Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


He's beyond a rough hire at this point. He had enough baggage prior to this shit now it's even worse. Who knows where he'll end up, but not even SOE would take him back now. He already referenced Smed knowing he scammed a bunch of people, no way he'll find a home there.


Trakanon Raider
New rumor: Brad went and asked old team members for the money he paid them back. One old team member confirmed. I can't make this shit up...

Anyway, I'd say Brad is going to keep this alive enough to pay his bills. Sounds like he has the easiest job in the world. Get some blind fools that are looking to leverage this as another peg on their resume while he rides around and claims to be doing stuff while he posts once enough. I also think that some of these people really think they are doing something that is going to save the MMO industry and entitles them to some sort of internet authority.


New rumor: Brad went and asked old team members for the money he paid them back. One old team member confirmed. I can't make this shit up...
More than one. Reminds me of a dormie way back who was on crack and constantly begged people for money and looked for any excuse to be given money. I think the worst was when he was demanding people tip him for holding the door open for people coming in and out of the dorm.


Lord Nagafen Raider
LOL Beck posted on the site and it was deleted within seconds!

Here is what he said tho.

"I just posted this on the PantheonROTF web site and it was quickly moved to the Forum Admin section.

I am going to take Multi on his word that questions posed here will get a fair and reasonable hearing from the community. Nothing here is an attack, only questions based on information written in context for those who do not know the information themselves.

We all know that Brad paid himself from VRI $45,000 for 5 months work in advance. This is common knowledge and was posted both on this site and on the official Pantheon Facebook page. This makes it canon.

That is $9000/month. Based on what Salim told K-TAM Radio this was likely done in March. This would mean the months from April to August Brad is not getting any money at all from the project as he has already been paid.

We know this project was officially launched in October of 2013 and that Brad had back paid himself. This has been confirmed by Salim and others. That's 6 months. If we do the math of 45000/5 = $9000. By extension $9000 x 6 = $54000 for a total of $99,000 in total prior to April and nearly 2/3 of the entire projects income to that point for one person who has to date produced no credible actual work beyond what he says he has done. We know all the previous builds were done by the team and that Brad was not around for any of it beyond a few meetings claiming to be looking for investors.

The revised total on the web site was $142,000 (rounded). Leaving only $43000 to pay lawyer fees for documents and incorporation and other things, Incorporate VRI, Trade mark Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen, Pay his financial friend, pay for Art from J.P. T. and other artists, and pay 11 other members of the development team for their work for the 6 months from October to March when it all fell apart. Some people, like Tony had been working on the project since August of 2013. Salim admitted to being one of the higher paid guys, Tom is also a ranking member of the team (no one has heard from at all in all this time) as well. I don't have exact numbers so I want to postulate that roughly $10,000 was paid out before any wages were paid out to the dev team leaving $33,000 to pay 11 people various rates for 6 months work.

In total that is $3000 for each member if they all were paid the same, which we know they were not. We know Tony was paid about $2000 at most for 6 months work for example. Salim says 1 member of the team never got paid anything at all. I have narrowed it down to Ben who never got paid, though I have no official word from him. Also Salim said only 1 person received any money that covered additional costs of business, I am guessing Unity shop assets.

I have read and been told by a Green Named person that this site is generating between $2000 - $2500/month. That's April, May and June so far. $7500 and that only the very top and very faithful of the Greens have received any money at all. Roughly $100 or so.

I was also told that Brad has insisted he will pay back his advance of $45000 from the purchases/subs received from the site. I really want you to think about this.

The very first disagreement I had with any one on this site was about the money I sent to Brad directly to his[email protected]/* <![CDATA[ */!function(t,e,r,n,c,a,p){try{t=document.currentScript||function(){for(t=document.getElementsByTagName('script'),e=t.length;e--;)if(t[e].getAttribute('data-cfhash'))return t[e]}();if(t&&(c=t.previousSibling)){p=t.parentNode;if(a=c.getAttribute('data-cfemail')){for(e='',r='0x'+a.substr(0,2)|0,n=2;a.length-n;n+=2)e+='%'+('0'+('0x'+a.substr(n,2)^r).toString(16)).slice(-2);p.replaceChild(document.createTextNode(decodeURIComponent(e)),c)}p.removeChild(t)}}catch(u){}}()/* ]]> */e-mail. Many of you, including Brad defended that this e-mail was VRI and that NONE of the money went directly to Brad and that it all had to go through VRI first. I am sure those posts still exist somewhere.

My question(s) is this. IF that account and ALL subs/purchases go to VRI before they go to Brad. Brad cannot pay back his advance until after at least August. At which point why anything would be paid back if it was all on the up and up? Brad is quoted as saying he will pay back the "advance" from the subs/purchases received by the site. If the Advance was legal why would anything need to be paid back? Also, how would he pay VRI back $45000 from subs/purchases paid to VRI?

Let me clarify. VRI Paid Brad $45000. Brad is going to take ANOTHER $45000 from VRI and then write a check to VRI for $45000. Would that not still leave a deficit of $45000? Nothing in effect would be paid back at all. This is an illusion, a trick and I wonder how many people have bought that.

In order for Brad to pay VRI back anything is if he had changed how the banking system works. He would have to be personally accepting all monies sent to VRI, which would mean I was right in my initial disagreement with Brad about where my money went to, and from which it came back from, and that Brad was lying to all of you, and that VRI is not actually reporting any of the subs/purchases. VRI would then be a front with no assets and no money at all to pay for anything.

This leads me to the next question. Why does Brad need to pay for Unity Licensing? Didn't he already pay for it from the initial purchases after the Kickstarter? If not then one of the team paid for the license which they would have billed VRI for. Brad says he paid everyone back, if he had done so would he not have a Unity License already from that as all assets that belong to VRI would have had to be returned to VRI?

These are just a few of the holes that are appearing as the information previously put out is being stretched thin and this new information is not in line with the old. Then there is everything Frenzic has been posting which I also have no doubts of. I look forward to speaking with him at some point."


Trakanon Raider
If he would have just set the kickstarter at imagine the shitstorm then?
actually, that would have probably been the best thing for this project. at least then they would have still had some competent people working on the game and might have gotten a demo out and found someone interested in backing it. now, you have the fucking patients running the asylum.


I had a funny thought. I could very easily see Brad attempting to "sell" the rights of the game and his "name" off to his current Producer Laurene Wells given her desire to turn Pantheon into a religious mmo. Passive involvement is Brad's schtick now so it would fit well. That very well may be his game plan already given that he's shopping for a CEO so that he can just be a "creative lead" for the project.

Creative lead seems to be the industry "sit in the corner with crayons" position for people who cant be purged wholly from a project because of face saving required on both sides. Cryptic did that with Bill Roper when they removed him from the top position of Champions when it first floundered.


Trakanon Raider
i'm thinking at this point there's more of a chance that this turns into jonestown; which would be a very fitting conclusion.


actually, that would have probably been the best thing for this project. at least then they would have still had some competent people working on the game and might have gotten a demo out and found someone interested in backing it. now, you have the fucking patients running the asylum.
I disagree though. At its core(Brad), the project was destined to result in this debacle. It would have lingeringly unfolded later than sooner is all. All of this is Brad's incompetence and intended fleecing. The KS goal not being met was a symptom of that core cause.


Trakanon Raider
I disagree though. At its core(Brad), the project was destined to result in this debacle. It would have lingeringly unfolded later than sooner is all. All of this is Brad's incompetence and intended fleecing. The KS goal not being met was a symptom of that core cause.
come on, man. say what you want about this debacle, the one thing you can't say is that it was an intended fleecing. brad may be incompetent when it comes to actually running a company, but i do believe he wanted to make another MMO. there's a hell of a lot more money in making a successful game than there is to try and just steal a few thousand dollars.


i'm thinking at this point there's more of a chance that this turns into jonestown; which would be a very fitting conclusion.
It could implode between factions on the team(already happening slowly due to personality and "beliefs" clashing).

It could end in more than one current person on the team in cuffs due to the mishandling of the money and those who are accessories to it(remember anyone who helps falsify the state of the project with the intent of trying to get investments can be liable/prosecutable). Or worse, someone on the project could be innocent of it but ends up spending tons of their or their family's money in legal fees to be exonerated.

And yes it could devolve further into it the cult atmosphere that has been bred. Though I don't think at this point they'd go the way of cool aid. I would more laughingly some how see them huddling in brad's basement wearing mother boards on their heads and trying to huff computer duster aerosols.


come on, man. say what you want about this debacle, the one thing you can't say is that it was an intended fleecing. brad may be incompetent when it comes to actually running a company, but i do believe he wanted to make another MMO. there's a hell of a lot more money in making a successful game than there is to try and just steal a few thousand dollars.
I wholly believe it was intended fleecing. I would agree that the original plan to fleece wasn't set out to just simply take the money and run as Brad is virtually doing now, but that had(and it never would've) the project met its ks goals, kept the current team, etc that brad's intention was to continue to take as sizable a chunk of the money as he could while leaving others unpaid, low payed, etc.

You're perhaps seeing brad as legitimately wanting to make a great game for others to play. No, that would've simply been an unintended by product. Brad wanted to make a cash delivery system in the form of a game to prove that the failures of vangard et al were not of his making. The tobacco industry didn't want to make "great cigarettes" they wanted to make a faster nicotine delivery system for the purposes of addicting to have a sustainable cash flow.

Its just simply rudimentary misdirection to appeal to the gamers desires of a game when your goal is something else.


Can't we all agree Jonestown would be a great context for an MMO?
I've actually thought a great premise for a game would be a religious version of one of those Tycoon games. Following Tycoon! Build your cult with the goal of getting it to be officially recognized as a religion, making tons of cash and keeping deprogrammers, the irs, and the police at bay. You can build grandiose temples, or go the corporate route and build a business cult, or simply build a group that ends up taking over an oil tanker in the name of the Almighty Purple Bubblegum!

Yes, for 19.99 you too can get your copy of the game. The collector's edition will include your own tin foil hat(one size fits all.. just imagine your head fits the size!). The Grand Pledger Collector's Edition will include a personal blessing from the creator.