Path of Exile


Trakanon Raider
Yeah I really like both of his sunder/cleave builds. Tanky and doesn't feel like clearspeed suffers at all for it.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
I'm thinking of doing a Jugg/Maraurder in Abyss since I'm addicted to face tanking apparently. I have target fixation.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I really hope Abyss can come close to Breach. Mayhem's been quite fun farming open maps with breaches. Getting a breaches map and a zana mission that is breached as well is like half hour of fun monster slogging. I'd forgotten just how packed those fuckers can be.

And on that note, while not an uber screen clearer, Alkaizer's cleave gladiator is quite well rounded. Probably my first character where I've been able to stand in Esh balls, and this is without VP. Still got to fill out unique flasks and uber lab(block 100% to spell block) and I'm only at 4.5k hp, so there's still quite a bit of tankiness to go. Quite glad I found a character that can survive VP meta without VP before they nerfed removed it. Still, hoping they rebalance around removing VP.

That build decimates single target as well with Vaal Breach. You can corrupt a portal gem into Vaal Breach if you are in a breach zone, you then can trigger breaches at bosses and run in a big circle until a handful of mobs pop then explode them all on the boss. I had a blast last time I ran than build, really thinking it might be my expansion starter unless they nerf something.


<Bronze Donator>
That build decimates single target as well with Vaal Breach. You can corrupt a portal gem into Vaal Breach if you are in a breach zone, you then can trigger breaches at bosses and run in a big circle until a handful of mobs pop then explode them all on the boss. I had a blast last time I ran than build, really thinking it might be my expansion starter unless they nerf something.
Hadn't considered that usage. Sounds wormblasteresque.

The best part of this build is that it's so fucking cheap. My tabula cost more than the two Scaevas. I'm still considering playing a Sunder version next league just to try something different, but weapon availability keeps coming back. Sunder doesn't have any cheap weapons, considering the downside on Jack the Axe is going to be pretty big next patch.


Avatar of War Slayer
Forum - Announcements - Upcoming Unique Items and Divination Cards - Path of Exile

glacial cascade jewel correctly id'd a few days ago.
I guessed, more cold conversion would be part of it.

100% conversion with 2 jewels. Crazy. I assume "additional burst" means another row of aoe. so, longer or wider. Not a spell echo effect.
Sounds very strong regardless. Cascade was top tier last league. sounds insanely good for 3.1. I would def recommend. Self cast witch or templar, or totem, or mines all good.


Avatar of War Slayer
ffs that bladefall cascade.

Tough call this league. so many op skills it looks like.
glacial cascade is gunna be good. Bladefall/firestorm cascade.

bodyswap totem, volatile dead cascade/desecrate cascade looks silly and fun, if not op.

volatile dead/desecrate is still my plan A. Sunder was going to be my plan B. but bladefall might be.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I just don't see how the GC gem or GC itself won't get nerfed in some way, GC sabo miner was already super good now it feels like it's gonna be full rape train (On my FPS). Wonder if someone will figure out something good with volatile dead / storm burst for maximum balls to the wall.


<Bronze Donator>
Someone explain mines to me. As in, why would I use kinetic blast mines vs a straight kinetic blast wander?


Trakanon Raider
ZiggyD will be interviewing Rory from GGG tomorrow on his stream, something about a rework to reflect will be mentioned/discussed.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Someone explain mines to me. As in, why would I use kinetic blast mines vs a straight kinetic blast wander?

Damage stacking isnt really a thing anymore since just about every support gem has a more multiplier. The reason people use KB mines is the auto targetting for them. When you drop multiple mines with minefield, each one targets separately. Makes killing everything around you quicker and painless to do.


Avatar of War Slayer
Damage stacking isnt really a thing anymore since just about every support gem has a more multiplier. The reason people use KB mines is the auto targetting for them. When you drop multiple mines with minefield, each one targets separately. Makes killing everything around you quicker and painless to do.
also, no reflect damage, and depending on the skill, you can drop mines faster then you can attack or cast.

This is a big reason why arc is so good with mines. Self cast Arc, has a .8s cast, and +7chains.
3 mines with minefield. so acrx3 with every cast. instant detonation. etc.


<Bronze Donator>
Damage stacking isnt really a thing anymore since just about every support gem has a more multiplier. The reason people use KB mines is the auto targetting for them. When you drop multiple mines with minefield, each one targets separately. Makes killing everything around you quicker and painless to do.
Aiming is a factor with self-cast KB? ;)

All the mine builds I've looked at seem super squishy. That delay on lay -> detonate plus no leech, just seems to be asking for trouble when your mines don't one shot a pack.


Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
So thanks to Nola (thx for the gear) I zipped to 60 in a day. 55 I got to equip some axe, that is fuckin stupidly OP. The axe I assume has a proc or whatever it is, that allows me to slot 6 support gems to work off said proc...Things are dying before I even see them. Now that I am WW Barbing my way thru everything, I'm noticing how quickly I am getting more useless unique items.

I'm wondering if there are other items outside of weapons I can do this for. Like get me the "Baggy Pants of BBC", that sticky acid when hit. Two "gem" slots for support of course.


Avatar of War Slayer
basically yes. Unique items are not strictly better then rares. However, unique items often have effects only they can do. Whereas a rare item will just have raw stats. And as such, juniques can be build enabling.

Generally, then you will need to know what item it is in the first place, and build around that item.
Unique item


<Silver Donator>
Aiming is a factor with self-cast KB? ;)

All the mine builds I've looked at seem super squishy. That delay on lay -> detonate plus no leech, just seems to be asking for trouble when your mines don't one shot a pack.
The issue is with a selfcast KB, you kill yourself from shooting a reflect pack offscreen if you scale the damage too high(and why wouldn't you). The spell has massive reflect one shot potential due to the overlapping hits and shit, kinda like lightning arrow.

Reflect changes might fix that though, but that's probably the main reason people use mines anymore.