Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO



You mentioned this was a lot for 10 guys to handle. Not to get too personal or deep but i'm not understanding the internal structure here? I've done a lot of consulting, programming, tech work in general pro bono but these guys have left games and not to mention being their livelihood. How is this working? You mentioned looking into a CEO. Several posts, including my personal opinion here, lends to needing a PR or Community Manager. How can you hire? Who's paying these salaries? How is this making it off the ground?

I was involved in a Web Design firm (venture) years ago that I wanted to play with on the side so I invested, did some work, and hoped to see some return on the investment. It did eventually but it took time. Naturally, there was much more involved but that's the short version of the story. The reason I share, it would help me put into perspective what you guys are working with and possibly even sympathize with this group's working condition. Typically, I would not be so interested but as a potential investor, I like context and context clarifies expectations.
We have had a PR Manager for some time now: His name is Ben --[email protected]/* <![CDATA[ */!function(t,e,r,n,c,a,p){try{t=document.currentScript||function(){for(t=document.getElementsByTagName('script'),e=t.length;e--;)if(t[e].getAttribute('data-cfhash'))return t[e]}();if(t&&(c=t.previousSibling)){p=t.parentNode;if(a=c.getAttribute('data-cfemail')){for(e='',r='0x'+a.substr(0,2)|0,n=2;a.length-n;n+=2)e+='%'+('0'+('0x'+a.substr(n,2)^r).toString(16)).slice(-2);p.replaceChild(document.createTextNode(decodeURIComponent(e)),c)}p.removeChild(t)}}catch(u){}}()/* ]]> */-- and he's doing a great job IMHO.

We are all working pro bono right now. That's how much the team believes in this project.


One of the stretch goals should be snakes that kick.

Brad, will we see the return of "pain and suffering tries to strike you, but misses"?


This thread is great man! So much flavor to it! I wish I wasn't working so I could keep up.

Thanks for the update Brad. Not everyone hit the panic button but I'm glad you guys are responding to the KS feedback. This is going to take all of us the next few years so these relations are good! We are your alpha testers and we began yesterday. Use us as you need.
Thanks Convo!



You mentioned this was a lot for 10 guys to handle. Not to get too personal or deep but i'm not understanding the internal structure here? I've done a lot of consulting, programming, tech work in general pro bono but these guys have left games and not to mention being their livelihood. How is this working? You mentioned looking into a CEO. Several posts, including my personal opinion here, lends to needing a PR or Community Manager. How can you hire? Who's paying these salaries? How is this making it off the ground?

I was involved in a Web Design firm (venture) years ago that I wanted to play with on the side so I invested, did some work, and hoped to see some return on the investment. It did eventually but it took time. Naturally, there was much more involved but that's the short version of the story. The reason I share, it would help me put into perspective what you guys are working with and possibly even sympathize with this group's working condition. Typically, I would not be so interested but as a potential investor, I like context and context clarifies expectations.
I'm a little less forgiving. When the level cap went from 60-65 my best friend and I decided to team up to get to 65. Why? Because I was in Prophecy on the Bertox server and it was fucking REQUIRED. We were the top guild on the server (Although this can be argued by Phantom Raider guild members). So I would work, get off work, come home, and play for 5-6 hours. He would work all day, get off work, come over to my house and take over. I would sleep for 3-4 hours and he would wake me up to take back over so we didn't lose our place in the group.
Insane? Sure, maybe, but we got it done. We hit 65 in under a week. Because that's WHAT WAS REQUIRED. I can't believe these devs arn't scheduling for someone to be online at all times. Because THAT'S WHAT IS REQUIRED. Thirty-nine days. Gonna have to suck it up and lose some sleep this month. Make this happen Brad.

I feel the same way about this kickstarter. They should be working in shifts, all day, every day, for the next 39 days.


Trakanon Raider
Thanks for the info. Sorry I somehow overlooked Ben. I guess I expected a bit more exposure but i'll assume he is handling more official releases to bigger entities for the sake of getting the word (kickstarter) out. However, if he gets some time, tell him to stop by and meet everyone so we can "welcome" him "appropriately.

Kudos to you guys working pro bono and I appreciate you sharing. This allows me to look through the appropriate glasses.


Potato del Grande
One of the stretch goals should be snakes that kick.

Brad, will we see the return of "pain and suffering tries to strike you, but misses"?
There were a lot of little quirks like that in EQ that were funny and/or charming, whether intentional or not, they were at least not 'polished' out of the game like they seemed to be with later generation games that had no soul. So many little things were awesome. Like couldn't you drop weapons and they'd always point the same direction so you could tell which way you were going? (I don't remember because the first thing I'd do is tie sense heading to my forward arrow so it would skill up every time I moved in what was hopefully the right direction).


Trump's Staff
Very nice progress today. Almost 10% in 36 hours. Nearly doubled the number of unique backers too. That $250 tier was a great idea and an excellent value. I still suggest adding a $30 digital download only tier (but I expect you have plans to do this after the early adopters pay more) and adding a physical item to a higher end tier.

We love cloth maps, Brad. I would also accept a sweet chalice as physical swag.


Trakanon Raider
To comment on some of the "off-topic" posts... I'm not sure what is reminding me of EQ more. Pantheon of these posts.

It's beginning to feel like old times already.


<Gold Donor>
Yeah and the clouds always ran in one direction. Don't remember which, but I used to use the clouds as a compass in the karanas.


Dindu Nuffin
Brad, on your KS page, did you mean to write "the path of least resistance should also be the most entertaining" because that seems backwards.


I'll let Ryahl (my husband and the author of the piece) know it was enjoyed. He lurks here sometimes, but doesn't read the site as much as I (and I usually just lurk).

It is always nice to hear folks read/like his stuff. Did you read it Brad? You should!

(Edit- I noticed the second page of the article was linked, so I edited it to goto the start)


Golden Squire
Got some good responses from Noel on the KS site (I believe that's Iri-something here?)

A lot of those you'll see answered better in the FAQ and in other updates, but I'll toss out some information that I've got:

1st person: Yup. We've got a bunch of people who play primarily in first person, including Brad. You can expect to see that taken advantage of.

Progression: We're not entirely ready to talk about our progression systems yet, but we want to avoid simple quests whose sole purpose is to give you the experience you need to level.

Gear: We want gear to be memorable. More EQ, less WoW.

Actual quests: See above. We love quests. Less love for tasks.

Gear (pt. 2): Twinking was one of the things that players loved the hell out of in EQ. We'd like to see it return.
Nothing shocking, but all good answers! Can't wait to hear more about progression.


Very nice progress today. Almost 10% in 36 hours. Nearly doubled the number of unique backers too. That $250 tier was a great idea and an excellent value. I still suggest adding a $30 digital download only tier (but I expect you have plans to do this after the early adopters pay more) and adding a physical item to a higher end tier.

We love cloth maps, Brad. I would also accept a sweet chalice as physical swag.
I agree physical swag would be amazing. Not sure it's in the budget. But yea I got all sorts of cloth maps that I swear imma frame and hang one of these days... would love to add another to the collection...