Pregnancy Thread


Tranny Chaser
I think it is standard that they check her for a uti every visit. They did my wife, but now that you mention it yeah she did have like 4 or 5 utis between all of her pregnancies.
It's standard that physicians check pregnant womens urine, yes. I always have stix at home, easy for the wife to check herself - sugar, leukocytes etc. Catching an UTI before symptoms can cut days of the uncomfortable symptoms, e.g. earlier treatment is more effective. Urine stix are rather inexpensive - the advantage of having them should be obvious - faster treatment, time saved etc etc.
Depending on trimester, it can be problematic to have an UTI. The infection can be teratogenic / complicate pregnancy. It's a physicians call whether to treat or not, trimester dependent, other factors, interactions etc etc - ask your physician. Which AB to use is also trimester specific - some are contraindicated in certain trimesters - again, the physician will prescribe the appropriate AB. TLDR; test yourself with stix, call the physician and make an appointment for UTI/sugar in the urine if relevant.
I've been tested every time for a UTI at all my appts like chaos said - latest being last monday.

All negative. I'm actually drinking the recommended liquids. That's why the peeing. And I've had RLS (which btw b/s on your whole folic acid theory - no one fucking knows what causes RLS) since I was 16 - its just gotten worse AND I'm on the correct dosages for my prenatals.

/rolls eyes

Honestly Izo you're super fucking annoying. You're not a doctor. Stop trying to act like one in this and other threads.


Tranny Chaser
I've been tested every time for a UTI at all my appts like chaos said - latest being last monday.

All negative. I'm actually drinking the recommended liquids. That's why the peeing. And I've had RLS (which btw b/s on your whole folic acid theory - no one fucking knows what causes RLS) since I was 16 - its just gotten worse AND I'm on the correct dosages for my prenatals.

/rolls eyes

Honestly Izo you're super fucking annoying. You're not a doctor. Stop trying to act like one in this and other threads.
UTI: excessive diuresis can have many causes - UTI / sugar are some of the more severe you can test for yourself with stix. This is what your physician does in the back room in case you didn't know. You seem like a know it all busy-busy-bee kind of person, I figured you'd want to test yourself at home before waddling off to your physician for anything but the scheduled appointments.

RLS: You didn't state whether it was new symptom or not. This is is pregnancy thread, yes? If the symptom arises in relation to pregnancy, the most likely cause is as I stated - ferritin deficiency (treat with iron and B12) and/or folic acid. Your unborn child depends on you supplying folic acid as a crucial building block.

Also here is my 'theory':
If you prefer pubmed:

RL: Do I need cancer to know about cancer? I expected more from you :S



Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Those of you with pregnant wives (esp first timers)....

Call your insurance and check to see what your breast pump benefit is. Starting in 2013 Obamacare required insurance providers to provide some sort of benefit. It can range from the company covering the cost of a rental to a 50 dollar reimbursement to a partial payment on certain pumps.

Our insurance fully covered no deductible the cost of an electric breast pump (double). In my case I have to go through one of their approved durable medical equipment (DME) suppliers but that's now 350 dollars that I don't have to spend.

The issue is that because of this change a lot of the DME's are actually experiencing shortages. I found this out when I started doing research so I ordered mine to get out ahead of the crunch.
We called our insurance company yesterday and they will only fully cover a manual pump, so fuck that.

They will cover an electric pump if my wife's OB deems it medically necessary. I think we'll be able to work something out...
We called our insurance company yesterday and they will only fully cover a manual pump, so fuck that.

They will cover an electric pump if my wife's OB deems it medically necessary. I think we'll be able to work something out...
Grab the manual as a to go option anyways - the electric should be over and above that. No sense in not taking advantage of coverage you're already paying for imho - especially for an item that you can use. news that would come as no shock to anyone that knows me.....I HAVE to stop buying shit off my registry LOL. I seriously am going to put all the baby stuff in a room and take a picture of it with the date and how far along I am (19 weeks thurs) and say "next time someone tells you that they couldn't wait to know the sex of the baby because they have to 'be prepared', show them this."

I have consumables left on there (diapers, wipes, powder, shampoo, meds), a SECOND ergo baby carrier (I already have one plus a moby wrap), the bouncer, a compact swing (large swing has already been purchased by my mom), bottles, one swaddleme, a mesh bumper, toys, a thing to prop up baby for baths, SOME medical stuff (aspirators, comb & brush, thermometers, a bumbo and tray, pack and play, diaper genie and refills, washcloths and towels, the snuza monitor, socks, some white/plain onesies, a mattress pad, SMALL houseproofing stuff (electric socket covers, toilet locks etc), and sophie the giraffe.

We'll be ordering the rest of the furniture in mid march (crib, nightstand, dresser) - we already ordered the area rug and lazyboy rocker/recliner.

That's it. At this point its FAR easier to describe the stuff I don't have than try and enumerate the stuff that I do. I'm hoping that that is enough to survive one small friends and family shower and two separate work showers.

But I feel like I've reached the point where if I have to complete a lot of this stuff in June I'm really good to go and the cash outlay shouldn't be egregious to do so.

Registered for birthing class at the hospital for April, infant care and CPR classes in June, day care tour in March.

Regular appointment this wed and anatomy scan is a week from Thursday.

Still.Losing.Weight. I've given up trying to dress myself at this point. All my pants are falling down despite the baby bump. If I could wear leggings to work everyday I would. I'm sorely tempted.

Baby is super active today. I didn't start feeling any movement until about 10 days ago - right around 17 weeks. Since then it would be very occasional and very light but today its like wtf. Its not gas and its not a muscle spasm. No stretch marks yet to report. And I consistently feel like my right nipple is trying to abandon ship. MF'er hurts SO.BAD.


Buzzfeed Editor
Those infant care and CPR classes are useful. The infant care classes can kind of feel silly, but it familiarizes you with some of the stuff you'll be doing which is good if you don't have experience with it before. Like swaddling, ugh, what a fucking nightmare. It took me two kids to get that shit down. The CPR classes I have thankfully never actually had to use, but I'm glad I went.
Heh I have a bunch of swaddle me/cheatmoders



Silver Baronet of the Realm
Random thought for you soon to be parents, as I was just changing my son into his PJs - get the zip up bag with the arm holes. Soon as we got that I never used the other button up PJs again. When they are newborn and you are getting up 3x a night to change diapers, the LAST thing you want to deal with in your delirious sleep deprived haze is have to mess with all those god damn snaps.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
We had our 20 week ultrasound last night and... it's a girl.

Everything went well except for the baby refusing to cooperate in terms of positioning so it took awhile to maneuver and find everything.

My wife's fluid levels were on the low end of the acceptable range so she is terribly worried but the doctor said it isn't something to worry about as long as in 3 weeks the baby has grown as much as it should. She's the correct size for 20 weeks right now so that's good.
Random thought for you soon to be parents, as I was just changing my son into his PJs - get the zip up bag with the arm holes. Soon as we got that I never used the other button up PJs again. When they are newborn and you are getting up 3x a night to change diapers, the LAST thing you want to deal with in your delirious sleep deprived haze is have to mess with all those god damn snaps.
Haha have two of those as well - and my mom is getting the skip hop one that goes with our nursery :p makes 3.
We had our 20 week ultrasound last night and... it's a girl.

Everything went well except for the baby refusing to cooperate in terms of positioning so it took awhile to maneuver and find everything.

My wife's fluid levels were on the low end of the acceptable range so she is terribly worried but the doctor said it isn't something to worry about as long as in 3 weeks the baby has grown as much as it should. She's the correct size for 20 weeks right now so that's good.
yay congrats! you all wanted a girl that's exciting!

our A/S is a week from tommorow...appt today went well but I have a feeling that I"m going to get the pre lecture on weight next time. I got asked today if I was trying to lose weight and I'm like uhhh no. I think If I lose anymore weight between now and 24 weeks they're going to be like ok seriously.....we need you to put something on. At this point unless I completely balloon in late second tri and third tri I'm going to end this pregnancy at 5-10lbs less than what I started at. Doc isn't worried now - as long as I'm eating obviously baby is eating (morning sickness is basically gone though I did throw up bile this morning - throwing up about once a week now).....I just want my fucking pants to fit. My regular pants don't fit because of the bump but because of the weight I lost my maternity pants like fall down



Buzzfeed Editor
Haha have two of those as well - and my mom is getting the skip hop one that goes with our nursery :p makes 3.
It depends on the kid. My youngest hated those sleep bag things. Basically, if she could kick her legs then she wouldn't sleep. The cheater swaddler things though, total fucking gamechanger. God those things are awesome.


<Prior Amod>
Yeah all three of my kids hated those bags and only my youngest would tolerate being swaddled the proper way. My two oldest wanted to be able to move their arms and legs from the get go so we had to wrap them relatively loosely.
It depends on the kid. My youngest hated those sleep bag things. Basically, if she could kick her legs then she wouldn't sleep. The cheater swaddler things though, total fucking gamechanger. God those things are awesome.
I'm collecting everything (including regular swaddle blankets) and just experimenting.

Fully expecting kid to not like something/prefer others. Though the wearable blankets they can wear during swaddle 'weaning' or whatnot afaik.

Chaos - it was your wife that liked my breast friend right? Boppy rehauled their pillow to make it similar to my breast friend...snagged that (the new boppy) as well based on your recommendation and just overall feel.


Buzzfeed Editor
My wife just had the normal boppy. I was skeptical but that thing is pretty damn awesome with a lot of uses outside of just breast-feeding.
who was it whose wife used to farm shit for wow with the my breast friend?

yeah I read a review of normal boppy vs this one which was pretty much "normal boppy has more uses, ie prop (monitored) for tummy time, but for breast feeding new boppy kicks old boppy's ass".

The play gym that I got has a pillow prop included for tummy time so that was pretty much the decision right there in a nutshell.

Need to have some lag time for etsy to start making the covers for the new one - its very differently shaped and though you apparently can remove the extra foam and the entire thing besides that is washable I'd still want a cover.

Oh hey did I mention - that kids consignment sale is starting out in Manassas next wed. Totally going. hoping to pick up child proofing stuff (wall plugs etc) on the cheap along with a bumbo.


Buzzfeed Editor
Yeah we have been tot he Manassas one a few times. Don't go to the Woodbridge one. it is sad in comparison.

Bumbo seat was good. it got recalled several times because stupid fucking parents were putting their kids on elevated surfaces and thenWALKING AWAY. It takes a special kind of retard...


<Prior Amod>
Yeah we have been tot he Manassas one a few times. Don't go to the Woodbridge one. it is sad in comparison.

Bumbo seat was good. it got recalled several times because stupid fucking parents were putting their kids on elevated surfaces and thenWALKING AWAY. It takes a special kind of retard...
LoL seriously?

Bumbo's are cool but holy shit did my youngest outgrow his quickly.


Buzzfeed Editor
Yeah, when my first kid was born I never looked much into recalls, I just kind of went with it. After the first Bumbo seat recall I started looking a lot more closely. Some of these companies are recalling shit at the drop of a hat, and sometimes due to parental negligence. I guess it is better than the alternative but the stigma of a recall leads a lot of people to avoid that product. I still have the one we bought like 4-5 years ago, and it has never once occurred to me that I could put my girls in there and walk away from them for any length of time.