Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


Lord Nagafen Raider
I honestly think some of the people in this thread are looking for "EQ" meets "The Sims".
We're just discussing things hypothetically.
Stop taking everything too seriously.


Lord Nagafen Raider
A lot of the EQ nostalgia is due to the nature of the game, it's timing, etc, guilds/groups were forced to admit members we didn't really like or want to invite. Such members were asocial fuckwads and mistook others 'needing' them in the group/guild for 'wanting' them. While the rest of us had problem members to deal with as a necessary evil, in their minds these players had finally made friends!
The "survival" post was just to brain storm; I wouldn't even want Brad to delve into something we haven't tried before.

As for nostalgia. Of course there's nostalgia.
But you can't argue that when I say "I want to play a first person MMORPG." as a nostalgic need. Just to name one thing.

There are straight forward game mechanics that I've listed over and over and over again. Very specific and obvious game mechanics that no other game is offering in the market. I want to play a game like that but there aren't any out there; including EverQuest live itself (not anymore). When I say I want to play a game like that; it's not about nostalgia.

When I want to play a Turn Based Strategy game, I'm not wearing rose-colored glasses. I DO want to play a Turn Based Strategy Game.
When I want to play a game like XCOM; I'm not being a nostalgic romantic deluded person... I DO want to play XCOM (and I played XCOM Enemy Unknown and pre-ordered Enemy within).

Is this too hard to believe?
Are you trying to say you know me more than I know myself?
Are you trying to say I'm too stupid to know what I want?

I find it offensive and it really got old.
Just give us the benefit of doubt and assume that we really want a game that expands on EverQuest (THAT game genre).
Faction system, harsh penalties, group-encouraging, itemization, non-instanced dungeons, FPV, no GPS maps, No hand holding, long level curves...etc.

I know many people don't want that. But there are people who, sincerely, want to play a game like this.
Not being deluded because last time I played P99 it was the best MMORPG I played in the last 5 years. Despite the fact that I've got sick and tired of repeating the same content yet I still enjoyed the collection of all these mechanics/features EQ offers and looking forward to try a game like it.


Hrm, yes, this really is how it works in the military. You have a 4 person company and when one person dies you can't just go on because that person was so irreplaceable that the entire army crumbles! Modern MMO's need to work more like made up analogies or they'll just be WoW clones!
u mad faggot?

Here's a clue, you dumb fucking hippie,
uh im not a hippie you beatnik cunt.

people in the military bond despite the group size because the group CONTENT they're playing against is real and challenging and matters, not because of the group size.
The point, you fucking autistic piece of shit idiot, is that in what is realistically only going to last an hour or two, having just 4 people would make it easier to bond with people.

Group size is fairly irrelevant to tuning the difficulty of group content,
Got any more bullshit up your ass to spew out of your mouth?

If you have group content based around 6 man groups, a solo player is 1/6th of a group and solo content is harder.
But I'm not talking about dps vs hp.... I'm talking about how if a group is 4 people it concentrates the abilities and stuff in combat. So you don't get Sorcs helping out with a 60 second sleep or some shit. It means that only one person can do whatever needs doing. So if 8 mobs show up and you are CC, a second of hesitation could mean someone dies because of your slow hesitating ass. Same goes for healing and grabbing aggro with tank and everything else. The maths could make it exactly the same as a 6 person group, but just simply having 2 less people to share the workload would make it harder and would make the classes more interesting than this 1 boring role thing that most games have.

Which is why group size in Vanguard was higher than what had become the new norm with WoW. If your group size is 4, less people are going to be grouping because now two people are half a group's effectiveness, instead of 1/3rd, and are relatively more powerful.
You are mentally retarded.

I was around for the group-size discussion and it's another decision that was far more thought out and deliberate than your ignorant perspective on steamrolling the easiest Vanguard content and thinking you have a clue.
So you're saying I'm clueless and yet I steamroll Vanguard content. Gotcha. And yes, it's a dumb game for WoW kiddies.

If my rational explanation doesn't explain it for you, consider the following mockery of your ideas:
You can't mock anything you dumb cunt

OMG, I was just thinking really hard about something: what if my personal experiences in a game aren't necessarily true for everyone
Still thinking about games for 'everyone'. You mean like WoW and minecraft. I know my personal experiences were the same as a lot of people because I've talked to people. You didn't think of that did you,

and aren't even how things were in that game when it was designed initially. So, like, what if the game BECAME a spam-fest zerg-roll, so that's all I can ever say about it, and I'm not experienced or smart enough
We've been through this experienced thing once before. I've played probably twice as many MMO's as you have ever played, and I've done anything you have done in an MMO, or more. So you don't get to call me inexperienced, sry. Same goes for the smart bit.

to see the game initial design wasn't like that at all, and that initial design is what people are referring to when talking about the.... wait, hear me out, I think I'm onto something.... when talking about the design of an upcoming project, what if people are referring to the initial design of a prior project the person making the new project was involved in, and those people are referring to that initial design because it was the portion of the old project the new projects main designer was a part of during design....? Nah, no fucking way. Hai gais, I was thinking, have you ever thought that WoW is like McDonald's!?
... you could have spent that time playing an RPG with 4 people to see that I'm right.

I was just thinking. A game like WoW has, what, 5 man groups? And WoW is like the most obviously WoW clone out there! So, any new game with 5 man groups will obviously be bad... so a new game should have 4 man groups, right?!
Nope, 4 man RPG groups go back to day 1. Most of the classic SSI/Westwood RPG's were 4 person parties. The Might & Magic games were 4 party.... basically, you are a blithering cunt, stop posting.

definitely mad

You mean, LIKE Vanguard where the command is literally /torch, you fucking moron?
You have to read to the end of the sentence you fucking badly educated mindless idiot.

Stop trying to replicate real life because you don't have one.
ur mom

I want to play a game. Challenging and frustrating and punishing, sure, but still a game.
Hmm I wonder where you could find something that fits that criteria?

That means I want to PLAYING it and not huddled in a cave with a bunch of other players waiting out a fucking severe weather warning.
I know you enjoy trying to be a troll, but you should try to not make yourself look stupid in the process... My point about huddling in a cave is that the cave is the dungeon like the caves in Vanguard. So it's cope with the rain outdoors, or test your luck in the dungeon. Or you could just travel somewhere else.

I'd love a game that pushing group content and the interaction that brings, but I really don't think most people want a game that forces you into a cave with idiots and assholes
Don't you like anyone at all? You're like an actual sociopath? I mean, when I post I kind of assume that people are mentally sound you know... so I assume people group with friends or guildies or at least nice group of strangers. I didn't think of the issue of how this would work if one person happens to be a complete cunt. I guess you could just kill yourself and save the rest of the world the worry of how to work around you.

like you just because sitting in a cave waiting out a storm in a fucking video game is the only way you can imagine anyone would ever want to talk to you or be your friend.
again, ur mom


Trump's Staff
I'm all for (clever) insults, but 'faggot', 'cunt', and 'autistic' are a bit much... Especially when interspersed with 'WoW kiddies' and 'ur mom'.

Trash post.


Trump's Staff
You wanted that to be funny... But it just wasn't.

I guess the board needed a new qwerty.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
That's not a new qwerty. It is qwerty. When you have a personality that awful, you can only hide it so long.


Trump's Staff
I wonder what he's like in real life... Think he's a normal dude? I'm fascinated by people's digital persona vs. their physical one.


<Gold Donor>
That's not a new qwerty. It is qwerty. When you have a personality that awful, you can only hide it so long.
I'm laughing so hard, my partner on the other side of the room keeps asking me what's so funny...


Molten Core Raider
You know i wonder if they are using EqNext:Landmark to build eq/vg game inside.. . . . .Why does this make so much sense to me atm ?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
You know i wonder if they are using EqNext:Landmark to build eq/vg game inside.. . . . .Why does this make so much sense to me atm ?
Ha we did some early speculation in regards to this.. I think some of us were hoping he got the EQN that got scrapped along with the tools/engine..But that wasn't really based on anything other than Brad saying he told Smed about the project and he was excited too. But I know Brad was looking at Engines like Unity so its more likely he will be using the best engine for his project.


Molten Core Raider
Ha we did some early speculation in regards to this.. I think some of us were hoping he got the EQN that got scrapped along with the tools/engine..But that wasn't really based on anything other than Brad saying he told Smed about the project and he was excited too. But I know Brad was looking at Engines like Unity so its more likely he will be using the best engine for his project.
I see.. idea just came from using landmark to build worlds... as they say in their marketing stuff its about building your own MMO so to speak, with their tools and eqnext is an example of one.

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
popsickle you referenced the military alot, what branch and mos did/do you serve in? just wondering.


Hey flex , what's your current mmo ? I'm doing FFXIV ATM but do really miss open world PVP - anything on the horizon for you as I know it's your thing too.


Potato del Grande
I'm laughing so hard, my partner on the other side of the room keeps asking me what's so funny...
I woke my girlfriend up laughing so hard at "Got any more bullshit up your ass to spew out of your mouth?" Thankfully she thought it was absurd enough to also laugh at it. Then sleepily asked why someone on the internet was calling me a blithering cunt before going back to bed.
