Path of Exile


Molten Core Raider
What is that icon on the loot nameplate at 44s? New? I knew either 3.8 or 3.9 would have to do something with masters/previous league content before 4.0. Hopefully, GGG actually came up with a functional fix.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Ziggyd Video.

Dont know what to think about the league encounters. I assume after you're geared up you just skip the tower defense part and its just another mindless encounter


Hell yeah boy. Everyone who doesn't need to grind UBRS/scholo again to prove they're the best at classic WoW, I'll see ya on HC.


Blackwing Lair Raider
That seriously is PoETD, damn. General disdain for stop and go play, which is why I enjoyed cyclone as much as I did. Unless they make it so your damage is meaningless and its all TD, probably become an ignore the tower and just mow things down event.


Lord Nagafen Raider
What I've gathered is that the normal maps will have smaller TD encounters, whereas the Blighted Maps are one giant ass TD that's probably gonna take a lot of planning and stuff.

TD part I am mixed about. QoL stuff is huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge(extra skill bar, master missions that you can do whenever, buffs to Betrayal, etc). No raider rework in sight though, even though they said they would do it in 3.8. Sadface :(
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Molten Core Raider
Almost every QoL change I've wanted in one leage. Well, definitely no wow-classic for me.
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<Silver Donator>
Oh god, an additional skill bar, finally, along with minion shit, I have to play this now.
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Bronze Baron of the Realm
That tower defense on a radial menu looks like nope I'll play wow classic even tho I can't even remember wow back then. No interest at all. The last time they tried to merge PoE with another game we ended up with Synthesis.

Bring on 4.0

I left 10ex in the guild stash if someone needs for the last week blowout.
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Molten Core Raider
I'm expecting blight content to be another loot pinata. I'm going to league start with a Toxic Rain ranger, farm, then play w/e the interesting meta is. Though, totems seem like they'll be pretty good for blight content.


<Silver Donator>
Yeah although TD with ARPG works decently well, there was that kinda meh ARPG called Van Helsing Adventures or whatever it was, they made like 3 or 4 of these and they had a TD system to build your base up and it was pretty fun. I don't know how well it'll work in this though since PoE is way faster paced so it might be hard to keep track of shit, but honestly kinda don't give a shit also.

Since I barely played Legion, I can just do some Legion shit anyway but really I just want all the new minion shit. That new golem looks like a great addition to my army, just gonna need to find the slots for it but very excited.

I wonder if they're finally nerfing EE though cause those gloves that convert damage are going to be broken as all fuck with EE and how it works with minions, minions being not you, they don't apply EE, so you can apply EE with ball lightning or storm brand or whatever else is good and get a permanent -50% resist to your entire minion army, which was already very good with JUST Hatred and maybe Grip of the Council, so imagine with full conversion. Hell Hatred is going to be a shit ton better if you can convert phys to cold entirely on minions the way it was reworked.


I always felt like frosty/lightning minions etc were left out with all that minion instability stuff.


Trakanon Raider
They mentioned that they did want to do something with EE a while ago, wouldn't be surprised if it gets nerfed.


<Silver Donator>
They mentioned that they did want to do something with EE a while ago, wouldn't be surprised if it gets nerfed.
Yeah that's why I said finally, since they announced it was gonna get nerfed like before Synthesis but it was pushed back, and then for Legion they said they didn't have it ready either, but should be ready now I think? Honestly I'll take a full on nerf to make it work more the way it's intended and not be more or less a must have for summoners since they're also rebalancing all that shit at the same time, so best time to nerf EE for minions.

I always felt like frosty/lightning minions etc were left out with all that minion instability stuff.
Minions are mostly physical anyway, instability isn't really something people built for other than fairly gimmicky stuff. Only SRS is fire themed and obviously golems have all elements and spectres are what you raise, but they don't seem too interested in elemental minions, skeletons/zombies/phantasms/AW/AG/2 of the golems are all phys. New ones look definitely phys too, big ass blade-hand motherfuckers.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Is there a point where minions actually move faster than you? Biggest gripe I had trying a minion build previously was it seemed move speed capped at like 35% for the zombies I had (didn't try skel/spectre summons). Be nice if they moved faster than you and actually kept up as opposed to lagging behind


<Silver Donator>
Is there a point where minions actually move faster than you? Biggest gripe I had trying a minion build previously was it seemed move speed capped at like 35% for the zombies I had (didn't try skel/spectre summons). Be nice if they moved faster than you and actually kept up as opposed to lagging behind
Currently, besides specific minions that move fast, not really. You can increase their movespeed, and it's a great way to increase map clearing speed, but it generally comes at a hefty cost(minion speed support which mostly suck other than the movespeed so you play with one less support and such). They did however massively buff Convocation over time, and it's now a... 2.4secs cooldown iirc on Necro. That means every 2.4s, you can summon all your shit on top of you, also the cast is true instant now(don't even stop moving when pressing the button). This is generally about enough to go from pack to pack if you loot like, one thing per pack, can be a bit long at times, but it's a good enough pace imo.

I played a phantasm build in synthesis and that shit was one of my fastest clearing build(granted I don't do many of the crazy shit, and then they massively buffed cyclone). But it was mostly just run around at full speed and everytime you run into shit, press convocation and instantly kill everything around you(phantasm all fire instantly upon teleporting, shredding everything around you in one hit) and since there was no cast time it felt very smooth too.

That said, since they're reworking a bunch of shit and adding new supports, I'd wait to see how that works out.