Path of Exile


<Bronze Donator>
Imagine if this game had real gameplay that required reactions outside of boss fights.

Post said guide, please.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
Yep, making their game more fun for a short period of time was the worst thing they ever did to the game. Not the endless item/content bloat or the terrible trade functionality; it was fun created from a system that fixed the itemization problem that was the worst.

Take a few leagues off and come back and you really see the bloat. The amount of things I run into in game that I have no idea what it is and the game doesn't really even point you in the right direction to look up stuff. It's just "there".
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Log Wizard
Harvest is the crux of the game and has been for many leagues now. For better or worse. It allows me to make the gear I need personally and it allows me to make money making items I think people may want. It also can feel super daunting when you don't "need" anything and you hit a Harvest in a map and then have 30 crafts you don't want to waste. Removing it from the game would be the worst possible outcome when people realize even though they can't aug influenced shit anymore they used it to make so much stuff for themselves. Buffing it to Ritual levels would just make the best thing better, but at this point I don't know. It may be worth doing so Reddit will stop posting about it every.fucking.league.

And if you don't know the PoE Reddit has been swarmed with vote bots the last few days with targeted upvoting/downvoting that the mods said they can't really do anything about. Just another reason I only read that place for a laugh.

Tinfoil hat, I'm thinking Blizzard has people fucking with their forums since D4's announcement shit the bed. Reddit went from "Look at my build!" "Look at my item!" to "Chris, I played 673 hours, here are what I'D change about the game to make it perfect!".


Buzzfeed Editor
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
Take a few leagues off and come back and you really see the bloat. The amount of things I run into in game that I have no idea what it is and the game doesn't really even point you in the right direction to look up stuff. It's just "there".
100% this. I quit around mid-Incursion and didn't come back until Metamorph league. Just that year or so, coming back was like, "WTF is this shit?".

I can't even imagine what a shitshow it must be another year+ later.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
While I still hate the current implementation of harvest (I think harvest should be either tradeable or just get rid of it), I've made more then half my net off it this league. Just ran a bunch of Tier:9? Moon Temples (which allowed me crafts on ilvl 83s) in Hamlet on my Poison Conc rolling mostly these

Physical - 8 point Physical cluster (profit 4 ex)
Chaos - Rolled my own jewels, then rolled 8 point Chaos Damage clusters - Profit 6ex (plus the 5ex worth of clusters I'm wearing on my PF)
Fire - Rolled my own shit, then rolled 4/5 point damage over time clusters profit about 100c plus the clusters I'm wearing on my igntie build
Cold - Rolling 8 point cold damage clustesr - made about 2 ex profit
Crit/Speed - Hunter Boots - Made about 2 ex profit so far
Attack - I forgot what I use these for. It might've been rings or someshit
Caster - Rolled my own Despair on hit Ring (which I sold for 2ex after I just started using impresence)

Not to mention the meriad of other crafts. Upgrade Normal to Magic/Rare with High tier is great for flasks this league. (also defense rolls are good on flasks I've found)

Not crazy amounts of profit, but I also don't play a crazy amount of time and I feel like this keeps things interesting. I do like to break up the monotony of mapping and harvest is a great way to do it.

Still, harvest is such a shit system with the TFT shit going on. I could definitely add another 5-10ex in profit if I had sold some of my lucky crafts and other shit but fuck that. I went down the TFT rabbit hole once and if you think poe trade is bad jesus fuck that place.

PS, I'm down to learn to more good harvest craft for profit shit if yall know any.


Tranny Chaser
100% this. I quit around mid-Incursion and didn't come back until Metamorph league. Just that year or so, coming back was like, "WTF is this shit?".

I can't even imagine what a shitshow it must be another year+ later.

They got rid of Perandus what more do you want.

Bloat. Tackled.
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Millie's Staff Member
So I started to note that there appears to be a pretty thin veil between the Scourge world and the "real" world.

What I mean is that when I come out of Scourge I seem to have aggro generated on mobs that were under my path within the Scourge but I did not aggro yet in the real world. It's all anecdotal, but I leave the real world with no aggro and come back out with mobs coming at me.

While running a map today I had a lightning storm start up on me and I looked around for the rare mob and could not find him, but when I shifted into Scourge there he was.

Anyone else experience anything like this? Is it a feature, a bug, or am I just crazy?


Trakanon Raider
Minions sometimes continue to attack scourge mobs when you shift out too. Don't think they are actually doing damage, but the animations go off.


<Bronze Donator>
Yeah, I saw the video posted by the guy that guy copied. Do appreciate the indepth explanation the second guy did though. Jousis is trying to do something similar but with that hilariously expensive chest piece.

I suspect some part of that interaction will be nerfed next league. Interactions with taking damage but not actually having taken damage feels wrong, but I bet that kind of thing is core to PoE. Probably just slap a "doesn't recover charges during flask effect" on the flask.


Golden Knight of the Realm
I was trying to figure out how to get a cluster jewel and I have to admit I am a bit lost. I need a large cold damage one with a couple slots and 8 passives I think. The problem is I am not sure how to get one specifically like that. If I do an ilvl86 search for one, you just see 2+ ex results even without the notables I was looking for (which that part is admittedly not all that difficult to do with enough alterations) Is it just pure luck of the draw on drops to get the one specific cluster jewel you are wanting, or is there a way to change the implicits on large clusters until you get what you are looking for? The closest I have personally found was one that just gave straight up brand damage which is what I ended up using in the meantime.


<Bronze Donator>
"couple slots and 8 passives I think" doesn't sound like you know what you want just yet. Kinda hard to tell you how to get what you want when you can't tell us what you want. At the very least, ilvl 86 sounds wrong.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Keep in mind, 8 passives vs 9 passives might be a huge money saver and no actual difference in required skill point allocations to reach the major nodes.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Ya, that was a typo. I think its 68 I need to get blanketed snow and snowstorm. (one I think is only 50, but the second I THINK is 68 but could be wrong). Some of the clusters have 8 small passives and others look like they have 11 or 12 small passives along with the 2 passive slots, but limiting it to only 8 small passives makes it take fewer skill points to finish and get to the 2 jewel sockets.


<Bronze Donator>
You almost always want 8. 9 for budget. 12 for minion.

Blanketed Snow is going to make it expensive, unfortunately. Passive tree masteries make cluster jewels less compelling. What build are you playing?


Blackwing Lair Raider
wish they could add a bunch of uniques that are , I dunno , mid tier chase items? Or is there some economics 101 reason why that isn’t possible. Seems like the game is divided between a whole mess of 1alch to 10exish uniques( though really a huge drop off after 1ex), and then a ridiculous jump to a few 70-200ex + items ( better than just headhunter/shako I guess).


<Bronze Donator>
Supply is essentially constant but demand is extremely elastic. It would be very hard to fix an item's price point.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Alright PoB warriors, anything obvious I'm missing here? I know my gear is pretty garbage still, but I'm stuck on INT requirements for a few key upgrades currently to get rid of the stupid Atziri shield which then frees up some other pieces for upgrade as well.

Still need to get +1 helix rotation on helm and get an attack crit chest for my biggest immediate gear upgrades I think. Overall though it's working pretty well. The mega proj speed configuration combined with long shot from the hat actually makes helix feel pretty damn good so far, although it can still be a touch fiddly on very small humanoid targets.