Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Last I checked, I am a consumer, not a publisher. I will purchase a product. That doesn't mean I spend money developing it, especially when I'm about 99% sure SOE has this backed. If I did invest money into a project such as this at some of the pricing they are asking, it would be a company investment where I would expect a return on investment in the like of company stock or profit sharing. If I spent $10,000 on something to shake hands with a few folks and design a dungeon/raid without anything else in it for me from a monetary perspective,Ishould also have my internet taken away by court order.

If he comes out with a decent enough game in what I have been looking for, I will purchase it. That's his reward. Not sure how that is leeching since he would get a box sale and it's a subscription based game so obviously would be receiving subscription revenue as long as I play it. If he comes out with a pile of shit, which unfortunately is very likely knowing his history and this genre and what will likely be the publishing company behind him, I would wait for it to go free to play while SOE microtransactions the shit out of it if I am bored.

Good luck to the guy. I am sure he has battled his fair share of demons. Out of all the relics, where there is literally 0% hope between Rich Vogel, Matt Firor, Dave Georgeson, Paul Sage, etc because they have never once in their life actually faced accountability, I think Brad in there somewhere has faced a couple things. At least one would hope. Which makes me about 1% more optimistic than if it would be the same good ol' boy group chasing the dream of 1999. Which even with EQNext, it is.
You think they are using KS to get what they can from people , then SOE will step in to fund whatever is left(planned ahead of time obviously)? Not saying that's true, but oh man if it was, talk about a slap in the face. Reason I balked at Landmark pay for alpha, because a company like SOE shouldn't need to be so greedy.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
I'll still get a lifetime sub for $250. You realize that will pay itself off in just 16 months? Seems like a good investment to me.
I would ask if you ever have purchased a lifetime subscription, which game it was for, how long you played, when it's free to play conversion was, and if the microtransaction coin supply you received was worth it.

Also, you have no clue if this will even ship. Out of all the millions of dollars sunk into Vanguard from Microsoft, which would have turned into vaporware had it not been for an old friend of his (and a very high reward scheme that was set up for SOE (They made bank on that deal FYI)) I'm not sure how you think $800k-$1.2 Million for cap ex expenditures and a limited money supply from SOE will make you think otherwise.

You think they are using KS to get what they can from people , then SOE will step in to fund whatever is left(planned ahead of time obviously)? Not saying that's true, but oh man if it was, talk about a slap in the face. Reason I balked at Landmark pay for alpha, because a company like SOE shouldn't need to be so greedy.
I have heard they are splitting to pay for capital expenditures from the Kickstarter (Office equipment, lease, etc) and if they receive that, SOE will be publishing and taking up the rest of the funding as a silent partner. But I have not been able to confirm any of that. I doubt I ever will.

Brad, you should hire Matt Higby as your producer to keep you on track, and you sit down in the development chair. I would see better things.


Silver Squire
You think they are using KS to get what they can from people , then SOE will step in to fund whatever is left(planned ahead of time obviously)? Not saying that's true, but oh man if it was, talk about a slap in the face. Reason I balked at Landmark pay for alpha, because a company like SOE shouldn't need to be so greedy.

I wouldn't be surprised if that happened one bit. Still gave them my money. Why? Support something different. Just like CU.

I wouldn't call it a slap in the face though. They are obviously going to need more money than what they get from KS.
? It just says, "We will have CC in this game."
For me, it says:

We want to bring back the gameplay of pulling and splitting packs of mobs. To facilitate this players will need tools that make this possible. These tools will come int he form of spells and abilities that allow you to ?lull? or ?pacify? the mob.

In cases where you have to deal with more than one mob you will some classes will have the ability to cast spells like ?root?, ?snare?, ?mesmerize?, etc.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
/\/\ Funny thing is, 75% of everything that made EQ magical was a design mistake which then became player made styles of play.

You can't recreate that. And Brad should have figured that out with Vanguard.


I would ask if you ever have purchased a lifetime subscription, which game it was for, how long you played, when it's free to play conversion was, and if the microtransaction coin supply you received was worth it.

Also, you have no clue if this will even ship. Out of all the millions of dollars sunk into Vanguard from Microsoft, which would have turned into vaporware had it not been for an old friend of his (and a very high reward scheme that was set up for SOE (They made bank on that deal FYI)) I'm not sure how you think $800k-$1.2 Million for cap ex expenditures and a limited money supply from SOE will make you think otherwise.
At the same time, Brad IS 2 for 2 onmakinggames. I know I know, we don't have to rehash Vanguards failures but he DID make it. And nope, never purchased a lifesub before. But I paid for EQ for 5 years, EQ2 on and off for about 3 years, and Vanguard for 3 years. If I don't even include box sales, rough math on that is $1,980 on sub fees right? If we just take an average of 5 years, the costs in sub fees at $15 a month is $900. And, unless I am unable to come up with the $1 a year, I will ALWAYS have a sub to the game.


King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
I like splitting up packs of mobs. I hate the thought of feign pulling. Talk about an abusive mechanic that was never intended. Let's get the gerbil wheel rolling guys! One at a time into the slaughter like a bunch of mindless lemmings. No thanks.

Oh and no one here thinks an MMO will be financed exclusively by $800,000.


/\/\ Funny thing is, 75% of everything that made EQ magical was a design mistake which then became player made styles of play.

You can't recreate that. And Brad should have figured that out with Vanguard.
Well you can by simlpy remaking the spells, abilities, ai etc work as it did in EQ. But at that point its not a design mistake, but rather it would be "working as intended." Plus you also just end up with a carbon copy of EQ...


I like splitting up packs of mobs. I hate the thought of feign pulling. Talk about an abusive mechanic that was never intended. Let's get the gerbil wheel rolling guys! One at a time into the slaughter like a bunch of mindless lemmings. No thanks.

Oh and no one here thinks an MMO will be financed exclusively by $800,000.
Isn't what what will happen once the pack is broken up? Or do you not want anything to respawn until the last mob's timer is up, then repop the whole group at once


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
At the same time, Brad IS 2 for 2 onmakinggames. I know I know, we don't have to rehash Vanguards failures but he DID make it. And nope, never purchased a lifesub before. But I paid for EQ for 5 years, EQ2 on and off for about 3 years, and Vanguard for 3 years. If I don't even include box sales, rough math on that is $1,980 on sub fees right? If we just take an average of 5 years, the costs in sub fees at $15 a month is $900. And, unless I am unable to come up with the $1 a year, I will ALWAYS have a sub to the game.
Well, I would say 1.4 for 2 with a giant rescue on the second.
John Smedley saw a dollar sign opportunity there.

I understand your reasoning. But you would save money if you purchased the game for $49.99 (or less) and then the lifetime sub at $149.99 after you see the game and see if it actually ships. And that is the downside of kickstarter. Out of all the games and timelines, if it turns into vaporware, you get nothing nor your money back. Pretty rotten deal if you ask me. But I know the publishers and relics love it. Without sounding any more negative (Which I do not think is possible at this point) what a great way to take advantage of people without having to absorb any risk, no accountability, and nothing to give should the invest prove worthwhile other than a license to use the service/product.

Just how gullible can we get as gamers? (Me included)


Just how gullible can we get as gamers?
People here aren't gullible, they know what they're getting into. Nobody thinks there's a 100% chance the Kickstarter will be funded, nobody thinks there is a 100% chance there will be a completed game, and nobody thinks there is a 100% chance that if a game is made it will be good.

What people are doing is putting their faith into something that they think could be good. People are free to do what they want with their money, and nobody would put their money into something that they didn't think had potential.

(Me included)
Why are you including yourself if you're not contributing to the campaign?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Well, I would say 1.4 for 2 with a giant rescue on the second.
John Smedley saw a dollar sign opportunity there.

I understand your reasoning. But you would save money if you purchased the game for $49.99 (or less) and then the lifetime sub at $149.99 after you see the game and see if it actually ships. And that is the downside of kickstarter. Out of all the games and timelines, if it turns into vaporware, you get nothing nor your money back. Pretty rotten deal if you ask me. But I know the publishers and relics love it. Without sounding any more negative (Which I do not think is possible at this point) what a great way to take advantage of people without having to absorb any risk, no accountability, and nothing to give should the invest prove worthwhile other than a license to use the service/product.

Just how gullible can we get as gamers? (Me included)
Well.. I mentioned the possibility of SOE pages back.. I think it's possible for sure.. SoE has no reason to fully fund this game.. we all know why.. it's b/c the people who play games like this are wrapped up in EQ and VG which cost them nothing.. Them getting in on this down the line is a way to cushion the blow of losing the EQ/VG crowd to this.. So It comes down to the deal. If this does happen, it would mean SoE sees value in the game which would also give Brad and team a bargain chip to dictate the terms. I'm not against SoE being involved as a publisher.. I'm against them having any say in the design, release and how the game should make money..I should also note that a company like Trion could step in as well..I would prefer that relationship.


Elisha Dushku
I wouldn't be surprised if that happened one bit. Still gave them my money. Why? Support something different. Just like CU.

I wouldn't call it a slap in the face though. They are obviously going to need more money than what they get from KS.
Utnayan is denying reality again. Sony could give a crap about its piddly SOE division. Smedley doesn't have the money to fund another MMO. Frankly, if it weren't for PS4 and the few SOE titles Sony probably would have shuttered the division.

Furthermore, everything else Ut is saying has already been said.

I look forward to training him in the future.


Well.. I mentioned the possibility of SOE pages back.. I think it's possible for sure.. SoE has no reason to fully fund this game.. we all know why.. it's b/c the people who play games like this are wrapped up in EQ and VG which cost them nothing.. Them getting in on this down the line is a way to cushion the blow of losing the EQ/VG crowd to this.. So It comes down to the deal. If this does happen, it would mean SoE sees value in the game which would also give Brad and team a bargain chip to dictate the terms. I'm not against SoE being involved as a publisher.. I'm against them having any say in the design, release and how the game should make money..I should also note that a company like Trion could step in as well..


Golden Knight of the Realm
FD pulling and Enchanters were what made grouping in EQ1. Fuck me it was awesome.


Well, I would say 1.4 for 2 with a giant rescue on the second.
John Smedley saw a dollar sign opportunity there.

I understand your reasoning. But you would save money if you purchased the game for $49.99 (or less) and then the lifetime sub at $149.99 after you see the game and see if it actually ships. And that is the downside of kickstarter. Out of all the games and timelines, if it turns into vaporware, you get nothing nor your money back. Pretty rotten deal if you ask me. But I know the publishers and relics love it. Without sounding any more negative (Which I do not think is possible at this point) what a great way to take advantage of people without having to absorb any risk, no accountability, and nothing to give should the invest prove worthwhile other than a license to use the service/product.

Just how gullible can we get as gamers? (Me included)
I cannot deny your logic Utnayan. But faith isn't a logical position, nor is hope.

And that's pretty much what we are working on as backers at this point, as I'm sure you'll agree. The reality is that the MMO landscape is awash with absolute garbage and that's a situation that won't be changing any time soon. The shift from niche to mainstream has savaged this genre. Let's bring back the barriers to accessibility.


Elisha Dushku
But you would save money if you purchased the game for $49.99 (or less) and then the lifetime sub at $149.99 after you see the game and see if it actually ships.)
You fail at logic. The game doesn't ship if it isn't crowd funded. If I save my money, I will have nothing to spend it on. Dying in my bed with extra gold was cool for the Pharoahs, but I'd rather spend my money and have the chance of playing a decent new MMO.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
You fail at logic. The game doesn't ship if it isn't crowd funded.
2 step backwards one step forward..That's where we are.. The alternative is the game never happens.. I don't know what areas were explored prior to the KS but I'm betting there wasnt a lot of money out there..


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
So lets say it gets 1.2m. That's a longshot, but lets give them the benefit.

That's 33k a month to cover the next 3 years (not going to bother with present/future value). Is anyone else doing the math? Rent/furniture/equipment/machines/licenses/etc..etc.. Are they doing this in Brad's garage and using his house for this little cult? You have to have major backing, this isn't something you can pay 12 people 800$ a month to do (which you will have to), and expect them to design a game on whatever hardware they can scrape up. You need sponsors, partnerships, etc...etc... And as an owner of a business in California, we are the LEAST friendly state towards business.

I'm just looking for how they expect this money to be allocated over the course of 3 years. And Smed is not likely to come in and White Knight this game after he took a bath on Vanguard. And that had 50x the budget of this game...

edit: I know it *seems* like I'm being a douchebag, but I'm truly feeling like the only guy in the room that didn't drink the kool-aid and is looking around at dreamy-eyed people living in 1999. There are a TON of simple questions that aren't being answered except in "concept". In the real world we have budgets, and spreadsheets up the ass to explain our operating costs and ability to achieve our goals. Not seeing any of that, just broad strokes and big wishes. I wish I could open a tri-tip joint on every corner, but there's no market for that. I wish I could go to Mars on just $50,000 but that's impossible. Except in this thread... where you're just a buzzkill for suggesting that's impossible.
It's very interesting when you think about it.