Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


Millie's Staff Member
this is like fucking inception. so not only is this project a scam but the guys behind the scam game message board are scamming on the scam game? holy shit, my mind is fucking blown. kyndread get the fuck out of there now before one day soon when you try to log into pantheo you get this message.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
So is Requiem hosting them for free like he did FOH? If so what was with all the stuff about using donations for website costs?


Musty Nester
I just had to go look and sure enough, he is. ThisHASto be some sort of demented cosmic karma.

I guess the redirect wasn't a snarky insult like everyone just assumed that it was. It was actually an attempt at advertising. Like an honest to god attempt.



<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>

I almost want to call (503) 664-0676 and see who answers. Req? Tyen? Is Swampdonkey manning the phone?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Lol the great part about all of this is the pantheon people are probably so confused right now


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
If Requiem isn't contractually obligated to host (Which wouldn't surprise me if he isn't given the general shitshow Pantheon is) I can only assume this will end hilariously as soon as he gets tired of administrating a free site.

Years ago when I talked about getting hosting for some personal bullshit he went out of his way to host my stuff and set everything up. Then less than a year later everything went poof and he ignored every attempt I made to figure out what was going on and whether I should find a new host. Only years later when we left FoH and I brought it up did I get an answer.
So this is a bad thing? Thanks guys for clearing that up for me. I thought if I dropped that reference in there it might shed a little light on the subject. Thank goodness I have been doing daily backups of the site just in case.


Being relatively new to RR, Im trying to understand this newest revelation that is supposed to be mind blowing. Is this some sort of years and years worth of guild drama extended or something?


Being relatively new to RR, Im trying to understand this newest revelation that is supposed to be mind blowing. Is this some sort of years and years worth of guild drama extended or something?
Requiem hosted the Fires of Heaven forums, and long story short, one day simply pulled the plug on them. His ambivalence in running the forums is what led to MoreNetz and eventually Rerolled being formed.


Requiem hosted the Fires of Heaven forums, and long story short, one day simply pulled the plug on them. His ambivalence in running the forums is what led to MoreNetz and eventually Rerolled being formed.
And what is Requiem and Tyen(Salty)'s connection(if any)?

So this is a bad thing? Thanks guys for clearing that up for me. I thought if I dropped that reference in there it might shed a little light on the subject. Thank goodness I have been doing daily backups of the site just in case.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
So this is a bad thing?
Depends. If Tyen has no access to anything then you just have to worry about Requiem getting a wild hair up his autistic ass and pulling the plug for whatever reason. Or more likely, Tyen getting his feelings hurt over something minor then having him and Trexx plying Req with chilimac or whatever else it would take to convince him to pull the plug and having Req doing it with zero warning.

Tyen himself just isn't trustworthy at all. He'd backstab his best friend "for the lulz" if the opportunity presented itself. He gave zero fucks about pushing a forum that was over a decade old over the edge. If anyone gave him access to anything on your forum then I honestly wouldn't be surprised if he was running one kind of scam or another in the background. He's only ever serious about whatever his current project is, and everything else is fodder for that if he can find a way to work an angle. His shady shit like running his own botnet on to push up the pageviews and scamming advertisers with falsely inflated numbers was just one aspect of a larger, spurious shitshow. Req was an absentee landlord who would have booted everyone out into the street with zero emotion and Tyen just used the forum as his own strange sort of Internet-methlab.

Being relatively new to RR, Im trying to understand this newest revelation that is supposed to be mind blowing. Is this some sort of years and years worth of guild drama extended or something?
Tyen was willing to shit all over with his GF, and that site was up for a long time. It had a lot of history and meaning to the community, and he honestly gave zero fucks about it. Tyen's asshattery was only half of it though. After we as a community left FOH and went to Morenetz (and then Jeffelys took Morenetz down LITERALLY days later after someone outed him for using someone else's identity), a lot of people migrated back to FOH and that's when the real fun began. You had an entire forum of people who were either pissed off at Tyen for his asshattery or were mad about all of the scripting/malware bullshit that went down, and then Requiem finally showed up and parachuted into the middle of a forum-wide scrum to basically declare (after a bit of debate) that he LITERALLY didn't care about the forum or the community. This is why these forums were set up. And honestly, I think that most people had no idea how or why FOH was hosted, but myself I'd always assumed that Tyen/Req had felt themselves to be part of the community and that they were helping the community out.

The reality was that Req didn't give a shit as long as it could exist in the background and didn't bother him, and Tyen got to run his projects and scams in the shadows. As soon as things came to a head they both took a gigantic dump on the community as a whole and after the community came here (a 2nd exodus, so to speak) Req just killed FOH completely.

I don't even know what happened to all of the years of threads, pics and other hosted data, but I imagine that it all got erased.


And what is Requiem and Tyen(Salty)'s connection(if any)?

Tyen was a shit mod who was real life friends with Requiem (I think?) or they worked together, or something. Either way they're up each others' ass. When Tyen and his girlfriend wouldn't stop shitposting, and Req refused to remove his mod status, there was a great uprising.


Molten Core Raider
This just got interesting again. Please, tell me more how two deranged anti-social fuckups in life are helping.

This could turn it around for Pantheon.
