Path of Exile


Molten Core Raider
Does re-rolling your socket colors and links erase your items quality? Don't think I have ever noticed that before but after changing the color of sockets on my weapon, and then linking them differently. my 20% quality got completely erased.


Trakanon Raider
Does re-rolling your socket colors and links erase your items quality? Don't think I have ever noticed that before but after changing the color of sockets on my weapon, and then linking them differently. my 20% quality got completely erased.
Rerolling colors does not consume quality. Rerolling sockets or links does consume quality. Your chance of more sockets or links is increased for each % of quality on the item, consuming it in the process.


The Scientific Shitlord
Vitality, I could use a guild invite. Is IGN the toon name or account name? If toon my main is Maryannettie


8 months of gaming abstinence and I caved yesterday due to hangover+boredom. I made a DD Templar and its boring. I tried flameblast and it's boring.

My problem with this game is that i find very few builds fun. The original burning discharge was fun as shit, and so was cast on crit discharge linked with spectral throw. I never really liked anything else.

Are there any new builds since scion/spectral throw came out (after that) that are fun and good? Is cast on CRIG discharge still viable? I never used volls devotion so that's not a problem


Lord Nagafen Raider
There are hundreds of builds. It would be easier to suggest builds to you if you listed everything you have played along with why you liked/disliked them.

For example you liked cast on crit builds? Then why not a CoC EK? CoC Cyclone? CoC Bow build? Discharage was honestly OP though A lot of fun and there are other OP builds that still exist. Do you hate all totem builds? have you tried many? Summon builds? Melee? Ranged? Magic? Low Life? Super Immortal Tanky? Super risky high dps? Traps?

Do you need to kill everything on the screen in one cast to be happy? Can it die slow (burn/chaos build) or does it have to die fast? Do you want a late blooming build? Highly expensive build? Highly customizable build?


Molten Core Raider
So I've been trying to get back into this for the limited time I have. I have a crappy comp atm so RIP a lot. back 4-5 months ago during Invasion I enjoyed Mara GS or ST builds and especially trappers. Scion trapper before nerfs were amazing...Cold Snap/ele prolif freezes everything, lightning traps, fire traps, and everything died, and no worry on reflects. From what i've been reading trapper builds arent that viable anymore. I'm going to do Mar aand maybe a summoner to build up my stash, then might go for trapper again. I really like that playstyle, though it really helps to have a box that can handle a screen full of burning ground.


Avatar of War Slayer
good night for my "rogue". was kindof fed up yesterday. dying on rampage. the build is VERY gear dependent. Was stuck at 65, not able to do docks consistantly quick, due to that fire dog boss. nor barracks, etc. had to do city and slums basically. and had not seen any masters there in tons of runs. Also vagan is near impossible. dude wrecks melee evasion builds.

Hit 66, was planning on two vaal rapiers. 48-150 or so. 1.2 speed rapiers. But realised dragonebone sword one, had a prefix open.
Stuck a 10-20 phsy on it. had 71% increased phys already. so its 50-159, 1.72 a/s, now. from 42-125 or so.
and just 10 min later a twilight blade dropped with 106% phys. (no flat phys sadly. but 44 fire, and 11 cold. and 27 crit damage. And actually a nice 34% fire resist, which also capped me out with 75/75/75.

so, went from 690 damage/hit 8.2 attacks/s flicker strike, to now 1152 damage/hit, 9.8 attacks/s flickerstrike. with gem level ups and level 68 now.
barely could do docks, to afk clearly them, slaughtered piety, and afk clearing maps now.

Alot more clearance up too. Those swords were huge, but still not end game good.
running with a 4 link flicker. a 5 or 6 link. Evasion gear with 1 green, 3,4,5 reds is not super easy to get.
hitting 75% chaos resist to stop blood rage drain.
A blood magic or something will help too. currently biggest issue is I need to chug hybrid and life flasks. once going, life leech is plenty to outpace blood rage, even at -50 or so chaos. But, after combat, hp is constantly draining at like 7% of max hp/s. And mana is a bit of a problem. the bigger issue really. Reduced mana hatred, herald of ash and ice. have something like 80% of mana reserved. atm 108 mana left unreserved. the 4 linked flicker strike is 44 mana. and 3 casts per second. 132mana/sec drain. the mana leech I have actually "covers" that. but, the problem is, the leech is not instant. the leech SPEED can't keep up with that 10 attacks/s. So I need to constantly chug the pots to keep flickering.
There are a couple options here. bloodmagic it. I'm within range for the dynamo/mana and reduced mana nodes, having constitution. 9% reduced mana cost of skills might help. Add poachers or warlords curses into the mix somehow. They are harder. you dance around WAY too fast to cast intentionally. I saw a forum build that has cast on damage taken-temp chains, enduring cry. I tried, and was not impressed. It just was not casting very often.

Herald of ash is super effective with this aoe flicker. Bouncing around, lets that burn work. A dagger build with adders touch also ought to work well too.
Herald of ice less so, since it has almost no scaling. but it should be some bonus damage, at little real cost. Hatred does cause shatters often.

and got an empower and facebreaker drop.


So I've been trying to get back into this for the limited time I have. I have a crappy comp atm so RIP a lot. back 4-5 months ago during Invasion I enjoyed Mara GS or ST builds and especially trappers. Scion trapper before nerfs were amazing...Cold Snap/ele prolif freezes everything, lightning traps, fire traps, and everything died, and no worry on reflects. From what i've been reading trapper builds arent that viable anymore. I'm going to do Mar aand maybe a summoner to build up my stash, then might go for trapper again. I really like that playstyle, though it really helps to have a box that can handle a screen full of burning ground.
I can't really say how viable trappers are (as that partly depends on your expectations) but I'm playing a flame trapper in Beyond who does ok and is up to level 76 now. It doesn't have amazing clear speed, but on the other hand it's fairly safe (though I did lose the first incarnation at 70 to stupidity) with not having to worry about reflect and pretty easy kiting abilities.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Making 2 toons for sure makes money come much easier. We need someone to make a MF culling toon on Rampage


I can't really say how viable trappers are (as that partly depends on your expectations) but I'm playing a flame trapper in Beyond who does ok and is up to level 76 now. It doesn't have amazing clear speed, but on the other hand it's fairly safe (though I did lose the first incarnation at 70 to stupidity) with not having to worry about reflect and pretty easy kiting abilities.
Poison Arrow + Trap + Empower + Proj Speed + Increased Area + conc effect trapper with Desecrate trap and Det Dead and sunblast etc was a top 20 build in the 1 month race.

On another note, I picked up a moonsorrow and a rime gaze this weekend (Self Found on these two)

Put curse on hit enfeeble with arc in the moonsorrow for that blind goodness. Swap this to Ele Weakness when in groups/not beyond boss farming.

Raise Spectre in the Rime gaze makes it a 5L with the lvl 15 conc effect - LMP + Spell Echo + Minion Damage.

Have 3 Flame Sentinels up that spam the screen with fireballs. Working real well up to level 77 as of last night.


The Scientific Shitlord
I've been bouncing around on toons a bit. My scion/summoner just ran face first into the brick wall of 3rd run through resists. The boss of tidal island bent me and my minions over and had his way with us. I managed to beat him down by making his fists bleed on my face repeatedly. I've already started working on getting some of my 4 links set up for minions. Why do people use phys damage instead of minion damage for zombies? If I can get 6 more levels and win the lotto on finding a cheap Tabula Rasa I have most of what I would want for a zombie/spectre setup. I am speccing for auras, so that would leave 2 items for auras and 2 for flesh offering and convocation.

I know zombies poof if you remove the gem, but do they poof if you remove spell from hotbar? And auras?

Will probably get my ranger through round 2 this week. Split arrow is hax. Just started a lightning witch last night. Leveling so much faster than scion did. Once you hit 19 and get arc, it's pretty much game over. I just cast that and Vaal Storm Call when it's up. Everything melts.


I know zombies poof if you remove the gem, but do they poof if you remove spell from hotbar? And auras?
They do not disappear if you remove the skill from the hotbar.

I'm using Purity aura - Grace (with Iron Reflexes) and am running clarity. I have room for Vitality or one of the resist specific purities (I cycle in purity of lightning vs dom/piety)

However most of the time I leave the last 300 of my mana un reserved for Mind over Matter mitigation.

Currently geared for Hybrid life/es at around 1200 mana ( 3500 hp 700 es) still deciding if I want to drop the ES into my mana pool with EB which would free up mana for MOM and run a 4th aura.

Right now though my zombies have 4200 hp in my 6L Tabula Rasa - they tank even the most gnarly (phys arrow nova/vaal det dead/vaal corrupted stormcall) beyond unique bosses.

My Spectres are 4l in rime gaze for the conc effect.

Running a CWDT (cast when dmg taken) 3 link in my 500ar/500ev 90hp shield. Enduring cry imortal call.

Bones of Ullr 2b1r1g for auras. Gloves have artic armor rejuve totem. With two open slots for junk. (Flesh offering - Convocation - Vaal haste etc - Ele Weakness)

Looking into getting one or two GG unset rings for various utility skills that don't require links, like Rejuve totem.

Goals on the horizon: Get an Empower Gem for the zombs - Get a Mon'Tegruls Grasp


Molten Core Raider
Going self-found, I've been having to run purity of elements aura to keep my resists up, my gear isn't real great. I had no problem being capped in Cruel, but now in Merciless I only have Cold and Lightning capped, my fire is woefully low, even with the aura(like 40%). The one plus side, is that running the 40% mana reserved element aura with a 25% Herald of ash isn't a big deal with reduced mana. Thank god for a damage aura that is only 25% reserved, rather than another full 40% like the old ones. Herald of Ash seems ridiculously overpowered for any build that relies on big, slow-hitting physical damage weapons, it's WAY better than the old flat added damage auras.

Just curious, anyone have any builds that they like and that are pretty viable into mapping at the very least that aren't reliant on a specific unique, or on a 6L build? I generally have somewhat ghetto gear, but can usually luck into a 5L at some point, I was just curious what realistic options are out there that maybe I haven't thought of before. I usually make builds built around physical damage, like spectral throw, EK, ground slam, lightning strike, bear trap, etc) but was just curious if I'm overlooking some other obvious, not heavily gear-dependent options.


My problem with this game is that i find very few builds fun.
It's because the entire skill system is designed around using one skill plus a curse which is just a fire-and-forget AoE that takes no real interaction. A few builds situationally use a secondary attack or other utility skill but that's about it. PoE is a one-button game, so if you don't enjoy the shit out of your one button, it gets boring pretty quickly. Coupled with the fact that a lot of the skills are actually really primitive point-and-click exercises that amount to little more than swinging or shooting a projectile in a straight line, the manual portion of this game is actually incredibly primitive. 95% of PoE's gameplay is in creating the optimal build and doing an absurd amount of grinding for your (usually retardly meager) rewards.


Arc in a +2 lightning level spell dmg lightning dmg scepter with spell echo + lightning pen is a pretty cheap option for most builds. Might be able to find one with cast speed also (or just craft it).

Can run faster casting instead of spell echo.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Going self-found, I've been having to run purity of elements aura to keep my resists up, my gear isn't real great. I had no problem being capped in Cruel, but now in Merciless I only have Cold and Lightning capped, my fire is woefully low, even with the aura(like 40%). The one plus side, is that running the 40% mana reserved element aura with a 25% Herald of ash isn't a big deal with reduced mana. Thank god for a damage aura that is only 25% reserved, rather than another full 40% like the old ones. Herald of Ash seems ridiculously overpowered for any build that relies on big, slow-hitting physical damage weapons, it's WAY better than the old flat added damage auras.

Just curious, anyone have any builds that they like and that are pretty viable into mapping at the very least that aren't reliant on a specific unique, or on a 6L build? I generally have somewhat ghetto gear, but can usually luck into a 5L at some point, I was just curious what realistic options are out there that maybe I haven't thought of before. I usually make builds built around physical damage, like spectral throw, EK, ground slam, lightning strike, bear trap, etc) but was just curious if I'm overlooking some other obvious, not heavily gear-dependent options.
I started a flameblast with no currency and no uniques needed that I am mapping with.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I started a flameblast with no currency and no uniques needed that I am mapping with.
You've also played the game a lot and know what works/doesn't. Having gems available from level 1 and some socketed gear to have skills link makes a world of difference.


Trakanon Raider
Physical dps builds are a lot more viable now with masters crafting if playing self found. All you really need to do great as a dagger or bow build is a strong weapon and some +physical damage jewelry. Just alchemy high level white weapons you find, and when you find one with a high % physical mod and an open prefix slot, craft flat damage onto it and go to town. Bonus points if you roll it with both flat damage and % damage already, and you can instead craft attack speed or crit chance onto it instead.

Example of the bow I'm using I crafted: