail, mechanics, etc).

The saddest thing beyond all this, beyond all the trolling and the jokes is that I do think they want to make a game. But at this point this is not any different than me posting on here that I want to make a game and 10 of us start corresponding by PM's and just start throwing ideas out. There is no cohesiveness to this.


The saddest thing beyond all this, beyond all the trolling and the jokes is that I do think they want to make a game. But at this point this is not any different than me posting on here that I want to make a game and 10 of us start corresponding by PM's and just start throwing ideas out. There is no cohesiveness to this.
I think most of us believe they do plan on trying to make a game. However they totally went into this kickstarter unprepared. They need to try another one down the road that is much better organized and presented to show that they can learn from past mistakes.