Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


Macho Ma'am
That's fair. But I'm curious why? Do you believe it's more about them releasing a shitty game (I.e., critical bugs, shitty launch, unfinished content like VG) or more that there isn't a large enough audience that will continue to play/support it long term regardless of how good it is?

Personally, all of it and more. Hacking going unchecked, people selling gold in the streets for RL money, etc. People, especially young people, seem to enjoy hacking stuff, breaking stuff, just to see what it'll do.

As for your earlier point to "see the posts above", I point you to the nearly 2,000 pages just on this website. I then point you to the other FOH site, which I dunno how many posts it had.


EQ in a browser wait time: ____
What is the eta on EQ browser?

whenever i grind it out. havent had enough people giving me shit about it.

so been dicking with AR/geolocation shit in unity instead. vuforia/opencv/mapbox
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Toilet of the Mod Elect
whenever i grind it out. havent had enough people giving me shit about it.

so been dicking with AR/geolocation shit in unity instead. vuforia/opencv/mapbox

Ohh poppa, please buy us a new pillow for the closet!
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Molten Core Raider
Nice revisionist history. No, dumbass, the game launched as an unfinished fucking mess. Only now it was an unfinished fucking mess with more content, that played very differently, and which 95% of the people who were looking forward to Vanguard abandoned within 3 months, if they could play it at all. That wasn't just about the game-breaking bugs, but the fact that already back in 2007, people were tired of the linear quest grind, fast travelling, ez mode bullshit. If people wanted that, they had other more polished games like WoW and EQ2 to play.

Would it have failed either way, sure. At least if they didn't compromise they could have failed with style. As it turned out, it was "just another mmo" that played like the rest, and wasn't even as interesting as the unfinished version from beta.

Vanguard had way more to it than wow and eq2. Don't disagree on stability but saying it was just like everything else doesn't hold water.

Come on man!


Trakanon Raider
whenever i grind it out. havent had enough people giving me shit about it.

so been dicking with AR/geolocation shit in unity instead. vuforia/opencv/mapbox

Why Trex quit the forums?
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Lord Nagafen Raider
an indie game from a developer with an infamous past and a genre that, simply put, not many people are interested in.

A genre no one cares about? Heh, hardly. The MMORPG space is a multi-billion dollar industry and continuing to grow steadily. That's across the globe, not just in Asian markets. Numerous titles released within the last year and numerous more coming.

Now you may be right about an indie developer being overlooked. Pantheon even it's best case scenario isn't going to move the industry needle, but it doesn't have to to be successful. The gaming market may be growing the most in the mobile space but PC isn't declining any faster than the console market. In fact, both are holding fairly steady. And plenty of gamers over the age of 40 who devote some amount of time per week to MMORPGs and do know the EQ name (and thus, more likely to know about this one).

I get the "infamous past" part. Some just refuse to give Brad another chance, which is understandable. But I maintain, and others in this thread have previously stated as well, that IF the game launches, they'll at least give it a try.

Time will tell how long they give it should that actually happen.
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Macho Ma'am
No one I know of , either online or my personal life, plays MMO's. Maybe you're talking about the Blizzard faithful, which still does bring in multi-billions of dollars per year. Then you have the grindy Asian market which the west can't stand.

The others? The F2P ones? Sure, they turn a profit, but nothing in the amounts that you're talking about.


Lord Nagafen Raider
No one I know of , either online or my personal life, plays MMO's. Maybe you're talking about the Blizzard faithful, which still does bring in multi-billions of dollars per year. Then you have the grindy Asian market which the west can't stand.

The others? The F2P ones? Sure, they turn a profit, but nothing in the amounts that you're talking about.

Dude, stop thinking that the entire industry revolves around your own little myopic view of it. All you have to do is Google it and you'll find plenty of data supporting these statements.

And for what it's worth, WoW still has a huge subs base (although far from the largest) even if you or any of your friends haven't paid any attention to it, haven't played it or despise the CEO because he touched you inappropriately.
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Macho Ma'am
I didn't say it didn't. Jesus christ dude, can you even read?

Maybe you're talking about the Blizzard faithful, which still does bring in multi-billions of dollars per year.



Trump's Staff
I was talking more about the type of MMO it is trying to be, not MMO specifically. Your P99 and EQ TLP crowd will undoubtedly give it a try and many will move to it permanently (though I doubt tons will since the people still playing EQ in 2017 are doing it in large part for the nostalgia).


Log Wizard
I was talking more about the type of MMO it is trying to be, not MMO specifically. Your P99 and EQ TLP crowd will undoubtedly give it a try and many will move to it permanently (though I doubt tons will since the people still playing EQ in 2017 are doing it in large part for the nostalgia).
I play on the TL servers....not only out of nostalgia but they are the only thing that comes close to being the type of game i am looking for. I have played the current slew of MMOs and they are a nothing but a boring solofest slog to max level so you can jump on the raid treadmill. Thats not my style...I am looking for a group centric game that focuses on class interdependency and atm Pantheon is the only thing promising that, I dont care about Brad or his drug habit. if the game is fun I will play it, IF they can deliver on what they have promised I will be tickled pink.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
No one I know of , either online or my personal life, plays MMO's. Maybe you're talking about the Blizzard faithful, which still does bring in multi-billions of dollars per year. Then you have the grindy Asian market which the west can't stand.

The others? The F2P ones? Sure, they turn a profit, but nothing in the amounts that you're talking about.
Final Fantasy 14 has 300,000+ active players. At 15 a month that's 54 million a year. Add in a new expansion at 60 bucks that's another 18 million. They flood the cash shop with vanity items every patch, they wouldn't throw them in if they weren't helping. Billions was an obvious over statement but the industry is still huge if this mid range game is pulling in a 100 million a year.


Macho Ma'am
Oh I wouldn't doubt that the industry is pulling in billions per year. WoW alone prolly crosses that threshold. I'm just saying that the general size of the industry has slowed and even taken a few steps back, as nobody that I know plays them anymore.

There are still people playing, but those are prolly like TradeChat who thinks that Blizzard shits gold.


Trakanon Raider
No one I know of , either online or my personal life, plays MMO's. Maybe you're talking about the Blizzard faithful, which still does bring in multi-billions of dollars per year. Then you have the grindy Asian market which the west can't stand.

The others? The F2P ones? Sure, they turn a profit, but nothing in the amounts that you're talking about.

Ahhh, the old "I no longer play MMO's, so no one does" rationale. What a dumb fuck.
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EQOA Refugee
Final Fantasy 14 has 300,000+ active players. At 15 a month that's 54 million a year. Add in a new expansion at 60 bucks that's another 18 million. They flood the cash shop with vanity items every patch, they wouldn't throw them in if they weren't helping. Billions was an obvious over statement but the industry is still huge if this mid range game is pulling in a 100 million a year.

Last I heard, FFXIV had over 2 million subs and was the solid #2 MMO. Where did you get the 300k number from?
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
That is the number of toons who completed the 3.5 MSQ which is a fairly accurate number of active accounts.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Ahhh, the old "I no longer play MMO's, so no one does" rationale. What a dumb fuck.

Forget it. I gave up on the conversation after realizing it was pointless. Some people are just way too narrow-minded in their thinking.
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Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
I believe people play MMOs after I was running around PoK the other day and had FPS drop as I saw a mass of characters standing together for free buffs or some crap. I nearly hit the floor in shock.