Parent Thread


Silver Squire
It's cool. We just lost our single fetus in week 13. High five, random internet bro.
I'm sorry man. Some hard to read stuff so going to spoiler it

The hardest thing I've had to deal with in my life was a similar situation at 16 weeks. Details leading up to the event are meaningless but suffice to say my wife went into labor and passed the baby right there in our house. Sac and all. Picked up the fetus and was just hysterical. Look at the little feet, look at the little hands, oh my God I'm so sorry, so sorry, mommy loved you etc etc..<sob>. We then had a little burial on our own because we didn't know what the fuck to do and everything went numb for about a month for me and at least a year for my wife.

Now we had issues getting pregnant after that and ended up having to do IVF a few years later so that didn't help her feeling like a failure. Obviously YMMV. My wife is a fucking trooper, mentally and emotionally stable and I didn't realize how much it hurt her until things carried on longer. Just keep a watch out for your significant other she might need some hugs and help to get through it. Especially if it takes a bit to get back on the horse and get pregnant again.

I'd recommend her getting some blood work done by an endocrinologist. Something simple like baby asprin if you have MTHFR (need genetic screen for that), Thyroid issues and other stuff can be easily resolved out of the gate and many OBGYN really aren't fluent on that stuff. Pregnancy really throws their bodies for a loop and puts a lot of stress so borderline numbers can become critical quickly. If you have MTHFR, clotting problems can occur in the cord area and if you don't take baby asprin you can run into issues with that. Among other things. Go see an endocrinologist and get them to do a work up.

Woefully Inept

Ssraeszha Raider
Sorry to hear that Izo. We lost our first pregnancy at 10 weeks. It's hard.


A Mod Real Quick
Every week I was in a panic with all the things that could go wrong, I don't know if it's rational or irrational to think like that. I'm so grateful that nothing went wrong (minus 2 week early induction), and I truly feel for the bros that have felt a loss like that.


Silver Knight of the Realm
I think that's pretty normal. You hear about SIDS and all this horrible shit and can't help but get affected by it. I can't recall how many times I'd go running in to check on a baby when I hadn't heard anything from the baby monitor in a while and find out they're just sleeping normally.

Sorry to hear that, Izo. My brother and his wife lost their first pretty early on and I wouldn't wish that kind of agony on anyone.


Molten Core Raider
4 seperate sacs and heartbeats all in the 160 range. Once we are further along we will do what screening for defects/abnormalities we can and then discuss whether we should do a reduction. I'm not against abortion morally (and this isn't even classified as that), but if there is nothing wrong with any of them I don't know how we could just choose one and stop its heart. There's nothing to really be done at this point, so I'm trying not to freak the fuck out and it's not really working. Just realized I've been sitting at my desk at work for over an hour and haven't done anything

who knows at this point, maybe next week they will see 5
I don't think I could kill my child, unless health of mother and/or siblings depended on it. Good luck man.

It's cool. We just lost our single fetus in week 13. High five, random internet bro.
Sorry to hear that Izo.

We lost one in week 7 or so last summer, sucked big time, and even though we got over it and are expecting our second daughter in 4 weeks I still sometimes think back to the kid that didn't make it.


A Mod Real Quick
Last week of my parental leave and my wife is absolutely freaking out. I've already told her she takes care of the kid like 80% of the time and sometimes I just hold him for a couple hours or do a bunch of diaper changes, but she still feels like she's going to accidentally murder the kid as soon as I leave for work.


Molten Core Raider
If it doesn't stop raining every weekend, my 2 year old is going to destroy our house. Not being able to go outside and play for 2 straight days = bad.

It's rained here on Saturday and Sunday probably 4 of the last 5 weekends. Also sucks for trying to get yard projects done.


Musty Nester
Last week of my parental leave and my wife is absolutely freaking out. I've already told her she takes care of the kid like 80% of the time and sometimes I just hold him for a couple hours or do a bunch of diaper changes, but she still feels like she's going to accidentally murder the kid as soon as I leave for work.
Tell her that it's a valid concern, and you already have three suitcases packed along with $10,000 in small bills.

If worst comes to worst, there is always Mexico.


Last week of my parental leave and my wife is absolutely freaking out. I've already told her she takes care of the kid like 80% of the time and sometimes I just hold him for a couple hours or do a bunch of diaper changes, but she still feels like she's going to accidentally murder the kid as soon as I leave for work.
My wife had to go back to work when our girls were around 6 weeks old and my job allowed me to work from home. So I took care of them for about two weeks on my own before our au pair came into the country.

You should talk to your wife about you doing less and less as this last week progresses. Before you go back to work she should already be doing everything, during the time you would be gone from your home. And find ways to give her praise that she is a good mother.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
I'm sorry man. Some hard to read stuff so going to spoiler it

The hardest thing I've had to deal with in my life was a similar situation at 16 weeks. Details leading up to the event are meaningless but suffice to say my wife went into labor and passed the baby right there in our house. Sac and all. Picked up the fetus and was just hysterical. Look at the little feet, look at the little hands, oh my God I'm so sorry, so sorry, mommy loved you etc etc..<sob>. We then had a little burial on our own because we didn't know what the fuck to do and everything went numb for about a month for me and at least a year for my wife.

Now we had issues getting pregnant after that and ended up having to do IVF a few years later so that didn't help her feeling like a failure. Obviously YMMV. My wife is a fucking trooper, mentally and emotionally stable and I didn't realize how much it hurt her until things carried on longer. Just keep a watch out for your significant other she might need some hugs and help to get through it. Especially if it takes a bit to get back on the horse and get pregnant again.

I'd recommend her getting some blood work done by an endocrinologist. Something simple like baby asprin if you have MTHFR (need genetic screen for that), Thyroid issues and other stuff can be easily resolved out of the gate and many OBGYN really aren't fluent on that stuff. Pregnancy really throws their bodies for a loop and puts a lot of stress so borderline numbers can become critical quickly. If you have MTHFR, clotting problems can occur in the cord area and if you don't take baby asprin you can run into issues with that. Among other things. Go see an endocrinologist and get them to do a work up.
When my wife was 6 weeks pregnant we were on a road trip and my wife started to have immensely painful cramps. I pulled off to McDonalds (of course) and ordered an apple pie for courtesy admission to their restroom. My wife's sister was there and came out asking for help. When I went in there was blood covering all the things in the stall and my wife was holding what looked like a 6 week fetus. So we stood there, holding the thing waiting for paramedics to arrive. When we got to the hospital all the doctors/nurses were giving us the post-miscarriage treatment. It wasn't until we got to the ultrasound that the technician told us that there was a baby in there and had a heartbeat and everything. We just assumed that there were twins and she passed one until a few weeks later that they told us the tissue analysis showed us it was just a blood clot. Lesson learned: if you take road trips with pregnant chicks have them walk around every hour.

Woefully Inept

Ssraeszha Raider
So Wednesday we took our little guy to a dentist to have him evaluated for a lip and/or tongue tie and ended up having both treated. We can already see a difference when he nurses and when he uses a bottle. It really sucks to have to exercise the laser spots so that they don't reattach themselves. Thankfully it's a quick 15-20 seconds then jamming a bottle in his mouth settles him down quickly.


A Mod Real Quick
Bro I don't know what the fuck he is. He sleeps and all of a sudden you hear this massive shit empty in his pants. I swear the thing is ridiculously heavy. Then he will instantly wake up and instantly go from 0 to 100 on the rage scale for food. I'm talking screaming at full volume, tears streaming, flailing arms and legs, head busts, you name it. In between this sxreaming he's ripping man-sized farts and grunting like a dude. Hes practically ripping my wife's tits off at this point too because he acts like he's been out to see for 6 months and hasn't had a meal since setting sail.

So we thought maybe he wasn't getting enough or something but the dude is gaining weight at a crazy pace. We were going to supplement but it's advised against right now.

Demon, Dragon, bird man. I got no clue what he is.

Woefully Inept

Ssraeszha Raider
haha I know that shit. Just yesterday he was sleeping and had a shit blast so forceful it startled him making him throw his arms up, screw up his face, and then start crying immediately. Reminded me of when one of our dogs recently farted and attacked his ass out of surprise.