Path of Exile


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Alt tabbing sucks in fullscreen.

This league is a lot like Synthesis, hope they fix it soon. What are people putting in their crucibles? No way am I risking actual good items, tainted currency is far too rare(and when you do get some, it's not worth much?!?!). So, maps, 6S items and....what else?
I've been doing 1-3c uniques for my build. I have no idea what I'm fishing for though


Molten Core Raider
I'm questioning why I don't just get my standard gear back and play there. The league mechanic is not fun enough, yet again, to do the slog through the regain.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Luckily the mechanic is solid. Hopefully a tuning of the #s to make it feel a lil bit more rewarding is all it needs.


Tranny Chaser
The complaining on Reddit is delicious.

Is it true that the vast majority of rares that drop through the league mechanic are hot garbage? If so, it just further confirms that GGG is full of retards. The main problem with the game is that too much loot drops and too much of it is garbage, so they decide to go ahead and lean full into that problem and make a league mechanic around it.

I'm only at the start of white maps but every dropped rare with the league mechanic corruption sprinkled on top has been unusable.


<Bronze Donator>
Layered RNG can be fun if it's weighted properly. This item has shit resists and life but it has a decent chance to get a keystone or projectiles chain +1 times. And it can be partially patched up with common tainted currency. The preceding was a fantasy that should have shipped with league launch.

That stupid currency shit Bex was posting reddit in the few days leading up to launch was the flailing attempts of someone realizing the previous version of what they were trying to ship was even worse.

I want to go back to bitching about armor variability. What a quaint issue in comparison.
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Millie's Staff Member
Found playing Windowed Fullscreen gives weird performance issues for those having them. Fullscreen works great and doesn't have the unusual FPS drops. What I experienced was FPS shows well over 100 during the issue but looks/feels more like 20. Lasts a few seconds then clears up. Vulkan API.

I run a top-of-the-line gaming laptop, and I get stuttering and chop playing anything but fullscreen.

Also, I will say that the new league seems fine for low level play, meaning not too rippy, a way to get bandaid rares that have negatives you don't care about early on, but I can see how it fails miserably as you proceed towards endgame.

I find it interesting that the league actually encourages you, early on, to explore the entirety of zones to stack the Scourge buffs and do multiple ports into Scourge for corrupting your 4 link ILvl 12 helm. In a game where no one stops to smell a single rose for 20 or more hours, the league wants you to slow down. I know you clean out maps anyway so that is a moot point when you get there, I was thinking about the Acts.


Best Rabbit
<Gold Donor>
Layered RNG is sooooooo fun!

It is, but its just not balanced at all.

I mean, seeing shit like "Nearby enemies have -9% lightning resistance" followed by "Deal no lightning damage" CONSTANTLY is just tiresome. Almost all of the mods are some kind of bonus to something, while the same something is rendered unusable. The ones that aren't the negative is extremely punishing like "60% reduced global defenses" while the positive is like "+18 max life". They are going to HAVE to tune this, or people are going to nope out of the league, and nope out FAST.

They also need to lower the requirement on map corruption. I've krangled a map twice and going on 3rd one and it needs over 250,000 corruption. The amount of work needed to krangle these makes the league mechanic just not work.


Magnus Deadlift the Fucktiger

Clearly I was making fun of GGG's implementation of layered RNG, which is fucking atrocious.

I understand that layered RNG is a necessary aspect of RNG item generation in ARPGs.
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Molten Core Raider
I gave it a shot but the game is so fucking convoluted now. They’ve made it great for the people who go all in and new players would never know the difference but it’s just so tedious in between those two extremes. The league mechanic in and of itself is great just insta in and out but they forgot to make it worth doing, at all.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
I hope someone gets an explodey chest mod, alongside "You deal no physical damage" for someone using brutality.
  • 1Worf
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Tranny Chaser
The already Scourged rares that drop would have been a fine place to adjust drops such that they were really rare but somewhat decent.


Log Wizard
Scourge system could certainly see some clean up. Feels like they just needed to add X amount of affixes and in doing so they fucked the chances of getting anything truly beneficial for most people. Reduced Stun Threshold shouldn't even be in game, boneshatter or not, it's just fucking awful unless you're stun-locking Shaper for memes.

They should probably do a fix for similar mods like %increased fire damage + deal no fire damage. It works with weird shit like fire to chaos full convert (which may not even exist if I remember). There are some certainly amazing beneficial ones and maybe they thought they'd drown out the good shit with bad shit even though they can just weight appropriately. Stuff like +1 lightning spell skills on weapons are pretty great, but the odds of you bricking your BIS wand instead are way higher. I've seen a few good items from scourging, but mostly dogshit. The best use of it is making 6 links easily and adding resists to uniques which have none.

The suggestion that dropped Scourge items be smart rolled seems good until you hit high yellow/red maps and you're seeing literally 20+ scourge rares per map without a boss in it. Like, no exaggeration, in just high yellows I'd clear a single blood meter and have about 9 pieces of scourge rares sitting there. I get that it'd be way more rewarding if they were smart loot and make checking each item not a pain in the dick as it is currently, but it basically invalidates rares from anything else outside of delve/incursion.

On the OTHER hand, they are corrupted, so the modification of those items would be much more limited so maybe it would be alright. I personally think they just need to A: clean up shit modifiers, B: make sure you can't pair like ben/neg mods (increased fire, no fire etc) and C: make crucibled items smart-rolled. Those changes in place would make glancing at corrupts easier and give you more reason to care about the Crucible mechanic and skill tree.

My biggest issue with the league is the absolute fucking pounding I'm taking. I'm a Necro so I have minions with taunt, and blind as useless as it is, 6k EHP, ~40% block, 40% phys reduction, phasing, and I NEVER STOP MOVING and at 100-200 stacks of Scourge it's just no chance in hell. You just die. Sometimes you see it, sometimes you don't. It's brutal. I get that they did a defense revamp and perhaps I may actually need to invest in spell suppresion and try to get max block, but I shouldn't be exploding in 4 affix Tier 8 maps at level 87. That just shouldn't be happening. The Bone Offering nerf was major, but even moreso was Fortify. Between those two I lost so much safety I feel like I'm playing a totem character with 4khp or something. I honestly think they need to retune the scourge stacks from 1% per to 0.25% per. Getting 150 stacks in higher maps is nearly guaranteed if you have damage and getting 200 in Scourged maps is also a sure thing. Having mobs hitting you for triple the damage with any sort of damage mods is just too much. The Pale Angels have a 22k high end lightning spell which means that's at 0 scourge. So at 100 Scourge they're hitting for up to 44k damage before map mods. So even if you have 75% resist you're still getting 8k'd on a high end non-crit. Seems a bit much. They may have stealth nerfed them though as I spectred them last night and they do jack shit with their beams to mobs as spectres and it's widely assumed they were going to get tuned at some point.

Overall mechanic is mostly a miss, but has high end potential. Definitely didn't help get leveling rares like Ultimatum or Ritual did, but it did help level up. The new currency is actually pretty useful (mostly) when used in conjunction with the crucible or just some crafting savvy. Can pretty much 6 link any corrupted chest for a few chaos which is pretty nice.

The week one patch will probably tune down some Scourge NPCS, maybe remove some bunk affixes for scourge shit, and look to change the damage penalty of the mechanic itself.

On the plus side if you skip the mechanic outside of just clearing for exp you're not missing out on too much. Also some of the changes to Delve are fucking amazing. Really good fractured delve modifiers on items to help you craft super helpful shit. I'd just make sure to maybe hit some lvl 68 nodes for Azurite to buff your darkness resist before jumping in to depth 80 immediately or you might have a bad time.
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Bronze Baron of the Realm
It feels like they are out of ideas or the person that came up with good/fun ideas left.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
Scourge system could certainly see some clean up. Feels like they just needed to add X amount of affixes and in doing so they fucked the chances of getting anything truly beneficial for most people. Reduced Stun Threshold shouldn't even be in game, boneshatter or not, it's just fucking awful unless you're stun-locking Shaper for memes.

They should probably do a fix for similar mods like %increased fire damage + deal no fire damage. It works with weird shit like fire to chaos full convert (which may not even exist if I remember). There are some certainly amazing beneficial ones and maybe they thought they'd drown out the good shit with bad shit even though they can just weight appropriately. Stuff like +1 lightning spell skills on weapons are pretty great, but the odds of you bricking your BIS wand instead are way higher. I've seen a few good items from scourging, but mostly dogshit. The best use of it is making 6 links easily and adding resists to uniques which have none.

The suggestion that dropped Scourge items be smart rolled seems good until you hit high yellow/red maps and you're seeing literally 20+ scourge rares per map without a boss in it. Like, no exaggeration, in just high yellows I'd clear a single blood meter and have about 9 pieces of scourge rares sitting there. I get that it'd be way more rewarding if they were smart loot and make checking each item not a pain in the dick as it is currently, but it basically invalidates rares from anything else outside of delve/incursion.

On the OTHER hand, they are corrupted, so the modification of those items would be much more limited so maybe it would be alright. I personally think they just need to A: clean up shit modifiers, B: make sure you can't pair like ben/neg mods (increased fire, no fire etc) and C: make crucibled items smart-rolled. Those changes in place would make glancing at corrupts easier and give you more reason to care about the Crucible mechanic and skill tree.

My biggest issue with the league is the absolute fucking pounding I'm taking. I'm a Necro so I have minions with taunt, and blind as useless as it is, 6k EHP, ~40% block, 40% phys reduction, phasing, and I NEVER STOP MOVING and at 100-200 stacks of Scourge it's just no chance in hell. You just die. Sometimes you see it, sometimes you don't. It's brutal. I get that they did a defense revamp and perhaps I may actually need to invest in spell suppresion and try to get max block, but I shouldn't be exploding in 4 affix Tier 8 maps at level 87. That just shouldn't be happening. The Bone Offering nerf was major, but even moreso was Fortify. Between those two I lost so much safety I feel like I'm playing a totem character with 4khp or something. I honestly think they need to retune the scourge stacks from 1% per to 0.25% per. Getting 150 stacks in higher maps is nearly guaranteed if you have damage and getting 200 in Scourged maps is also a sure thing. Having mobs hitting you for triple the damage with any sort of damage mods is just too much. The Pale Angels have a 22k high end lightning spell which means that's at 0 scourge. So at 100 Scourge they're hitting for up to 44k damage before map mods. So even if you have 75% resist you're still getting 8k'd on a high end non-crit. Seems a bit much. They may have stealth nerfed them though as I spectred them last night and they do jack shit with their beams to mobs as spectres and it's widely assumed they were going to get tuned at some point.

Overall mechanic is mostly a miss, but has high end potential. Definitely didn't help get leveling rares like Ultimatum or Ritual did, but it did help level up. The new currency is actually pretty useful (mostly) when used in conjunction with the crucible or just some crafting savvy. Can pretty much 6 link any corrupted chest for a few chaos which is pretty nice.

The week one patch will probably tune down some Scourge NPCS, maybe remove some bunk affixes for scourge shit, and look to change the damage penalty of the mechanic itself.

On the plus side if you skip the mechanic outside of just clearing for exp you're not missing out on too much. Also some of the changes to Delve are fucking amazing. Really good fractured delve modifiers on items to help you craft super helpful shit. I'd just make sure to maybe hit some lvl 68 nodes for Azurite to buff your darkness resist before jumping in to depth 80 immediately or you might have a bad time.

Besides the stuttering i get going into scourge i think its really good gameplay wise. Rewards are definetly underwhelming but they usually never get that right from the get go let's hope they can get a fix in this week and not the next.

I have 5k hp, 25kish armour flasked + molten shell and negligeble block, you make it sound like you die even more than i do. 109 times so far to level 91 and doing t14-16 maps. It's a rippy league.


<Bronze Donator>
Who needs a temp league to come back to the game? Honest question. I'm not saying those players don't exist nor that don't deserve new content too, I just can't relate to them.

I keep thinking they would have been better off shipping 3.16 without a temp league. With the other existing systems expanded upon, they could have had another legacy league. I would have been happy as long as there something to stare at and puzzle about in PoB.

Think of what this Scourge system could have been with another 3 months of polish. It needs another month at least, and it's not even going to get that.


Tranny Chaser
At it's core the problem I have with Scourge thus far is a lack of player agency. I'm not picking which organs go in to the tank, whether to press my luck with another round in Ultimatum, how far into the Delirium fog to go, which Remnants I'm going to tackle or anything like that. I get to push V. When I push V it's demons. Lots and lots of demons. I don't get to decide how much danger I'm willing to accept in exchange for how much possible reward. If I decide to push V than it's fucking ON. As a shitter I'm just pushing V a whole lot less now.
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Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Wonder how long before it's emergency maintenance time to fix this

  • 2Mother of God
  • 1Weird Boner
  • 1Blown
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
So i'm on day 21 of a multi-month plant start-up. Making me feel good that I worked from 5am to 8pm and decided "fuck poe" is going to have to be my mantra again until December and I get out of this.
  • 1Thoughts & Prayers
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