Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


Bronze Knight of the Realm
So question and this is just a stab in the dark.

Whycan'twe make our own MMO?

I don't mean WoW, ESO, SW:ToR caliber. We can set our sights to something smaller scale and build from there.

I was thinking something closer to Eve. I can make the ships myself, and it'd be a lot easier to produce the content for an ARPG Hybrid MMO (Marvel Heroes like) with ships than something with bipedal characters. Once we get a solid demo going we start a fund raiser -here-. Get the RR community playing and testing our little game. Open it up to donations until we're at a point where we have enough to show that a Kickstarter would be viable. By then we'd have enough information on what we have to know how much we need and what kind of help we'll need.

Anyone with any insight?


Molten Core Raider
funny thing is, if his KS wasn't a total train wreck he probably would have at least gotten the initial funding he was looking for pretty easily. not saying that he would have delivered an actual game, but i could see him at least getting the $ to get the company started. but the KS was so bad (as in grade school class project bad) that people saw it for what it was pretty damn quickly. it was obvious very early on that little to no work was actually done in the 6 months he claimed they were working on the game. i mean, that KS was junior varsity from the get go.
In our having fun mocking him (and it's well deserved fun) I couldn't agree more with what you're saying. It felt like a group of 2nd rate Devs got together, got high, and the very next morning threw together a bunch of stuff and asked for money like kids doing a semester project in the final 6 hours before it's due.

Had they a single person with any business acumen or brains and a solid plan I truly believe they could have raised 2m or more. But from the get go, this wasn't even amateurish, it was stoner bullshit that reeked of fraud. They were just trying to bait with nostalgia, and nothing else. If you remove Garcia's half-assed contributions (and I know he doesn't feel they were half-assed) they had absolutely nothing at all, and still managed to raise a quite a bit of cash. I'm not saying anything that hasn't already been said ad-nauseam, we all know over-ambition and laziness are two of Brad's hallmarks. A lot of us on these boards are friends or at least have talked directly with many Devs over the years. And even back in the day not a single one of them ever said anything positive to me about Brad. And the things I did hear I thought were bullshit for many years until the Vanguard fiasco. And now after this I realize quite a few of them had him pegged perfectly all the way back in 2000.

I just genuinely feel conflicted about the people he now has ruined. Maybe they should have known better. But from here on out they have a stigma of connection with this project. With the game market as bad as it is and with so many already out of work, I do feel bad for them and hope someone can help salvage their career by giving them another opportunity. There's no redemption for Brad though.

Jim Russel

Lord Nagafen Raider
So question and this is just a stab in the dark.

Whycan'twe make our own MMO?

I don't mean WoW, ESO, SW:ToR caliber. We can set our sights to something smaller scale and build from there.

I was thinking something closer to Eve. I can make the ships myself, and it'd be a lot easier to produce the content for an ARPG Hybrid MMO (Marvel Heroes like) with ships than something with bipedal characters. Once we get a solid demo going we start a fund raiser -here-. Get the RR community playing and testing our little game. Open it up to donations until we're at a point where we have enough to show that a Kickstarter would be viable. By then we'd have enough information on what we have to know how much we need and what kind of help we'll need.

Anyone with any insight?
Are you 12? Most of us don't have time to play mmos anymore, much less design them. Personally, I'm just here for the fsr and to make fun of people who still believe it's possible to make a good mmo.



"[10:33:28] Salim Grant: He sold the cars prety much when he started working at SOE
[10:34:04] K-TAM Radio: So he did sell them, but not months ago and not for Pantheon.
[10:34:13] Salim Grant: Correct
[10:34:18] Salim Grant: Chain of events
[10:34:32] Salim Grant: He sold the porshce and ferrari then bought a GTR
[10:34:51] Salim Grant: He then sold the GTR because he coudl not afford it and he was dealign with some serious health issues
[12:43:07] Salim Grant: None of us hav ebeen reimbursed for our company purchases except for 1 person outside of Brad
[12:44:51] Salim Grant: And he still owes one of us a paycheck"

Kind of makes Salim look like a bit of a chump, too. I mean, this doesn't do anything for Brad but Salim basically said he lied about selling his Ferrari when he actually did. I also just realized that my true emotion should bewhy the fuck do I care about the cars or their current ownership status.What the actual fuck.


Musty Nester
So question and this is just a stab in the dark.

Whycan'twe make our own MMO?

I don't mean WoW, ESO, SW:ToR caliber. We can set our sights to something smaller scale and build from there.

I was thinking something closer to Eve. I can make the ships myself, and it'd be a lot easier to produce the content for an ARPG Hybrid MMO (Marvel Heroes like) with ships than something with bipedal characters. Once we get a solid demo going we start a fund raiser -here-. Get the RR community playing and testing our little game. Open it up to donations until we're at a point where we have enough to show that a Kickstarter would be viable. By then we'd have enough information on what we have to know how much we need and what kind of help we'll need.

Anyone with any insight?
No trolling, no sarcasm.

If it was easy then even Brad could do it.

There is a reason that people get paid to do it. It's actually work. It's not something you knock together in the off hours.

You -could- make Eq in a browser or a p99. But if you're doing it for 2-3 hours a day all by yourself it's gonna take you years and the finished product is going to be notably deficient in the parts that you just aren't good at.


I simply can't wait for the next BradCoT product in 10 years or however long it takes so we can get to watch another attempt at cashing in on people's EQ1 memories followed by yet another trainwreck of epic proportions.
The window of opportunity to have any new product built on the memories and experiences of EQ1 is shrinking rapidly. The fan base being targeted for that product is increasingly distracted with real life. We're jaded by the current state of the industry and our repeated discussions about the good ol days and the subsequent realization that they were really not all that good when put in perspective.

There's been opportunity to do something like that for the last 15 years, and the industry hasn't picked up on it.

Say goodbye.


They weren't all that good by what perspective? The current gen? I hope you're not serious. It was the golden of fucking golden years if you're comparing to this gen.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
50 something something million something something.

And that's on the light side.
No trolling, no sarcasm.

If it was easy then even Brad could do it.
I think you guys misunderstood. Never said we'd make the whole thing, or heck even 10% of it. To elaborate, a small team of RR volunteers that have experience primarily in Unity Plugin code, a 2d artist, and a 3d artist that could volunteer the time to put together a demo only. Just one zone, UI, so on and so fourth. But I suppose you guys are right, even that short bit would take a lot of time and funding.

Wonder what ever happened to the FoH Dev thread MMO they were making?


Molten Core Raider
They weren't all that good by what perspective? The current gen? I hope you're not serious. It was the golden of fucking golden years if you're comparing to this gen.
Lol indeed.. The only modern RPG that has me playing it again and again is Skyrim. Been playing baldurs on ipad and it's just as good as it always has been.


I think you guys misunderstood. Never said we'd make the whole thing, or heck even 10% of it. To elaborate, a small team of RR volunteers that have experience primarily in Unity Plugin code, a 2d artist, and a 3d artist that could volunteer the time to put together a demo only. Just one zone, UI, so on and so fourth. But I suppose you guys are right, even that short bit would take a lot of time and funding.

Wonder what ever happened to the FoH Dev thread MMO they were making?
also trying to collaborate over the internet on a project like that is just a huge obstacle. schedules clash, timezones, sending something per email isnt the equivalent of having someone standing next to you and pointing out things.. doubt even skype is a proper replacement for that. then of course also real life happens, bills have to be paid, people have to earn money. what happens when your graphics guy suddenly has a project coming up and disappears for two weeks. and so on and on. also the good old "too many cooks" thing. with everyone trying to have some sort of input you end up with everything and nothing. you DO need a project leader, you need someone with a vision, you do need leads who only do that. lead. but they would have to be respected enough for it so that those people doing the work would actually follow through with doing whatever, even if they dont personally agree with it. so if your favorite class is about to get nerfed/ not implemented in the first place, you'd just have to nod and say "yes sir" instead of throwing a hissy fit and quitting on the spot. and so on and on and on.


Lord Nagafen Raider
After this post, I wont say anything more about it because it's not that big of a deal and most of the members won't understand anyway. I am not suggesting holding back and not "kicking asses." I am just saying to avoid putting links to rerolled when you do it. More pointedly, sites like this are dangerous for folks that work in or around the gaming industry. If a HR person at a gaming studio, or a executive VP somewhere, sees the post and sees some of the content here (SS forum?), it could be GG for those that work there just because the board is not really worth the risk of causing drama. That would suck not only for those people, but also for the community to lose those people. That was the reason behind my post. Nothing more.
Listen... Scott "Badass" Hartsman posts here, he was a developer and now I believe a CEO of a company making MMOs.
While me and others liked some or all the stuff he did, we're not biased towards him just for product quality, but also because he's always been honest and open when he posted, he stated what he couldn't talk about for professional reasons and generally speaking always behaved like a person with common sense and 100% honest and serious.
When FoH vanished, Rerolled wasn't exactly a community plastered all over the web, but regained most of its audience, good and bad, because it's a good and fun place to discuss games (and tits and sharp knees) with a bunch of people that don't mind using a colorful language and calling each other names every other post, but willing also to have beer together, because no hard feelings and all that jazz.

So if somebody posts a link to a discussion made of thousands of posts on an external website, well, let them do that. It does no damage to the community and people with nothing to hide, will have no fear coming here to post and promote their stuff.


So question and this is just a stab in the dark.

Whycan'twe make our own MMO?

I don't mean WoW, ESO, SW:ToR caliber. We can set our sights to something smaller scale and build from there.

I was thinking something closer to Eve. I can make the ships myself, and it'd be a lot easier to produce the content for an ARPG Hybrid MMO (Marvel Heroes like) with ships than something with bipedal characters. Once we get a solid demo going we start a fund raiser -here-. Get the RR community playing and testing our little game. Open it up to donations until we're at a point where we have enough to show that a Kickstarter would be viable. By then we'd have enough information on what we have to know how much we need and what kind of help we'll need.

Anyone with any insight?
Anyone with insight is laughing at you for this post. You've read this thread and you're asking "why can't a group of random idiots make an always online game? No problem." You'd fit right in on Brad's dream team, tbh.



"[10:33:28] Salim Grant: He sold the cars prety much when he started working at SOE
[10:34:04] K-TAM Radio: So he did sell them, but not months ago and not for Pantheon.
[10:34:13] Salim Grant: Correct
[10:34:18] Salim Grant: Chain of events
[10:34:32] Salim Grant: He sold the porshce and ferrari then bought a GTR
[10:34:51] Salim Grant: He then sold the GTR because he coudl not afford it and he was dealign with some serious health issues
[12:43:07] Salim Grant: None of us hav ebeen reimbursed for our company purchases except for 1 person outside of Brad
[12:44:51] Salim Grant: And he still owes one of us a paycheck"

Kind of makes Salim look like a bit of a chump, too. I mean, this doesn't do anything for Brad but Salim basically said he lied about selling his Ferrari when he actually did. I also just realized that my true emotion should bewhy the fuck do I care about the cars or their current ownership status.What the actual fuck.
Yea probably bc Salim saw a chance to shake HIS OWN bad rep he acquired after VG. People were so angry with Brad, they seemed to forget the issues they had with Salim. But he also sucks at this lol he couldn't just put it out there and sit back. He has to keep hammering away and now he looks like a sniveling child as well.

But saying "he was dealing with some serious health issues" makes it sound like Brad is/was the one who's sick...