Pathfinder: Kingmaker


Silver Baronet of the Realm
So far the roguelike dungeon is sort of underwhelming. I'm playing on Challenging difficulty so that might be too low, but I'm at Floor 12 (character level 8) and have been able to breeze through it all without many issues. My party so far is a Two-Weapon Fighter, a Crossbow Rogue, a Smilodon Druid, a Cold Evocation Sorcerer, and I just added a Bard. Not sure what to make my 6th character once I have enough gold, I have four frontliners now and all the spell utility I need so maybe another archer.
i like it. you level quickly, so it gives a chance to play some more unconventional class combinations that you wouldn't really be able to otherwise. and sometimes you just want to go kill some stuff without having to worry about social encounters, you know? it's basically a d&d 1e module.
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Throbbing Member
i like it. you level quickly, so it gives a chance to play some more unconventional class combinations that you wouldn't really be able to otherwise. and sometimes you just want to go kill some stuff without having to worry about social encounters, you know? it's basically a d&d 1e module.
They need some dungeon mod tools. I want someone to recreate Temple of Elemental Evil.
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Vyemm Raider
Enemy variety seems pretty good but I wish that skills played a bigger role and that there were multiple paths and more dungeon features. Something more like Nethack or Brogue (which are the peak of roguelike design).


Vyemm Raider
Got my just desserts for talking smack about the dungeon difficulty. Made it to floor 30 and ran into one of the lost heroes.
I managed to sneak up on the Captor and cast Chaotic Rift, but unfortunately he saved so I was not going to be able to peel him away from the other mobs. He immediately starts by casting Dominate Monster on my best damage dealer with a Will save DC of 36! There was no way in hell that I was going to save that, but luckily my Bard has Break Enchantment. But as I started casting it, the Captor casted a Quickened Icy Prison, Mass with another save DC of 36 which paralyzed my entire party. After that, it was a TPK.
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Still only in act 2 but I made a two-handed weapon fighter half-orc and gave him the 2h trollreaper (or w/e) axe, along with cleave traits and he's fucking melting faces.

While the story, writing, and companions are pretty bleh, I really love how the game feels and plays. Easily the best RTWP combat IMO
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
I don't know how i missed it, but there's a mod on the nexus that turns everything into turn based. It definitely slows down combat and that obviously could turn some people off, but it makes things feel so much more like a visual tabletop game
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<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
Still only in act 2 but I made a two-handed weapon fighter half-orc and gave him the 2h trollreaper (or w/e) axe, along with cleave traits and he's fucking melting faces.

While the story, writing, and companions are pretty bleh, I really love how the game feels and plays. Easily the best RTWP combat IMO

I did similar with Amiri. She does ok, but my character (War with Longsword & shield with specialization and more cleave feats because...more overall feats) seems to do much more damage overall.

Initially I was planning on leaving Amiri in the second line behind Warriors, but I've only been able to find a single +1 weapon with 6ft reach so far. But I've got 4-5 decent/good 2-handers (including Trollreaper) that are just your standard 2ft, so...Trollreaper it is.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
i never liked the 3.5 barbarians. they never really made sense to me. i would LOVE a 5e barbarian conversion mod, though


I did similar with Amiri. She does ok, but my character (War with Longsword & shield with specialization and more cleave feats because...more overall feats) seems to do much more damage overall.

Initially I was planning on leaving Amiri in the second line behind Warriors, but I've only been able to find a single +1 weapon with 6ft reach so far. But I've got 4-5 decent/good 2-handers (including Trollreaper) that are just your standard 2ft, so...Trollreaper it is.

2h Fighter definitely seems more powerful than Barb to me. Also, Enlarge person gives melee reach. It messes with the pathfinding AI a bit though as it makes them a bigger thing to walk around.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
2h Fighter definitely seems more powerful than Barb to me. Also, Enlarge person gives melee reach. It messes with the pathfinding AI a bit though as it makes them a bigger thing to walk around.
I may try one out at some point.

I stuck with Valerie as well, as a tower shield specialist or whatever the fuck. I mean...I guess she's ok? But I'm not doing group shield skills, so...

I tried enlarging early on, and it was like I stuck a giant "RAPE ME" sign on Amiri. She's still not super survivable, but early on I lost her to some random shots sometimes.


I may try one out at some point.

I stuck with Valerie as well, as a tower shield specialist or whatever the fuck. I mean...I guess she's ok? But I'm not doing group shield skills, so...

I tried enlarging early on, and it was like I stuck a giant "RAPE ME" sign on Amiri. She's still not super survivable, but early on I lost her to some random shots sometimes.

The minus to AC is a very small amount after a while and the reach bonus (and the str) makes it worth it IMO.


I'm doing a custom group run with the respec mod (updated now) to change the companions. Doing an evil run with:

PC: Monk/Duelist tank
Regon: 2H Fighter
Nok-Nok: Monster Tactician
Jubilost: Sorc
Tiefling Girl: Cleric
Jaethal: Ranger

It's going pretty good so far. It's certainly not the most OP party setup, but it covers all the bases.
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Vyemm Raider
Enlarge Person is okay. Legendary Proportions, on the other hand, is probably the second largest DPS increase buff in the game (behind Haste).


How dare you respec hero Nok Nok

Yeah, I know. I didn't want more than 2 frontliners so it was down to a 2H fighter or a rogue. The fighter won out. BUT, I want you to consider the awesomeness that Nok-Nok wearing an Inquisitor outfit and commanding an army of minions around is.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
The minus to AC is a very small amount after a while and the reach bonus (and the str) makes it worth it IMO.


I'm doing a custom group run with the respec mod (updated now) to change the companions. Doing an evil run with:

PC: Monk/Duelist tank
Regon: 2H Fighter
Nok-Nok: Monster Tactician
Jubilost: Sorc
Tiefling Girl: Cleric
Jaethal: Ranger

It's going pretty good so far. It's certainly not the most OP party setup, but it covers all the bases.

What is the benefit of Monk/Duelist?


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
I did similar with Amiri. She does ok, but my character (War with Longsword & shield with specialization and more cleave feats because...more overall feats) seems to do much more damage overall.

Initially I was planning on leaving Amiri in the second line behind Warriors, but I've only been able to find a single +1 weapon with 6ft reach so far. But I've got 4-5 decent/good 2-handers (including Trollreaper) that are just your standard 2ft, so...Trollreaper it is.

Respec Amiri to Invulnerable Rager Barbarian and Valerie to just a fighter with sword and shield traits. I don't understand the Tower Shield Specialist as all of the feats it gets is just to be more tanky.
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Just finished Vordakai's stuff and jesus that was a tough slog. It was doubly worse as I forgot to bring camping supplies. The payoff for the evil choice at the end made it all worth it though.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
So I just now realized that the dudes I freed from Tartuccio in the Sycamore haven't shown up anywhere really. I can't find them in town at all. Where did they go? I don't want them as party members right now but I'd like to use them as advisors and hopefully do their companion quests.

I assumed they'd be in my tavern but no dice. Where do they go?