Pokemans and how to catch them with your phone - friend codes in OP


Mr. Poopybutthole
Not to mention the fact that I *NEVER* said I support Nox use. I simply said that objectively speaking, Nox clearly does less damage to the game than full on botting.

Tyen you are seriously dumber than Astr0.


Tranny Chaser
Tbh I feel relaxed about my botting.

I could power grind legit 13 years ago in lineage 2 when I only had college to worry about. In wow I played on USA servers, would nap 7 pm until midnight then login to lead guild raids and go straight to a data entry job, nap at lunch time and go home at 1730 and repeat.

I have an actual career now but still have the urge to be high level and get the good shit. It's not like a 3k Dragonite is invulnerable to everything. Or like my botting affects you or anyone else really, e.g. No guild keeps or real PvP


Mr. Poopybutthole
I have an actual career now but still have the urge to be high level and get the good shit. It's not like a 3k Dragonite is invulnerable to everything. Or like my botting affects you or anyone else really, e.g. No guild keeps or real PvP

More than one botter populating a gym with high level dragonites (or any other good defender) does make gyms damn near invulnerable because type weaknesses make almost no difference. It doesn't matter that your Dragonite is double weak to ice or your Gyarados is double weak to electric when electric and ice pokemon both suck. Not to mention a botter can easily farm for near perfect IVs and will be higher level, giving them an even bigger advantage. Even without multiple botters stacking one gym, just one obnoxiously powerful defender can tip the balance to the point where the legit players will struggle to bring the gym down.

As for the rest, it's plain as day that Niantic is planning to add trading and expand battling, and the shit botters are accumulating now will fuck things up. The trade economy for high end easily farmed pokemon (off the top of my head Charizard, Eevee, Arcanine, Gyarados, Dragonite) will be completely destroyed because of the endless supply of 90%+ pokemon from botters. Any expansion to battling that doesn't include jacking up type bonuses will also favor botters as well.

So yeah it's not an urge, you just feel entitled and don't care that you're pissing on people who actually put the work in. Fuck you.


Tranny Chaser
Who is talkinga bout multiple botters - we aren't on some secret IRC channel plotting to simultaneously take over every gym.

I have a 3k+ dragonite, a 2800 dragonite with shit moves and an 1800 one. Someone levelled up the gym near my work to level 9.75, so I raised it to 10 and put the 3k in there - it's been there for 2 days which is a record. Every other gym I've taken has never been held long enough to claim a second reward from it.

And I estimate we're easily 6-8 months, more like 12 before any substantial new content is added

Chancellor Alkorin

Part-Time Sith
<Granularity Engineer>
This may already have been asked, but I'm too lazy to search.

Does Niantic ban based on device ID? I can't see any Pokestops/Gyms/Pokemon on my phone anymore, regardless of which account I'm signed in on. Jailbroken iPhone on the latest app version, but I couldn't see anything in the previous version either. I know it isn't my account because I made a new one -- still nothing. I've reinstalled the app as well.

I'm not made of devices, but I have a spare old as shit iPhone around somewhere. I'll try it eventually. Just wondering if anyone's seen this problem before.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Saw some mention of device specific bans on the go reddit, but nothing really ironclad.

Maybe this was already known, but did anyone else notice that the pokemon you get from eggs seem to be affected by rarity? Hatched a ton of 5km eggs at this point and they've been almost nothing but Nidoran, Oddish, Bellsprout, and Venonat. Similarly, my 2km eggs have been predominantly caterpie/weedle/pidgey/rat, 0 geodude, 0 bulbasaur, 0 pikachu. Obviously my personal sample size is too small to really draw conclusions from, but wondering if others have experienced the same.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
More than one botter populating a gym with high level dragonites (or any other good defender) does make gyms damn near invulnerable because type weaknesses make almost no difference. It doesn't matter that your Dragonite is double weak to ice or your Gyarados is double weak to electric when electric and ice pokemon both suck. Not to mention a botter can easily farm for near perfect IVs and will be higher level, giving them an even bigger advantage. Even without multiple botters stacking one gym, just one obnoxiously powerful defender can tip the balance to the point where the legit players will struggle to bring the gym down.

As for the rest, it's plain as day that Niantic is planning to add trading and expand battling, and the shit botters are accumulating now will fuck things up. The trade economy for high end easily farmed pokemon (off the top of my head Charizard, Eevee, Arcanine, Gyarados, Dragonite) will be completely destroyed because of the endless supply of 90%+ pokemon from botters. Any expansion to battling that doesn't include jacking up type bonuses will also favor botters as well.

So yeah it's not an urge, you just feel entitled and don't care that you're pissing on people who actually put the work in. Fuck you.
I actually hope that once you put decent authorization and checks against GPS spoofing and then put trainer battles in they either do a full reset or create a fresh server.


Trump's Staff
A full reset means they'd have to refund all items or money spent on the game and that would cause the biggest shit storm yet. Option to pick different servers would be good for the game though and would probably drastically increase performance for everyone.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
It's not like a 3k Dragonite is invulnerable to everything. Or like my botting affects you or anyone else really, e.g. No guild keeps or real PvP

Honestly, I can understand Tyen being annoyed at the idea of some cheating getting a pass and not others, or thinking a Nox user calling out a botter is absurd... even if he has 0 reading comprehension and is being a moron. I can understand even if I totally disagree.

What I simply cannot wrap my head around is the incredible stupidity that it requires to actually think dropping a 3k dragonite in a gym does not impact other people. You have to be a really special kind of retarded to actually put these quoted sentences together and mean it.
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Chancellor Alkorin

Part-Time Sith
<Granularity Engineer>
Saw some mention of device specific bans on the go reddit, but nothing really ironclad.

Tried on my wife's old phone, and it is working fine, so yes, looks like my device itself is banned. Fucking annoying. Probably just because of the jailbreak, too.


Tranny Chaser

What I simply cannot wrap my head around is the incredible stupidity that it requires to actually think dropping a 3k dragonite in a gym does not impact other people. You have to be a really special kind of retarded to actually put these quoted sentences together and mean it.

I told you, a single Dragonite in a gym does not last very long. Therefore I judge the impact as negligible.

In fact, have you even played the game?

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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
The moment you put your bot mon into a gym you are cheating and should be permanently banned from the game because that is the point where you are affecting other players.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
I told you, a single Dragonite in a gym does not last very long. Therefore I judge the impact as negligible.

In fact, have you even played the game?

Yes, actually, I have played the game. Not botted it. Not Nox'd it. I have gone outside, walked around, gone to different spots, and interacted with people playing the game. This is how I know with such certainty

The average player cannot beat your dragonite. The average players sees a 2.7k dragonite or snorlax and immediately writes the gym off as unwinnable. The average player is in their teens or early 20s level. The average player is lucky to have more than 1 or 2 pokemon over 2k cp. The fact that the top players (or other cheaters) happen to come along and eventually beat you does not change the fact that the vast majority are being screwed over by gyms full of magically-appearing uber pokemon.
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Tranny Chaser
and eventually beat you.

Is reading comprehension not your thing? I told you, Gyms are being retaken almost straight away. The only one I've held is the level 10 gym at work - our office being on a site where the general public have no reason to visit - so no random people walking past the gym, nobody would take a trip there just for the gym, and of course after 7pm and weekends the site is virtually empty.


<WoW Guild Officer>
Is reading comprehension not your thing? I told you, Gyms are being retaken almost straight away. The only one I've held is the level 10 gym at work - our office being on a site where the general public have no reason to visit - so no random people walking past the gym, nobody would take a trip there just for the gym, and of course after 7pm and weekends the site is virtually empty.

Legit players don't like cheaters. You are a cheater, no matter how you try to justify it to yourself. At least Tyen owns it and knows what he is. You seem to have some twisted idea that it's ok.

Just accept that you are cheating scum and await your ban.

In other news, evolved a second 95% magikarp into a Gyarados with twister. Maybe I'll get lucky and they'll buff it?
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Is reading comprehension not your thing? I told you, Gyms are being retaken almost straight away. The only one I've held is the level 10 gym at work - our office being on a site where the general public have no reason to visit - so no random people walking past the gym, nobody would take a trip there just for the gym, and of course after 7pm and weekends the site is virtually empty.
Yes, you sometimes lose to non cheaters. Right now, the way you're arguing makes you the asshole who claims maphack is fine in Starcraft because you occasionally also lose to non-cheaters.

Here's another thing how you gain an advantage, now that I understand gym money. You can teleport between gyms, hold as many as you can at once when you press the cash out button. When normal players take gyms, they spend time traveling to the next. Greatly increasing the odds that their first pokemon get kicked out before they can put in the next.

I will vote4mod whoever will put a stop to this utter shit debate
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
Is reading comprehension not your thing? I told you, Gyms are being retaken almost straight away. The only one I've held is the level 10 gym at work - our office being on a site where the general public have no reason to visit - so no random people walking past the gym, nobody would take a trip there just for the gym, and of course after 7pm and weekends the site is virtually empty.

Someone being able to kill your shit does not mean everyone can kill your shit, that it's trivial to kill your shit, or that killing your shit doesn't impact others. When you conquer a gym and put down a 2.5+k pokemon you:

- knock a person or people's pokemon out. If that player is legit they may still be actually traveling to other gyms before collecting.
- force lower level players to miss out because the gym cannot be taken by them.
- force higher level legit players to keep their limited few top pokemon always on hand (never guarding) to deal with it.
- cause legit players to feel like it's a waste of time to try being competitive when some lazy shitter on his couch who whines about free milkshakes can just out-cheat them.

There are literal tens of millions of people playing. A few of them can take your gym back? No fucking shit? Of course the few outliers at the top can take it and quickly. Meanwhile if you stopped being lazy and/or autistic enough to actually go outside and interact with the other human beings playing the game you'd realize that the vast majority of people you socialize with are NOT from some hardcore gaming site and NOT all over strategy guides mapping out perfect moves and IVs. They they show off their awesome 1600 vaporeons and amazing 1450 lapras with beaming pride. Take down a 2.7k dragonite? No fucking chance.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
So how do I know which attacks are best for each of my mon? Our strongest is an Electrabuzz right now with Thunder shock and Thunder

According to the reddit list, that's good.

But our Pidgeot comes with Steel Wing and Hurricane, reddit says Wing attack + Hurricane are better - but by how much?