Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


So take a step back for a second and try to think about this Kickstarter from the perspective of just any random person, not a rerolled member, not an old EQ player, not someone who knows Vanguard or Brad or any of that shit. If you first came to this page with no outside knowledge would it make sense to you? Would anything catch your attention and make you say ok "I will support this", and if you did reach the point of wanting to support it would you understand the tier offerings at first glance? We have been dissecting this game, the team, and everything else about Pantheon and we hardly understand it ourselves.
This is the issue. There is no energy is the kick-starter video no humor accept the Brad this will rock thing :S You need to give the feeling that if you dont back your going to miss out on something. But with the game having a free trail and saying its going to go look for funding from a big publisher (again a mistake to say, as I think kickstart has the feel of a FU to the man we can do this as we the people) They should have played on the fact that they want to make a game about grouping and community but big publishers only care the money. Add this to the list of mistakes made.


Undead race is fucking stupid. Their lore is weird as fuck too. I just want a world of made of soil, water, forests, and some magic, not some ethereal planar you-are-a-fallen-hero nonsense.

But undead as a race? The only reason that worked in WoW is because it was good vs evil so it made sense. No living, good aligned race would associate with the undead. Fuck me.


Right now they are just grasping for the first old-school feature that comes in their mind so they can hold off the rabid KS hordes for another day, "Nono, only Encs can do illusions, you know, cuz that is their territory". It is like I am reading the EQ forums from 2003. Not good enough, guys.
That depends on who they talk to. When they talk to a more general audience, they talk about things like brotherhoods, mentoring, cross-server play, etc..

Waiting for word on this gem from VG. Salim really gets it.

Reduced Xp Gain
When this buff is active, your character will not gain adventuring experience points.

Reduced Xp Gain - The Telon Project

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
Im excited about EQ next, too, but im not going full tilt retard on it yet. The one thing thats got me intrigued about EQ next is the whole AI thing. But it could be a whole bunch of smoke an mirrors too. The one thing I dislike is the entire trinity being abolished. Look how that ended up being in GW2?
If they stick with copying LoL it'll be fine, LoL has healers. But EQN will sink or swim with Storybricks, everything else about it is nice but secondary. Then again what do I know, GW2 is in my top 5 MMOs. Would still be playing if their post-launch strategy had been different.


I just wanted to add in here that while not a playable race, there was an area in VG on the continent of Thestra called "Plains of Anquish." In this area you ran into a small town of people who were undead but didn't know they were undead. You actually did quests for them. So its not at all surprising that Pantheon is adding an undead playable race.


<Gold Donor>
I am choosing the other side of the fence. I have watched for the past 10 years of people complaining and bitching(for good reason) for a return to a game that has strong EQ influences. Am I stuck on nostalgia? No, otherwise I would be a hell of a lot more active on p99. All I am saying is, for the first time that I have seen, a game is being released for the people HERE.

You come up with extremely weak, and opinionated objections to the reveals of this project. (I.E. Undead race) Why is it even nonsense? Does it not fit into your niche, highly specific opinion on what an MMO should contain? This is really what's going to tip you over the edge? If this is the case, you clearly are not focusing on the real things that matter. What I am talking about here are the in game mechanisms that enhance social connectivity, immersion, challenge, and realism. These are the same things that made EQ so compelling.

And yeah, I will play the "hardcore mmo and carebear" card. Because frankly, I, like everyone else here want a fucking challenge and not to be force fed mayonnaise while shitting in my own bed.

Also, lore? Really? It seems arbitrary anyone would judge a game based off of it. Yes it is cool, but ultimately you play your class and come up with your own lore if you are the role playing type. A game gives us strong emotional and nostalgic experiences based on what we overcome within it and the connections we develop with other people in game. If a game is going to be released that supports this idea, or "Vision" if you will, then fuck it needs to be supported in hopes of reversing this disgusting trend that is infesting all of gaming. (Not only the MMO space)

So yes, don't let the door hit your ass. You're extreme lack of vision & philosophy on why you think this game will fail is insulting to people that have a logical thought process in this discussion. You are flaming something that has thepotentialto include the game design philosophies we all hold so dear from the past with a modern twang to them. I would pay to see it happen in the modern day even if it did take a shit.
Honestly, I'm on the same page as you for strongly wanting a return to a game that has strong EQ influences and in game mechanisms that enhance social connectivity, immersion, challenge, and realism. I was right there with you until the last couple of days. Maybe it's just because I've been following the project *too* closely, but each and every update has been depressing and another blow to my faith that these guys are sincere about the project for which they are asking us to pledge our money. I no longer feel they are capable of executing and I now believe that they are really just making shit up as they go along in an attempt to get money.

For why the undead race and other lore bits are nonsense (in my opinion obviously), just check my past posts on the subject. I'll not reiterate here. And sorry, lore may not be important to you, but it is to me. Even if it's something more basic like EverQuest, at least that world made sense for the first few expansions.

I'm not against giving Brad another chance at all. I was pumped about this project, but like I said, what they've shown and said over the last 15 or so days has been utter shit. It's just come to be a bit too much for me.


That boat city picture wasn't drawn for Pantheon. Not sure how I feel about putting it up there to sell his game. Feels misleading.
No it was specifically drawn for a different project mcquaid started that neve happened. He decided to use the idea in this game. People really need to let that nonsense go. It is a part of pantheon and it was never used in a previously developed game.

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
They told me last night they don't want to give out illusions because its part of what will be the enchanter skill. So they dont want to give away the power of the enchanter. But were not illusion masks like all over EQ? They didnt detract from the enchanter any, did they? But even so, there is tons of other shit they could be givng away inside the game, real tangible rewards that matter. For instance, hello FOUNDERS BACKPACK, make it be like 25 slot with 10% weight reduction. How bout EXP pots for you and your friends at higher tiers 25% exp boost for 48 hours. Founders ring, teleports you to starting city, 1 day cooldown....
There were and they did distract from the enchanter spell lines. But again that's the problem of an old game. A new game can simply look at it and find a solution (although I doubt everyone would agree with it). To give out illusions as hard-to-get toys and retain the enchanter spell uniqueness at the same time, you just need to keep it rare for other classes AND give them different ones then the enchanter gets through regular spells. Then if the enchanter puts in that same effort to get an illusion item he gets the more versatile spell for that illusion instead of just the clicky. That should please both sides, and its better then just going 'nope'.

Most of your other ideas are decent too. Although I'm very much in favor of an open-ended AA system so xp boosts should be a no-no. If they dont have that though then why not.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
No it was specifically drawn for a different project mcquaid started that neve happened. He decided to use the idea in this game. People really need to let that nonsense go. It is a part of pantheon and it was never used in a previously developed game.
Man where did all these people come from that just joined when this KS was announced and only post in this thread with one overall theme.


Got something right about marriage
I no longer feel they are capable of executing and I now believe that they are really just making shit up as they go along in an attempt to get money.
How are you just now coming to this conclusion when they have actually come out and said themselves that they are making it up as they go. They said it last week.


<Gold Donor>
How are you just now coming to this conclusion when they have actually come out and said themselves that they are making it up as they go. They said it last week.
They said something like, "We've already shown everything we have." At the time, my more optimistic self chose to interpret that as, "We've already shown everything we prepared in advance for this Kickstarter and are working on readying new materials to share with everyone."


Honestly, I'm on the same page as you for strongly wanting a return to a game that has strong EQ influences and in game mechanisms that enhance social connectivity, immersion, challenge, and realism. I was right there with you until the last couple of days. Maybe it's just because I've been following the project *too* closely, but each and every update has been depressing and another blow to my faith that these guys are sincere about the project for which they are asking us to pledge our money. I no longer feel they are capable of executing and I now believe that they are really just making shit up as they go along in an attempt to get money.

For why the undead race and other lore bits are nonsense (in my opinion obviously), just check my past posts on the subject. I'll not reiterate here. And sorry, lore may not be important to you, but it is to me. Even if it's something more basic like EverQuest, at least that world made sense for the first few expansions.

I'm not against giving Brad another chance at all. I was pumped about this project, but like I said, what they've shown and said over the last 15 or so days has been utter shit. It's just come to be a bit too much for me.
Cool, and I feel that way too. Maybe they will deliver, maybe they wont. That's all we can say right now. People are getting quite negative to a fault here though, through gross speculation, and are dragging other people down with them. Mainly this revolves about the KS failing to meet the target goal.

I think the main issue to this is the target audience thing that was brought up. If we take a hardcore wow vet with no EQ/VG era experience and throw some challenge at them; It may be like telling someone to run 5 miles who has only walked the past 10 years of their life. This project needs to be hyped, and not brought down. Anyone playing a wow clone game has to be getting tired of it by now, and want to get a change in flavor. We understand what nostalgia is, how community interaction affects immersion, and actually having to rely on teammates to achieve any progression in 1 session of play. Also, there is the law of value. If something comes easily, or is abundant, it loses value. This is true in all of nature. If this game can strike the balance of time===effort, instead of being a mudflated shit storm, players may have the opportunity to create great value in their characters. We just need to explain this to the people that do not understand what this game can potentially bring to the table.


But the Forsaken are on the good team?
Ha! I don't care about your evil is a point of view philosophy dammit!

Reanimated rotting corpses are fucking evil, and they smell bad too. Even in a fantasy setting where bathing would be dependent upon crossing a river or getting caught in the rain, undead stink. They also have no sense of humor.