Path of Exile


Two leaked images.

Act 4 town:


One of the bosses (Daresso) :



Golden Knight of the Realm
I saw an answer to my question above in the thread about Maraketh weapons - they will not necessarily be stronger than current rares, but have different effects which might be extremely strong for certain builds. At the same time, someone posted a two-hander with best possible stats and it turned out to have higher dps than anything currently, so I guess we'll have to wait and see. If it will be possible to create a new "Loath Bane", someone will do it

P.s. WTB spectral throw items!


Trakanon Raider
There are some rumors about them buffing 2handers across the board, since almost nobody uses them right now, so it might already reflect that

Also some teasers:Path of Exile


Golden Knight of the Realm
waiting patiently for the titans grip 2h node which makes you only do physical damage or something


Lord Nagafen Raider
There are some rumors about them buffing 2handers across the board, since almost nobody uses them right now, so it might already reflect that

Also some teasers:Path of Exile
Pretty sure 2handers are used till like mid cruel or merciless, then fuck them they aren't worth it after that.


<Silver Donator>
Pretty sure 2handers are used till like mid cruel or merciless, then fuck them they aren't worth it after that.
Yeah that's why they're buffing them, I think it was announced a while ago too, like before they started doing the act4 stuff. They're also redoing claws implicits so they don't suck shit anymore. Especially all the lifesteal ones are so garbage, it's funny cause the "low level" life on hit implicits are so much better but then you get to like 60+claws and it's all shitty life leech which you get already a fuckton of from just picking up claw passives and that life node in the shadow area. The new Maraketh claw base they teased in that regard is awesome, especially since it has both life on hit AND mana on hit which is a huge deal.

Melee's a big unknown at this point though, it's hard to tell from the previews if the warcries are gonna be any good, the aoe damage one looks fairly garbage to me, it looked like it did shit for damage and then why bother using a warcry instead of just using Reave/Cleave/Static/Lava one more time anyway. The damage reduction sounds good but it eats a support and requires to hit before it's active meaning you still have a good chance of getting fucked by leapers/chargers just the same. Maybe it'll be great, maybe it'll still be pretty crappy. I originally planned on running some sort of melee for my first main but after playing SRS in the 1month, I really want to go back to that so probably will check it out after(plus better when you have a bunch of currency to waste to buy weapons with anyway, since melee with shit weapons is horrible).


I use Terminus Est 2h sword in my infinite flickerstrike build. Don't even need to run blood rage with it.


<Silver Donator>
I use Terminus Est 2h sword in my infinite flickerstrike build. Don't even need to run blood rage with it.
There's a bunch of builds that use 2H weapons still, they're just not regarded as particularily strong. There's the good ole Ground Slam for early leagues, Cyclone with 2H...axe I think it is? Flicker builds in general. Static Strike builds which are actually fairly strong and are mostly about 2H weapons due to the mechanic. I think there's some staff melee shit too with elemental stuff though I'm not sure what's the build I've just seen people trying to buy melee staves with +3fire and what not.


Hegemony staff and pillar of the caged god are both used for phys based sweep builds I think.

Most people try and get +3 fire staff for Summon Raging spirits and Flame Blast builds.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Anyone got an 8 elreon on standard? Need some items to get multimod but don't have anyone ingame I can trust


Toilet of the Mod Elect
Yeah, I have him at 8 on standard. I will be on after I eat some pizza for dinner if you are around. Like 7+est, or whenever. IgN Nylab.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Cheers man but someone I knew logged on =) master crafting is shit though, oh +% Max ES 5-20%? Guess you'll roll 6


I'm pretty hyped for the new minion stuff coming out. Being able to Jewel a portion of your passive tree to only effect minions seems kind of nuts.

Also: If I can have multiple golems up at the same time that's going to be my new build.

Fire golem > Burning Damage > Conc Effect > Fire Penetration


Minion Passive Effect Jewel near Burning Damage nodes.


<Silver Donator>
You can only have one golem up, they mentionned that already. Might be uniques to have more than one though, but otherwise golems are meant to be a strong single unit rather than an army of stuff. Not sure how that's gonna turn out.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Seeing as they're adding 3 pure golems, I kinda wish we could get split ones. I really want a str/int one that acts like blood golem, but I guess the chaos one will be good enough


<Silver Donator>
Well now that it's a thing, they might add more of them over time, especially if they reuse existing models and what not. Kinda disapointed the skill reveal was basically all the skills they had talked about, and then a line about "5more skills to be revealed!". Like meh. Guess beta is soon, just wonder why they didn't bother unless the skills won't be available at the start of the beta because unfinished and such.


lol. So this guy messages me and lowballs for one of my items. I then get lectured for not adhering to his way of doing trades (btw, my response of nty [no thank you] is what I receive a ton from ppl I'm messaging for items I'm looking to purchase as well). Just thought this was funny.



Mr. Poopybutthole
That's why 99% of the time I only buy b/o and only list b/o when I'm selling - Rarely will I leave something unpriced, not worth the hassle most of the time. Even after eventually beating an offer out of someone, it'll usually be a blatant lowball anyway.


Lord Nagafen Raider
lol. So this guy messages me and lowballs for one of my items. I then get lectured for not adhering to his way of doing trades (btw, my response of nty [no thank you] is what I receive a ton from ppl I'm messaging for items I'm looking to purchase as well). Just thought this was funny.

it's not usually like this that guys just a dumb ass. When buying I always lowball the shit out of everything because the way the market works lots of people don't know what an item is worth plus if you play the market smart you can find an item with 5%-10% less stats for a fraction of the price. Still when I run into someone who does know the items worth I'll just offer higher and higher if I really want it or just ask them what amount they are looking for.

Seriously people just need some manners.

"Would you accept 1 GCP 1 C for X?", "No?", "Ok What are you looking for?"
Even when lowballing ridiculously low values people are usually polite and respond back. When you have two polite people bartering it's like watching Canadians barter or a couple of old school British gentlemen who would apologize for sticking their sword in you after a duel.


lol, yea I lowball too, but apparently saying no thank you to the guys offer (which basically is a polite way of saying you're no where close to what I'm looking for) and then not haggling with him further was not good enough. I trade a lot, and this is the first time someones done this shit, I just thought it was funny. heh.