Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


Trakanon Raider
On a side note, as a hardcore skeptic, what would they need to show for you to feel comfortable donating to development?
While I recognize you weren't asking me, I'm going to answer anyway..
Immediate and persistent "best effort" public access. That's what it would take for me and mine. The project Gorgon model. Yes, it's in development. Yes, it's not done. But what's done? You can play. The devs might wipe everything, or anything, at any time, but will do their best not to do that. That's pretty much what PG has done, and they've been in Early Access with a subscription since April 2018, and players seem generally happy with that model. Yes, there are paying customers that will pay to play test your game, indefinitely.

VR has had a playable game since 2016. From that point until now, the "progress" has been extremely minor, mechanics-wise. We understand content takes time, but until then, use your paying customers to refine your existing gameplay mechanics.
Unless they did something like that? No $$$ will ever leave my wallet until launch. Sorry, once bitten, twice shy. Project Farthall has been 1.5+ years of silence. Screw that. You want to abuse the good faith of your pledgers? You get nothing.
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Trakanon Raider
I'll probably get slack for this, but I have to say that I want to give money to Pantheon now.

I know... I know... I KNOW!!!

The thing is, I owe a shit ton of the enjoyment in my life to EverQuest for the past two decades. Brad was a huge part of why that even existed, and his passing has got me to thinking what did I do to give back to the hobby that effected and changed my life in so many ways. The answer is... not a God damned thing.

I've made life long friends in EQ, had the time of my life taking vacations to go to numerous Fanfaire/SoE Live conventions, and spent a good part of my last twenty years living two lives; one boring one as a programmer and another as a hero in a fantasy world where anything is possible (trust me when I say the latter one was more enjoyable out of the two).

I originally gave money to Pantheon, and I regretted it because it just didn't develop as quickly as I wanted. I own that, but the thing is, I was giving money with the expectation of getting something in return.

This time is different. This time, I simply want to give back to the hobby that gave me so much. I WANT to donate money, with no strings attached, to the company making Pantheon. Like it or not, those people working there have a hard long road to walk to ATTEMPT to complete Pantheon. I'm not saying they will make it. I hope they do, but I am not saying they will. If they fail, those individuals and their families will be impacted, and I would like to think that maybe the money I donate would some how go towards helping them if that ever happens.

Hate on me all you want if that is what you desire, but I want to give back.
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Macho Ma'am
It's not difficult to become the "idea" guy. Just take your job, imagine the coolest thing that the company can do, and strip away all of the responsibilities at making that happen. You can come up with some wild shit.

This is also known as the, "Too many chiefs, not enough indians" problem. Where everybody is trying to be a leader, not enough people are taking orders.


I'll probably get slack for this, but I have to say that I want to give money to Pantheon now.

I know... I know... I KNOW!!!

The thing is, I owe a shit ton of the enjoyment in my life to EverQuest for the past two decades. Brad was a huge part of why that even existed, and his passing has got me to thinking what did I do to give back to the hobby that effected and changed my life in so many ways. The answer is... not a God damned thing.

I've made life long friends in EQ, had the time of my life taking vacations to go to numerous Fanfaire/SoE Live conventions, and spent a good part of my last twenty years living two lives; one boring one as a programmer and another as a hero in a fantasy world where anything is possible (trust me when I say the latter one was more enjoyable out of the two).

I originally gave money to Pantheon, and I regretted it because it just didn't develop as quickly as I wanted. I own that, but the thing is, I was giving money with the expectation of getting something in return.

This time is different. This time, I simply want to give back to the hobby that gave me so much. I WANT to donate money, with no strings attached, to the company making Pantheon. Like it or not, those people working there have a hard long road to walk to ATTEMPT to complete Pantheon. I'm not saying they will make it. I hope they do, but I am not saying they will. If they fail, those individuals and their families will be impacted, and I would like to think that maybe the money I donate would some how go towards helping them if that ever happens.

Hate on me all you want if that is what you desire, but I want to give back.

You might as well just donate the money to charity if this is your attitude.

And you gave back to the hobby by paying for the games you played.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
It's not difficult to become the "idea" guy. Just take your job, imagine the coolest thing that the company can do, and strip away all of the responsibilities at making that happen. You can come up with some wild shit.

This is also known as the, "Too many chiefs, not enough indians" problem. Where everybody is trying to be a leader, not enough people are taking orders.

Realistically EverQuest had a great roadmap on how to base their design. MUDs. From a design standpoint EQ was a 3d MUD. Within those constraints they were able to throw in whatever and that's where you got innovative design because nobody had made a 3d MUD before.

Making the NEXT leap in 3d MMORPG or MMORPG in general has turned out to be a lot more complicated.
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Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
I agree that if the company is smart and takes advantage of the emotions and good will surrounding Brad's death, especially if phrased in some form of getting Brad's final game and dream to launch, this tragedy could prove to be a funding bonanza. And I hope they are astute enough to do so with good taste. The alternative of the game being shuttered is not appealing to me at all, I would like to see this thing make it to launch and judge it then.

On a side note, as a hardcore skeptic, what would they need to show for you to feel comfortable donating to development?

Positive reviews from actual beta testers on this site from non-shills. This is the only site I trust for reviews. There are people on here I have gamed with, or my gaming choices align with enough that I listen when they say something is good. Same with board games, and I’ve had people directly ask my opinion on board games because they have the same trust in me. Shit like that is why I continue to participate and love this community. We’re all like minded man-children shitlords.

Other than that, a physical box on the shelf.
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Potato del Grande
I think a lot of people would donate now even if they felt they'd been burned before. The current website has too much stigma attached, though. I wouldn't give money directly to the website even though it may just be a psychological difference in his I felt vs a kickstarter. And their website was always a funding failure that I didn't feel comfortable with because of the context and circumstances of it being the backup method to take money when they clearly weren't ready or deserving.

Launch a new Kickstarter, credit Brad for getting them far enough they can do it right this time, and make it a way to honor Brad and the Vision we shared with him. It would have a chance of going viral and at a time far more receptive to that style of game. And now they actually have the goods to make it seem like the project would have a shot. Thanks to Brad.

Otherwise they just have the same sketchy website with bad feelings and everyone posts RIP and talks about flowers and nothing changes.

One thing Brad really understood is funding and hype and virality is something you have to get out there and create anymore. First time it just happened with EQ because of the novelty. That doesn't happen now. Gotta go out and create it. And if The Pantheon team sits back and does Jack shit on this then they truly lost their leadership and vision and learned nothing from Brad at all.

I guess kinda neat that it will justify Brad's place if they implode because they can't do one of the things he was good at and hype the game and scrap for a chance at making it. I'd rather have a shot at playing Pantheon, though.


Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
I'll probably get slack for this, but I have to say that I want to give money to Pantheon now.

I know... I know... I KNOW!!!

The thing is, I owe a shit ton of the enjoyment in my life to EverQuest for the past two decades. Brad was a huge part of why that even existed, and his passing has got me to thinking what did I do to give back to the hobby that effected and changed my life in so many ways. The answer is... not a God damned thing.

I've made life long friends in EQ, had the time of my life taking vacations to go to numerous Fanfaire/SoE Live conventions, and spent a good part of my last twenty years living two lives; one boring one as a programmer and another as a hero in a fantasy world where anything is possible (trust me when I say the latter one was more enjoyable out of the two).

I originally gave money to Pantheon, and I regretted it because it just didn't develop as quickly as I wanted. I own that, but the thing is, I was giving money with the expectation of getting something in return.

This time is different. This time, I simply want to give back to the hobby that gave me so much. I WANT to donate money, with no strings attached, to the company making Pantheon. Like it or not, those people working there have a hard long road to walk to ATTEMPT to complete Pantheon. I'm not saying they will make it. I hope they do, but I am not saying they will. If they fail, those individuals and their families will be impacted, and I would like to think that maybe the money I donate would some how go towards helping them if that ever happens.

Hate on me all you want if that is what you desire, but I want to give back.

Unless you are pirating everything you are “giving back” by paying for games. People are not making games out of the kindness of their heart for us, they’re making a living on it when we pay them. I loved EQ but I don’t feel like I owe anyone anything for it, I paid hundreds (Thousands?) of dollars in expansions and monthly subscriptions and paid all of those devs bills in doing so.

“Giving back” could be doing free alpha/beta testing I guess but feeling like you owe them more money than they charged you is flawed.
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Log Wizard
Just donate to the game, consider it in honor of at least trying to honor Brads last vision...I mean it will do as much good as donating to most charities.
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All I would want is to have an active dev blog showing actual incremental development and advancement. Seems we have literally years of slow or no development that makes us more cynical and suspicious about it.

There's a lot of that, as far as game dev goes. But what people actually want to see (non-stiff anims, more of the world, combat, abilities, etc) isn't quite all up to speed yet.

Supposed to be a live stream actually showing gameplay soonish iirc


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Supposed to be a live stream actually showing gameplay soonish iirc
They have had a bunch of those already. The problem isn't a working game world, it is the lack of content and progress. They have basically done/shown the same old stuff for every stream in the last 2 years.
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They have had a bunch of those already. The problem isn't a working game world, it is the lack of content and progress. They have basically done/shown the same old stuff for every stream in the last 2 years.

They haven't done one of those in like 6+ months.
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You think in 6 (more realistically like 8) months they haven't developed any content whatsoever?


Tranny Chaser
Let's turn it around for Pantheon, make a crowdfund. Convo Convo , make it happen - we believe in this not going up the nose.
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Trakanon Raider
They were making progress.. Regardless of whether people here believed it or not. Brad had pushed development this long on a shoe-string budget and I'm sure the gane would release at some point. As to what it would be is hard to say


Potato del Grande
Glad to see Brad getting some appreciation,

but why the ice-burn fake news:

His most recent project, an MMORPG called Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen, was being developed by Visionary Realms. The fate of that project is unknown although considering how long it has been in development, one would suspect it has to be nearly finished by this point.


Triggered Happy
VR need to release a statement about whats happening with Pantheon. Rumors about it being cancelled etc can be very damaging, especially if you are looking for investment. They need to stay ahead of the curve.

Personally I think a dev video blogs a terrible idea at this stage, maybe in the 6 months leading to beta use it build hype (if they ever get to that point). A written update every couple of months would probably be less time consuming and better just to stay in touch with the community.

What VR really needs and what it has never had is someone who has an actual track record of running a business. You need people to pull in the reins with creative environments and make the hard decisions. They've never had that at VR as far as I can tell.

I hope they can pull it out the bag, the best tribute to Brad would be Pantheon up and running.


Vyemm Raider
VR need to release a statement about whats happening with Pantheon. Rumors about it being cancelled etc can be very damaging, especially if you are looking for investment. They need to stay ahead of the curve.

We've released an official statement on our forums and on social media: Our heartfelt thanks for the outpouring of support as we reflect and share how Brad's creative passion has changed our lives. We stand together, committed to honoring his legacy and fulfilling his vision for Pantheon.

With the family's blessing, we carry on.
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