Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


Trump's Staff
I think the main issue to this is the target audience thing that was brought up. If we take a hardcore wow vet with no EQ/VG era experience and throw some challenge at them; It may be like telling someone to run 5 miles who has only walked the past 10 years of their life.
You know WoW is a much more difficult game than EQ or VG ever were, right?


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
Cool, and I feel that way too. Maybe they will deliver, maybe they wont. That's all we can say right now. People are getting quite negative to a fault here though, through gross speculation, and are dragging other people down with them. Mainly this revolves about the KS failing to meet the target goal.
The reason some of the negativity as you put it is needed is to counter balance the misplaced positivity that some are putting forth. There are some people who would love to sweep every mistake about Brads past, and all the shortcomings of this Kickstarter under the rug and only focus on the fact that they mentioned both "Hardcore" and "MMO" together and because of that they deserve money.

The reason people have pointed out the kickstarter, or that they are making it up on the spot wasn't even negative in my view, they were just pointing out what they saw, most even tried to help make it better.


No it was specifically drawn for a different project mcquaid started that neve happened. He decided to use the idea in this game. People really need to let that nonsense go. It is a part of pantheon and it was never used in a previously developed game.
I posted that about 100 pages ago. Are you really that far behind? I feel for ya.


Ha! I don't care about your evil is a point of view philosophy dammit!

Reanimated rotting corpses are fucking evil, and they smell bad too. Even in a fantasy setting where bathing would be dependent upon crossing a river or getting caught in the rain, undead stink. They also have no sense of humor.
"You know, once you're dead, nothin' smells bad anymore. Rotten eggs? No problem. Dead fish? Like a spring breeze."


The reason some of the negativity as you put it is needed is to counter balance the misplaced positivity that some are putting forth. There are some people who would love to sweep every mistake about Brads past, and all the shortcomings of this Kickstarter under the rug and only focus on the fact that they mentioned both "Hardcore" and "MMO" together and because of that they deserve money.

The reason people have pointed out the kickstarter, or that they are making it up on the spot wasn't even negative in my view, they were just pointing out what they saw, most even tried to help make it better.
I agree, there should be a balance. Sure Brad fucked up too. Sucks that we all have lives and we all make mistakes, some more than others. Seemingly though, I have MORE respect for people that can overcome the mistakes of the past while listening to the hoards of naysayers that only want to see them continue to fail.


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
You know WoW is a much more difficult game than EQ or VG ever were, right?
This is and isn't true at the same time, you would be hard pressed to get anyone disagreeing that playing dance dance revolution, mashing a button rotation, watching procs, and trinkets, and boss mechanics was harder than hitting auto attack and waiting 15 minutes for the Avatar of War to die, but on the flip side the remaining 99.8% of the game was more challenging and difficult in EQ and VG.


You know WoW is a much more difficult game than EQ or VG ever were, right?
I agree that the raids were more intricate, but leveling, traveling, soloing , dying, pretty much everything other than raiding was not even comparable to EQ.

I only played Vanilla though, and we had Ony, MC, BWL, and AQ on farm status pretty quickly. Maybe WoW got harder with the expansions?


I am choosing the other side of the fence. I have watched for the past 10 years of people complaining and bitching(for good reason) for a return to a game that has strong EQ influences. Am I stuck on nostalgia? No, otherwise I would be a hell of a lot more active on p99. All I am saying is, for the first time that I have seen, a game is being released for the people HERE.

You come up with extremely weak, and opinionated objections to the reveals of this project. (I.E. Undead race) Why is it even nonsense? Does it not fit into your niche, highly specific opinion on what an MMO should contain? This is really what's going to tip you over the edge? If this is the case, you clearly are not focusing on the real things that matter. What I am talking about here are the in game mechanisms that enhance social connectivity, immersion, challenge, and realism. These are the same things that made EQ so compelling.

And yeah, I will play the "hardcore mmo and carebear" card. Because frankly, I, like everyone else here want a fucking challenge and not to be force fed mayonnaise while shitting in my own bed.

Also, lore? Really? It seems arbitrary anyone would judge a game based off of it. Yes it is cool, but ultimately you play your class and come up with your own lore if you are the role playing type. A game gives us strong emotional and nostalgic experiences based on what we overcome within it and the connections we develop with other people in game. If a game is going to be released that supports this idea, or "Vision" if you will, then fuck it needs to be supported in hopes of reversing this disgusting trend that is infesting all of gaming. (Not only the MMO space)

So yes, don't let the door hit your ass. You're extreme lack of vision & philosophy on why you think this game will fail is insulting to people that have a logical thought process in this discussion. You are flaming something that has thepotentialto include the game design philosophies we all hold so dear from the past with a modern twang to them. I would pay to see it happen in the modern day even if it did take a shit.
Guess you think EQ was hardcore eh?

There was nothing fucking hardcore about EQ other than the amount of time you were planted to your fucking computer chair doing nothing and trying to combat being bored.

Experience groups? Majority sat at a zone line and complained about trains all the time while being able to zone out at a moments notice.
Travel? Yea it was hardcore sitting on your ass spamming /wtb port to "wherever" while praying a druid or wizard wanted the 10pp
Worthwhile camps? Yep, sitting in OoT killing a giant every 10-20 minutes praying the AC would spawn sure was amazing wasn't it? Didn't take one ounce of skill, just time. Insert 99% of all other timed PH spawn camps into the no challenge category
Raiding? Guess you never raided. Entire raid scene could be summed up with having 1 geared tank and as many healers as possible. The other 40-60 people in the raid didn't matter. Tank walls the mob, healers heal, while staring at the floor or wall so they don't lag out...dps does the same damn thing...looks at a wall or stares at the floor while hitting 1,2,3 every 15-20 secs or so.

And thus far Pantheon has shown not a damn thing and given no one any reason to even give this game an afterthought. The kickstarter campaign has been very lackluster, their own development team cant even get on camera and be on the same sheet of music, they have some fucking ridiculous lore, don't have anything concrete going on, and their claim to fame so far is that they can announce there will be dark knights and clerics and they aren't in every other fantasy game ever released in some shape or form and the game wont be out until 2017. There sure is a lot to be excited about here!!

The idea that a lifetime sub is somehow worth some value is asinine as well, since the entire MMO market has been shifting towards free to play anyways.


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
I agree, there should be a balance. Sure Brad fucked up too. Sucks that we all have lives and we all make mistakes, some more than others. Seemingly though, I have MORE respect for people that can overcome the mistakes of the past while listening to the hoards of naysayers that only want to see them continue to fail.
That's really it though, nobody really wants them to fail, everyone here would love to see an amazing MMO that we can play for 10+ years that beats our wildest dreams. People want a great MMO to play, if anything fails here it's because they failed themselves by not preparing properly and taking this seriously enough to put out a kickstarter that one would expect from a team of professionals.

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
This incoming in 15 days.
Trials of Ascension

on the plus side we have 400 more backers than ever,jane.
Ever, Jane reached their KS goal though!

Not feeling the Undead. Just give me my vanilla EQ races pls.
Yes but thats the thing. This isn't EQ, its Pantheon. So the lore is going to be different. VG's lore was also different but it still had that EQ feel in the way it played. To me atleast, anyway.
I will say this, looking at the KS. Ogres homeland is Icehammer Steppes, Revenant homeland is The Dead Ridges. So thats 2 different starter zones!
Lore is a matter of personal taste, what they are offering here lore-wise just isnt my thing. Regarding home zones, ogre lore pretty much spelled out that player ogres are exiles from the tribe, there'll probably be a similar reason for undead to be living among the mortals instead of their kind.


That's really it though, nobody really wants them to fail, everyone here would love to see an amazing MMO that we can play for 10+ years that beats our wildest dreams. People want a great MMO to play, if anything fails here it's because they failed themselves by not preparing properly and taking this seriously enough to put out a kickstarter that one would expect from a team of professionals.
If this Kickstarter fails it's their own damn fault, because the community surrounding this thing has gone above and fucking beyond for it.


I agree, there should be a balance. Sure Brad fucked up too. Sucks that we all have lives and we all make mistakes, some more than others. Seemingly though, I have MORE respect for people that can overcome the mistakes of the past while listening to the hoards of naysayers that only want to see them continue to fail.
What has Brad overcome? All he's done is run a poor KS with almost no substance at all. It doesn't sound as if you believe in him. Even without more money, he could have arrived on time, organized and with a lot more details fleshed out than he has.

This isn't an issue of forgiveness or mistakes. It is an issue of trust. One can forgive Brad at a personal level without believing he can execute.

Edit: There is so much focus on Brad, but that's not where the criticism ends. What has everyone else been doing? Tony Garcia is known for his work on Defiance? That's a very weak title. Salim? Raid content in VG produced under him was pretty good. But everything else? Ugh.

IMO, the only sign of hope is Vu.


See the post above yours lol

Anyone who claims otherwise didn't raid in one of the two games... Or worse... Neither.
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I read it. Ummmm,"EQ was so fucking easy"isn't really explaining how WOW was more difficult. In fact, not one comparison to WOW was even made. Try again?