PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds


FoH nuclear response team
This patch will be deployed for both clients and servers Thursday, April 20, 5PM KST/1AM PDT/8AM UTC and is expected to take approx. 1 hour to complete.

Known issues

  • The motorbike leans slightly to the right when being driven straight.
  • The tires of the motorbike cannot be shot out at the moment [Non-English Players] There are some mistranslated in-game texts and they will be shown in English
Client Performance Improvements

  • Made some improvements to address the issue of FPS drops when opening the inventory UI
  • Reduced the load on the CPU through instance rendering so that the GPUs can function to their full capabilities
  • Made improvements to address the issue of FPS severely dropping when in the vicinity of Yasnaya, Polyana & Georgopol
  • Rendering performance on PCs with minimum system requirements has been improved
  • Graphic performance and quality on PCs with minimum system requirements has been improved
Server Performance Improvements

  • Performance improvements have been made with relation to the items spawned in the world
Content Updates

  • Added Vector SMG. A very powerful SMG most appropriate for short to mid-range combat that is spawned in the world
  • Added Motorbike w/ sidecar. A sidecar-less version will be added in a future update
  • Added a 2X Aimpoint scope
  • Added a Ballistic Mask
  • Added 3 new color variations for the Dacia
  • Added the crossbow back into the game

  • Adjusted the density of environmental elements to be identical across all graphic options
  • Adjusted object placement to address issues of characters getting stuck
  • Adjusted placement of trees that were spawning inside houses or above the terrain
  • Adjusted the frequency of thunder sound effects

  • Revised certain system messages and item descriptions.
  • Added descriptions for attachments
  • The dead team-mate icon will now disappear after a certain time and distance when in team modes
  • Map markers are now visible to all teammates
  • Names of teammates now appear on the world map

  • You are now able to move sideways and backwards in the REVIVE state
  • The REVIVE timer will no longer decrease when a team mate is attempting to revive you
  • When attempting to revive a team mate, the reviving timer icon will now also be visible to the player being revived
  • Adjusted the character position slightly when in the REVIVE state
  • Made improvements to address the issue of characters shaking while being spectated
  • You are now able to open the world map when spectating
  • You can now view the casting bar when the teammate you are spectating uses heal and/or boost items
  • You can no longer use heal and/or boost items when in water

  • Adjusted the overall balance on all attachments
  • Adjusted the overall balance on Assault Rifles
  • We will continue to balance all weapons and attachments throughout Early Access
  • Fixed the issue that caused cars to temporarily stop when their tires get shot out
  • You can now sprint when in the crouch stance
  • Fixed the issue of “Armed/Unarmed” state not being applied when there are delays in the server network
  • The blood hit effect size now varies according to the weapon caliber
  • You can now move when in aiming and/or scoping in the prone state
  • Fixed an issue with the sitting position of the character in the back-right seat of the UAZ
  • Fixed an issue with the position of the left hand when reloading the AWM
  • Fixed an issue where aiming from vehicles was not accurate
  • The positions of bullet hits are now the same for both yourself and the others
  • Fixed an issue that caused the hit box for the head to be slightly larger than the actual head
  • Adjusted the ragdoll physics for dead characters to be more natural
  • Fixed an issue that caused the character to use the wrong aim offset when using the freelook function while holding a grenade
  • Fixed an issue that caused the landing-from-a-high-altitude motion to seem awkward when holding a pistol
  • Improved the quality of zoomed-in scope views
  • Bolt actions are now triggered even after the final shot has been fired, so that you can starti re-firing as soon as reload is complete
  • Added swimming animations to go upwards and downwards
  • Fixed an issue that caused the reticle to appear even when in situations where you are not able to shoot
  • Your character now uses a different animation when in crouch stance while holding a melee weapon
  • Made improvements to the reload animations for the M249
  • Made improvements to the reload animations for the P1911
  • The muzzle flash is now brighter than before and is now visible from a longer distance

  • There are now sound effect differences for supersonic and non-supersonic bullet speeds
  • Made adjustments so that the sound of the bullet flying through air doesn’t play when shots are fired from a short distance from your character
  • You can now figure out what floor the opponents are at just by listening to their footsteps
  • Adjusted the firing sound of the SKS in mid to long range combat
  • Adjusted the volume of the footsteps

  • We have opened a test server to better manage our content and secure stability for our live environment updates
  • Additional in-game texts have been localized
Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug that caused some buildings to not be visible at long distance
  • Fixed a bug that caused a knocked out player to be ejected in front of a vehicle. If knocked out in a vehicle, you will now be ejected to the side
  • Fixed a bug that caused weapons to clip through walls
  • Fixed a bug that caused the icons for certain “pants” items to not appear correctly
  • Fixed a bug that caused the PLAYERUNKNOWN shoes to not render properly
  • Fixed a bug that caused the hit effects to play at random
  • Fixed a bug that caused bald characters to have hair
  • Fixed a bug that caused disconnects after 5 minutes into a match
Additional Notes:

This week we roll out our first monthly patch. This patch will the first of many to address performance, fix bugs and add new content to the game. I must stress that we will not be able to fix all performance issues with a single patch. For this patch, we focused on stabilizing performance for all users, trying to ensure there would be less FPS drops, and improve performance for those with lower spec systems. Optimizing the game will take us time, and will continue all through early access, so please have patience while we work to improve the game experience for all players.

We are opening a Test Server to better manage our updates and ensure stability before we push updates to the Live Servers. We will push each new update to this server on the Wednesday of the week, to allow a full days testing before updating the live servers. We will have the exact time you should expect this server to be online tomorrow, so stay tuned to our Twitter!

We are aware that some of you are experiencing what appear to be memory leaks, and we will work on fixing this going forward, but over the last month, we have been concentrating on improving the performance for min spec systems, and stabilizing FPS for everyone no matter what their PC specs. We are still a relativity small team, so we must focus on one problem at a time right now. We are working to expand the team, but finding the right people with suitable experience and capabilities takes time, so please bear with us.

Next I need to address a slight price change for the game in New Zealand. We’ve been seeing some abnormal patterns in our New Zealand sales. It turns out that due to the comparatively low price in New Zealand (roughly US$25) and the fact that gifting from New Zealand to other countries is not restricted the same as it is for other countries like China, Russia and Brazil, people seem to be exploiting the system. We have slightly raised the price to US$28 to combat this.

I also want to address server lag once again. The lag you experience on the servers is not due to the hardware or size of the server, nor does it have to do with the number of players online. It is due to a networking issue with the core engine code, and it is something we are working hard to resolve, but it is not a simple issue to fix, so it will take us some time. Please bear with us and we will get it fixed as soon as we can.

Finally, before we get to the patch-notes for this month’s update, I want to once again thank everyone for their support over the past month. We broke 100,000 concurrent users on Monday which is a huge milestone for any game and we wouldn’t have done this without the tremendous support of every player, so from all team here, a sincere thank you.
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Log Wizard
Can't heal while in water? Uhhhh....revert, please. Everything else looks good.


I'm honestly just excited they're making footsteps louder. Can never hear shit.

Hoping this patch doesn't break the rest of the game again


Log Wizard

Well, now we know. I like to think they knew the entire time we got baited like fucking bass.
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FoH nuclear response team
Hell yeah if you have a solid group to play with. I got my 30 bucks worth out of it the first week, it's very intense and fun.

You can play solo but I don't think it's as fun. Duo is good but a 3 to 4 player squad is the way to go. You're always welcome to join us on the FoH Discord channel.
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Game looks fun. Would you guys recommend buying atm ?

The game is very fun and worth the money. I would wait till they do more optimization because there is a high chance it will run like shit on your computer.


FoH nuclear response team
The game is very fun and worth the money. I would wait till they do more optimization because there is a high chance it will run like shit on your computer.

Optimization patch drops Thursday so definitely wait for feedback on here Fri or Thurs night before pulling the trigger.


Cool, thanks. Been playing conan but the combat is just terrible. Offline raiding bs mostly. This game seems to skip the survival monotony and jump right into battling.


FoH nuclear response team
I've honestly had no issues other than the net-code hiccups and that's only really noticeable in the northern regions of the game which I avoid, and the The net-code hiccups will not be fixed for awhile.

I run 1920x1080
all settings on low except 3 on ultra (AA, View Distance and Textures I think)
Reshade (Adaptive sharpen, Clarity, Technicolor 1, Tecnhicolor 2 and Sauration)

16gb DDR3
1070 GTX

If you're running near or better than this you should be fine. I've also got several friends running 8300/8350 setups with a 960 and 1070 running just fine.


Yeah, your game is going to take a shit no matter your rig at certain points. Even on low settings there's a specific city in the game I get like 20 FPS in with a 1080 card, 16gb ram and an i7

Game is fun as fuck though with friends


Log Wizard
Yeah, solo it can be intense and also super painful when Johnny Appleseed shoots you in the back from behind his tree, but in duo's and squads it can be pretty great. You just need to A: have great communication or B: not give a shit about winning. If you've got one or both of those things it can be a really fun team game.

I really need to see if some lower tier Twitch streamer plays solo with a heart monitor. That shit HAS to be gold. Especially in rain games. I don't think it'd be the same with Summit/Lyndon/Sacriel/Grimmmz. Those dudes are pretty callused now.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
There are times I've literally jumped in real life, slamming my mouse around or accidentally firing, because a shot literally right next to me loud as fuck and kills me.

Same thing sometimes when in a red zone and that shit explodes just inches off of you.

And yeah squad play, decide beforehand if you actually want to win or just want to run around shooting people and having fun. We usually do a mix. Some serious modes other times just what the fuck ever. Did one game where we just drove around in 4 vehicles just trying to run people over. Or some of the most fun when we decide fuck it and set up a blockade on a bridge with cars blocking entire path across.

2 buddies did their test realm today and apparently its a lot smoother for them. Also apparently they are testing custom games there(things like snipers only etc). Would love to be able to do something like that or even better do private games with just 4 of us or others we can bring.

I actually don't mind solo that much. It's a nice change of pace and the game really feels like it was built around solo or duo(drop rate avg density, car spawns etc). And sniping is 100% more satisfying in solo, because you don't have to deal with the target crawling behind cover or dropping behind cover after you HS them because of the "Downed State".


Log Wizard
Yeah, it's fucking annoying in squads when you keep Kar98ing people in the head and they just keep getting downed. But there is something glorious about having 3 downed people scrambling around while the 4th guy is like "OH SHIT OH SHIT OH SHIT" and you can SEE them mentally deciding what to do. I laugh really hard when the teammates just bail on their downed teammates because they know....oh, they know.
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FoH nuclear response team
We usually fuck around and try crazy stuff, since it isn't so fast paced you can really fuck with people. If we make it to the top ten we will then start giving a shit.


Buzzfeed Editor
No, but if it had been live im 90% sure i would have won that match i came in second late last night solo.


FoH nuclear response team
Patch is silky smooth for me, running everything on ultra with the exception of shadows. The only lag I've seen is when there are a lot of people in one area which could be the netcode issue they are working on.

If you were on the fence because of performance now is the time to check it out.