Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


Triggered Happy
Interesting how Brad as Sparkle have the same poor spelling. They even misspell simple words.
I do not think Brad needs to finally tell us Jesus's Prophet and he met. They went to the same school.
Home school lovers is what they are.

I think that was deliberate Nirrtix.


Trakanon Raider
I'm all for making fun of Brad, and Sparkles, but I don't see why it's cool to be posting photos of Sparkle's family.


Triggered Happy
Nirrtix how did you know of Brad before your involvement in Pantheon? Him being absent and going into hiding when the shit hits the fan is par for the course. If you didn't already you should read through the previous Pantheon threads here to get a general background of Brad, it's a pretty interesting read.

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
I'm all for making fun of Brad, and Sparkles, but I don't see why it's cool to be posting photos of Sparkle's family.
Yeah, I'm with you on that. Nirrtix was trying to be helpful and unload everything she knew and had access to, and included that. I didn't really agree to it, but it is what it is.


I actually think Brad is reasonable about his personal beliefs, as fun as it is to rag on them and make a McQuaid caricature. He knew Sparkle, I'd wager she contacted him via social media years ago as a kindred spirit Christian and game designer, and he maintained a polite relationship with her. Later, when the Pantheon debacle became so bad that he had absolutely no team and tried to global chat guild recruit for it, I'm sure she was more than happy to swoop in and "help", I mean wouldn't you if you were a small timenothingof a designer and could latch on to *THE* Brad McQuaid? So, in she comes in with man power, with logistical support in terms of servers, and now has Brad over a barrel.

I have no doubt that Brad just wants to keep his head down and make Pantheon, if for no other reason than to protect his tiny, vulnerable ego and prove that he is still relevant and still has "it", so he'd partner with Neo Nazis, Jihadis, and NAMBLA if he had to, because lets face it, quitting this project isn't an option at this point because this is McQuaid's last chance, and nobody is more aware of that than Brad himself. If Pantheon doesn't pan out, he's going to have to get a real job.

Aradune is gonna have to use his flaming sword to make flame broiled patties once his reputation is finally ruined definitively.


Who could have known that the graffiti in the Qeynos Catacombs would become true, that Aradunereallyis stinky?

Brad is gonna go total ostrich mode and probably figures this will blow over and that he can deal with it later. I think an important aspect of this thread since Nirrtix's arrival that has been glossed over is that he was trying to get literally everyone trained up as a conscript world-builder. English student who works as a Target cashier? Hop in unity. Wash cars for a living? Start coding bro. That says a lot.

Brad, if you read this dawg, watch this then look in the mirror.

Its not too late Brad. Just be honest, come out and claim Pantheon was a poorly planned mess and you have no idea what you're doing. Go back to the drawing board. We talk a lot of shit about you and Pantheon, a lot. But if you had come out swinging with a presentable kickstarter, a design document, and half a clue, we'd probably have been your biggest supporters. Your biggest weakness is your inability to be truthful, and that is a increasingly difficult proposition in this day and age.
Big flex... Brad WENT TO HER.... I know this as a fact.... it is rumored on the net, but the Devs know it is true.

I am sure Brad thinks it will blow over. Every time things got into a mess we would batten down the hatches on the Pantheon website and mods could not talk, just moderate if it got serious. I guarantee they are doing now, but the difference is there is no one to talk to.


Well the first is relevant as her husband Ron Wells and son Rivan really are on the Pantheon team... and are getting paid.

Anyhow those were the only Fam pictures anyhow.


Nirrtix how did you know of Brad before your involvement in Pantheon? Him being absent and going into hiding when the shit hits the fan is par for the course. If you didn't already you should read through the previous Pantheon threads here to get a general background of Brad, it's a pretty interesting read.
I played Everquest since 1999 I knew who he was heck yea. I did not know him though.

Well I started watching this site more often after I joined the team. His absence was always noted by the community and team. The team and I often assumed his work was "that hard." He often claimed he was in "coding land" and did not talk on Skype to send him an e-mail he would get it.... NOPE... he was hard to get a hold of. He came in to chat with the devs when he wanted to and when he was not there.... he was hard as heck to get a hold of... I bet someone could call for an life or death emergency and he would not answer.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
I'm all for making fun of Brad, and Sparkles, but I don't see why it's cool to be posting photos of Sparkle's family.
After looking at those pictures, there is definitely nothing cool about them. Not a single thing.

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
The shoes were pretty cool.

edit/p.s. this thread is once again boring. we need sparkles to have a crisis of faith, register on here, and go apeshit in order to return to F5 status ASAP.


In this thread On october 3rd Radash whines to me about having to help get people interested again. I gave simple easy ways everyone could help. Sparkle came in at the end changed the subject and left. Here is that thread i copy and pasted it before here is the copy from skype... Brad cannot contest these.

As usual Brad is MIA....




Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
I'm sick of all these christians rubbin' their MMO development skills in my face.


This is a random sample of them chatting when not talking about Brad jumping for joy and getting giggly. Notice the lakc of intelligence on Blue as well... She is "Associate Producer" I still do not think she does much anything other than mod the site and act like she is all that. She knows nothing about gaming unless it is on an XBOX.

See they lie to the Devs also... Sparkle calls it a volunteer team way back in May. She has always been paid for "living expenses."

If you know how to give out a copy of skype logs for a channel I will give you mine.... I have months worth of their chatting nonsense and even about the game.
