Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


Nothing more silly in the mmog criticism sphere than essays on how artwork for a game is wrong.

While I am a bit biased because the quality of the artwork is not that big of a deal as it relates to the quality of a game. There are actual fundamental reasons why game screenshots are a pretty poor way to judge the quality of any game.

I just find it amusing when Art nerds, who actually should be the most open-minded and accepting of a wide variety of art and artwork instead of having a super narrow and often questionable appreciation of art.

Going to scan back and see if anything else intersting has popped up since the ks failed. I assume nothing major has happened.

Now imagine reading the lunatic dragon art rant before seeing the pic of the dragon, lol.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Not too sure why all the hate. I would love to see a lot more niche games be released and a lot less "everything to everybody" wannabe's. Brad is not much of a game designer but he is an idea guy who has some decent ideas about the game he wants to make. Also I could give two shits about how swell the graphics of a game are or if some rendition of dragon is not an epic masterpiece. If it is fun to play, and can hold my interest for a few months that's all I can ask of a game.

I have a feeling this is not a game I would play, Brad is a grind it out kind of dude, and I am too old and impatient to bother with that type of game again. But I would still like to see that type of game made for the folks who are into that shit.
The question is how niche is too niche? You can get away with this in a single player game because it doesn't cost as much, but for an mmorpg? Where the game is dependent on having a decent amount of people playing to be successfull. You can say Eve is a niche game but that game still has 350k subs. Every game needs something to make it stand apart from the rest to make people play it, the hook. If the hook in this game is simply 'it's harder', I'm not sure that's enough to keep people playing long term.


Molten Core Raider
The question is how niche is too niche? You can get away with this in a single player game because it doesn't cost as much, but for an mmorpg? Where the game is dependent on having a decent amount of people playing to be successfull. You can say Eve is a niche game but that game still has 350k subs. Every game needs something to make it stand apart from the rest to make people play it, the hook. If the hook in this game is simply 'it's harder', I'm not sure that's enough to keep people playing long term.
The hook is/was themajorityof Pantheon's content will/would require a group which is something that has gone away from mainstream MMOs.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
The hook is/was themajorityof Pantheon's content will/would require a group which is something that has gone away from mainstream MMOs.
The game has the potential to be pretty unique, it's all in the implementation. Combat system sounds more up my alley, some of the class ideas are really intriguing to me. I think there are some real solid ideas behind the game.. The gripe here atm, is they are just ideas. I think that's fair, but they need time to prove one way or the other. A lot of the art bashing is pretty weak, save it for the real meat of the game, if they fail on it. They seem pretty dedicated to get people in early and testing a lot of this stuff. Time will tell.

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist

Concept art AND lore!


The game has the potential to be pretty unique, it's all in the implementation. Combat system sounds more up my alley, some of the class ideas are really intriguing to me. I think there are some real solid ideas behind the game.. The gripe here atm, is they are just ideas. I think that's fair, but they need time to prove one way or the other. A lot of the art bashing is pretty weak, save it for the real meat of the game, if they fail on it. They seem pretty dedicated to get people in early and testing a lot of this stuff. Time will tell.

Want fucking proof they are idiots? Look at the shit show "meeting" they had in Brad's garage. LOL!


Legal Ephebophile
Time, lol. Right. You keep paying them $15 a month and see how much time it takes before you have some shit you can actually play for your money.


Legal Ephebophile
Let's see Brad's last try was backed by Microsoft and after he spent millions of their money and didn't make shit they shit canned the project which was then only released because SOE picked it up and everyone else other than Brad busted their ass to getsomethingout.

I wish I had your optimism. You realize Brad still blames Microsoft for Vanguard right? If they had only given him a couple more years and a few tens of millions more money!


Convo is a moron. I'm almost tempted to just put him on ignore which is rare because never since I've started using the internet have I ever wanted to no matter how much someone has argued.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Convo is a moron. I'm almost tempted to just put him on ignore which is rare because never since I've started using the internet have I ever wanted to no matter how much someone has argued.
um.. just WoW! I'm really not arguing much.. You're just mental..


um.. just WoW! I'm really not arguing much.. You're just mental..
It's not you arguing that bothers me. It's your complete fucking obliviousness to the matter at hand. Your championing of something that for all intents and purposes will almost never actually be made and then the blind optimism for something after it will so obviously smack you in the face is annoying to me. Your cock sucking of Brad and Pantheon is far beyond even the neckbeards over at the Pantheon forums. Which is why I am tempted to just ignore you from now on (very uncharacteristic of me).


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
It's not you arguing that bothers me. It's your complete fucking obliviousness to the matter at hand. Your championing of something that for all intents and purposes will almost never actually be made and then the blind optimism for something after it will so obviously smack you in the face is annoying to me. Your cock sucking of Brad and Pantheon is far beyond even the neckbeards over at the Pantheon forums. Which is why I am tempted to just ignore you from now on (very uncharacteristic of me).
you have no idea wtf you're talking about... But I like that it's upsetting you.. I find it a bit crazy, but I like it..


Lord Nagafen Raider
Some of the people over there are just fucking retarded. Why under any circumstance would you want a tedious and completely meaningless "lack of" feature like having to make an assist key?

Someone did a poll that reads

"Autotarget target of target?

When assisting your main tank do you think it's best to make your own hotkey for /assist or do you think when you target someone you should have the option to autotarget whatever they are targeting ?"

The poll is split 50/50 atm...

I get that people want a harder game with more time sinks but this kind of shit is beyond comprehension. This is almost as bad as the guys who voted that you should not be able to do anything to your UI, not even move around pieces... It's like some people literally want Everquest Circa 1999 release.


Molten Core Raider
Let's see Brad's last try was backed by Microsoft and after he spent millions of their money and didn't make shit they shit canned the project which was then only released because SOE picked it up and everyone else other than Brad busted their ass to getsomethingout.

I wish I had your optimism. You realize Brad still blames Microsoft for Vanguard right? If they had only given him a couple more years and a few tens of millions more money!
Yes because vangaurd is the first MMO that has gone over budget.

Lost Ranger_sl

Yes because vangaurd is the first MMO that has gone over budget.
Did he say it was?

When their budget is coming from the players it is something to be concerned about. Them going over budget means if you guys want the game you will have to hand over more money. It is a topic that I think even the devoted should be having with Brad. What are they doing to make sure they stay on, or under budget? They are not playing with the money from a multibillion dollar company anymore. They absolutely can not go "whoops... the money is gone LOL".
... They are not playing with the money from a multibillion dollar company anymore. They absolutely can not go "whoops... the money is gone LOL".
I'd imagine VR has even less financial accountability with their current funding scheme than they would with a legitimate corporate publisher. It's going to be a total shitfest when this thing goes bust though and the contributors start demanding their money back.


Legal Ephebophile
Yes because vangaurd is the first MMO that has gone over budget.
I never said it was. Let's be honest though, if Brad was the MMO wonder kid he thinks he is then someone would back his MMO. No one will, Kickstarter wouldn't, so now he is milking his Brad Lovers for all their worth because he doesn't want to get a real job.