Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
I don't rip on Brad for making a game. I rip on Brad for stealing $45,000 out of the development fund to pay for his personal expenses. Or that insanely bad KS. Or for hiring a Fuzzy Troll development lead. You know ... the retarded shit.


I'm Amod too!
And if you look at it purely from a career point of view Bard has been pretty damn unsuccessful in his, he's still riding off of what he did nearly 20 years ago now. After leaving SoE the first time he conned Microsoft for millions and burned down Sigil. Went running back to SoE only to get laid off. Then spend however many years unemployed until he tried his hand at kickstarter and strangled his new company in its cradle by stealing the seed money. Now he's living off of the grace of volunteers while they slave away making his game.

That's a pretty shitty career, even for the game industry.


King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
I don't rip on Brad for making a game. I rip on Brad for stealing $45,000 out of the development fund to pay for his personal expenses. Or that insanely bad KS. Or for hiring a Fuzzy Troll development lead. You know ... the retarded shit.
This. Brad will get credit when he makes a good game. He will also get credit for his mistakes like all high profile people do. Im glad he didnt give up but he will always have a certain rep. I think Smed and Dave will have some negative rep going forward as well. It's just part and parcel.


Got something right about marriage
So.. Brad might get upset at me for saying this.. but I'll go ahead anyway. I've played his internal alpha.. He's absolutely making progress. It's not FAST progress, but considering the size of the team, it IS progress. If he can keep up the momentum, and maybe get some actual cash influx, I actually think he has a good shot at making a successful game out of it. I know everyone here loves to talk shit about Brad, especially because of his past.. but the reality is he's still pushing forward. How many of you can say that? Completely ignoring both his success and failure of the past.. He's making a game. Are you? Do I think the whole financial fiasco surrounding the initial steps on this was horrible. Yep. Hopefully he'll pay people back for that someday and make it right. But again.. the fact is.. he's making a game.
Is this post serious? "He's still pushing forward, how many of YOU can say that?".

Probably all of us.

"He's making a game, are you?"

I think I might open a restaurant. I'm just gonna serve those $1 frozen burritos. You better not talk shit about it bro because... I'm cooking, are you?

I understand though, you work in the video game industry. You've surrounded yourself with morons and failures. The bar isn't very high for you.


Blackwing Lair Raider
How many of us pissed a way millions of dollars of funding and personal cash, swindeled internet nerds and stolen drugs from people and fired everyone in a parking lot?
Wait, is this an argument that Brad was Unsuccessful, or VERY successful? Because, frankly, I don't get where you're going with this...


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
LOL @ Eldiroth. You got us dude. I'm successful without stealing drugs, money, firing people in a parking lot, expecting people to throw money at me for back work that doesn't exist and running for the fucking hills and vanishing when the questions get tough. What a success story!


Potato del Grande
So.. Brad might get upset at me for saying this..
I'm guessing he won't be upset considering my money is you posting this to get him to stop begging you to post it.

I know everyone here loves to talk shit about Brad, especially because of his past.. but the reality is he's still pushing forward. How many of you can say that?
Hitler, who everyone loved to talk shit about, especially because of his past.. but the reality is Hitler was still pushing forward. Unfortunately his push was into the heart of the Soviet Union in winter where there was more white powder than a Brad-snorting-crushed-pills-joke.

Oh, was I supposed to take your stupid question seriously?

He's making a game. Are you?
Oh, yes, you were seriously, literally asking if WE are all pushing forward to make a game after Brad's repeated failures....?

Ummm, well, in that case, yes, we're all pushing forward too with our lives where we make fun of drug addled con men who bilk gullible nerds into paying directly to his website so he can pocket the money to pay bills instead of working on a game he lied about working on to first try to get money by somewhat reputable means.

Tha fuck, dude, did your account get hacked? Or maybe you got kidnapped and this is your 'they're treating me very well' video. Send us coded signals you've been taken prisoner so we know to save you.... from yourself.


King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
LOL @ Eldiroth. You got us dude. I'm successful without stealing drugs, money, firing people in a parking lot, expecting people to throw money at me for back work that doesn't exist and running for the fucking hills and vanishing when the questions get tough. What a success story!
But...could you have been even more successful if you had done all those things? Brad is a visionary and his greatness just can't be measured by the same standards. You know, he's making a game...and it might actually get done? Yeah, top that motherfucker! yeah...


Molten Core Raider
I don't rip on Brad for making a game. I rip on Brad for stealing $45,000 out of the development fund to pay for his personal expenses. Or that insanely bad KS. Or for hiring a Fuzzy Troll development lead. You know ... the retarded shit.
I don't think there's anyone who's been unfair. These are people who've stagnated their field through incompetence. Brad didn't get lucky. He took a shot on people who were way ahead of the curve simply by being on BBS's and Newsgroups. Now that every retard has a computer you need to be a little more specific. Some game took a chance on Furor and Tigole I wonder how that worked out. Another company kept hiring the same retards and new retards like board moderators to make their games and when the real developers finally left or got fired they went back to square 1 and let Jesus cheat them. Not because Jesus is corrupt. Jesus hasn't changed in 2000 years but these fuckwads greedily thought they were finally in on the ground floor of a new Everquest. So I don't really make fun of Brad per se just anyone who doesn't see him for the gibbering fucking retard he really is.

I imagine some girls feel the same way meeting Wayne Newton.

Brad will never make the next big thing. Tiger Woods won't win another Masters. Shatner and Nimoy won't team up ever again and Prince&Tupac never recorded a duet. The time is past, it's long fucking gone. That's what makes it go beyond joking and into offensive territory for those who simply refuse to accept that.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Anyone who thinks we have been unfair here to Brad is a fucking retard. This community was excited and welcomed him here. Tons of people took time out of their lives to help spread the word to other message boards and gave him tons of suggestions on what he should have done in the first place. The shit started hitting the fan when reality set in and everyone realized that not only did they do jack fucking shit but they wanted to be PAYED FOR IT. That is when shit turned and suddenly Brad vanished because things got too hot.

I hope he makes this game and it's good, I will buy it. Don't blame us for wanting to see something more substantial then the same old endless alpha path it is currently on. His ideas weren't attacked, his work ethic or lack there of was.


Trakanon Raider
How many of us can say we're a success in our professional lives? A lot of us i bet. How many of us pissed a way millions of dollars of funding and personal cash, swindeled internet nerds and stolen drugs from people and fired everyone in a parking lot? Probably just Curt.
Did you mean to say Curt, or Brad? Or both?
Yeah.. I guess that post came off a little dumb.. LOL. What I'm trying to say is he IS making a game. I'll just leave it at that.
As much grief as people like to give Brad, the fact is his team live streamed them playing the game. SoE/DBG couldn't do that because EQN was a fucking lie. In and of itself, that one thing is a major departure from what we have had to deal with from SoE/DBG for the past decade.

If Brad ends up finally replacing Everquest, I for one will NOT miss SoE/DBG one single bit. Everquest is the ONLY reason I have put up with their constant bullshit all these years.

Did Brad fuck up on Vanguard? Yes.
Did Brad waste money on drugs? Yes.
Did Brad fire his employees in the parking lot? Yes.

But, Brad also was instrumental (not solely responsible) to the creation of Everquest for which is my favorite MMORPG ever made.

If Brad can replace my Everquest addiction with Pantheon, I forgive him for his fuck ups.



Trakanon Raider
As much grief as people like to give Brad, the fact is his team live streamed them playing the game. SoE/DBG couldn't do that because EQN was a fucking lie. In and of itself, that one thing is a major departure from what we have had to deal with from SoE/DBG for the past decade.

If Brad ends up finally replacing Everquest, I for one will NOT miss SoE/DBG one single bit. Everquest is the ONLY reason I have put up with their constant bullshit all these years.

Did Brad fuck up on Vanguard? Yes.
Did Brad waste money on drugs? Yes.
Did Brad fire his employees in the parking lot? Yes.

But, Brad also was instrumental (not solely responsible) to the creation of Everquest for which is my favorite MMORPG ever made.

If Brad can replace my Everquest addiction with Pantheon, I forgive him for his fuck ups.

I think everyone is somewhat to that point. I believe the frustration and harsh judgement comes from Brad randomly popping up and delivering nothing tangible. It's been proven that people are willing to support his endeavors but he really needs to deliver something. The facts are facts and Brad will have to live with the reputation he's created. I think everyone will play whatever he can deliver but he's yet to really cross the finish line and to me that's including Vanguard. You think about that, it's been more than a decade that Brad has accomplished anything in terms of a finished product.

Bottom line, he'll have to be patient with the world and take his lumps along the way. That's not to say he can't do it and we don't remember Everquest as being our first love but that was nearly 20 nears ago we've given him a lot of chances and money. I believe it's his turn to come through with something.