Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


Trakanon Raider
Also, spawn some random underconned mobs , those were fun back in EQ


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Brad said earlier in this thread that there was no plan to have a system involving quantifiers/dots/whatever. It's going to be the /con system.Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen - Page 160is the direct link to his statement.
The EQ /con system did two things: a color-coding as to how tough the mob was compared to your level as well as an indication of its faction towards you, which was the much more interesting part of the /con system in my opinion. The latter was part of a much bigger feature that entailed the whole Faction-system, the many races in EQ, their many starting cities, and the corresponding political and racial landscape.

KoS races, SK-factions, Bard factions hating Mistmoore, Orcs on Faydwer siding with a particular Neriak faction half a continent away, that sort of shit. Nothing beats opening a door of some room in a remote Inn in Highpass to see a Dark Elf standing there, hoping to /con it and see if its amiable, indifferent, or going to whack your ass.

Somehow I feel that we will not see this ever again, because it requires so much other content and features (like having more then 8 races).

It will always amaze me how much content and features were in Original EQ, surely they must have had featurecreep too, but it does not show. Unfinished stuff, sure, bugs, sure but so many cool features.

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
There were actual things to talk about with FFXIV, because it wasactuallya game. I think we can wait for the Kickstarter to complete before even entertaining a sub-forum for this game that's still in the very early concept stages.
Agreed, there's no need for a subforum that's consolidated into a single thread half a year later. If at all, wait until there is actual alpha testing or gameplay. This thread will slow down after the KS.


UO mounts 2.0
I would definitely be onboard with many of these ideas. UO mounts redux: mounts as a part of the world along with class abilities that augment their survivability, convenience, and usefulness. I think we've just shaped the Pantheon slogan:with great convenience comes great responsibility.

The WoW version as, as you said, a buff with graphics is the worst possible way to implement them.

Thinking along those same lines, mobs that can run as fast or faster than the fastest mount are almost required in my mind. A gryphon should always run/fly faster than the fastest mount, for example.

Brad said earlier in this thread that there was no plan to have a system involving quantifiers/dots/whatever. It's going to be the /con system.Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen - Page 160is the direct link to his statement.
Missed it, thanks. Great news.

The EQ /con system did two things: a color-coding as to how tough the mob was compared to your level as well as an indication of its faction towards you, which was the much more interesting part of the /con system in my opinion. The latter was part of a much bigger feature that entailed the whole Faction-system, the many races in EQ, their many starting cities, and the corresponding political and racial landscape.

KoS races, SK-factions, Bard factions hating Mistmoore, Orcs on Faydwer siding with a particular Neriak faction half a continent away, that sort of shit. Nothing beats opening a door of some room in a remote Inn in Highpass to see a Dark Elf standing there, hoping to /con it and see if its amiable, indifferent, or going to whack your ass.
Good post. This is an often-missed point and something great to bring up: beyond the obvious faction-inspired mechanics of an evil dark elf necromancer not being able to enter a city like Freeport, for example, there was a much more subtle, complex factional mechanic at work. You had NPCs littered around the world in towns and in the wild with their own separate faction alignments.

All of those examples really led to a level of consistency, a high level of belief in the world as a world that hasn't been matched since. The faction system of WoW is just a laughable joke in comparison.

If Brad can recapture this, they'll REALLY be onto something.


Trakanon Raider
What do you guys think of Designed Downtime?

From KS Game tenets:

A mindset that Designed Downtime should be a part of the game to ensure players have time to form important social bonds.
This is a critical point to me, Brad it might be great to add/clarify how are you planning to implement this. I loved grouping and getting to know people in EQ and we all know it was because of hp/mana regen , planning battles, pulling and so. Also bards played a big role during downtimes, twisting mana songs, hp regens...

On the other hand I really didnt like how WoW implemented it, waiting for the mages/healers to get mana between pulls, early in Vanilla while the other classes were already set. The concept is the same, mana regen, but the feeling was different to me between EQ and Wow.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
You had NPCs littered around the world in towns and in the wild with their own separate faction alignments.

All of those examples really led to a level of consistency, a high level of belief in the world as a world that hasn't been matched since. The faction system of WoW is just a laughable joke in comparison.

If Brad can recapture this, they'll REALLY be onto something.
Exactly, another great example were the Sisters of Errolisi on Sister island in the Ocean of Tears. Some people simply considered them as good xp-fodder, but they were tied into Wood Elf factions in Kelethin thousands of miles away, so killing them would have more implications. That simple fact elevated them from some random "xp-mobs" to being a part of a greater whole. This has become completely lost in modern MMO's.

I will even go as far as saying that EQ's factions system came as close to me as it can get, when talking about "impacting the world around you". Being able to "actually have an effect on the gameworld" has been a hot topic in the last 10 years, and many MMO's have tried stuff like phasing and such. For me, molding Norrath with my Troll Beastlord through faction, has come closest to making the world change for me.

Now my actions did not change it for other players, but to be honest, that is not what I am after in a MMO. Giving *other* players the power to change the game world for you is a tricky path to go down anyway, I think devs realize this. So Faction like in EQ is a win situation if you ask me: I can now freely walk into large parts of Qeynos (but not all!); I can get quests from the Bards; I can order drinks from the Goblin Bartender, deep down in their Runnyeye lair and toast with the goblins! Not so much with the Muddites......

I'll will take that over any phasing, but that's just me. EQ faction is awesome.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Nothing scares me more than this talk about reactive combat. I just think ffxiv and my heart sinks. That game has a reactive combat system and is much more difficult than many modern MMOs. The problem is that there is zero time to socialize or do anything but stare at the ground. It was fun at first but quickly lost its luster.

I don't mind having to timely use abilities or dodge an attack once in a while but please don't make it the core. Give me back a good auto attack and let me socialize and semi afk through my grind!

This is a deal breaker for me. You can't play a game long term if the combat sucks. Please give me slower combat so I can actually think while playing.


Trakanon Raider
Nothing scares me more than this talk about reactive combat. I just think ffxiv and my heart sinks. That game has a reactive combat system and is much more difficult than many modern MMOs. The problem is that there is zero time to socialize or do anything but stare at the ground. It was fun at first but quickly lost its luster.

I don't mind having to timely use abilities or dodge an attack once in a while but please don't make it the core. Give me back a good auto attack and let me socialize and semi afk through my grind!

This is a deal breaker for me. You can't play a game long term if the combat sucks. Please give me slower combat so I can actually think while playing.
That's the key. Slower combat, meaningful abilities.
Kill several mobs, then talk about it ! Have some fun with your group mates while the bard plays his regen songs. Bitch about the slow ass puller, yell at the rogue stealing all the coins...stare at those impressive Ice comets that the wizard throws every 2 to 3 hours...

In the end what we are seeking are the roots of RPG, D&D style of play. What is a D&D session without some laughs, chats and beers..

excuse my english, since it's not my 1st language.


Exactly, another great example were the Sisters of Errolisi on Sister island in the Ocean of Tears. Some people simply considered them as good xp-fodder, but they were tied into Wood Elf factions in Kelethin thousands of miles away, so killing them would have more implications. That simple fact elevated them from some random "xp-mobs" to being a part of a greater whole. This has become completely lost in modern MMO's.

I will even go as far as saying that EQ's factions system came as close to me as it can get, when talking about "impacting the world around you". Being able to "actually have an effect on the gameworld" has been a hot topic in the last 10 years, and many MMO's have tried stuff like phasing and such. For me, molding Norrath with my Troll Beastlord through faction, has come closest to making the world change for me.

Now my actions did not change it for other players, but to be honest, that is not what I am after in a MMO. Giving *other* players the power to change the game world for you is a tricky path to go down anyway, I think devs realize this. So Faction like in EQ is a win situation if you ask me: I can now freely walk into large parts of Qeynos (but not all!); I can get quests from the Bards; I can order drinks from the Goblin Bartender, deep down in their Runnyeye lair and toast with the goblins! Not so much with the Muddites......

I'll will take that over any phasing, but that's just me. EQ faction is awesome.
Yep, I think similarly. Factions are a wonderful facility for gameplay. Bring them back and have them matter. Hell, I'd go so far as to make spells and abilities faction-specific. Dark Elves for example tend to be good with stealth - have a superior form of stealth tied to dark elf npc's - if they like you, you can learn it. If not...then the rogue/stealth-associated character must decide what matters more to them.


<Bronze Donator>
I'm all for having a ranch and riding a horse around on the property. Same goes for the community horse shows. Outside my ranch? I don't want my horse to get killed so I'll leave him at home.


Trump's Staff
Limiting mounts really isn't that hard. Just give them HP, and you can only ride them if they have 70%+ HP. Make them regen over time (slowish, like 0% to 100% in an hour) and have merchants sell mount bandages (can only bandage to a max of 65%) for a nice little money sink.

I so smrt.


What do you guys think of Designed Downtime?

From KS Game tenets:

This is a critical point to me, Brad it might be great to add/clarify how are you planning to implement this. I loved grouping and getting to know people in EQ and we all know it was because of hp/mana regen , planning battles, pulling and so. Also bards played a big role during downtimes, twisting mana songs, hp regens...

On the other hand I really didnt like how WoW implemented it, waiting for the mages/healers to get mana between pulls, early in Vanilla while the other classes were already set. The concept is the same, mana regen, but the feeling was different to me between EQ and Wow.
i hope that 'designed downtime' doesn't mean bullshit grinds like sod


Semi-pro Monopoly player
It's clear there will be an outside investor(s) on this project when it hits $800k. ($800k minus taxes and fees will barely pay salaries, office, game engine, noted 100 pages back)

I know they won't be able to speak to it at this time, but I wonder what the investment will be? I know looking at the last few days, and watching the per avg pledge (currently $119) as well as target age group 25-45 (Most money to spend)..I could see an investor offering 4-5 million. (More info would be needed, but the potential for return is there)

That being said.. looking at a 125k pace by midnight tonight.
Exactly, another great example were the Sisters of Errolisi on Sister island in the Ocean of Tears. Some people simply considered them as good xp-fodder, but they were tied into Wood Elf factions in Kelethin thousands of miles away, so killing them would have more implications. That simple fact elevated them from some random "xp-mobs" to being a part of a greater whole. This has become completely lost in modern MMO's.

I will even go as far as saying that EQ's factions system came as close to me as it can get, when talking about "impacting the world around you". Being able to "actually have an effect on the gameworld" has been a hot topic in the last 10 years, and many MMO's have tried stuff like phasing and such. For me, molding Norrath with my Troll Beastlord through faction, has come closest to making the world change for me.

Now my actions did not change it for other players, but to be honest, that is not what I am after in a MMO. Giving *other* players the power to change the game world for you is a tricky path to go down anyway, I think devs realize this. So Faction like in EQ is a win situation if you ask me: I can now freely walk into large parts of Qeynos (but not all!); I can get quests from the Bards; I can order drinks from the Goblin Bartender, deep down in their Runnyeye lair and toast with the goblins! Not so much with the Muddites......

I'll will take that over any phasing, but that's just me. EQ faction is awesome.
Yeah, it was. It meant there was actual consiquences for doing stuff. It brought the world alive. I hope Pantheon puts that kind of attention to detail into their NPCs as well.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I agree that mounts should be a long term goal, something that is achieved really at end game or high levels. I also think things like porting should be limited, make it a cottage industry again limited to only certain classes. I can tell you right now that the day EQ died for my wife (who I met in EQ), who was a druid, was the day Planes of Power launched. It was something she very much enjoyed, doing a porting service and it was effectively killed with that expansion.

Another thing limiting mounts/porting does is forces you into the world. Bring back the danger. You're a level 15, but the next 'leveling' area is in a zone (or part of the world) where you have to run through lvl 35 mobs (Kithicor). Running for your life through an area brings immersion.

Make death mean something. Maybe not to the extent of EQ, but at least make it tangible. Have the player either have to run back to the body to retrieve gear, or give the choice of rezz but with an very high penalty (not the crap exp penalty that WoW gave). In fact that penalty should be so that running back is almost preferable, depending on the situation.