Path of Exile


Molten Core Raider
So, I kind of regret that I didn't play this league to my usual level. I usually end a league with several mirrors worth of gear and raw currency--not on korrupt's level but respectable. This league I did maybe 30ex of active flipping. I just didn't see that there was a worthwhile grind for a solo player. I still haven't even hit 24 challenges. But, doing some of those fractured delirium maps, with a full plot of t4 seeds, looks like something I shouldn't have missed.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Reddit has been a shitfest of whiney cunts since Diablo Immortal was announced. All the Dayjob Dannies who play 90 minutes a day, 4 days a week that think they should do 100% of content are doing their best to ruin the game.

This isn't for those people. It has depth. It has challenge. If you want mindless time-killing, go play D3. There's hard shit in here that a lot of people, MOST PEOPLE, not even people who play 50+ hours a week like me will do. That's fine. They don't owe normies anything. The vast majority of the game is accessible and all these systems they added to make the game easier if you SPEND ANY AMOUNT OF TIME LOOKING INTO HOW THE FUCKING SYSTEMS WORK (Betrayal, Conqueror System, fucking Harvest crafting) and people still don't want to even try. So fuck those guys. You've ruined your own land, you'll not ruin mine.

Harvest was a test experiment. The implementation sucked, they added basically 0 actual content, but the crafting was wonderful. It was too much though as Mathil has said (I haven't watched his new video) if you can make any piece of gear then it stops being a treasure finding ARPG. It becomes an offline stat simulator that you can trade in. Definitely great as a one-and-done and I got to try some shit that would NEVER have been possible in normal leagues without dropping a billion ex (Shroud of Eternity builds with full shaper items for instance).

I'd love if they add some deterministic crafting to help "fix" items. Very often you get a great item and it's got 2 junk stats or 3 great stats and nothing else. Think about how many rings with T1 HP, T1 Res, T1 Res you run into. A lot. But you're rarely going to multicraft that shit at the steep price of 2ex+. This league you could go "Oh, I just need to add an attack suffix for accuracy and a phys aug for flat phys and that's a great ring!" That was nice. Now the white items I made into 10-20ex items in a span of 20 minutes (after accumulating 10-20 crafts from maps first, of course) seemed a bit excessive as permanent fixture.

Fun league, cool idea, content was lacking, some of the rewards were lacking from a pure drops standpoint, but it didn't need to go core and as it was it was definitely too clunky to do so.

For ronne ronne here's my POB for my Chieftan Bladeblaster:

Lol jesus that is some omegadps. I'm at like literally...5% of that? And it's plenty to clear red maps so far, I can't even imagine what that damage looks like. Oneshots conquerors at that point I assume?

You should also sell me that warlord scepter


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
hmm this is a quick convert to disintegrator from my current shield build and it looks like it might actually work pretty well? still though, giving up the trigger cast wand craft is a lot of quality of life to give up, not sure even disintegrator dps would be worth it



Silver Baronet of the Realm
So, I kind of regret that I didn't play this league to my usual level. I usually end a league with several mirrors worth of gear and raw currency--not on korrupt's level but respectable. This league I did maybe 30ex of active flipping. I just didn't see that there was a worthwhile grind for a solo player. I still haven't even hit 24 challenges. But, doing some of those fractured delirium maps, with a full plot of t4 seeds, looks like something I shouldn't have missed.
Hm. I play 1-2hours a night and about 6 per day on weekends. Usually takes me about 6-8 weeks to be done and have invested about a mirror’s worth into a character that does it all comfortably, and this was one of the best solo leagues if you don’t like flipping. I hate flipping and I hate its easily the best way to play the game.

The only thing I’ll agree with Xevy on is people not knowing the systems. Casuals could get major progress in that time if they would just learn a few key mods and base types and learn how to manipulate mechanics to sell shit to the high rollers. Rest of his rant was virgin level 1000.
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
^ I'm a novice at best. Chaos recipe until i have about 200-300c on the first week. I study Craft of Exile, the meta (not great at this but it helps) and I don't let my currency rot. If I find a good base (say, ilvl 84+ influence), I alt roll the badass mod. Craft it some, sell. I always keep a 1 ex tab, 10c tab, and a big dick sell tab. I keep a 5c for about two weeks maybe and a 1 c tab for about 4 days. I dump all rare jewels in there and rares I ID. Keeps a steady flow. You're basically looking to get spammed, then you know you struck gold and can reprice. Learn what betrayal benches give you great stuff and have items ready (regular breachstones, 6s chests, etc.). Always have projects going. always. And use a fucking good loot filter. Too many people pick up shit. Past week 1, basic rares are borderline worthless unless its jewels, some temple mods, high resistance stygians, and 30+% move speed boots. Rings and amultes maybe....

Xevy or Kythik could actually teach well. I learned a lot talking to Kythik and watching him craft the past few leagues. I just don't enjoy flipping like he does, so I don't have near the resources to dump. I usually make between 50-100ex during a league. That's more than enough to destroy the fucking game. I suspect a lot of casuals run said content, get the reward and have no fucking clue what to do with it.

Mathil's video is great and he's right. I think providing resistance swap deterministic crafting and maybe attack/caster swaps is fine with no influence mods and (I'm loathe to say this) no way of hitting life or ES/defence mods is the way to go. I'd love to see the prefix/suffix cannot be changed prices dropped, but I understand that's not going to happen.
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Log Wizard
TBH I don't flip or craft for sale. I basically just ensure I have a good character ASAP that can do all high end content. From there it's just a matter of playing the game efficiently and quickly. I have 1 sales tab and it ranges from 5c-15ex. During most leagues the majority of my chaos comes from moving jewelry. If you know what decent jewelry looks like (T1 HP or T1 %ES are always a good starter point) you can move those for anywhere from 25-75 chaos. Unset rings with HP or an open prefix with decent resists and a high +attributes ALWAYS sell. Why? Summoners. They don't need unique rings, they mostly just stack rares with hp and resists, and often they need +dex for their GMP gem.

My biggest sales this leagues were just from high end farming. Awakened GMP was 15 ex, few weird enchanted unique helms/corrupted helms like a +2 cold gems Starkonjas, and then just a ton of jewelry. We had people in our guild spending ALL their time and effort trying to craft these god-items and using the discord to get crafts like Aug crit or Aug speed if we didn't have them and it mostly never paid off. They'd make some boot that Trade tells them is worth 30 ex, but it's not. Because everyone can make that boot this league with 2-8ex in investment. The crafting whatever you want definitely has its pros and cons, but the big con for me was trade item value. I had stuff this league that would've been 10-30ex previous leagues and I didn't even sell it for 55c. Stuff like T1 hp, T2 Flat ES, T2 All Res, T1 Resist, and T1 spell damage. I think I sold that for 85c after being up for a week. Very weird league.

Crafting is learned best via the true masters. Basically any large PoE streamer outside of Quinn(lul) is pretty good to watch. I watch Mathil the most so I may be biased, but he can literally spend 1-3 hours in a row crafting gear for his niche builds because often times it doesn't exist or people want exorbitant amounts of ex for a single piece. He's definitely the person to watch for alt spamming. He basically didn't make an attempt at harvest crafting for the first month of the league, but then when he realized what he could do he started getting pretty crazy with it.

Most people are getting savvy with trading so flipping non-currency items can be a bit less lucrative in my experience than previous leagues. The ONLY time I ever did anything like this was probably way back in Betrayal. A lot of people were running CI characters and I realized that people were selling high ES shields without crafts on them. I basically went looking through PoETrade (not sure official existed yet) for shields with high ES that had the correct combo of hybrid ES and either flat ES or %ES. I probably only bought like 4-5 shields, but literally all I had to do was craft the missing ES modifier, make a 300+ ES shield, relist the 1-30c item for like 3ex. I think I sold most of them, but they moved slowly and overall I didn't consider it worth my time.

I will say the best way to make money is to play the game. I tell people that in my guild all the time who have played almost as much as me and they're mad because I have 9 ex a week in or something and it's usually all raw drops and 1 or 2 sales, also from drops. If you want mirrors and 400ex in your stash tab, I'm probably not the guy to ask about that. There is a friend of mine who does that most leagues and he does that via Bossing. He'll kill your A8 Awakener, Pure Chayula, etc for a flat fee OR you can gamble and he'll take the items, sell them, and split the profits 1/2 and 1/2.

But overall the key is basically what it sounds like Caedan is doing. Just have a few tabs, throw some chintzy shit in there, move items. I don't sell as much because I HATE being pulled out of delve or something for sales, but I'm definitely leaving currency on the table. The biggest windfalls you can get in my experience are just pure RNG luck like league chase uniques (HH, badge of brotherhood, etc) or boss rare drops (Saviour RIP, Awakened ____). I never bother with chaos recipe myself, but it's definitely a good idea for the first week or two if you have a build that has an expensive required item such as Spectres and Unending Hunger. There were people in my guild selling exalts for 38c and shit the first week and I just facepalmed. Chaos becomes increasingly easy to get, ESPECIALLY IN DELVE, but exalts are always up to the Gods it seems.

TL;DR get a good build going, clear all content, sell stuff that's worth it but don't open a boardwalk novelty shop worth of tabs. You'll gain the most money by just playing the game quickly and efficiently. If you want to farm mirrors worth of currency you'll have to get a team or do Bossing or try to monopolize something on trade.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
I don't understand how some of you guys (xevy) can write up a whole article like that, if i can't get my points across fast enough it's automatically too much of a bother and i just call it quits and delete what i've written.

I do appreciate it though that was an interesting read. Especially cause i've been thinking/trying to work up a better filter for next league start and looked into "poe live search manager" that'll compile multible live searches into 1 window (instead of several tabs). But that program was not functional enough in my estimation after trying it myself because, as far as i can tell, it just gives an alert but doesn't actually display the stats of the item (like if you search for several t2 mods cause you want to shop around on price vs the distribution of t2 and t1 rolls this won't help with that)

So i continued looking, and maybe i don't know what i should google for, but the best seeming that showed up to me was something called "poe sniper" but i couldn't find anything more recent than 2 years ago so i haven't bothered trying it out.

TL: DR which is the best, up to date, live search manager to make trade easier?


Blackwing Lair Raider
I’ve just been using Poe’s main trade site live search with a buncha active searches running at all times, works well for me. If there’s something better I’d love to know as well.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Kythik had one going and i stole it and used it some and made a few more ex that league, but I'm not interested in it. I want to kill monsters. So i keep side projects.

I'd second Xevy on picking a good build to start. If you're casual, you're going to play either 1-2 builds (starter, then a non-starter) to max or you're going to do what I used to do which was roll 5-6 builds (not on DW level on rerolling yet) and play them up to shaper/UE/Sirus 6+ then sell and re-roll. I did this a lot to try a lot of shit I wanted to try before I found what i love. (triggered spells!) I've never done an Eternity Shroud build. Probably never will.

Start a build you know with investment can kill A8. Mines, totems, poison assassin (can flip to a COC build too!), minions. IMO, melee sucks to start but cyclone glad, champ, or slayer all start decent enough. Lacerate can start decently too. All those can scale to endgame. I tend to avoid the dot builds because, while strong, they hit a brick fucking wall IMO about A5.

When rolling, I make about 10-20ex in my 22 hours or so a week I play. Maybe more. Any build I've put at least 20ex into has smashed the game because its not dependent on shit like badge or eternity shroud.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
What is the best trade macro out there since POETrade sucks ass now?
for pricing? I don't even bother. They're all shit for rares. This is where knowing the game is good and knowing what is meta. I use There's another site, but I don't think its as good for price but it does have a better indication of how many of certain things are on the market.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
TBH I don't flip or craft for sale. I basically just ensure I have a good character ASAP that can do all high end content. From there it's just a matter of playing the game efficiently and quickly. I have 1 sales tab and it ranges from 5c-15ex. During most leagues the majority of my chaos comes from moving jewelry. If you know what decent jewelry looks like (T1 HP or T1 %ES are always a good starter point) you can move those for anywhere from 25-75 chaos. Unset rings with HP or an open prefix with decent resists and a high +attributes ALWAYS sell. Why? Summoners. They don't need unique rings, they mostly just stack rares with hp and resists, and often they need +dex for their GMP gem.

My biggest sales this leagues were just from high end farming. Awakened GMP was 15 ex, few weird enchanted unique helms/corrupted helms like a +2 cold gems Starkonjas, and then just a ton of jewelry. We had people in our guild spending ALL their time and effort trying to craft these god-items and using the discord to get crafts like Aug crit or Aug speed if we didn't have them and it mostly never paid off. They'd make some boot that Trade tells them is worth 30 ex, but it's not. Because everyone can make that boot this league with 2-8ex in investment. The crafting whatever you want definitely has its pros and cons, but the big con for me was trade item value. I had stuff this league that would've been 10-30ex previous leagues and I didn't even sell it for 55c. Stuff like T1 hp, T2 Flat ES, T2 All Res, T1 Resist, and T1 spell damage. I think I sold that for 85c after being up for a week. Very weird league.

Crafting is learned best via the true masters. Basically any large PoE streamer outside of Quinn(lul) is pretty good to watch. I watch Mathil the most so I may be biased, but he can literally spend 1-3 hours in a row crafting gear for his niche builds because often times it doesn't exist or people want exorbitant amounts of ex for a single piece. He's definitely the person to watch for alt spamming. He basically didn't make an attempt at harvest crafting for the first month of the league, but then when he realized what he could do he started getting pretty crazy with it.

Most people are getting savvy with trading so flipping non-currency items can be a bit less lucrative in my experience than previous leagues. The ONLY time I ever did anything like this was probably way back in Betrayal. A lot of people were running CI characters and I realized that people were selling high ES shields without crafts on them. I basically went looking through PoETrade (not sure official existed yet) for shields with high ES that had the correct combo of hybrid ES and either flat ES or %ES. I probably only bought like 4-5 shields, but literally all I had to do was craft the missing ES modifier, make a 300+ ES shield, relist the 1-30c item for like 3ex. I think I sold most of them, but they moved slowly and overall I didn't consider it worth my time.

I will say the best way to make money is to play the game. I tell people that in my guild all the time who have played almost as much as me and they're mad because I have 9 ex a week in or something and it's usually all raw drops and 1 or 2 sales, also from drops. If you want mirrors and 400ex in your stash tab, I'm probably not the guy to ask about that. There is a friend of mine who does that most leagues and he does that via Bossing. He'll kill your A8 Awakener, Pure Chayula, etc for a flat fee OR you can gamble and he'll take the items, sell them, and split the profits 1/2 and 1/2.

But overall the key is basically what it sounds like Caedan is doing. Just have a few tabs, throw some chintzy shit in there, move items. I don't sell as much because I HATE being pulled out of delve or something for sales, but I'm definitely leaving currency on the table. The biggest windfalls you can get in my experience are just pure RNG luck like league chase uniques (HH, badge of brotherhood, etc) or boss rare drops (Saviour RIP, Awakened ____). I never bother with chaos recipe myself, but it's definitely a good idea for the first week or two if you have a build that has an expensive required item such as Spectres and Unending Hunger. There were people in my guild selling exalts for 38c and shit the first week and I just facepalmed. Chaos becomes increasingly easy to get, ESPECIALLY IN DELVE, but exalts are always up to the Gods it seems.

TL;DR get a good build going, clear all content, sell stuff that's worth it but don't open a boardwalk novelty shop worth of tabs. You'll gain the most money by just playing the game quickly and efficiently. If you want to farm mirrors worth of currency you'll have to get a team or do Bossing or try to monopolize something on trade.
Yep. And if I do venture into high end crafting, its for myself. I typically don't touch metacrafting too much. I do awakener orb, conq orbs, fossil crafting, some essences, and beast add/remove. I rarely have the resources to do imprints and splits, but I have from time to time. Especially splits if I'm trying to free a spot on a badass item i found.

I craft for myself on high end stuff basically.

Another good thing if its lootsplosion league is to start corrupting jewels with 1-2 good mods. Those will sell for 1-2ex if they hit corrupted blood. I also keep a few auras leveling because you don't have to quality and you can corrupt and hit 21. Grats, that's at least 100c.

I used to buy exalts pre-kids when I could tell the wife that this weekend is mine. I was hardcore-ish then. My only breaks would be to eat, maybe some TV with her and gym/running. I'd dump all my chaos into buying exalts for 30-40c. Once you hit 3ex that way, just sit tight.

OU Ariakas

Diet Dr. Pepper Enjoyer
<Silver Donator>
So I made this bad boy in Harvest by grinding currency to buy the set of cards that give you the 6-link Crusader Astral Plate, then working with a friend to get all suffixes blocked with no prefixes, then slamming three aug physicals on it to get explody chest. Then we gambled twice with remove physicals and hit both the worthless ones and then preceeded to slam aug life and got T2 or T3 on the second slam. Then we just traded out the suffixes with targeted resistance augs.

It was the most fun i'd ever had in POE.

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Molten Core Raider
An effective mapping strategy is key. Even so simple as just legion scarabs + jun prophecies every map will make a big difference in one's profits.

I'm not up to date on the current state of flipping as they messed with live searches and socket caps, late last league. I also lost all the saved searches that I did and have not wanted to rebuild them. Path of Mathh also sells all of his searches on his Patreon. But, even with all the competition, I was able to snipe many 100s of exalts of profit in underpriced uniques. Profit crafting live searches was always a steady profit as well.

But the real hack to making currency in PoE seems to be to not play the game solo.


Log Wizard
I think the idea that people need 100's of ex is kind of a phallacy too. I've probably never had more than 70ex at one time and I do experimental builds and shit constantly. I did like 6? This league. I also tend to keep "good" items in my stash for alts or guildmates or shit. Some of it is probably worth a few ex at most and a dozen c at least. If you're doing some aurabot 17 auras kinda bullshit, yeah, you may need 100 ex because they rely on such niche items. But I've always been pretty satisfied having at least 2ex and 100+c on me at all times.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Most Harvest crafts worth talking about still begin with a base that you or someone else rolled a thousand alts (or fossils/essences) into.
What is the best trade macro out there since POETrade sucks ass now?
PoE Overlay (community fork without that Overwolf shit)

Add PoE Lurker too if you liked to use Mercury Trade (no longer updated).
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
An effective mapping strategy is key. Even so simple as just legion scarabs + jun prophecies every map will make a big difference in one's profits.

I'm not up to date on the current state of flipping as they messed with live searches and socket caps, late last league. I also lost all the saved searches that I did and have not wanted to rebuild them. Path of Mathh also sells all of his searches on his Patreon. But, even with all the competition, I was able to snipe many 100s of exalts of profit in underpriced uniques. Profit crafting live searches was always a steady profit as well.

But the real hack to making currency in PoE seems to be to not play the game solo.
This league I made sure all maps t14+ had Alva or Jun plus legion and nemesis other than those I ran to complete challenges with other mods. Scarabs are big. Next league I plan to make sure to set up Jun better.

OU Ariakas

Diet Dr. Pepper Enjoyer
<Silver Donator>
My build is good at running Precinct and its 1-5 exile bosses. I ran fortune tellers chest and twin boss prophecies along with metamorph, Bestiary, shaper, and divination scarabs. Fun shit.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Can someone fill me in Quinn69? I watch Mathil on YouTube and sometimes ZiggyD. Is he just bad at the game or is it a meme?