Path of Exile


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I’m settled on Ele Hit ranger. Then I’ll do a champ or jugg. Probably wont go minion if I can help it.


Trakanon Raider
I had the same dilemma and decided not to even try reducing trap duration. Loreweave + MoM is sooo much better defensively than Loreweave + Malachai's Awakening, especially now with Fossil crafts being a thing. But yeah, that's the HC life, I'll give up beaucoup damage if it means better survivability.
37 years old and just realized I had never known how to spell beaucoup.

Does anyone know how the frostbolt/x interaction works? Do you have to mouse over the projectiles area? Or does it just cast on the frost bolts if you use the relevant spell while you have frostbolts out? If the former, that seems rather clunky.


A nice asshole.
Invited you to a Discord, in the PoE channel we linked a ton of starter builds with guides for our homies.

The guild has a discord? Hook me up since no one seems to use the FoH one. 99% sure I am going auras and grouping most of the time, since last league I was solo.


Trakanon Raider
Which should be more viable for SSF this league, Molten Strike Jugg or Arc Totem Hierophant? I'd been looking at Hybrid's MS build, but I'm wondering if I'm really hurting myself if I can't count on a Grel's, helm enchant, or Dying Sun for additional projectiles.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Unless you're using a specific arc totem build that uses uniques, I'd think that'd be more SSF friendly then SSF


<Bronze Donator>
James James This is what I wound up with doing Tinkerskin - MoM - EB

Yes, the gear is perhaps too ideal, but it's just how I do builds to normalize comparing them. I generally know which affixes can be prioritized.

Only question mark is how much trap trigger area is enough.


Potato del Grande
zombiewizardhawk zombiewizardhawk This guy has a massively in depth guide to stun fucking the world in poe Forum - Duelist - [3.5] Shaper = Stunned, Tidebreaker Heavy Strike Stunner Build - Path of Exile tl;dr [with 130% reduced stun threshold] to possibly stun Shaper, we need 156k damage in one hit. To guarantee a stun on Shaper, we need 780k damage in one hit.

I'm just going to go conc path to farm monies and try to get a CoC assasin up and running.

Yeah that was the build I was looking at but tried changing it to ascendant jugg/slayer. I dunno how he says he gets 2m dps on heavy strike but I only glanced at the passive tree. He looks like he has a bit less life than me on the tree and a couple extra damage nodes, other than that it's pretty similar. Might look at it a little bit more to see if I can figure it out but not too worried since I can just do storm call if I don't want to bother.

I was doing pure phys so didn't have sins rebirth and taste of hate, all the other gear was pretty much the same tho, and he mentions a pure phys version in his notes anyways. I just copied all the uniques and then put rings/amulet with 60 life and a bunch of resists to see what kind of life total to expect.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Don't have PoB at work, but I didn't feel a noticeable difference in trap trigger area when playing it. If you have Chain Reaction, you really don't need any trigger area of effect at all. I debated giving up Chain Reaction for Explosives Expert, but Chain Reaction is nice while clearing and can mitigate bad trap placement on bosses.


<Bronze Donator>
Don't have PoB at work, but I didn't feel a noticeable difference in trap trigger area when playing it. If you have Chain Reaction, you really don't need any trigger area of effect at all. I debated giving up Chain Reaction for Explosives Expert, but Chain Reaction is nice while clearing and can mitigate bad trap placement on bosses.

Yes, BUT traps triggered by Chain Reaction don't count as triggered by enemies.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Which is a problem with Tinkerskin, but not Loreweave. Tinkerskin provides some nice ES recovery, but I feel like the life recovery for Saboteur is more than adequately handled by Pyromaniac, and so focusing on ES just for Tinkerskin I didn't feel was optimal.


<Bronze Donator>
Which is a problem with Tinkerskin, but not Loreweave. Tinkerskin provides some nice ES recovery, but I feel like the life recovery for Saboteur is more than adequately handled by Pyromaniac, and so focusing on ES just for Tinkerskin I didn't feel was optimal.
I think the popularity of old Vaal Pact proves there no such thing as enough life recovery ;)


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I dunno, the 200hp generated on trap trigger might as well not exist in terms of feeling it when you have 20+% life regeneration.


<Bronze Donator>
I dunno, the 200hp generated on trap trigger might as well not exist in terms of feeling it when you have 20+% life regeneration.
Let's assume you're triggering the bare minimum traps needed to keep that 20% regen going, which is 5 traps/s. At 6k life, that's 8.33% life per second. Lower life, which trappers usually have, and higher traps/s(quite easy to do if you're tossing 4 per activation) will make this much larger.


Potato del Grande
Yeah, the regen on sabo is crazy as long as you don't get 1shot.

How are you getting 8% life per second? My sabo definitely was not getting just "8.33% life per second" from pyromaniac...


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Yeah but that's not going to make a significant difference in terms of recovering from a big hit. Hey play around with it for sure, but Tinkerskin is generally regarded as a budget option for trappers for a reason imo, I think you'll come to the same conclusion.

How are you getting 8% life per second?

From the HP generated on trap trigger with Tinkerskin. So non-Tinkerskin trappers have 20% regen default, Tinkerskin trappers would have 28.33% regen default given 6k life.


Triggered Happy
The poe forum torrent link is down but the game patches for me if you run it at the moment.