Pillars of Eternity, Obsidian's new CRPG in the vein of Baldur's Gate


A nice asshole.
From what I've read, Hard is actually the default difficulty and both Easy and Normal remove spawns to make the game less of a challenge. I picked Normal at first because I generally don't like artificial difficulty levels--which is exactly what Path of the Damned appears to be--but after reading that I went back and started over on Hard. Probably a good thing; my original plan was to be a rogue that packed a blunderbuss, but that was a dead end anyway since the patch nerfed guns into uselessness.

Still sticking with rogue, but now I can't decide between 'adventurer' (estoc/war bow) and 'noble' (rapier/dagger/crossbow) weapons. I don't really understand the mechanics well enough yet to know if estoc, being a 2h weapon in this game, is still viable for a rogue. I assume it is, since one of the options during character creation was offering me a greatsword.
2hweapons work great, morningstar and greatsword rogue is beast, sneak up and WHACK! Best if you go invisible for backstab attempt.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I'm just debating when to buy it. I'd love to grab it now and play along with everyone else playing it but I just don't see it working out.


Molten Core Raider
Anyone figured out how to increase sidescrolling speed ? I don't see an option for it and at 2560x1440 it's slow as fuck.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Options > Game > Scroll Speed (middle slider at the bottom). 3x seems about right to me.

Edit: I also set loot radius to 8m, because why the hell not?


Molten Core Raider
Probably a dumb question, but do you need to be sneaking in order to detect traps and hidden loot? Seems like everytime something popped up as a secret, it was when I was sneaking around, but then again I always sneak into a new/room area to scout around so maybe it was just coincidence.


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
The room with 5 shadows are raping me. They basically teleport to my priest and wizard and instant rape them.

As far as I know you must be sneaking to find traps.


Molten Core Raider
The room with 5 shadows are raping me. They basically teleport to my priest and wizard and instant rape them.

As far as I know you must be sneaking to find traps.
I'm going to come back at like level 10 and rape those 5 shadows. That room is impossible at level 3 with 3 people. I probably tried it 20-30 times last night, never even got close to getting it, and that's on Normal difficulty. I can't even imagine hard or higher


Trakanon Raider
Some of the rooms with shadows can be split pulled with careful positioning, so that you only have to fight a few at a time. I think there was one room where I couldn't split anything off. Shadows are vulnerable to fire, and if you have someone with high mechanics skill, you should have some fireball traps you recovered from disarming them earlier in the dungeon. Setup some traps outside the room and laugh as they burn to death when you pull them out.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Probably a dumb question, but do you need to be sneaking in order to detect traps and hidden loot? Seems like everytime something popped up as a secret, it was when I was sneaking around, but then again I always sneak into a new/room area to scout around so maybe it was just coincidence.
Yes, hidden stuff (purple highlight instead of blue) and traps aren't discovered unless you sneak for a few seconds in the vicinity.


How buggy and messed up is the game right now? I keep reading about a first patch which made your early savegames unuseable and turned all kinds of guns into terrible weapons by cutting their damage in half.
Buggy.. ran into a game breaking bug with ranger pets/companion. They go white and if they die you can't zone. Pretty much kills your game if you don't have save before that happens.

edit. just death killed my ranger with the bugged pet an it fixed it.
.. time to make a new.


Silver Knight of the Realm
You can 'hire' adventurers in the inn in the first town which basically lets you roll your own characters. I had plenty of gold from just selling shit I picked up and was able to fill out my party and beat the 5 shadow room without too much trouble.


Tranny Chaser
Rolled pale elf wizard. Met other wizzy outside inn, fighter under tree, healer dude, blunderbuss mofo and the dwarf ranger. Normal game, still feels hard when shadows hit you. Found out they can be killed fairly easy as wizzy with the aoe ability on the bar - have the fighter tank in doors, boom, wasted. I'm having trouble with the nasty tree dudes and their she-bitches. Swarm me and wont die. Meh. Now finished chapter one, coming back to murder them later.


Molten Core Raider
How do you use your strategy guide? I got the $89 dollar version for shits and giggles but I don't see how to use the digital strategy guide.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Anyone that got the game from GoG have trouble installing? The setup window launches and the bar moved about 10% of the way across the window, and then it stopped moving. The window is still active (game ads scrolling by, setup word has the 3 dots moving), but the bar hasn't budged in 30+ minutes. Does this game take an unusually long time to install or is something borked? I've tried 2x now and it's doing the same thing on my current 3rd attempt to install.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
How do you use your strategy guide? I got the $89 dollar version for shits and giggles but I don't see how to use the digital strategy guide.
It's just a PDF.

After readingthisI'm just going to do my first playthrough IWD-style. Once there's a fully-functional tool to give the companions decent starting stats/builds, I'll play it again and use the companions all the time. I assume that I'll be able to grab a particular companion and do their story quest stuff even though they're just sitting in the stronghold all the time, so all I will really miss out on is conversation and banter type stuff the first time through.

Anyone that got the game from GoG have trouble installing? The setup window launches and the bar moved about 10% of the way across the window, and then it stopped moving. The window is still active (game ads scrolling by, setup word has the 3 dots moving), but the bar hasn't budged in 30+ minutes. Does this game take an unusually long time to install or is something borked? I've tried 2x now and it's doing the same thing on my current 3rd attempt to install.
It's slow but not *that* slow. Not sure how long it took exactly because I left it unattended for close to an hour, but I doubt it took more than 15 minutes or so. Glancing at the GOG forum it looks like some people had issues with anti-virus programs hanging the installer. I don't run anything but Windows Defender on my game PC.


Lord Nagafen Raider
It's slow but not *that* slow. Not sure how long it took exactly because I left it unattended for close to an hour, but I doubt it took more than 15 minutes or so. Glancing at the GOG forum it looks like some people had issues with anti-virus programs hanging the installer. I don't run anything but Windows Defender on my game PC.
Thanks man, that was it. I completely disabled AVG and the install completed in under 15 minutes.