Path of Exile


Potato del Grande
I am aware of it! But not when I was making that suggestion.

zombiewizardhawk zombiewizardhawk have you considered using molten strike?

Molten strike is usually what I use for single target stuff in my previous wild strike builds, yes. I might still use it if I have to but since i'm going a rather different route from my usual wild strike build something else might work (or wild strike might be ok itself).


Those supporter packs are sick. Dare I say they are the best mtx I've seen so far? Will scoop up the lich one for sure.


Avatar of War Slayer
got a curse on hit+cremation+flammability going for my necro now.
I was using volley+magma before spectres as my self cast addition. but, that link went to spectres. and then, hit curse on hit level.
I started with Detonate dead. So would, desecrate+DD+spirit offering. then DD, or Desecrate+DD spam.
The swap to cremation+flammability was huge.

Cremations boss killing power, if you can keep them relatively immobile is massive. Relatively unsupported, in a minion build, I noticed a massive damage increase vs packs and bosses.
Volatile tracking/mobility is definitely nice for mapping.
But, cremation might be like a barrage, its so much dps, it doesnt need a 6l, or even 5l. Also, due to 3 geyser max, its not something you need to chain cast. 8s base duration, and any additional skill effect duration adds to that.

Its dps seems a bit hard to read. It says +3 projectiles base. which means 4 projectiles. and, its not 4 proj over 8s... I THINK its 4 projectiles per second.
+aoe does increase the spread. while conc effect tightens the spread.
The damage is only on landing, like molten strike. so, for raw dps, you do want conc effect to utterly melt bosses,and no additional+aoe. like firestorm/molten.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
anyone have a guide with this molten strike OP shit going on?
Link MS to Ancestral Call, and if a boss doesn't have any adds then attack next to it without namelocking. The melee attack part of it will miss, but the balls will hit, and the two extra AC attacks+balls will also hit.

For guide, I'd just use EE's Ngamahu build but swap AC in instead of Multistrike or Fire Pen or whatever. When I get some time I'm going to try it out in standard, but personally I think the hassle of having to attack shit without namelocking sounds not worth the bother.


So, do people actually like Abyss, or just the new atlas stuff? I'm finding this league much more dull than even Harbinger. I didn't even get to 100 maps done before starting to feel like skipping abyssal depths. Still have no idea what build I'd want to play as a "real" one, so I pretty much just hung it up already.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
Loving this league, about to hit 95 on my first toon and still have so much I need to get and complete on him. The new items with abyss sockets are so overpowered and fun to use.


<Bronze Donator>
Link MS to Ancestral Call, and if a boss doesn't have any adds then attack next to it without namelocking. The melee attack part of it will miss, but the balls will hit, and the two extra AC attacks+balls will also hit.

For guide, I'd just use EE's Ngamahu build but swap AC in instead of Multistrike or Fire Pen or whatever.
I've been playing around with this and I think the melee strike that misses doesn't produce any balls. Which is counter intuitive, anyone can sit in their hideout and strike the air and see balls produced. But at lower levels, before the projectile count turns nuts, it's easy to see there were only two groups of balls, not three. But, will give it another try tonight, I could be wrong. I was doing the stand away and shift click near the boss method. I'll try your target-not-the-boss method.

How does this interact with multistrike? The two repeats from multistrike will autoconnect, making AC not that beneficial.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Yeah, it really doesn't sound as broken as people have made it out to be. I would assume Multistrike is the gem you drop for it but I wasn't completely sure on that. I loaned out all my Ngamahu gear before I quit Harbinger and haven't gotten it back yet, so I haven't been able to test it myself. Only watched some videos so far. The most interesting part to me would be potentially dropping the Cyclone link and using MS to clear... though to be honest I can't immediately think of what I'd put in that extra 4L anyway.

The Ngamahu balls can't trigger on the 'missed' melee hit, but the normal MS balls (including the extra ones from threshold gems, lab enchant, and Dying Sun) should.


<Bronze Donator>
If it works at you say, I would kinda say that's broken. You miss one melee hit for 3x projectiles and a 16% less modifier. I originally dropped it because it was too inconsistent with the method I was trying(try to make some distance between you and boss, but not too far). And it obviously doesn't work for bosses that want to get in melee range. But if you can obviate all of that by just not targeting the boss...

The speed at which balls drop will always make it not so quite top tier clearing skill. Plus, AC makes its area good, but not great.

I would probably use another CWDT setup. One for IC and Bloodrage in a 3L, then another for Enfeeble, golem, power charge generation, etc. Becuase I don't have the space for that, I'm combining Enfeeble, IC, Bloodrage into a 4L, hoping that it doesn't compromise the uptime on arakaali.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
Patch last night and again today.

Got one of these right before patch last night apparently. Logged out and when I logged in there it was, already ID'd. Don't remember picking it up, but fits well with my 2 bloodseeker claws.



Avatar of War Slayer
huh. I dont remember carnage heart being that good. did it get changed, or am I just misremembering it?


<Silver Donator>
huh. I dont remember carnage heart being that good. did it get changed, or am I just misremembering it?
Was buffed when they buffed like 80% of the uniques back in... 3.0 or whenever that was I don't remember. It's really not that good, but it's at least useable since the older version had reduced life/es, which made it basically complete garbage.

Seems the wiki fixes have been finished and they're working on generating every page again with the new system so it mostly works again.


Potato del Grande
anyone have a guide with this molten strike OP shit going on?

Mathil is using it on his first char, has a few vids on youtube for it already.

As far as I can tell from when I was using it til I hit lvl 28 for wild strike, you don't get 3 sets of balls, you get 2 sets. One from the air attack and one from the AC that hits the boss (the boss doesn't get hit by both AC procs I think). It's effectively double damage.


Avatar of War Slayer
Was buffed when they buffed like 80% of the uniques back in... 3.0 or whenever that was I don't remember. It's really not that good, but it's at least useable since the older version had reduced life/es, which made it basically complete garbage.

Seems the wiki fixes have been finished and they're working on generating every page again with the new system so it mostly works again.
ah, yeah that was probably it. it was probably on my shit list due to , 25% reduced maximum Life
25% reduced maximum Energy Shield in 2.6 and prior.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
huh. I dont remember carnage heart being that good. did it get changed, or am I just misremembering it?

I think it used to have a negative to health. I looked for one on images googles and there were ones with negative 20% health or something. Mine is like this one but slightly different stats. Goes good with my life leach from my 2 bloodseekers. 50% life leech and 40% damage while leeching, not bad but I'm terrible at deciding what is good or bad.

Not perfect but I got before finishing act 10 and strating mapping.