Planetside 2


I don't know why but there's an obnoxious amount of people teamkilling vehicles lately and it's making me not want to play at all.


Ancient MMO noob
I honestly think PlanetSide has more reasons (links to new map, cave links etc etc) to fight compared to this (PS2).


I love it but it's lacking a tiny bit at the moment for me. There are still some really intense moments though. Mostly when there isn't an alert because on Waterson on every alert TR have about 30% more pop than everyone else.


I love it but it's lacking a tiny bit at the moment for me. There are still some really intense moments though. Mostly when there isn't an alert because on Waterson on every alert TR have about 30% more pop than everyone else.
I talked to Higby, Arc and mostly Malorn and some of the things with Hossin and the battle islands sound pretty awesome. The key word here is sound. If PS1's "Metagame" they want in is implemented with the modern shooter (and optimization) it'll go from a fun TDM game (for people who like to farm and have friends/outfits) to a amazing MMOFPS (For every type of player....yes even the Military Sim guys). Either they get it right or some other company will. I'll be sticking with MMOFPS from here on out though with just the MLG competitive FPS shit for BF4 lame 4 v 4 tournaments.


Urinal Cake Consumption King
<Gold Donor>
I talked to Higby, Arc and mostly Malorn and some of the things with Hossin and the battle islands sound pretty awesome. The key word here is sound. If PS1's "Metagame" they want in is implemented with the modern shooter (and optimization) it'll go from a fun TDM game (for people who like to farm and have friends/outfits) to a amazing MMOFPS (For every type of player....yes even the Military Sim guys). Either they get it right or some other company will. I'll be sticking with MMOFPS from here on out though with just the MLG competitive FPS shit for BF4 lame 4 v 4 tournaments.
I don't mind the BF4's of the world, but only the PC 64 vs 64 type maps. Anything less seems to end up just having kids camping in corners, or one shotting with flavor of the month weapons. PS2 had FOTM shotguns for a while, but it's mostly been nerfed.


I don't mind the BF4's of the world, but only the PC 64 vs 64 type maps. Anything less seems to end up just having kids camping in corners, or one shotting with flavor of the month weapons. PS2 had FOTM shotguns for a while, but it's mostly been nerfed.
lol still happens in the best 64 v 64 but ya I get your point. The FOTM weapon aren't as bad. I recently started playing again and at least its not just AEK or M16a3. Now the F2000 and M416 can also be thrown in with AN94s/KH2002/Famas possibly.

AEK til the day that I die.


Trakanon Raider
The only real way to enjoy Planetside 2 right now is to beat people so bad in the game they quit playing the game all together. There are two great ways to accomplish this with one requiring low certs and skill, and the other requiring bucketloads of certs and some amazing skills.

I'm TR and VS but in reality, roll TR. Grab a harasser with a marauder strapped to the top and composite armor. I recommend the surger cert line and afterburners. Now learn how to get the harasser into techplants/amp stations and every single base minus 1 on esamir. Since you are the only vehicle inside these bases and you contain a 15 round anti infantry monster, GO TO TOWN. Very easy to get over 100+ kills per vehicle like this.

The other interesting aspect of this game is to get really good with the Liberator. You can learn how to solo with the vehicle, but bring a friend who is great at leading shots (ala Tribes disc gun or quake rocket launchers) and own everything. Liberator + Dalton = whole tank zergs destroyed. Worried about air? Learn how to shoot down all aircraft. Only a select few pilots per server can actually take you down so you can wrack in some massive points and completely troll people by dominating them so badly that just out right quit the game.


Trakanon Raider
I talked to Higby, Arc and mostly Malorn and some of the things with Hossin and the battle islands sound pretty awesome. The key word here is sound. If PS1's "Metagame" they want in is implemented with the modern shooter (and optimization) it'll go from a fun TDM game (for people who like to farm and have friends/outfits) to a amazing MMOFPS (For every type of player....yes even the Military Sim guys). Either they get it right or some other company will. I'll be sticking with MMOFPS from here on out though with just the MLG competitive FPS shit for BF4 lame 4 v 4 tournaments.
You don't honestly think that Higby has any idea what he is doing do you? I'm in NUC and have heard our leaders tell us about all the stuff that is coming to PS2. We were suppose to be beta testing Battle Islands 3 weeks ago. Didn't get that. Never believe anything that comes from the Devs in this game. Just go troll pubbies by killing them in ways that doubles as showboating. So much more enjoyable.


Urinal Cake Consumption King
<Gold Donor>
The only real way to enjoy Planetside 2 right now is to beat people so bad in the game they quit playing the game all together. There are two great ways to accomplish this with one requiring low certs and skill, and the other requiring bucketloads of certs and some amazing skills.

I'm TR and VS but in reality, roll TR. Grab a harasser with a marauder strapped to the top and composite armor. I recommend the surger cert line and afterburners. Now learn how to get the harasser into techplants/amp stations and every single base minus 1 on esamir. Since you are the only vehicle inside these bases and you contain a 15 round anti infantry monster, GO TO TOWN. Very easy to get over 100+ kills per vehicle like this.

The other interesting aspect of this game is to get really good with the Liberator. You can learn how to solo with the vehicle, but bring a friend who is great at leading shots (ala Tribes disc gun or quake rocket launchers) and own everything. Liberator + Dalton = whole tank zergs destroyed. Worried about air? Learn how to shoot down all aircraft. Only a select few pilots per server can actually take you down so you can wrack in some massive points and completely troll people by dominating them so badly that just out right quit the game.
I'll have to try the harasser trick. Dalton though, isn't there just too much AA on the ground these days? Oh wait you said TR, yeah we don't have to worry about strikers

Another way to get people to quit is continuously one-shot them with the UBGL. I had a few VS sending me hate tells for over 20 minutes. QQ why noob toob me QQ QQ. =\


Trakanon Raider
I'll have to try the harasser trick. Dalton though, isn't there just too much AA on the ground these days? Oh wait you said TR, yeah we don't have to worry about strikers

Another way to get people to quit is continuously one-shot them with the UBGL. I had a few VS sending me hate tells for over 20 minutes. QQ why noob toob me QQ QQ. =\
Oh I rolled TR the moment they announced the ESL into this game. I was always flying in this game and rememb the Annihilator pre-nerf. Atleast back then we could cause the rockets to hit trees and mountains by flying low. Then they made the damage binary and only flares could stop it. A few weeks later they give us the ESL and the striker ws the Annilator that did MORE DAMAGE. I told a dev off in the test server, rerolled TR and have been laughing ever since. But then again, I play the most nerfed thing in the game. I troll the general population of Waterson with dalton rounds and tank busters all day.


Trakanon Raider
I reckon I'm far less hardcore than the bulk of yall. I've got a lvl 32 TR guy and a lvl 34 NC guy (play TR these days) and I play Heavy Assault 99% of the time. I've long since spent every useful cert in my HA tree and now just toss them to sundy or flash shit. I still enjoy the fuck out of the game, on a good day I'm 3:1 K/D. I've never driven anything but a flash to get A to B or a sundy to AMS it from time to time when no one else has or they're being dumb. Just like HA I reckon, being able to counter most shit you come across is enjoyable. Heaven help me I do like blowing up vehicles.

That being said I did just come back to the game a few days ago. Only things that annoy me now are the odd miraculous sniper headshot while I'm moving or sniper/light assault turn corner and suck a full load of shotgun in the chest. I fucking hate hearing the sniper cloak/uncloak sound around me, shit makes me paranoid as fuck. I've never played either sniper or light assault but I label them all faggots, also Vanu because I equate them to anime lovers.

I also think I'm to the point where running with the pub zerg is now more annoying than fun and might start eyeing Outfits.


You don't honestly think that Higby has any idea what he is doing do you? I'm in NUC and have heard our leaders tell us about all the stuff that is coming to PS2. We were suppose to be beta testing Battle Islands 3 weeks ago. Didn't get that. Never believe anything that comes from the Devs in this game. Just go troll pubbies by killing them in ways that doubles as showboating. So much more enjoyable.
I talked with your leader Zoid (who is a very cool motherfucker and have tons of respect) for a few hours before he went to the airport. He like our leaders don't agree with everything going on but he is cautiously optimistic about the future. We both thought the Battle Islands need to come out ASAP or alot of us will be quitting. There was a reason us FC, TIW, Recursion and NUC guys got along so great (booze helps hah). We want to see it succeed more then most even if it's just from a competitive standpoint. Personally I think Higby's passion is there but he's pulled in many directions. We'll see how it goes.

Who is your character? My original was TR on Jaegar/Waterson. Zoid invited me to join and play with you guys for fun on off nights.

I also think I'm to the point where running with the pub zerg is now more annoying than fun and might start eyeing Outfits.
You answered your own question. You need to join a outfit. Also roll and play all 3 characters if just for a few hours a week on the alts. Know your enemy Sun Tzu type shit and all that.


Trump's Staff
Log in for the first time... Lag...Dumped into some area with nobody around... Lag...Zero tutorial as far as I can tell... Lag...Walk a few steps.... Lag...Owned out of nowhere...uninstall


Log in for the first time... Lag...Dumped into some area with nobody around... Lag...Zero tutorial as far as I can tell... Lag...Walk a few steps.... Lag...Owned out of nowhere...uninstall
Tutorial is forced on you at the beginning.


Trakanon Raider
I talked with your leader Zoid (who is a very cool motherfucker and have tons of respect) for a few hours before he went to the airport. He like our leaders don't agree with everything going on but he is cautiously optimistic about the future. We both thought the Battle Islands need to come out ASAP or alot of us will be quitting. There was a reason us FC, TIW, Recursion and NUC guys got along so great (booze helps hah). We want to see it succeed more then most even if it's just from a competitive standpoint. Personally I think Higby's passion is there but he's pulled in many directions. We'll see how it goes.

Who is your character? My original was TR on Jaegar/Waterson. Zoid invited me to join and play with you guys for fun on off nights.

You answered your own question. You need to join a outfit. Also roll and play all 3 characters if just for a few hours a week on the alts. Know your enemy Sun Tzu type shit and all that.
My new character is Exc1d1umTR!/5428061686734723537
If it wsn't for OPS and NUC I would have quit when I was 92 on my VS character back in April. I'm just having massive flashbacks from EQ when we were promised stuff from the devs and it never materialized. This game came out 1 year too early, and I feel like I have been taken advantage of for being a high paying customer. Where is my double XP weekends and triple station cash sales? Atleast give me a winning condition to the continients and I'd be happy for another month.

I should have been smarter about this game. I paid for ALPHA SQUAD to reserve my name, and on launch day somebody took it. Now that my ALPHA SQUAD on my VS has finally ended I might go complain to SOE and demand a fresh round of 6month Alpha Squad on all my characters. I'm unsubscribing when the resource change comes into effect unless I quit first. I personally don't see that coming out anytime soon either.

If I hit BR 100 on my TR character and I don't have a working Battle Island or a winning condition for atleast 2 continents I'm going to just EBAY the account. I'm not a paying BETA tester at around $400 a year when you nerfed the one aspect of the game I enjoy and do well at over and over again. Hense why I jsut fly around in a liberator wrecking people's days.


Trakanon Raider
I hear ya man.
Heres to hoping they can get the Battle Island out before October. I'm worried they will finally give us some competitive contnt, then either never give the Liberator some love this year, or nerf how its currently used (ie Dalton is no longer a OHK against ESF). Either scenario will cause me to quit. Libbing 4 Life!


Trakanon Raider
Expanding on my previous, anyone on Waterson TR side who can give any recommendations as to which Outfits are pretty solid and or which to avoid as I start shopping around?