Parent Thread


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
My wife got a momaroo at a consignment sale for like 60% off brand new unopened. Now we need a second kid to use it


A Mod Real Quick
Tonight was the worst so far. Cried for about 3 hours straight, through two feedings. I gave him some of the gas medicine and he did a watery shit fart that lasted 20 seconds and filled his diaper. Been out cold since. Not sure how to fix this, I feel like I'm being tested. I feel like I might have a colic baby


<Gold Donor>
That's what parenthood is isn't it? One giant test that doesn't end? That's sure what it feels like!

Hang in there noodlebro, it's only temporary. Stay strong and support the lil woman


Molten Core Raider
Tonight was the worst so far. Cried for about 3 hours straight, through two feedings. I gave him some of the gas medicine and he did a watery shit fart that lasted 20 seconds and filled his diaper. Been out cold since. Not sure how to fix this, I feel like I'm being tested. I feel like I might have a colic baby
Heartbreaking, right? Poor little fella just wants to sleep but can't because there's a fart stuck in the wrong direction.

We also tried the belly massage stuff once the navel was healed, I didn't exactly take notes but I want to say the results were meh. Anyway, worth a shot.


Blackwing Lair Raider
That's what parenthood is isn't it? One giant test that doesn't end? That's sure what it feels like!

Hang in there noodlebro, it's only temporary. Stay strong and support the lil woman
What's funny is you think those tests get easier as they get older, more independent.

They don't.....

The Ancient_sl

You do eventually get more sleep though.

See you in 6 months Noodlebro!

Okay, here is an exercise that helped me a lot with a "colicy" baby. If you have a swiveling office chair in your house, sit down in it feet on ground, rest your child on your thighs and rotate back and forth.


Golden Knight of the Realm
On that note, the best thing we had for our baby when he was tiny was an exercise ball. I would put him in his sling thingy, bounce on the ball, and play Civ while he slept. Another thing that worked well was put him in his carseat, sit down next to the ball and bounce the carseat on the exercise ball. Way better than having to swing it with your arms. We thought our baby was colic too, but really, he was just a baby. Maybe not the best sleeper, but not the worst either. JBBB - Just babies being babies.


Same trailer, different park
Noodlebro are you taking advantage of EMC's sweet sweet paternity leave?

Hello Everyone,

We are pleased to announce that as of January 1st, EMC/VCE has a new Parental Leave benefit for our U.S. employees. This exciting new benefit provides paid parental leave to both mothers and fathers, and supports the many definitions of family and addresses work/life balance that has been a frequently raised topic at both EMC and VCE.

The Parental Leave benefit is designed to assist parents and encourage bonding time with a new child by providing up to four weeks of paid leave within the first year following a birth or adoption. This is in addition to any paid leave already provided by EMC/VCE. This new benefit enhances our current offerings covering maternity leave and adoption assistance.

New parents who welcomed a child in 2014 ? congratulations! You are also eligible to take up to four weeks of paid Parental Leave in 2015.

Details of our Parental Leave benefit are available here. Attaining balance in our work and personal lives is always challenging, but we hope that our new Parental Leave benefit will offer one more resource in support of our growing VCE family.


Bronze Squire
Tonight was the worst so far. Cried for about 3 hours straight, through two feedings. I gave him some of the gas medicine and he did a watery shit fart that lasted 20 seconds and filled his diaper. Been out cold since. Not sure how to fix this, I feel like I'm being tested. I feel like I might have a colic baby
Have you tried the 'Magic Baby Hold'? It worked wonders when I busted it out on my friends baby who seemed inconsolable. My daughter, not so much but she has never been very hard to soothe.


Woefully Inept

Ssraeszha Raider
Have you tried the 'Magic Baby Hold'? It worked wonders when I busted it out on my friends baby who seemed inconsolable. My daughter, not so much but she has never been very hard to sooth.
I'll second this. Our son could be screaming bloody murder but the second I hold him like a football he calms down. Give it a try.


I feel like I might have a colic baby
Sucks if that is the case. I hope it's not. Sounds like he has a lot of gas. You should talk to your pediatrician about that. Probably the biggest thing my wife and I took away from our early days as parents, is you gotta figure out what works for your situation.

Whatever the case is, keep in mind it gets better. My girls just hit 2.5 years. I love them an unpossible amount. The first 8 months were hell. Now? If I lay on the floor they cover me with blankets and bring me stuffed animals and make me close my eyes and kiss me and tell me "dada, go shleepy ni-night, cwose yow eyes."


Blackwing Lair Raider
Yeah the tests change and do get harder, but at least you aren't nearly 100% sleep deprived when you get to them. That first 6 months to a year is brutal on the sleep thing. Mine did not suffer from colic, he just felt sleep was overrated, and would stay up all hours of the night. Yes, looking back overall he was much easier to deal with than he is now at 8 years old and even more so I'm sure once he gets to his teens, but the going without sleep thing nearly drove me crazy.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I feel pretty lucky with my son, nearing the 6 month mark and for the past 2 and half months, he's been sleeping from between 6 and 7 pm to anywhere between 4:30 and 6 am. Usually when he gets up on the early end, we're able to put him back to sleep for another hour or so. The only sleep issue we have is napping during the day. Seems he only like to take a few 30-45 minute naps.


A Mod Real Quick
Looks like we solved the issue for now. My wife had to use a nipple shield for the baby , he just wasn't drawing enough milk from her shallow nipples. Gonna have a lactation specialist come over to help with a plan. Much better day yesterday