Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
It's a mess and Brad shouldn't be telling people he will only post on the site. There are people there who are hoping beyond hope and will continue to sub. It's not right, and by him posting there he's allowing that to take place. Someone signed up yesterday and told me they've been saving up to donate to the project. I had to link them the announcement. The store should be shut down so people don't make these mistakes. I'm hoping he does the right thing and refuses any kind of payment from that site. Anyone in the know of the situation should not be allowing this to happen. Nobody is saying air the dirty laundry, but at least do what you can to remove the paid features of that site.


I'm Amod too!
That would be the decent thing to do. But Brad, a man who fires employees in parking lots or via news articles, doesn't seem too be all that good at being decent.


The biggest travesty is that 160k could have funded an actual small passionate indy developer making a nice new game. Instead it basically went to fund out of work game designers for... nothing.

I think most of the forum pretty much repeated ad nauseum that this would occur, so it's not like it's a big surprise. I'm not a fan of Kickstarter to begin with, but the whole idea of funding rich studio executives or gamer insiders like Mcquaid and crew just seems completely against the spirit of the movement.

It blows my mind someone feels the need to send a donation to a guy doing a meeting in a 600k house with a group of designers next to his Acura NSX. I'm a huge Garriott fan, but I'm not going to donate to a guy that just spent 20+million on a space trip! Now that he has a game in alpha, I can kinda see the appeal but even that really doesn't work for me.

More power to these rich dudes if they can get 150k+ free and clear from people living paycheck to paycheck, but the whole concept defies logic.
ROFL, I agree but in Brads case I can see why he needs money. Well, money for designing a game, not money to make his NSX payments. Garriott is another thing. Your dropping millions and millions to fly to space for shits and giggles and then beg the gaming community for cash to make a game? That's fucking beyond insulting. But they gave hand over fist so what do I know.


Got something right about marriage
You expect Brad to do the right thing? He was scamming people from the start. That interview snippet posted a page back where he says he's "keepin' it real" is even a lie. He's pretending they were up front since the beginning of the kickstarter that the KS campaign was just to create a demo they could take to real investors. That isn't what he said at all. He's full of shit.


I almost wish he did get the 800k now, because I have absolutely no doubt the result would have been the exact same, but since this occurred off Kickstarter it will probably get almost no publicity. It's a great example of how flawed the logic of the average Kickstarter backer is who all assume past success guarantees future success.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Kickstarter and crowdfunding are fine, in my opinion. It's up to the person who's pledging to properly vet the company/persons and decide if the risk is worth it and if the campaign is well organized, etc. I've donated to several Kickstarters and, thus far, they have delivered on their promise. Anyone who is surprised or angered by this particular situation was either blind or retarded.


Ancient MMO noob
One thing for sure, there is no way I will give Brad so call "one last chance" in the future. He literally just shit on it.


Trakanon Raider
Kickstarter and crowdfunding are fine, in my opinion. It's up to the person who's pledging to properly vet the company/persons and decide if the risk is worth it and if the campaign is well organized, etc. I've donated to several Kickstarters and, thus far, they have delivered on their promise. Anyone who is surprised or angered by this particular situation was either blind or retarded.
This is one case where everyone who lost money on this truly deserves it, especially anyone from this site who had so many rational voices telling them how bad an idea it was.


Brad didn't sell his Ferrari for Pantheon... He sold it to keep his fucking habit going. Drugs will make you do all kinds of shit. Most likely he had bills he needed paid and was forced to sell it.

How soon people forget the Pantheon interview where he was obviously high out of his fucking skull.
Brad's drug abuse is no laughing matter sir.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
This is one case where everyone who lost money on this truly deserves it, especially anyone from this site who had so many rational voices telling them how bad an idea it was.
Eh, I didn't mind supporting this project. I knew the risk and proceeded cautiously with finances. I met some cool people from all this but I also told people privately I would give the crowdfund 3 months. I made it 2 subs...

The worst part is this was a missed opportunity from the beginning. I'll be interested to see what anonymous posts pop up from all this...

Btw.. I asked around.. Drugs are not part of the issue. If I heard the opposite, id surely be posting it.


Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
Ask around? What, other people on the team? Why would you believe them and why would you think they'd necessarily know if Brad had a problem?

You still think there's a demo even though you've never seen any proof. It is accurate you've never seen a player walking around or engaging in any combat in game, right?

I really don't get why you would trust anyone from the dev team.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Ask around? What, other people on the team? Why would you believe them and why would you think they'd necessarily know if Brad had a problem?

You still think there's a demo even though you've never seen any proof. It is accurate you've never seen a player walking around or engaging in any combat in game, right?

I really don't get why you would trust anyone from the dev team.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Gold Donor>
I guarantee you nobody is listing this little experience on their resume.
Well, they won't now, that's for certain, but I'm sure that's exactly the intent most of them had with this - just a resume filler until real, tangible employment came calling.


It might be worth it to give this whole thing some exposure at some media sites like Rock Paper Shotgun, they're typically good with bringing controversies to light. Also, boogie really needs to back off any level of support he has for Brad and this project. It's naivety, but it's making him look bad in the process.


Eh, I didn't mind supporting this project. I knew the risk and proceeded cautiously with finances. I met some cool people from all this but I also told people privately I would give the crowdfund 3 months. I made it 2 subs...

The worst part is this was a missed opportunity from the beginning. I'll be interested to see what anonymous posts pop up from all this...
The risk was extremely high. Borderline insane that anyone would give to this project just looking at the initial discussions and team layout.

Let's do Gecko's top 6 list of why pantheon was doomed from the start:

  1. They had 1 non-designer. One! They had 10 non tech people! Denaut splains this better
  2. They stated repeatedly they were backpaying the entire team!
  3. Mcquaids Management history regarding money and people.
  4. The complete lack of initial organization and product despite working for 'months'
  5. The complete lack of transparency of where funds would go to despite 'backpay'.
  6. Brad put ZERO of his own money into this project. Donating his garage for a meeting does not count.

Everyone said in this thread the game would either crater early or crater midway. Most people were wise enough to steer clear. I almost wish it would've hit 800k just so we could go through this exercise in 10 months just for the drama.

Kudos for you for keeping the faith, Convo, but this project was doomed from the day it was announced.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Just wanted to play Satan's advocate for a second, bros. From Brad's soapy box:

Plan #3 was to raise the Kickstarter goal of $800k, after which we would build the playable alpha during the remainder of the year, and try to fit as many of the stretch goals in as possible. Regardless of the plan, we knew that the bulk of money would be brought in using our own web site and then, after that, by reaching out to investors and publishers as needed.
I know they never hit their KS goal, but this seems to be the "plan" he executed. Maybe he wasn'ttotallybullshitting everyone from the start?


[*]They stated repeatedly they were backpaying the entire team!
This one has bothered me since Brad let it slip. I'm sure looking back he wishes he hadn't but it pisses me the fuck off that people were donating to the creation of a game, and his first goal is to cut everyone checks? The fuck? Just insulting from start to finish.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
It might be worth it to give this whole thing some exposure at some media sites like Rock Paper Shotgun, they're typically good with bringing controversies to light. Also, boogie really needs to back off any level of support he has for Brad and this project. It's naivety, but it's making him look bad in the process.
My thing has mainly been allowing people to stay subbed. I've said what I wanted to say. I know I don't want to drag any names out there. I feel confident in what I know. Certainly not looking to drag this out. If people involved want to drop info, that's their call. I can't speak for them or how they feel. The people who remain are adults and can make their own choices.