Path of Exile

OU Ariakas

Diet Dr. Pepper Enjoyer
<Silver Donator>
I was checking market prices this morning to see if it was worth it to do exactly that. The sample size indicated that no, people are not doing that with Rog and Gwennen. There does seem to be a market for Dannig and Tujen currency, unsuprisingly.

This should really prove to GGG two things that they seem unwilling to admit:

1.) People like being able to target farm uniques so that they can make builds around them.
2.) People desperately want deterministic crafting and will take even a gambling version to reduce currency RNG.

Their own mechanics are giving them this data and they simply refuse to acknowledge it.
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Tranny Chaser
Rog and Gwennen both make me feel like I am doing something wrong. I finally bought enough trash from Gwennen to get enough different uniques for completion so I'm just going to pretend she doesn't exist. That's going to be tough since the game has just stopped sending Tujen my way. I haven't been able to reset his shop in like three days.


<Bronze Donator>
This should really prove to GGG two things that they seem unwilling to admit:

1.) People like being able to target farm uniques so that they can make builds around them.
2.) People desperately want deterministic crafting and will take even a gambling version to reduce currency RNG.

Their own mechanics are giving them this data and they simply refuse to acknowledge it.
Or that the demand for Rog and Gwennen currencies are so low that people don't even bother selling them. That said, there are people selling 1 alch uniques, so...


Tranny Chaser
That said, there are people selling 1 alch uniques, so...

Bless every single person that lists something for one alchemy and then actually follows through on the trade. I don't know why anyone does it but you are a hero if you do.
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OU Ariakas

Diet Dr. Pepper Enjoyer
<Silver Donator>
Or that the demand for Rog and Gwennen currencies are so low that people don't even bother selling them. That said, there are people selling 1 alch uniques, so...

You don't really think that is true, especially with the second have of your comment.


<Bronze Donator>
You don't really think that is true, especially with the second have of your comment.
No, I don't. I was more pointing out that it is a complex system, there could be many factors at play, and I would hesitate before draw absolute sureties from it.


<Bronze Donator>
I've been leveling up a Deadeye to try Ele Hit - Barrage + Sniper's Mark - Spellslinger. That's right, it's not completely dead, but it's relegated to very dusty niches. Also, not above mockery by GGG.

I believe it was posted in this thread that they were reverting Spellslinger trigger spending mana and no one countermanded it, so I had to look up what actually happened.

Anyway, this is basically Mathil's build from last league. It looked really fun then, it's still fun now. I initially discounted it because Mathil has no problem playing builds that require aiming(SST), and even then, he has some clear whiffs in his highlights. Coming from someone that hates ED Contagion for aiming that slow moving ball and it taking forever to spread if it initially hits a fatty or some non-Contagioned mobs step in the way, but loves Exsanguinate Mines because you can toss the mines in the general vicinity and half the screen dies...this build feels closer to the latter.

If you can't tell, I'm very lazy with targeting, and some of that is absolutely PoE's fault. Most of the time, I can point my barrage in the direction of the pack, a nearby monster would get auto Marked(no namelocking required! not what I was expecting), and projectiles would 95% of time be soon flying all over the screen. Monsters that close to melee range quickly would mess this up sometimes. You'd curse in the middle or back and your initial stream of projectiles just couldn't get to the marked target.

Either way, not a damper on the build like I was expecting. 4-6 projectiles split 7 times then chained 2-3 times is not a common playstyle. If you've played Lancing Steel with Sniper's Mark, very similar.

I really wish there was better itemization support for wands in PoE. I was trying to create a unified twink PoB since the trigger changes killed my caster version. Attack one got hit too(Hollow Palm), but I suspect it's fine. If I wanted to spellsling Sniper's Mark while using an actual attack skill, there isn't much in the way of wands that fit that.
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
The trigger changes are stupid. You can build around it, but CoC already had hurdles to get around aplenty. Honestly, put back in old spellslinger and make it only cast on hit with wands imo.


Millie's Staff Member
I just want to second or third or fourth or whatever the people who are bored with this league.

Not exactly sure what it is, but I am leaning towards a combination of drop nerfs and power nerfs.

My SST build is fine, it seems to be scaling well with gear and gem upgrades and on a 5L with only a 1000 or so armor shield I am clearing high yellow, low red maps fine. Bossing is slow but do-able. The nerf to Dash really sticks in my craw, because I would be a lot more amenable to having to work around boss mechanics for a longer time if I had a move skill that felt responsive and wasn't on recharge most of the time.

By this time last league I had several 6Ls (not all corrupted), probably 3 ex and a couple hundred chaos. Not a whiff of that this league (chaos is okay I guess). I could lean toward the idea that last league was an anomaly for me, but whatever it was I had fun and played from start to finish with no real hitch in engagement.

I have found myself more and more opting for War Thunder instead of PoE when deciding what to play. And I love/hate War Thunder in equal measure so it is pretty easy for me to choose a non-War Thunder option.

Well shit I was playing and listening to my daily podcasts and had an Intuitive Leap Jewel drop for me. First good drop this league. Also a non-corrupted 6L staff in a Heist that I never made it out with because until I get my final 2 ascension points I am a little vulnerable to spell damage, and I keep getting weird spell one shots all over the fucking place - Einhar beasts, Heists, red maps.
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Millie's Staff Member
Also, anyone notice an increase in load times league over league? I increased my internet speed by more than an order of magnitude x 2 since the middle of last league, and I am seeing for the first time ever playing PoE load times where action happens before I finish loading. Basically the laments of people like 2-3 years ago - but I have a cutting edge gaming league and top notch internet.


Log Wizard

Nothing groundbreaking, some big QoL stuff. Instilling/Enkindling orb recipes to vendor as well as a craft to choose the enchant costing multiple orbs from crafting bench. Rog is going to get a UI highlighter to show you what would be removed for lowest level modifiers. Some nice stuff, but nothing that will bring back people who quit the first day.
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<Bronze Donator>
Your internet speeds have fuckall to do with it. They implemented texture streaming and quite poorly at that. Commonly used textures or even textures it can know for certain are going to be used are now getting dynamically unloaded to make room for the way too many core assets.

Doing a map with Delerium? Those assets won't load until you pop the mirror despite the game knowing it's a certainty. Almost every Expedition I do starts with 5s of extreme stuttering as my shader gets reamed. Izaro routinely slashes at me ghostly transparent abilities.

Basically, your graphic card is getting thrashed because their code thinks it has too many assets to load. They've tried working around this by increasing load times, it hasn't really worked. I'm fine with longer load times, but stuttering is unacceptable. 2 leagues without supporter packs until they get this right.

Fucking consoles.
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<Bronze Donator>
Really sucks to retire a build because of performance reasons. Has anyone else had issues with Elemental Hit? No MTX. I'm not actually sure if performance was worse, just the consequences of not being able to accurately aim a barrage of projectiles is much greater compared to tossing mines wherever the fuck. I'm not actually sure I can play a build right now that requires namelocking, that's how bad the stuttering has gotten.

Kitava's Thirst builds with Volatile Dead is the other one. That one I know has shit performance, it made my texture turn to pixelated shit.

Going to go back to blood jizzing mines for now. Looks like I'll have to fix up my endgame PoB because apparently someone has an issue with a staff that costs a mirror :rolleyes: Noticed they released an MTX for it. Also noticed wasn't white, wtf?


Bronze Baron of the Realm
Anyone explain this to me? I haven't really played in a while so it's slow to come back all the nuance stuff.

What is the relationship here going on that makes it used on all the SST builds? Blood magic and mortal conviction. I get how blood magic works and works great not having to dick with mana flask now. Several builds I saw mentioned the way they work together. Lost that on me.


<Bronze Donator>
Ziz and Steelmage league started with that build and put out build guides, so a bunch of people are aping them. That is not say it isn't a good idea. Just keep in mind that if you see a bunch of people copying a few content creators, it isn't hundreds of people all see this obvious idea that you're missing. 2 people did.

It's essentially for solving mana issue early in the league. Mortal Conviction is good for physical skills because they typically only run one non-banner aura, Pride.
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Vyemm Raider
If youre talking about crouching tunas version of the build, its only linked to shield charge, so that you can always escape even if youre out of mana. The actual main skill, SST, still costs mana


Log Wizard
Blood magic is very popular with melee builds with the mana costs. People with Gemini claws obviously can skip it, but a lot of shieldy boys and totem slammers all go blood magic. It's even better if you can get Supreme Ego as well as it'll supe up your one aura.

The shield builds look very strong mostly because you can get so much more flat phys than a lot of weapons and with a stat stick main hand. It's funny that stat sticks are finally back and it's for a fucking melee skill. Pretty funny. I remember people losing their minds in Betrayal when pretty much halved all the shaper modifiers. Mathil is currently a full conversion Shield Crush Inquisitor and besides maybe end game survivability issues on big bosses, he's fucking bigly.

It's going to be interesting in a few weeks when people go outside their comfort zones and we find out the REALLY broken shit. I've been trying to figure out how to do Boneshatter and I have some ideas, but I'm not ready to level up a 4th character. I may anyways just to have a Jugg as I don't think I've ever played one, but there's only one way I know of Boneshatter not completing sucking right now and that's a Pillar of the Caged God Str stacker. I started Chieftain Str Stacking Conc Path totems and I really don't want to swap gear or rebuy/recraft the same shit. I like pulling from my hoard of "oh this is good" shit and making characters. I probably will try to still make Boneshatter work in the next week or so, there's been basically 0 theorycrafting on reddit or the forums and most of the streamers who do this shit are Hardcore so they're not looking to suicide.

If you've got problems with damage currently Hollow Palm Raider Ice Crash, Str Stacking Chieftain Brutus Anything, or Shield Throw will easily get you to T16's and possibly to Maven with some investment. The issue is %dex and %str implicit synth items are crazy expensive and Shield Throw is maybe the most popular build (outside Summoner) so you've got gear competition. The good news is it's incredibly easy to make a usable+ shield in Harvest. Roll Defense or Roll More Defense. Bam. 2000+ shield and away you go. Can rock rares for most all of your other gear (outside maybe Lioneye's chest). Very starter/budget friendly and clears like a pro. Go Gladiator if you want and you'll be a tanky motherfucker.

Il_Duce Lightning Lord Rule

Lightning Fast
<Charitable Administrator>
I had an idea for boneshatter.

It involves slayer, masterful form, red trail boots to generate frenzy charges, inexorable node to generate endurance charges, high attack speed + rage rather than warcries, armor based and not evasion based, and maybe using vengeance for either extra damage or utility supports. The interesting bit is you can get your attack range up to like 30 units even without the warlord gloves mod. It's very similar to Octavian's Earthshatter slayer from Ritual, but when I played that one I changed it away from evasion because I was still getting 1 shot all the time and going armor fixed that right up.

I might try it out next league if they decide to stop being fucktarded about things.


<Bronze Donator>
When the devs admit stun is fucky, and that ability relies on stun, why would you want to play that skill?


Log Wizard
Not worried about clear, only about single target. Clearing can be fixed by a variety of secondary actions. Haemo, explodey chest, devastator node, etc etc. They could remove the explosion from the gem and it wouldn't change my thoughts about it.