Project 1999 - Making Norrath Great Again


Toe Sucker
Name is Nitsuu on p99. Currently lvl 51 cleric. Cool to see some of you guys rolling toons here. Holler if you need a 90% rez. Still saving up for that epic.
I knew that was you sitting there in EC! kekek

I didn't have like any time this weekend, at least i can have some time after work this week hnngghh


Toe Sucker
I also decided i'm going to rev up a cleric alt, i want a character i can play and entirely not have to focus on at all once in awhile.. bard takes too much concentration at times where i want to watch something-which i can't because i'm twisting 3 songs while pulling and adding a 4th song for mez if i need to zzz. Which i actually enjoy, but some times i'd like to just sit there and heal a dude while i'm playing/watching something else lol

Good ol' EQ, love dis game <3

edit: i was torn between shaman and cleric, i like the utility of a shaman a lot but ogre shaman is kind of annoying to work around at the beginning parts of the games.. sow/buffs/haste etc is so nice though


I also decided i'm going to rev up a cleric alt, i want a character i can play and entirely not have to focus on at all once in awhile.. bard takes too much concentration at times where i want to watch something-which i can't because i'm twisting 3 songs while pulling and adding a 4th song for mez if i need to zzz. Which i actually enjoy, but some times i'd like to just sit there and heal a dude while i'm playing/watching something else lol

Good ol' EQ, love dis game <3

edit: i was torn between shaman and cleric, i like the utility of a shaman a lot but ogre shaman is kind of annoying to work around at the beginning parts of the games.. sow/buffs/haste etc is so nice though
Thought you were fine with going Barbarian?


Golden Squire
I finally got rid of my AMD FX processor so I can play this now. Started a Dwarf Warrior, Adison. Anyone else playing new characters?


Toe Sucker
They don't have any evil lowbie exp quests do they? More specifically for ogres? similar to CB belts/DF Belts/Bone Chips?


They don't have any evil lowbie exp quests do they? More specifically for ogres? similar to CB belts/DF Belts/Bone Chips?
Not that I know of, although I have seen Ogres in Crushbone who apparently got their faction high enough with dwarves to do bone chips/CB belts in Kaladim.


Toe Sucker
Not that I know of, although I have seen Ogres in Crushbone who apparently got their faction high enough with dwarves to do bone chips/CB belts in Kaladim.
Yeesh, that sounds way too tedious.. and i'd probably out level the effectiveness of any of those turn ins anyway just getting the faction lol


Lord Nagafen Raider
You might also try and see if you're apprehensive to FPW Guards and Brother Jentry so you can go and turn in Deathfist Belts and later, scalps in Highkeep or even Left Goblin Ears.

I meant that with Shared Wolf form from a druid.


Toe Sucker
You might also try and see if you're apprehensive to FPW Guards and Brother Jentry so you can go and turn in Deathfist Belts and later, scalps in Highkeep or even Left Goblin Ears.

I meant that with Shared Wolf form from a druid.
It's all good, between not being able to transfer him some $$ and being stuck in shitty feerrott i'm sticking with my cleric lol
I like the whole Ward Undead line anyway, killan' all the undead bitches~

Saw a dude selling a DawnFire, i wanted to suck dat dick for it~


There is a war going on over control of your mind
if anyone from here is interested in maybe playing the pvp server I would gladly PL you and get you into my dkp based raid guild

current exp rates on the red server means you can hit 60 in 2 weeks and 50 in 1 week


Lord Nagafen Raider
Dawnfire + LGuk = win
Not for the last 8 months, xadion. All increased procrates were reset to baseline. Increased procrates will not appear again on this server due to timeline. Staff of undead legions, dawnfire, barb spiritists, etc. are all dogshit now. GFG outparses barb spiritist like 2 to 1 now. Dawnfire isn't worth the melee damage you're receiving--even the sprinkler of divine wrath will outparse it, and that shit is terrible.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I can tank ragefire- I dunno if he is still constantly perma camped for farmers however- 2 normal clerics or 1 bp cleric and we can take him down...eventually ;-)
RF is perma camped and pearl turnins are spam clicked. Catherin was recently popped for autofire, and she had been a big contender just prior with turning in ragefire pearls with startling speed. Daliant did the same thing--and then relapse turned him in for RMT :3 Relapse the kinda Wakandan who will bear great harm to himself to fuck you when he's fucked ~

It's become slightly less competitive recently, but people are still standing there with pearl in hand looking at the screen. Less Air-click spamming now I think. I'd talk to Alde for more details. Alde/Flippie have been getting ragefires pretty consistently now that detoxx has gone on a bit of a break from it.


Toe Sucker
Not for the last 8 months, xadion. All increased procrates were reset to baseline. Increased procrates will not appear again on this server due to timeline. Staff of undead legions, dawnfire, barb spiritists, etc. are all dogshit now. GFG outparses barb spiritist like 2 to 1 now.Dawnfire isn't worth the melee damage you're receiving--even the sprinkler of divine wrath will outparse it, and that shit is terrible.
Be sure to send the next one you see my way instead of vendoring it bro~ dat awful weapon etc!

I hope i find some time this weekend to play hngghhhh, still not even 20 yet. Bloody casual I am.