Path of Exile


Avatar of War Slayer
im pretty sure its a volume problem. The AH is not D3's problem. its the AH with 2million players/bots or whatever it is.
POE with its 14k concurrent just will never hit that oversaturation of the market. and AH would be fine. And designing an AH with a bartersystem wouldn't be THAT hard. well.. UI anyway. No idea what effect that would have on the netcode and traffic.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I realize this will come off like me being a raging fanboy, but people complaining about not having a AH in this game just do not get it at all. The currency and lack of an in game AH are core components of the games design. It was a very deliberate decision made by the Devs and one of the reasons they decided "fuck it, lets just make our own game". Play the game or don't, but don't hold your breath on getting an auction house.

I know it seems like it would be super convenient to just pop into an auction house and upgrade your gear, but that immediately turns the game into grinding chaos orbs so you can play auction house tycoon.


Trakanon Raider
I personally would much, much rather they just take the route that diablo 3 is taking with it's expansion. Increase drops so that you can have a realistic chance to self-find those high end, build defining uniques. Remove trading totally if it would flood the game with strong gear. As a player who avoids trading whenever possible, it would improve the game for me so much.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Yeah, it gets way better. Act 1 seems to be mostly a relic from early stages of development. A2 and A3 have way more character and variety. A1 is just all caves and mostly super easy mob types.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
im pretty sure its a volume problem. The AH is not D3's problem. its the AH with 2million players/bots or whatever it is.
POE with its 14k concurrent just will never hit that oversaturation of the market. and AH would be fine. And designing an AH with a bartersystem wouldn't be THAT hard. well.. UI anyway. No idea what effect that would have on the netcode and traffic.
the big problem would be that an AH would ruin the softcore league. With all the hardcore gear getting dropped there and being able to put stuff up and leave it there, that market would be oversaturated. I think the statistics said something like 25% of people still play in that league which kind of makes it a problem.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I'm trying to enjoy this game but Act 1 is so incredibly boring. Does it get better?
Normal is literally just like old school Diablo Normal difficulty was. Just blow through it as fast as possible without worrying about killing everything. On a brand new account it might take alittletime to complete it. With some leveling gear Normal becomes MF (item rarity) pinata each time you go through it with a new character.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Finally got a unique weapon towards the end of normal act 3. Wow, it's honestly like a completely different game. The crap that was dropping for me just sucked in comparison.

I'll also say that grouping made act 3 much more tolerable.


I am looking for the a cheap build to level through Standard as fast as possible. I have found some suggestions, but all are built around 1.0.0; does anyone have an updated build suggestion for a total beginner to level as quickly as possible?


Trakanon Raider
They don't swing the balance of basic builds that much, grab a Marauder with 2h mace and stack +hp/str/armor/resists and faceroll through it

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
im pretty sure its a volume problem. The AH is not D3's problem. its the AH with 2million players/bots or whatever it is.
POE with its 14k concurrent just will never hit that oversaturation of the market. and AH would be fine. And designing an AH with a bartersystem wouldn't be THAT hard. well.. UI anyway. No idea what effect that would have on the netcode and traffic.
That is your assumption. my assumption is opposite, I think going from "few people bother with trading and mostly for things they consider important" to "everyone throws all their shit into the AH because why not" will lead to the same issue D3 had (well D3 had plenty other issues too). Massive inflation and a huge empty gap between 'unaffordable top tier gear' and 'worthless junk'. It would be interesting to know who is right, but I'd rather not find because it might fuck over the game.


Trakanon Raider
People will do whatever they consider to take least effort to obtain the best gear possible, that's MMO design 101


Unelected Mod
So anyone have tips on running maps? Hit 70 last night and started running some 66 maps that I had, turned them magic before doing so. Kept randomizing them until I got shit that didn't hurt me too bad.

Seems a pretty interesting way to do the endgame.


Molten Core Raider
Just started playing again a bit. Haven't played since Beta where I had an OP 85 ele cleave templar. I tried doing the nemesis week race a couple times but died once to stupidity and once to desync so am starting to do regular nemesis now (didn't have Nemesis when I stopped) to build up some currency/items and get my feet wet, trying a marauder slam build, may switch to IB later on. I like doing races so when they start up again I will probably spend most of my time doing those.

IGN: NoWrongHole


So anyone have tips on running maps? Hit 70 last night and started running some 66 maps that I had, turned them magic before doing so. Kept randomizing them until I got shit that didn't hurt me too bad.

Seems a pretty interesting way to do the endgame.
Don't waste currency rerolling 66 maps unless the mod is really terrible. At 67, only a few maps are worth rerolling, but still only to make sure the mods are decent. At 68, vaal map is worth making maze (2-3x bigger for that one), but even that can end up costing too many alts sometimes. There's a website I forget that lists all the maps and which ones are worth rolling good. I used to just alch any 69-70, then 71+ might be worth more investment in alt+regal