Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


Buzzfeed Editor
Sal , your website says you have raised 425,000 dollars already. Was that an angel investor we've been seeing courted on Twitter ?

Fucking LOOL Dahkoht


<Gold Donor>
Hey whatever, if they can find saps to pay for that shit more power to them. I will not contribute unless I see a game, anything other than napkin scribbles and 3 pieces of art.

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
You know if we do the 15/month we become Apprentice Devs , shouldn't that then give us the power to decide to make a PVP server ?
All servers should be PvP servers, they can have one specified PvE specialty server you have to pay several additional fees to participate in



This is the shit that makes me mad.41:30when Sal is asked about Dark Knights and he knows nothing! WTF? im still backing this but theses people are really testing my faith. How can you not be critical of this KS its got so many mistakes.



This is the shit that makes me mad.41:30when Sal is asked about Dark Knights and he knows nothing! WTF? im still backing this but theses people are really testing my faith. How can you not be critical of this KS its got so many mistakes.
I didn't even see that. Man that's pathetic...... They needed "get their vision in ink and their team in-sync" before they went to kickstarter.


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
I'll try to explain this as simple as possible.

If Kickstarter says you set a goal for backers and if you don't reach that goal, you don't get funding, it's extremely unethical(hence why it's against Kickstarter's rules) for the person who is running the project to suddenly donate the difference to get their hands on the backers' money. You're pledging with the understanding that the project will get enoughoutside interestto fund it. If it does not get that level of interest, the project does not get anything. If you only needed 300,000 for your project, don't set the goal to 800,000. Etc.
It's also unethical to try and fleece people out of money but it hasn't stopped this train wreck of a crew from doing just that. While I doubt he will toss in $375k to cover the difference tossing in $100k in the last couple of days wouldn't of been all that crazy. Instead they will just try and funnel people to their website. That's why you should stick of ethical projects.

Speaking of Ethical Projects



We are proud to announce that our Post Kickstarter plan for GROUPQUEST is to allow you the fans to just give us money directly.

As we enter into the post kickstarter week of the Kickstarter campaign we wanted to not only thank you for all the support you've shown over the past few days, but also to let you know what's coming up. We still have until the end of time to get the rest of those pledges in, so please help us spread the word, as you have been. We're very grateful for all the support that's been shown.

Now, what happens after the Kickstarter? When the kickstarter I've already abandoned Kickstarter doesn't fund, the plan remains the same (cash grab): we will be continuing crowdfunding through our own website. Our team of has beens have been building the site over the past little while, as you've probably noticed. The changes will all be in place when the Kickstarter comes to a close. From the official game site you'll be able to pledge, much like you have been on Kickstarter, but with less percentage taken off due to fees deducted by Amazon and Kickstarter (Those dirty asshole thinking they deserve a % of o?u?r? err I mean your money). So this means more of your money goes directly into the development of the game.

The reward tiers will be similar to those on Kickstarter, with some tweaking done. We've learned a lot about what you're looking for during this campaign and we feel we can deliver on getting you the kinds of rewards you want in a cleaner, easier-to-understand tiers. We'll also be able to add more rewards at any given time, without the new rewards affecting other tiers. This was something we've been unable to do too much of during the Kickstarter without a lot of confusion as to how specific tiers would affect the others.

The new site puts a great emphasis on grouping and group interaction, much like GroupQuest. You'll be able to group with friends, see their group status feeds, create guilds and groups, share group images and group videos, group browse and group participate in the wiki, group toss around game ideas in the group Think Tank, group chat with groups in the IRC, post group blogs, create group events, group participate in group polls and group surveys, and group discuss topics on the group forums. We feel this kind of group building is important prior to launching a group-centric game, so we wanted to give you the tools to group.

One example of our new tools is provided in the link below.

Buy some fucking pixels for cash now. You know how you hated slippery slopes and pay to win. Well slip on down to our cash store and become a champion.


We all know the best way to win in an MMO is by having more shit than everyone else and then force grouping so you can shove it in their faces, be the envy of the masses when you group. Again remember early buy in's get rewarded with super special in game title(The Cash Giver)


We've been making leaps and bounds with the environments in The Group Wastes this week. (And by we I mean our one Asian workhorse did some design work while the remainder of us Dutch Ruddered one another about how awesome our game is.)

Earlier we showed some screens of the new terrain details and some early work on shaders and lighting. Last night we continued the polish on the area in The Group Wastes, added in even more detail, some fog, more lighting and texture tweaks, and the result? See for yourself!

Here are some examples of places you can group in Grouparia.


This pretty lady is looking for group, maybe you can be that group



That , that is fucking hilarious (and sad) listening to him stammer for a good 45 secs ,uh ,uh ,uh. And knowing jack shit about it.


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
That , that is fucking hilarious (and sad) listening to him stammer for a good 45 secs ,uh ,uh ,uh. And knowing jack shit about it.
Well you see the Grim Man was umm, err, uhh, it was designed by one of the other guys and he totally is in the bathroom at the moment. So err well he is Grim and a Man so err, uhh, yeah.


I'm trying my best to not post that link and ask Sal if he'd explain some more on Batman on the KS forums. It's already into insane asylum mode on there. (and nary a peep from the man himself with the KS counting down in hours now on the ticker)


I'm trying my best to not post that link and ask Sal if he'd explain some more on Batman on the KS forums. It's already into insane asylum mode on there. (and nary a peep from the man himself with the KS counting down in hours now on the ticker)
The only thing was he described the other classes in great detail. But still you cant know nothing about one of your class's when your the Creative Director of the gameand asking for peoples money.