Parent Thread


Clear eyes. Full Hearts. Can't lose.
We tried Maalox and Mylicon (gas drops) for our second baby. I was surprised she gained any weight at all with how much she spit up. Luckily we rarely had problems with it causing pain. My third spit up even more but never had any pain from it at all and gained weight even better.

Also try something like this in the crib. It will keep him in the crib so you won't have problems with it later and will keep him at the angle safely. There are a ton of similar products, just google crib wedge for reflux.

That thing looks like it could be fun for the parents after the baby is done with it as well. Who needs a Liberator, just buy one of these.....


Any of you have experience with newborns that have reflux issues? Every time we feed our baby, we hold him upright for a good 30-60 minutes after feedings(which really sucks in the middle of the night), but there's still a good 50% chance(if not more) that he's going to absolutely scream his head off when we lay him down flat on his back in bed. Spits up a ton, and I assume it's burning his throat too, making him scream/cry.

The doctors tell us he should grow out of it within a few months(this is very common in preemies), but I was hoping to find a quicker solution so that one of us doesn't have to basically be up with him all night. It's doable now, but when my wife goes back to work in a month, it's going to really suck if this is still going on.

We've considered just letting him sleep in his bouncy seat, as that keeps him at about a 45-degree angle or so, enough to cut down on the reflux drastically, but my wife is paranoid about him getting used to sleeping in that, and not his crib. I'm arguing that him getting comfortable sleeping in his bouncy seat is better than him having to sleep while we hold him upright, if you have to choose one.

Anyone have any ideas/suggestions?
Our 9 month old twin preemie girls came home from the NICU on Prevacid and are still on it. They've slept inclined since the NICU. At home they were first using bouncy seats then (and still) Rock n Play's. They do not like sleeping flat in their cribs but we are working on that. Your pediatrician might be able to prescribe Prevacid, if not then see a GI doc.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
a few days late, but my wife breastfeeds... i still cannot fathom the flack she gets for it. FROM DOCTORS AND NURSES. mind = blown.


Molten Core Raider
In other news, Marie made her first few unaided steps on july 7th or 8th... before that, she refused to even try walking while we held her hands. Has been walking where she can support herself (along a wall, table, etc) for quite a while too.
Now she takes steps straight across the room... granted, looks like the zombie walk, but still she walks.
This is going to be a fun summer. Really proud of my little girl.
28th is her birthday, that's going to be epic fun too.


Buzzfeed Editor
Anyone in the DC area should check out the consignment sale going on in Manassas right now. Great deals to be has.


Musty Nester
We're an extremely sexually repressed society. That's why there's so much fear of breastfeeding. It's because some of our creepy lawmakers look at it as a sexual act as opposed to a way of giving nourishment to your children.
It's not fear, it's just gross. No one should be sitting in a public place and ploop... out comes the breast for feeding time. I'm not afraid of boobs or infants. That's just... no. Maybe it's beautiful to the mother but it just puts the rest of us off our lunch. Some bodily functions are private. It's not a sexual thing.

That said there should be semi-private places set aside in public ones for a purpose like that.

Edit: It's weird that your wife gets flack for breast feeding from nurses. Around here it's exactly opposite. Those milk-nazi's will beat women with baby bottles and guilt them into at least 6 months of breast feeding. It's kinda fucking creepy.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I've heard people say they don't think it's appropriate for a woman to be showing her breast in public, but "it's gross" is a new one for me. Can't say I agree at all, it's not gross when you're sucking on titties right? /shrug


We're not saying it is appropriate to pop a tit out in plain view of everyone, we always use a nursing cover, blanket or whatever. It is silly that even covered we get negative reactions. I don't think its beautiful and I've nursed three babies, but I do think it is normal and natural and I am hurting no one when I feed my child while keeping everything covered up.


Musty Nester
l--[-( o o . . ]>---- ~

That is truly the intellectual level of my argument. I don't think it's a moral outrage or anything.

I just don't wannnna seee it. Don't make me looook at thaaaat.

That's a cootie shot if you're trying to figure it out.


Buzzfeed Editor
I don't even think there is any reason to have to cover it up. Who cares? I've seen swimsuits that are more revealing that a woman openly breastfeeding. It isn't sexual, I don't think I've ever seen a woman breastfeeding and thought how much I wanted to fuck her.


A Mod Real Quick
It's just boobs. If I have to look at David Hasselhoff's bare chest in a Cumberland Farms commercial everyday, I would actually feel better seeing women ploop out their breasts to feed a child instead. Besides, what makes a nipple so sacred on women anyways?


Our 9 month old twin preemie girls came home from the NICU on Prevacid and are still on it. They've slept inclined since the NICU. At home they were first using bouncy seats then (and still) Rock n Play's. They do not like sleeping flat in their cribs but we are working on that. Your pediatrician might be able to prescribe Prevacid, if not then see a GI doc.
All 3 of our triplet girls came home with reflux and are still on Nexium for it. Until they were about 5 months old, all of them woke up screaming at odd times during the night. We also had them in "Nap Nanny" inclined loungers to help with it. Its over a year later and they are happy and in the 90th percentile for their weight. So it does get better.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
What the heck did you guys do to get through teething? I was up most of last night, because the baby Tylenol and the Oragel and frozen rings aren't doing shit. He's got 2 teeth in, 3 more half in, and at least one more starting. I'm going to go batshit crazy at this rate of lack of sleep.


Blackwing Lair Raider
What the heck did you guys do to get through teething? I was up most of last night, because the baby Tylenol and the Oragel and frozen rings aren't doing shit. He's got 2 teeth in, 3 more half in, and at least one more starting. I'm going to go batshit crazy at this rate of lack of sleep.
Not a whole lot you can do outside of what you already listed. We did the same thing, it doesn't completely prevent the discomfort, just tones it down. My daughter did like the teething rings, she drooled like no human I've ever seen. The good news is usually teething doesn't last as long as you think.


<Prior Amod>
What the heck did you guys do to get through teething? I was up most of last night, because the baby Tylenol and the Oragel and frozen rings aren't doing shit. He's got 2 teeth in, 3 more half in, and at least one more starting. I'm going to go batshit crazy at this rate of lack of sleep.
Get used to it bro, it lasts on and off for about 6 months. You're to the point though where it'll get more sporadic in 3 or 4 weeks as opposed to them flipping out constantly. Then it's smooth sailing for a year or so until molars come in.


AssHat Taint
<Medals Crew>
I have several friends who are doctors. They all said that you should feel free to use AS MUCH oragel as you want. It won't have any negative effects. That said, teething just sucks. Think about how terrible it must be for those poor kids, though. Can you imagine pushing teeth through your gums for the first time? Ow. Poor kids.

I also know someone who rubbed bourbon on the gums of their teething child. While I'd never recommend such a thing, they had excellent results. Get some bourbon. For yourself, if not for the child.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Day two of no sleep, I want to curl up in a ball in the corner. And I thought the initial issues sleeping through the night were bad... 6 more months? I'll never understand how some people have ten kids...

I considered the alcohol trick for the gums, but it does kill brain cells and mess with your liver after all, and I figure why tempt things with such a tiny developing baby? Likely overcautious but /shrug


Tranny Chaser
I have several friends who are doctors. They all said that you should feel free to use AS MUCH oragel as you want. It won't have any negative effects. That said, teething just sucks. Think about how terrible it must be for those poor kids, though. Can you imagine pushing teeth through your gums for the first time? Ow. Poor kids.

I also know someone who rubbed bourbon on the gums of their teething child. While I'd never recommend such a thing, they had excellent results. Get some bourbon. For yourself, if not for the child.
You might want to be cautious saying 'AS MUCH orajel as you want'. There are indeed dangers of Orajel, or rather one of the active ingredients, benzocaine. There are lawsuits in the states going on, and it is not recommended for children under age 2 without consulting a physician. You might not want to give medical advice based on 'doctor friends'. Advice for your kid does not translate to other patients, children - you don't know their medical history, current medication etc etc.
Here is a lawfirm profiting from this:
Also, alcohol for children? Really? How about something that doesn't traverse the blood brain barrier?


Tranny Chaser
Most dentists here recommend a cool teething ring as opposed to the gel. Efficacy is about the same, or so they advocate.