Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Admits to using bot farms to sell SEO services, brags about number of "likes" bot farm gives him.


You just mad i sold virtual metrics.

Fund my kickstarter and i will make the finest of automated software to gain social metrics.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I can tell you how he didn't. I can also tell you how KTAM Named 3 locations in Kings Reach and a Giant and potentially a small Goblin Clan as well. If you are going to try and "put me in my place" get some facts first. I reading this entire thread right? What ever happened to acting like you've fucking been there before?


Trump's Staff


Silver Baronet of the Realm

Behind you stands a symbol of oppression,Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen - Landing Page. Where a thousand men have lauguished under the name of this man, Brad Mcquaid! Who has been held up to you as a shining example of game development. You have been supplied with a false idol. To stop you tearing down this corrupt industry! Let me tell you the truth about Brad Mcquaid from the words of Pantheon?s Senior Game Designer and Lore Director, Vhalen. ?The Rerolled community didn?t destroy Brad Mcquaid, it saved itself. Then took the blame for Brad?s appalling crimes, so that I could, to my shame build a lie around this fallen idol. I praised this con artist who tried to embezzle the developers livelihood, but I can no longer live with my lie. It is time to trust the people of the community with the truth and it is time for me to find a real job.? And can you accept this man?s job hunt? And do you accept the job hunting of all these failing developers? Of the corrupt? Those blind faithful, locked up for four months inPantheon: Rise of the Fallen - Landing Page, denied a game under the Mcquaid actions. Its based on a lie. We take Pantheon from the corrupt! The drug addled! The oppressors of generations who have kept you down with myths of hardcore MMO RPGs. And we give it to you, the community! Pantheon is yours! None shall interfere! Do as you please! But start by stormingPantheon: Rise of the Fallen - Landing Pageand freeing the oppressed! Step forward, those who would serve. For a development team will be raised! The powerful ripped from their mom?s basements! And cast out into the cold world that we know and endure. Forums will be convened! Trolling will be enjoyed! Money will be wasted! The mods will survive as they learn to serve true game development! This great community, it will endure! Rerolled will survive!


Potato del Grande
Haha I think you hit the nail on the head there.

I can tell you how he didn't. I can also tell you how KTAM Named 3 locations in Kings Reach and a Giant and potentially a small Goblin Clan as well. If you are going to try and "put me in my place" get some facts first.
I can only dream of naming a small goblin clan. I hope that I can be as successful as you one day.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
I'm 2 hours away, with 400+ people having a great time partying and you are sitting at a computer sucking on your thumb. Come on boy bring it. Your rerolled. roll me tool.
Lol! What a massive faggot.

Dude - Your "radio station" is shit.


Potato del Grande
By "with 400+ people" he means "I think my radio station has 400+ listeners". But it doesn't


Silver Squire
Brad needs to post... Don't make me come to you!
It wouldn't be Pantheon if there wasn't promises of being more active in the community, then immediately disappearing for a week at a time.

I'm interested in hearing from Hannar actually. He's been around the MMO community for awhile and hasn't said his piece yet as the owner of the only non-Brad Pantheon forum. That place has been in stasis since this all dropped.


Hannar doesn't own it, but he damn sure was the only one keeping it alive. The guy who owns it despises the entire project at this point.


5 hours all I did was talk about losing a purple? Really? Well the recording us up on my site. It proves you wrong. Proof.
Fair enough, you spent 1% of that time freaking out that you had 30 whole listeners. You still haven't seemed to realize it was because of external drama, not interest in your tinpot "radio station", that caused people to tune in, and your ranting about how important you are caused many of them to stop listening (going by this thread.) By all means, continue pretending like you're not some random schlub with a nails on chalkboard voice and a tenuous grasp of the English language.