Planetside 2


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Seems rather odd to release SMG that seems to use small clip as it's balancing factor against other types of weapons then just a few weeks later release a new SMG with double the clip size.

It looks like a blatant attempt to screw over the early adopter's of SMG.



Roadmap, Players Site and Server Merges!

Hey all ?

We?ve had a busy couple weeks here on the Planetside 2 team, and I wanted to talk about three things in particular that we've been working on.

First up: Roadmap Update. It?s been about a month since we've released the Roadmap website and so far it has been incredibly helpful for us on the team to see your ideas and suggestions on upcoming features. So, huge ?Thank you!? to everyone who has participated in discussion of our upcoming features on Roadmap, and if you haven?t yet, please do check it out. We?ve already changed priority and direction on several features based on feedback and suggestions from the Roadmap site. In some cases feedback has caused us to reevaluate a feature and/or changed the scope of required work which will cause features to be moved forward or backwards in the schedule to match their new estimated delivery, so, you can expect to see a reshuffling of features on there soon. As we realign the features we?ll be going through each, giving more details where possible, and including the reasons for them moving in the schedule so that everyone understands how their favorite upcoming feature is coming along.

Speaking of shuffling, right now the Roadmap lists most tasks on the month they?re being worked on internally, which makes sense for our internal project management, but not as much sense when thinking about it as a ?release date?. So, we will be shifting the months that tasks are listed in forward based on the fact that we generally patch at the tail end of the month, due to this, updates marked for ?May? would show up in late May or, if delayed, early June, which many of you have let us know is a bit confusing. For game updates we are working off a 2-week cadence, so you can expect to see two major updates each month, and minor updates and bug fixes in between when and if necessary.

At the end of the day, the goal of the Roadmap is to give the an accurate view of what will actually be getting delivered month-by-month. It will never be 100% accurate 100% of the time, but we?re working on a plan to ensure it is kept up-to-date with our best estimates of when features will be released.

Next: Players Site: We?re really excited to finally release the beta version of the Planetside 2 Players site! The website has a ton of really kickass character-focused features including: comprehensive character and progression stats, detailed stats on class, weapon, and vehicle usage, realtime & historical killboards for each character, friend status and more.

In addition to character statistics the site features leaderboards which can be filtered based on a number of criteria, like server & time period, as well as a PlanetStatus page which displays the current territory control of each continent for your server. Several features such as outfit browsing and certifications will be coming online in the future. The website is in beta so please be gentle and report any bugs you see with it here:

We?re really proud of the Players site and we can?t wait to hear your thoughts on it.

Finally: Server Merges. Next week we will be doing server merges to help even populations across all game servers. Right now we have a lot of disparity between populations on our servers, some are highly populated with active fights across all continents, some are not. This is a factor of which servers were most popular at launch, and players gravitating to one or two servers per locale. Now that the crush of new players from launch and the holidays has died down, and our server populations and incoming new players have stabilized we have a good idea of where each server stands in terms of player population, empire population and we can model merges to optimize the populations.

The following servers will be getting Merged:

US West:
Genudine and Helios -> Helios

US East:
Mattherson and SolTech -> Mattherson
Waterson and Jaeger -> Waterson

Cobalt and Lithcorp -> Cobalt
Ceres and Mallory -> Ceres

Connery, Woodman, Miller and Briggs will not be part of the merges.

You won?t have to do anything to participate, the entire server population will be moving, your friends, outfits & certs will all be coming with you. Those of you on servers that are being merged will just see that your character is on a different server the next time you log in after the merger is complete. The result of these merges will be a more consistent and full server population during off-peak hours, more players to support better utilization of all of the continents in the game and, generally a lot more massive in your massively-multiplayer. Shortly after the merges are complete we plan to begin offering server transfer tokens, so if you would prefer to go to a different server at that point you could.

Until next time, thank you for playing Planetside 2 and we?ll see you on Auraxis!

Matthew Higby (@mhigby)
Creative Director - Planetside2


Vyemm Raider
Still wish Soltech and Jaeger were getting the merge. Jaeger has low VS pop, Soltech has a high VS pop. It would make for a great balanced server.

Minor nitpick: It sucks that the names Matherson and Waterson are going to be kept, when Jaeger and Soltech are clearly cooler sounding.


Well I got PhysX to work a bit better. I turned shadows down to low, turned off motion blur and ambient occlusion (i think that's the one.. the optional realistic lighting one). So now when i'm staring at the elevator pads with all the sparkly shit it drop down to about 42-45 fps. That's still half decent right? If I have everything enabled though it goes down to 23-30. With shadows on medium, ambient occlusion enabled, physx and motion blur off I get 50+.


FoH nuclear response team
Well I got PhysX to work a bit better. I turned shadows down to low, turned off motion blur and ambient occlusion (i think that's the one.. the optional realistic lighting one). So now when i'm staring at the elevator pads with all the sparkly shit it drop down to about 42-45 fps. That's still half decent right? If I have everything enabled though it goes down to 23-30. With shadows on medium, ambient occlusion enabled, physx and motion blur off I get 50+.
I would see how it runs in big fights and as long as it doesn't bother you keep running it.


FoH nuclear response team
Somehow I parked my Mossy on the side of a ammo tower last night, shit didn't blow up either.

Dr Neir

Trakanon Raider
Wish the ammo boxes for engineer were bigger or allow for different ammo types. I want auto-turrets (Aliens) I can drop. Engineer station depots, bunkers and Infiltrator camo nest, etc. Deployable Jump pad, anti-air or vech or Inf turrets for others to use. Something I can really apply my points to.


FoH nuclear response team
Wish the ammo boxes for engineer were bigger or allow for different ammo types. I want auto-turrets (Aliens) I can drop. Engineer station depots, bunkers and Infiltrator camo nest, etc. Deployable Jump pad, anti-air or vech or Inf turrets for others to use. Something I can really apply my points to.
Those are some kick ass ideas, I'd be down with deploy-able shields/cover, jump pads or mortars.


Urinal Cake Consumption King
<Gold Donor>
Wow, I just increased my enjoyment of the game 20 fold. I almost feel like I'm cheating now.

1) Pimp out a Flash. Yes a flash. I'm not going to say that radar is cheesy as hell, but it's... cheesy as hell.
2) Hide it near a large battle.
3) Win!

This probably explains all those times I always got snuck up on :p


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Lol yeah. scout radar + flash is fun as hell. Especially since you can drive that thing almost anywhere.


FoH nuclear response team
Scout radar has been an ongoing joke in our Outfit, that shit does rock though.

EDIT: I finally killed Rocketchicken this morning. Was quite possibly the most satisfying kill of my entire FPS career.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Thanks for the tip on the flash with scout radar. I assume you do all your killing once you find a spot as an inflitrator?


Urinal Cake Consumption King
<Gold Donor>
Thanks for the tip on the flash with scout radar. I assume you do all your killing once you find a spot as an inflitrator?
Hell no, I'm the worlds worst infiltrator. I couldn't head-shot someone 20 feet in front of me even if they were afk.

90% of the time I'm an engineer. I have started messing around with a shotgun light assault.

Last night I would keep 2 of 3 points capped (change their color), and with my radar saw a scythe land on my building. I saw which entrance he took and went the other way. Flew up on the roof and destroyed his plane with a shotgun(I'm new to LA, no C4). When he came outside to see what happened, I land behind him. So cheesy.

Moral of the story, destroy any flashes you see. I bought the first stealth cert for the flash, so it doesnt show up on their proximity mini map. Parking it in a bush helps :p

Dr Neir

Trakanon Raider
For a futuristic setting I expect more! 4 wheelers? Seriously?
Where's the drones? Sat rockets with base stations? Sundy radar/ladar boosters/jammers for team members.
At this point I wish they would start having ppl mine for minerals, haul to bases to help with faction resources. Give some meaning to capping and controlling points, right know its hop to this point to that point just to hop back for max cert gains. And yes I am advocating a first person Starcraft with players as the grunts/troops!

If they are going to do a flash do this! (Really 4 wheeler? Thats what I invision when I think about the future) *shakes head...



Ahn'Qiraj Raider
At a meta level, I get why they've made weapons and vehicles as horrible, as 1950's, as they have. The crazy "realistic" ARMA/American Army/etc experience is attractive to a much smaller audience. Being more realistic would be much more similar to shock rifle and one-hit-kill mods for quake and UT.

But in a game all about the "future", having gear and vehicles that are flat out worse than *current* US tech creates a frisson that's always bouncing around my hind-brain. Gyro-stabilized guns for tanks, *everything* is much more lethal (realistically there's what, *maybe* 15-20% of the human body that can take a war-calibre bullet without either killing or massively incapacitating you), anti-air that isn't based on Flak *and* does more than just scare away. etc etc etc.

And yet some of these changes actually breaks some of the weapons. In a world where any single bullet is likely fatal, having a 100 round spray and pray, crazy recoil, suppression weapon like LMGs makes sense. Fuck, even the NC default LMG is modeled after the modern tripod mounted suppression weapons. (note, I'm not even getting into the magic of "Cone of Fire".)

But in a world where 6-12 bullets kill, and you're at 100% effectiveness right up to that last bullet? Suppression means jack shit. Being able to throw those 6-12 bullets into a tight spread is so much more important.

Bah. Food poisoning making me cranky.


Molten Core Raider
(realistically there's what, *maybe* 15-20% of the human body that can take a war-calibre bullet without either killing or massively incapacitating you)
Even the comparatively shitty body armor that the USMC use now is surprisingly effective at stopping 7.62 ammunition. Also, we had a guy get shot in the arm and he was able to administer self-aid. Although I would agree that for 95 percent of impacts, the guy who gets shot is definitely out of the fight for the time being, whether or not he is truly injured (not sure if this was your definition of incapacitated)... whether or not he is truly injured depends on the range and where he was shot.

As you said, though... this type of game isn't nearly as appealing to the "average gamer".


<Silver Donator>
The way I rationalize it without knowing too much about actual Planetside lore is that they are generating and regenerating simple soldiers and simple equipment. It's a battle in cost effectiveness on each side.


FoH nuclear response team
All servers will come down at 12:00 AM PT March 1st, 2013 for maintenance to support the PlanetSide 2 server merges. Downtime is anticipated to be approximately 90 minutes. Players on impacted servers will find their characters intact on the following servers:

Genudine to Helios
SolTech to Mattherson
Jaegar to Waterson
Lithicorp to Cobalt
Mallory to Ceres


hi all

I have a real big problem with Terran Republic (only EURO, not US). They are all super bad. I tried all servers minus two and i am tired of deleting my characters to make a new one on a new server where there might be good players who do antiair, who hop into tanks who are not just infantry zerg accounts without cash. Right now i am on Miller and my main is a NC char on Miller. TR on Miller is only good once in a week(so i am playing my main and when they finally get their shit together i can ride the train of awesomeness
) Hell sometimes there is only 3 squads active and theres not ONE FREAKING SUNDERER.

It is such a shame, by far the most fun tank and the most fun RATATATTATATA high+rpm guns but TR seems to attract only superbads in europe. We have hippys and lefties and it shows ("woopididoo i am on the side of freedom!" /sigh). And every 3rd death is at least partially teamkills.

So my question, does anyone know an EURO (no US ping is bad) server with halfway decent TR. I don't want to fight 200meters from the warpgate and get hunted down by 5 scythes at once who penetrated TR territory deep and go totally unharrassed HOVERING over a base.