Path of Exile

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Blackwing Lair Raider
That's ward. It means it takes one big hit up to X amount then disappears. Then takes ~4 seconds to regen if not being hit (iirc). If they get max block and shit with that they can become very hard to kill.

Meanwhile in crafting news:

View attachment 413553

Fucking 40% dps increase on my already 25m dps build. Just need to get them enchanted. I imagine the dex version are going to be bananas expensive.

Really cool...Are there mod lists and/or crafting steps to get the sentinel mods? like how synthesis used to be (eg 90 movement speed to get onslaught) or is it just random?


Log Wizard
Really cool...Are there mod lists and/or crafting steps to get the sentinel mods? like how synthesis used to be (eg 90 movement speed to get onslaught) or is it just random?
AFAIK it's random EXCEPT that the mods are tied to a base type (armour boots for mine, for example). I did 15+ combines of armor to armor boots (all hunter influenced full armor) to try and get the mod and never succeeded. I ended up buying a pair with the mod and mashing them with hunter boots, but I lost the 10% strength I was hoping to go along with them. I'll try it again with my old, well-rolled boots when I can get my hands on another Sent mod pair to go for the uber uber boots.

Not sure what the chances are of getting the mod, but losing a same mod (say T1 hp combined with another T1 hp item) seems to feel like around ~10%. I imagine it's 10% to lose a mod, 10% to increase the tier, and probably 5% or less to "add" a Sentinel mod in the mods stead. So you end up having like a 75% chance or better of keeping the same mod if you mash two items together with like mods.


Log Wizard
What str stacking build are you playing? Cyclone occultist?
Conc path totems. Played it last few leagues. Nice mix of range and omega damage. Tried Uber Exarch today with 40m dps. Didn't matter, I got fucking DESTROYED. 75% my fault for not knowing the voice lines better, 25% because that shit hurts. I might do a rematch after I level. The DPS window even for something like totems is like 3-4 seconds and then 10-20 seconds of dodging. Feels bad, but cool to see done well.

Here's a 5 man 81 Tul Breach we ran with an autombomber, EA totem, me (Conc totems), and a Int Wander. Fucking aids graphically and at the end I accidentally empowered then had to solo the 5 man HP Tul who Maven decided to heal. I probably did 400million damage to that fucker.

Such loot! I did however find 7, yes 7, raw exalt today of which at least 5 were due 100% to Currency Rewards Sentinels.
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Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Recombobulators are more OP than harvest

  • 2Mother of God
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Blackwing Lair Raider
Conc path totems. Played it last few leagues. Nice mix of range and omega damage. Tried Uber Exarch today with 40m dps. Didn't matter, I got fucking DESTROYED. 75% my fault for not knowing the voice lines better, 25% because that shit hurts. I might do a rematch after I level. The DPS window even for something like totems is like 3-4 seconds and then 10-20 seconds of dodging. Feels bad, but cool to see done well.

Here's a 5 man 81 Tul Breach we ran with an autombomber, EA totem, me (Conc totems), and a Int Wander. Fucking aids graphically and at the end I accidentally empowered then had to solo the 5 man HP Tul who Maven decided to heal. I probably did 400million damage to that fucker.

Such loot! I did however find 7, yes 7, raw exalt today of which at least 5 were due 100% to Currency Rewards Sentinels.

Granted i only have 20 mill or so but likewise don't have much experience with exarch...And he kicked my ass too...mostly i have trouble with the fine movement to dodge the ball phases. took 4 portals.
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Trying to dodge those with necro and 100million things on the screen sucks. Plus I think the hitboxes are a little bigger then they should be.


Log Wizard
Granted i only have 20 mill or so but likewise don't have much experience with exarch...And he kicked my ass too...mostly i have trouble with the fine movement to dodge the ball phases. took 4 portals.
Yeah, I had leapslam for the ball phase and you must, MUST have dash or flame dash. Leap slam still physically puts you where the balls are and you get fucked whereas dash skills teleport you safely. I can cheat a bit too as I can summon my totems who are immune to fire damage to bust the balls, but I have multi totem support so I can't quite make a bubble protector area around me. If I run it again I'll 100% get flame dash. Otherwise he only really has 3 moves: fire tendies, minefield, big boom. The fire tendies is like Eradicator where the close you are the easier it will be to outrun him and I was playing max range so I just couldn't always get out of them. I also thought they were over multiple times when they were only about 1/2 through. Felt like a fucking Elden Ring boss.


Millie's Staff Member
Man I am having one of those leagues where shit is just not dropping for me. Last league I had a 6L and some other important shit by the time I got to level 80, but this league I haven't seen a single 5L chest drop yet or a Harvest craft OR enough fuses to do it.

I even had to run a Purity of Elements for the first couple dozen maps because I couldn't even find decent resist on gear.

First time in a LONG time I have had crappy loot luck on a first char. I haven't even seen a raw chaos drop in at least a dozen maps.

Enjoying fleshing out the Poison Concoction build I did not finish last league tho. It is squishy but has amazing clear speed and boss killing.

That's all. Just bitching about bad luck while ronne ronne is crafting God-tear gear.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
These recombobulators are amazing! I've gambled away 4 ex already. Can they also act as a faux awakened orb?

Also what's scaling like on skellies? Do we scale to hit # of skelly breakpoints or do skellies get a big boost in damage per level like other spells?


<Bronze Donator>
What do skeleton mages do for a tanky AG since you can't use Fleshcrafter, Mask of the Stitched Demon, and Grave Intentions?

Been trying it out myself. Decent league starter but upgrades are expensive due to demand. I keep thinking, oh this is like Solar Guards but worse. Oh this is like Frosty robots from Heist but worse. Or this is like Syndicate Operatives but worse. Or any number of popular Spectres over the year that spews projectiles. Not sure why I expected differently, but the lack of control is infuriating. Sure is tanky though. The only way this works as it gives you leeway to be lazy about summoning your "totems".


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
My AG is using a stitched demon and some shitty rare chest that gives consecrated ground. I don't think I've ever seen his health move even a tiny bit.

20% base chaos res for fleshcrafter and a 10% life as ES chest craft makes an AG have what, 40-50k ES?


<Bronze Donator>
My AG is using a stitched demon and some shitty rare chest that gives consecrated ground. I don't think I've ever seen his health move even a tiny bit.

20% base chaos res for fleshcrafter and a 10% life as ES chest craft makes an AG have what, 40-50k ES?
0 ES. Mask of the Stitched Demon forbids it.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
0 ES. Mask of the Stitched Demon forbids it.

Right but between the chaos convert from fleshcrafter and the life as ES craft he's getting what, 50% life regen/second from stitched demon?

Unless something can hit him for the actual 70k life or whatever it is he has in literally one hit he'll just always be all full from the regen.


Blackwing Lair Raider
It's really hard to level this league..Even with a really tanky champion with spell supress and ailment immunity
undoubtedly a lot of the blame is on me, running the altar keystones : D