Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


Watching Q&A #6 and I just had a brilliant idea!
They need to add a tier to the KS called "Buy Brad a New Shirt". I think it'd sell out.
I saw that and felt terrible. The guy really is broke, he only owns one shirt. Maybe Salim can loan him one of his shirts? I just upped my pledge so the dude can buy a new shirt.


They told me last night they don't want to give out illusions because its part of what will be the enchanter skill. So they dont want to give away the power of the enchanter. But were not illusion masks like all over EQ? They didnt detract from the enchanter any, did they? But even so, there is tons of other shit they could be givng away inside the game, real tangible rewards that matter. For instance, hello FOUNDERS BACKPACK, make it be like 25 slot with 10% weight reduction. How bout EXP pots for you and your friends at higher tiers 25% exp boost for 48 hours. Founders ring, teleports you to starting city, 1 day cooldown....
Some good ideas. I'm not a fan of exp. boosts of any kind, but I'd go for a special bag, or maybe a bigger bank vault at higher tiers. I agree though, that they need to add some little lures to some of the tiers.


<Gold Donor>
LOl, didnt you guys ever think that they filmed all those videos in one day and are just showing us peacemeal? Hello! Do you honestly think that they record a 5 min video everyday?

They probably sat down and recorded like a hour or two of footage and then they edit the shit together to make little snippets.


I saw that and felt terrible. The guy really is broke, he only owns one shirt. Maybe Salim can loan him one of his shirts? I just upped my pledge so the dude can buy a new shirt.
In a twitch interview yesterday, it was implied Salim also has a limited selection of functional shirts.


LOl, didnt you guys ever think that they filmed all those videos in one day and are just showing us peacemeal? Hello! Do you honestly think that they record a 5 min video everyday?
No shit, but then that would pretty much make the joke obsolete wouldn't it? I reject your reality and substitute my own.


LOl, didnt you guys ever think that they filmed all those videos in one day and are just showing us peacemeal? Hello! Do you honestly think that they record a 5 min video everyday?

They probably sat down and recorded like a hour or two of footage and then they edit the shit together to make little snippets.
What?! no way! Then why is he asking for us to keep sending in questions if the videos are already made?! OH GAWD! ANOTHER LIE!
/rage quit


<Gold Donor>
YEah a sketch or two would of been nice. WTF has that artist been doing? Bongigng it up on the couch talking ideas?


Golden Knight of the Realm
1K pledge gets manastone, rubicite and gnome illusion mask.

10K gets fungi tunic or staff.
They need a hook like that, so first-time viewers (despite the KS page itself) see the rewards and impulse buys. Pathfinder kind of did that with their daily deals.
It will still need a combination of more backers + ppl upping pledges. I know they are probably going to have add-on's as they asked for suggestions in the KS comments last night.
KS-only rewards, digital add-ons like a lorebook, founder's backpack and food/drink, etc.
Hell twist the names on obvious EQ / VG related items as a nod: manashpere, fungal shirt, mask of the beguiler, chainmail of the swamp, etc.


Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
Aw, damn, missed more discussions on how obvious it is they shit the bed on the Kickstarter.

People arguing that they need better higher tiers or better lower tiers are wrong. They need both. People coming into a project like this will get excited, mentally formulate a budget range that they feel is worth their excitement, and then find something in that range they feel is worth their budgeted spending. They needed a cheap buy-in option for people who were only ever going to get a cheap, basic pre-order anyhow, and likewise better higher tiers for people who were looking to spend that much anyhow. There are plenty of exceptions, I'm sure, where people were so enticed or excited they completely changed their initial idea of what the project was worth, but exceptions are a nice bonus, not something to be counted on.

I still feel they're missing most of the important messages that could get this funded. Particularly how this KS could be all about a group of old-school devs who were sick of working on projects that become so controlled by corporations and suits that the games became soulless and ones they were working on but wouldn't have really even wanted to play. That's something that resonates far beyond EQ fanboys, to gamers who have noticed games being dumbed-down or 'streamlined,' to people who know what it's like working in circumstances they're no longer passionate about all because some suit claims to know best, to people who are fans of passionate, artistic projects by people chasing a dream, to people who simply want to stick it to the man.

Instead, they're doing very little to shape a message that resonates with gamers or people in general, and are only barely getting their message to resonate with the fans who never really needed to be convinced.


<Gold Donor>

I still feel they're missing most of the important messages that could get this funded. Particularly how this KS could be all about a group of old-school devs who were sick of working on projects that become so controlled by corporations and suits that the games became soulless and ones they were working on but wouldn't have really even wanted to play. That's something that resonates far beyond EQ fanboys, to gamers who have noticed games being dumbed-down or 'streamlined,' to people who know what it's like working in circumstances they're no longer passionate about all because some suit claims to know best, to people who are fans of passionate, artistic projects by people chasing a dream, to people who simply want to stick it to the man.
This is a good point and it should of been a part of the introduction videos. Kind of what the planescape dude did with his videos.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
YEah a sketch or two would of been nice. WTF has that artist been doing? Bongigng it up on the couch talking ideas?
Lol I couldn't take it no more.. I poured my frustrations in an email to Ben.

I feel like some of their better writing fell short for lack of a visual.


They need a hook like that, so first-time viewers (despite the KS page itself) see the rewards and impulse buys. Pathfinder kind of did that with their daily deals.
It will still need a combination of more backers + ppl upping pledges. I know they are probably going to have add-on's as they asked for suggestions in the KS comments last night.
KS-only rewards, digital add-ons like a lorebook, founder's backpack and food/drink, etc.
Hell twist the names on obvious EQ / VG related items as a nod: manashpere, fungal shirt, mask of the beguiler, chainmail of the swamp, etc.
$10 SBS
$15 Dragoon Dirk
$50 Stein of Moggok
$75 Rubicite
$125 FBR
$500 Yak
$800 Yaks
$1000 GEB
$2,000 GBS
$5,000 Guise of the deceiver
$7,500 FBSS
$10,000 Fungi tunic
$100,000 Manastone

That could get the game fully funded.

He can always nerf them later. Fuck people who buy loot!


FPS noob
that game looks freaking awesome, I may have to pledge to get the beta/release of that. Also really good read on the ToA thing. You always feel better giving money to someone who looks like they are passionate and hungry and grateful, rather than to people like Brad who gives off a "you owe me this, I don't have to prove anything!" vibe.

Can someone explain to me why Pathfinder Online and ToA aren't good enough, and why Pantheon is the "only hope" for MMO fans as people like Dumar like to say?


Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
While rewards and tiers are all important, I feel like focusing on that as a fix is like the failed restaurant owners on Kitchen Nightmares who kept thinking if they just raised the prices they'd make more money, or if they added more items to the menu more people would start coming in. That's not really how it works.

First, the KS had to give the viewer a reason to pledge, which they've consistently failed to do. I think they've gotten plenty of views. I think the tiers needed work, but there was plenty of tiers that were 'good enough' for people to go for, or do like many have done and pledge the amount they're comfortable with and then keep an eye out for new tiers in that range that are more enticing.

They simply aren't giving anyone a reason to pledge. Everything they're doing has been focused on securing funding from existing or easy-to-get fans of the project. Whether intentional or not, everything they're doing is to make people who are already pledged happy. That's great, but they're already happy. And nothing would make them happier than to see MORE people pledging.

And I think Ben is a cool guy and doing a good job interacting with the community, but it's been clear they have no actual PR guy, marketing guy, or business guy. Because at some point, if they did, someone would have created a plan, or at least happened into results, that closer resembled a proposal or even campaign.

I think I said it before but I literally feel this project could have been funded if they'd have turned the 'idea' over to a group of English 102 students at a local University learning for the first time about how to do group projects and present ideas. Pro tip: if you're proposing a project to implement a commuter bus system to/from local towns and you don't yet have a bus, or even a reason to, you don't spend all your time talking about buses.