Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
$8,500 is all Rerolled needs to get started on the Rerolled MMO


There are some open source MMO engines but most of those are not ready for prime time or are dated.

We could make dreams come true! heh.
Pulling all donations to Pantheon and rerouting toward TrannyQuest, abandon ship, abandon ship. AOOOH-GAH! AOOOH-GAH!


There is more of a demand than 2500 folks. Just lots of folks are not going to fund it ahead of time , and lots more want to see something more tangible and professional before funding.
Dont forget that many people interested will just not fund at all for various reasons.


Dont forget that many people interested will just not fund at all for various reasons.
Yeah said that in another post but I think for some reason people gloss this fact over as small but it's not. From personal friends / work / classes I teach I know lots of mmo players , both old and young , some who started EQ beta , others who started well into WoW's life, and out of those I personally know 1 has ever funded a dime to a KS. The others look at you like you've lost your mind when you suggest one.

Quality KS or shitty one , they won't even consider it.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Yeah said that in another post but I think for some reason people gloss this fact over as small but it's not. From personal friends / work / classes I teach I know lots of mmo players , both old and young , some who started EQ beta , others who started well into WoW's life, and out of those I personally know 1 has ever funded a dime to a KS. The others look at you like you've lost your mind when you suggest one.

Quality KS or shitty one , they won't even consider it.
It's a huge issue.. So many people refuse to donate to something so early on. I understand it and not all gamers really care if they get this type of game. It's one of those things. They will try it when it's released but that's it. They really need to get this thing in full development like I posted earlier and a lot of people said all along. They went early hoping people would just pour money into it and as of yet, it hasn't happen.
I still got old school MMO friends that literally won't pledge because of Slius being on the team. I keep telling them that it will be better this time, but they just won't budge.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I still got old school MMO friends that literally won't pledge because of Slius being on the team. I keep telling them that it will be better this time, but they just won't budge.
I know this sounds crazy.. But I'm not so sure he realizes people are mad at him.. Just something I picked up on in the KS comment section..He also said, if people have issues with him, to email him and hopefully he can address it.


Yeah said that in another post but I think for some reason people gloss this fact over as small but it's not. From personal friends / work / classes I teach I know lots of mmo players , both old and young , some who started EQ beta , others who started well into WoW's life, and out of those I personally know 1 has ever funded a dime to a KS. The others look at you like you've lost your mind when you suggest one.

Quality KS or shitty one , they won't even consider it.
Ks is a weird thing that blew up in the last year. I was looking at some data and mid 2012 there were not even ten kickstarters that had raised a million dollars. Kickstarter has certainly gained as much if not more from high profile projects like Veronica Marrs as it happened the other way.

The percentage of people who have kickstarted anything is likely really small.

That Adam Carolla raised 1.4 million with fundanything to make a movie blows my mind. Except he has a super loyal audience who have long proven themselves willing to open their wallets for him.


Oh I know, I just mean to sell the shit.

The whole thing is grounded in guesses.

Push the idea that alpha gets in in 2015 to sell it, it can be Dec 30th 2015 it's still 2015. Beta in Dec 2016 , whatever. Miss the dates worry about that then.

It's a niche audience to begin with , Jacobs got his 2 million for a niche PVP game by doing the KS right and not missing out on anyone he could convince.

Brad needs to grab every person he can, because he's starting off with a small pool like Jacobs did , from the people who won't pay anything until its available to those who want a good KS site and shown gameplay videos etc , there's also the 2017 date people see plastered all over the tiers and immediately go too far off.
Actually Jacobs was able to significantly prefund his kickstarter (and post fund the project) something which was never an option here.


Blackwing Lair Raider
It's a huge issue.. So many people refuse to donate to something so early on. I understand it and not all gamers really care if they get this type of game. It's one of those things. They will try it when it's released but that's it. They really need to get this thing in full development like I posted earlier and a lot of people said all along. They went early hoping people would just pour money into it and as of yet, it hasn't happen.
Keep in mind this is a pretty lofty goal that they are trying to set. It's not like they are only asking for 200k. They are asking for 800k and even then nobody smart thinks that's enough to fund this type of game. Maybe that's also the issue, the fact that even if the KS funds there is the unknown behind it. How much can they make a bare bones MMO on? Would they even launch such a game and what would that game look like?


Plus people making these suggestions have no business experience. That might be fine for a well funded project but moving a shoestring start up to save on tax issues that will not be relevant for five or more years is the epitome of putting the cart before the horse.

I hate California but uprooting a shoestring start up where all the principles live to move to a state with no income tax is absurd and certainly not the work of a strong business mind.

This project has always going to have taken flight from San Diego or crashed and burned there. Not moving before starting will play zero role in their ability to succeed or not.
Are you serious right now?


America's Friendliest Places for Starting a Business - Forbes


Aside from some lower perks and the product itself.... I'm very skeptical about KS.

Hey... Gimmie 3 grand for this. I'll sign a copy for you. Don't think about my potential profits off of your dime.

That is the big drawback from KS. Right next to that is... I just gave some dude my money.... Where is my product?

Especially when there is no/limited recourse, and KS won't do anything about those who scam or fail to deliver.

Dropping more than the estimated value of a product.... That generally doesn't appeal to the masses.

If they came at it with a 50-80k goal for a prototype, then came back, presenting the prototype and asking for funding to go full steam... I think that would have worked out better.

There will still be people who wouldn't touch the idea of giving money for development or trusting KS ventures.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I know this sounds crazy.. But I'm not so sure he realizes people are mad at him.. Just something I picked up on in the KS comment section..He also said, if people have issues with him, to email him and hopefully he can address it.
Or here, hes a long time poster.

He could go into detail on what happened with VG when he took the helm which I would imagine is what most people have a problem with.
The thing is, with all the crap that happened with Vanguard, I still really liked the game. Heck, I told Brad at the last SoE Live that I would still be playing Vanguard if they just made new content for it.

That crap where they take old monsters and spawn them in a new location and call it new content is bullshit. I want new monster models, new armies and weapons, new dungeons.

Actually there is one thing I REALLY hated in Vanguard... The attack animations were horrid. Especially the dual wield animation. You shouldn't just thrust both weapons at the same time. Duel wielded weapons should attack at their own rate seperately.


Or here, hes a long time poster.

He could go into detail on what happened with VG when he took the helm which I would imagine is what most people have a problem with.
Quote from Brad, taken from the comments section of his interview with Boogie2988:

"In a nutshell, our publisher was Microsoft and we had a deal with them to make a new AAA MMO. For about four years everything was going well and we were almost ready to start some early alpha testing of the game. Then there was a regime change at Microsoft, with the VP of their games devision leaving the company along with just about everyone who worked for him. The new group that was assigned to our project wasn't interested in doing an MMO. They accused us of being late and over budget. They wanted to push us out the door and launch the game one year early.

This would, of course, result in total failure. So I went out and did two things: I approached SOE, asking them to take over publishing Vanguard and to fund us to completion. At the same time, I went on the road and approached a variety of investors, seeing if we could drum up some interest to invest in the game and the company, again to give us the funding we needed to complete the game.

In the limited time we had, we failed to raise any additional funds from investors. SOE, however, was able to step in and help out. They assumed the publishing rights to the game and were able to fund us for six more months. That was, of course, better than nothing and the best they could do at the time. But we really needed 12 more months. With only 6 months we ran out of time before we could polish and optimize the game. So when the game was released in January of 2007, it wasn't in very good shape. The game sold 250K units very quickly, but then the majority of players ended up quitting by level 2 or 3. Why so quickly? (you could achieve level 2 or 3 in a couple of hours). But the players couldn't enjoy the game in its unoptimized state unless they had the latest and greatest PC and graphics card. And even then the game didn't perform that well.

A few months after launch SOE decided to buy both Sigil and Vanguard. They were again a bit strapped for cash and couldn't keep the Sigil office fully staffed (at Vanguard's launch we had something like 105 employees). So about 50% of the company was laid off. The whole situation was horrible, but I need to stress that if SOE hadn't been able to come in and help as much as they could, things would have been even worse. At the very least, Vanguard did ship.

SOE then focussed on optimizing the Vanguard client and server tech. Eventually the game was playable by most average PCs, but by then critical mass and momentum had been lost. Players had left with a bad taste in their mouth and many were not willing to come back and give Vanguard another chance. So Vanguard continued on as an SOE game and, over time, became an MMO that I'm very proud of -- it was a lot of fun and most of the new game features like Diplomacy turned out to be pretty cool. The players that remained became a small but passionate and loyal bunch.

In fact, only just recently did SOE decide to shut Vanguard down. The game was up and mostly playable for 7 years. Most of the employees that were laid off were able to take their 4+ years of game development experience and land jobs elsewhere in the industry.

But there's no getting around the fact that things got ugly in early 2007. People who had poured their hearts and souls into Vanguard were laid off right after the game launched. It was a dark time and I was in a dark place. I made my share of mistakes... perhaps I could have seen what was coming, or kept more money in reserve for a rainy day. I was out of the office quite a bit talking with investors and pitching the game. I was therefore absent during a lot of these trying times. As the game sort of fell apart, so did I. There was a lot of stress and anxiety.

So anyway, that's the short version I guess. The good news is that I know myself a lot better now and have learned from my mistakes. So have the other guys on my team who were Sigil employees at the time. Our project now is smaller and the team not nearly as large. We're able to turn the negative that was the Vanguard situation into a positive, by building on our experiences and setting things up a lot smarter this time around.



<Gold Donor>
So he had a game that was 90% complete, needed a year of polish and optimization. Right? So he went around asking for funding and no one would fund a year this games development, which was 90% complete. Except SoE which didnt give him jack. So how is he now going to go and fund his latest project with nothing to show but a few pages of lore, art and ideas?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Or here, hes a long time poster.

He could go into detail on what happened with VG when he took the helm which I would imagine is what most people have a problem with.
What name does he post under? I cant keep up with these devs..


What name does he post under? I cant keep up with these devs..
I've already spoken with Salim about his involvement with Vanguard.

I brought it up on the KS page and got rolled by fools saying I was a troll.

There will be an answer from him. I'm not sure if it will be some "testimony" or via a vid.

He isn't the best with words and forum posts. Anyone from that time in VG would agree... So give it a bit of time as he goes through it with Ben.

He offered an open invite to chat with him about it all... But that isn't what is needed. Something which can be referenced to and shown is what needs to happen.

It has only been a couple of days, but I can ask again for an update.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
He was also responsible for the itemization debacle in EQ2 Velious, no?

If Midas touch turns things to gold, Salim is the polar opposite. Salim touch = turns to complete shit.


King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
He was also responsible for the itemization debacle in EQ2 Velious, no?

If Midas touch turns things to gold, Salim is the polar opposite. Salim touch = turns to complete shit.
And he will have his hands all over Pantheon. With that said, maybe Brad can help turn it into black gold, Texas T, liquid....uh might be going to far here even in the thread of hope.