Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO



Between the black of the west and the light of the east lie the jewels of the Earth. The seven races, caught in the eternal tipping of the scales, splitting the night and the dawn. The immensity of The Grey Peak looms overhead, silently watching the ages turn. Inside, The Grey Council stands in eternal stasis, shining a beam of light skyward through the heart of the mountain, bursting from its peak for all to see. The Underway below twists and shifts - the ancient and gnarled roots of the world.

Red - blood - Men (The Adria) - A culture forged in war and struggle against the dark - city: Morning's Blade, the last city of men whose empire once stretched far further to the west. While much of the technology that gave The Old Empire it's strength is lost, the human city still contains limited examples of it. A hub of trade and travel for all the races, the city stands atop a giant cliff at the base of The Grey Peak. A great river flows over the edge of the cliff and around the base of the city, cascading past and creating a mighty waterfall. It is contained by three concentric walls, each taller than the one before it. At the centre of the city rises the inconceivably tall Spire of Adrial, where the red crystal softly hums, and The Lord of Men governs his realm.

Orange - fire - The Z'ag - insectoid, beetle-like, malevolent - city: Z'agduun, built in a great magma chamber out of shining obsidian bricks. The sharp angles of the architecture contrast against the flowing lava and hardened walls of molten rock. Lava flows through a sort of aqueduct, delivering light to various parts of the city. The city is a horseshoe, with a cave system dug into the walls behind it. At the centre of the horseshoe, an immense rock thrusts into the centre of a great plaza. The orange crystal shines at its tip.

Yellow - ether - The Vinti - ornately feathered, tall, lithe, beautiful, xenophobic - city: Sky Reach. A massive gnarled tree twisting from the side of The Grey Peak. Suspended in the air by giant knotted ropes hangs the city. The ancient tree's roots dig into the mountainside and partially wrap around the immensity of the pulsing yellow crystal.

Green - earth - The Ordo - short, bulky, gorilla-like. rock, grass & moss men. Wise and pragmatic - city: 'The Mouth of the World', a great crater whose walls rise high from the land, creating valley with a river bisecting it. The inside lush with trees, and among the crater walls is built the city. In the centre of the round crater, the river parts briefly exposing an island that glows with the light of the green crystal.

Blue - water - The Finari - amphibious race, fish-like, highly religious, largely indifferent to the other races - city: Loshe Tor - on the rocky cliff shores of the Eastern Light, through a wave carved split in the stone, an immense city stands, built within an ancient coral reef in a massive domed chamber. The blue crystal protrudes downward from the centre of the dome, casting its light on the walls of the chamber.

Indigo - steel - The Diggar - massive, lumbering, coldly intelligent, bio-mechanical beings - city: The Shaft - a massive open pit in the world, perfectly cylindrical, continued since an ancient age that predates the sentience of their race, when they were simply mindless slaves constructed by men. The bio technologically advanced city is constructed vertically along the walls of the shaft. Causeways and bridges cross from side to side. At its deepest limits, the massive pit opening can barely be seen, and it is here the Indigo crystal that gave them intelligence beats in silence.

Violet - magic - The Riki - small, quick, spiky, gemstone crusted, multicoloured - city: Shimmerstone - an expansive cave deep in the heart of The Grey Peak. The whole city is reminiscent of a giant geode, with structures hewn from crystals that seem to drip with magic. The Riki have harnessed magic to provide light in the depths of the mountain's heart, and it dances off the crystals everywhere you look. In the centre of the city rests a perfectly still mirror-like pool, and at its bottom, the violet crystal glows eternally.
Hmm, not bad.


Trump's Staff
Just do NOT mix high fantasy with spaceships. Please, don't pull a Metzen.
While my world does not contain advanced tech such as spaceships, it is certainly not traditional high fantasy. Dwarves, Elves, dragons and Orcs have been done to death and I'm pretty sure everyone is sick of it by now.


Designers are creatives, and are on the hook for developing the game systems, potentially doing limited initial art direction to get the artists moving in the directions they are thinking about, and are responsible for the systems behind the product.
This pretty much reaffirms my earlier post. They aren't coding. They aren't drawing. They are 'idea' men. Ideas are pretty easy. Actually implementing code and creating technical and graphical resources is where most of the work seems to be, I would think.

The Producer/PM is the not-necessarily-creative who is on the hook to ship shit on time. They are the one sitting on the Designer's neck when they fiddle-fuck around for 3 months and still haven't settled on what the basic game loop is yet.
We have a name for both these types of people in the real world who don't have technical skills but are very self important. They are called managers. They typically behave an awful lot like Brad Mcquaid and other 'creative' 'producer' types and look like this:



This pretty much reaffirms my earlier post. They aren't coding. They aren't drawing. They are 'idea' men. Ideas are pretty easy. Actually implementing code and creating technical and graphical resources is where most of the work seems to be, I would think.
As I said in a previous post, designers are not strictly "idea" people.


Lord Nagafen Raider
The real progression server is in Hobart's basement, safe from the prying eyes of SOE management!
From the outside, it doesn't seem like it's a lot of work to reboot the servers they have already used. Couple tweaks here and there and instant cash for EQ1. I'm not going to pretend it's a gold mine but it's certainly a large influx of cash. It's a premium server and thus brings in premium revenue. I would even go for a legends type server that had better support and fixes than the first two progression servers. Money is not an issue for old time EQ players, we have careers now and can afford the 15-30 a month, just give us a good product damn it! At least let's start the dialog El~


The problem is they leave all kinds of stupid shit in when they launch a progression server. Last time there were quests for armor that was OP for the era the game was in. Revamped Jaggedpine was still in also among a bunch of other crap I can't be bothered to remember anymore.


Lord Nagafen Raider
The problem is they leave all kinds of stupid shit in when they launch a progression server. Last time there were quests for armor that was OP for the era the game was in. Revamped Jaggedpine was still in also among a bunch of other crap I can't be bothered to remember anymore.
The first progression server they left in revamped and hotzone loots lol. Along with the caimen quest... I think they should do a short beta for the next set.


Trakanon Raider
The problem is they leave all kinds of stupid shit in when they launch a progression server. Last time there were quests for armor that was OP for the era the game was in. Revamped Jaggedpine was still in also among a bunch of other crap I can't be bothered to remember anymore.
They couldn't remove the stupid shit if they tried. Even if they could pull someone on the dev team away from working on content for every other server, at best that person just flags everything out of era and removes it. What's left is still an abomination of the original game - the old code isn't saved, it's not backed up, and there isn't a way to get it back.

The only hope they have for making a true classic server is to use the code from EQMac, which would still be a tremendous undertaking. EQMac's code had holes which were exploited and SOE had no anti-cheat software, and it'd be a bear of an undertaking to fix its issues. IF that could be done, SOE would have a bona fide classic server and they could open/close zones - this is the only hope for emulating classic EQ. Anything else is jokes.


King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
Why would they do all that work for so little reward? Looking though content to dig out the remodels. Using EQMac code, fixing holes, exploits, bugs,etc. Deal with the constant bitching from someone because too much was left in, too little was left in, or something wasn't the way people 'remember' it. Keeping people working on bug fixes, CS, and the outcry for the expansions later and all the drama that went with it.

If this thread is heading back to the same old EQ circle jerking then we might as well shaw this because there's plenty of room for that in the EQ subforum.

Edit- can we get a mod to shaw this now?


Lord Nagafen Raider
They couldn't remove the stupid shit if they tried. Even if they could pull someone on the dev team away from working on content for every other server, at best that person just flags everything out of era and removes it. What's left is still an abomination of the original game - the old code isn't saved, it's not backed up, and there isn't a way to get it back.

The only hope they have for making a true classic server is to use the code from EQMac, which would still be a tremendous undertaking. EQMac's code had holes which were exploited and SOE had no anti-cheat software, and it'd be a bear of an undertaking to fix its issues. IF that could be done, SOE would have a bona fide classic server and they could open/close zones - this is the only hope for emulating classic EQ. Anything else is jokes.
I don't want a true classic server. I'm perfectly happy playing on the current client with things locked and removed. They have shown that they can lock quiet a few things it just takes time and a dedicated dev. I think 1 dev is worth the premium price tag. 30 dollar premium server would work for me. Even if the server only did 1000 players I think that would be worth it.


Trakanon Raider
I don't want a true classic server. I'm perfectly happy playing on the current client with things locked and removed. They have shown that they can lock quiet a few things it just takes time and a dedicated dev. I think 1 dev is worth the premium price tag. 30 dollar premium server would work for me. Even if the server only did 1000 players I think that would be worth it.
What's the point when you can 2-group AoW with banded armor?

Modern codebase does not support classic.


Lord Nagafen Raider
What's the point when you can 2-group AoW with banded armor?

Modern codebase does not support classic.
Point taken, but no need for hyperbole. AoW took a full raid to bring down even with all the mistakes that were left in. Only 2 guilds did him on Velious launch as well so it's no joke.


Trakanon Raider
Point taken, but no need for hyperbole. AoW took a full raid to bring down even with all the mistakes that were left in. Only 2 guilds did him on Velious launch as well so it's no joke.
And EQ has become even easier since then. It's not just features and additions to the client (hello, 30 different short term buffs!) - the ancient code has been butchered in order to satisfy the demands of content operating at completely different constraints. EQ is still the same game and the same engine, but it's seen too many changes over the years for old content to have any sort of integrity.

The only chance for anything close to the classic EQ experience is a rework of the EQMac code. That SOE has expressed no interest in doing so is one of the core reasons why people are so desperate for a game like Pantheon.


Registered Hodor
If they want to release a classic server again they should just sack up and pay Rogean for his P1999 code. It's probably about as close as it gets and it would be way cheaper than paying their coders to try to recreate everything.


Lord Nagafen Raider
And EQ has become even easier since then. It's not just features and additions to the client (hello, 30 different short term buffs!) - the ancient code has been butchered in order to satisfy the demands of content operating at completely different constraints. EQ is still the same game and the same engine, but it's seen too many changes over the years for old content to have any sort of integrity.

The only chance for anything close to the classic EQ experience is a rework of the EQMac code. That SOE has expressed no interest in doing so is one of the core reasons why people are so desperate for a game like Pantheon.
I'm not sure what new features you're referring to as I have not played in over a year I'd say. You're quoting me so I'll respond again, I don't want a classic server. No interest whatsoever. I don't care to play on a server that will hit a limit and never continue either IE P99. It worked fine with Combine and Fippy and I believe it would be fine with another as long as they put the locks in.


Trakanon Raider
You Luddites had your day in the sun. Vanguard crashed and burned. You guys keep attempting to make your argument infallible by saying, "Yeah, well...that was a clusterfuck! No TRUE Scotsman("hardcore" game)would fail!", anytime numerous examples of "hardcore, niche" games failing are cited. You'll always point to theoneexample that succeeded(EVE), even though it took them years to build that base, and you'll use that against the numerous failures. It's also funny how very few(none)of you play the one example you can cite. If that's the case, is itreallya hardcore game that you're clamoring to play, or are you just hoping to get one more taste of the "glory years"? I'm betting it's the latter.

Now, I've had the same circular debate on this with Lithose. It doesn't mean thatsomeof the systems present in EQ shouldn't be explored and wouldn't work for today's gamers. However, this "EQ 1.5" nonsense is ludicrous. A game that is "EQ with better graphics!" will fail miserably.

Because it did so at a time when your other options were: DAoC(mostly PvP focused), UO(mostly PvP focused and nearing the end of it's "reign"), or Asheron's Call(mostly PvP focused). You then compound that with the fact that nobody wanted to leave their "friends". Those are all the ingredients SoE needed for 500k(430k were the last numbers released by Sony, so I'm not sure where 500k comes from)subscribers. Once a viable alternative came out(WoW), EQ was dismantled very quickly.

It's not comparable because it was nearly adecadeago. Alotchanges in 10 years, especially in the world of technology and consumers of said technology.
you're a god damn fucking moron. when WoW came out, everquest had already been out for five fucking years. people move on eventually no matter what video game they're playing. also, by the time WoW launched, very little remained of what made EQ, EQ. the game was fundamentally different than the game it was at launch. add in the fact that there were several bad expansions in a row, and people were ready for something different.


Brad is an auteur. The so called "team" did nothing to support the Vision and sat like vultures waiting to get a dirty taste of small monies. THEY failed HIM. If the team showed half the passion they did in trying to get their cut we would be seeing a working demo.


Brad is an auteur. The so called "team" did nothing to support the Vision and sat like vultures waiting to get a dirty taste of small monies. THEY failed HIM. If the team showed half the passion they did in trying to get their cut we would be seeing a working demo.
hi Brad


Legal Ephebophile
Brad is an auteur. The so called "team" did nothing to support the Vision and sat like vultures waiting to get a dirty taste of small monies. THEY failed HIM. If the team showed half the passion they did in trying to get their cut we would be seeing a working demo.