Pregnancy Thread

So.....yay for breastfeeding fucking up my cycle.....I think I finally know whats going on. My period actually came back in Feb (~7 mos PP) but I now have like a 60 day cycle and 7 day luteal phase. Obviously no bueno for getting pregnant. Or staying pregnant. Seems to be fairly common in breastfeeding women; I wasnt like this prior to my son.

Ordered some vitamin B6 and stopping breastfeeding in 5.5 weeks as planned since I cant just go cold turkey anyways. I have cut down to one pump session at work which means I am hitting my freezer stash now once a what it is. I have about 350 oz in there.

Not nursing at night/weekends will be harder.

Woefully Inept

Ssraeszha Raider
Yesterdays blood test was still only 64. Stopped the PIO shots and hopefully it will resolve itself over the next few days. Since we've used our 2 allotted PGD cycles we'll be switching to a donor for the next cycle. We could appeal for another round or 2 but we don't want to wait however long that process would take. Using a donor is a non-issue for me. I just want a healthy child.
As far as my brother goes it does not look like it is pancreatic cancer which is a monumental relief. He has the same shit I do. A desmoid tumor which is by far the lesser of the 2 evils and much more manageable.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
So.....yay for breastfeeding fucking up my cycle.....I think I finally know whats going on. My period actually came back in Feb (~7 mos PP) but I now have like a 60 day cycle and 7 day luteal phase. Obviously no bueno for getting pregnant. Or staying pregnant. Seems to be fairly common in breastfeeding women; I wasnt like this prior to my son.

Ordered some vitamin B6 and stopping breastfeeding in 5.5 weeks as planned since I cant just go cold turkey anyways. I have cut down to one pump session at work which means I am hitting my freezer stash now once a what it is. I have about 350 oz in there.

Not nursing at night/weekends will be harder.
My wife only breastfed for like 3 months and her cycle is totally fucked up still.


I never started my period until after I was completely done nursing and was back on regular birth control pills. No way I could ever get pregnant while nursing, thank god.

Woefully Inept

Ssraeszha Raider
And here we go again!
We'll be doing another round of IVF in the next month or so. We're switching doctors after getting a second opinion and discovering that we basically had 2 shitty cycles. Including switching to PIO shots to fix something which turned out to not be the problem and the PIO shots would do nothing to help with. That angered me quite a bit because those shots fucking suck to give and I'm sure even more so to take. We thought we had 2 pretty good cycles but the new guy was like no. No you didn't and you should be disappointed by them. Threw our other doctor under the bus and ran here over a couple times for good measure. It was very clear he was far more up to date with current fertility treatments and research.
And to add even more excitement to the next cycle I found out this week I need to have more chemo for a desmoid tumor that is growing. So I need to have some samples frozen before I start treatment. It'll be no problem to get them done in time but it just adds another layer of stress for my wife. I'm pretty chill handling these things...her not so much.
Overall we're much more optimistic about our chances with the new guy than the old one so fingers crossed and all that jazz.

Woefully Inept

Ssraeszha Raider
Wow we got a huge surprise todayfrom Harvard Pilgrim. They bottom lined us before we started saying they ONLY cover 2 PGD IVF cycles period. After talking to our new fertility doctor we decided that we would submit for another PGD cycle knowing we would be denied and then submit an appeal which in our doctors experience they have been successful with. Well today we were told HP straight up accepted our claim for a 3rd PGD cycle. Talk about a massive stress relief right there. PHEW!!


2 Minutes Hate
Your wife is about to turn into an incubator? Congrats. Get all the sex in now while you can. It'll be a while.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
It's been almost three months with no end in sight. She's been having some complications.



Silver Baronet of the Realm
Took us awhile to get pregnant, and after a while it got old having sex to make a baby, instead of it just being a fun spontaneous thing. Maybe it's just me /shrug


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
My wife and I got pregnant in the first month of trying. Rather surprising since she had fibroid surgery two years ago and is 36. She's 18 weeks now. We're having a boy. We both thought it would take a while. I missed out on a lot of sex.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Took us awhile to get pregnant, and after a while it got old having sex to make a baby, instead of it just being a fun spontaneous thing. Maybe it's just me /shrug
It only took us 2 months but I was the same way so you aren't alone. Scheduled sex took the fun out of it.
We've been trying but no go. I don't mind the "practice"
It can take a healthy couple up to a year to conceive. If she's over 35 she should see an RE at the 6 month mark - if she's less than 35 years old she should see one at the 1 year mark.

We got pregnant with our son (how the hell is he almost a year old) on our first month trying last time - we're now in our first cycle trying to conceive number 2.


A Mod Real Quick
It can take a healthy couple up to a year to conceive. If she's over 35 she should see an RE at the 6 month mark - if she's less than 35 years old she should see one at the 1 year mark.

We got pregnant with our son (how the hell is he almost a year old) on our first month trying last time - we're now in our first cycle trying to conceive number 2.
She's almost 30 so our plan was seeing someone at the 1 year mark. She has some issues with irregular periods her entire life so it is a concern.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
13 weeks in, wife is still complaining a lot about nausea and heartburn. Any protips?