Prometheus (Alien 0) - 1 Year Later


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Lindelof is the Adam Sandler of Sci-fi and one of the biggest hacks to ever work in the business.
Then you will be happy to know he hasn't signed on for the sequel, and has other committments. So they will be moving on without him.

I guess I would stay away from Star Trek Into Darkness too because he wrote that as well.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
Assuming you aren't trolling, this movie was largely derivative of religious material. I don't like derivative anything.
Assuming you arent trolling, that can be said of just about any movie that deals with the human origin.

It's a silly criticism to make. It's like watching a movie about racing and complaining that there are too many cars.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
Then you will be happy to know he hasn't signed on for the sequel, and has other committments. So they will be moving on without him.

I guess I would stay away from Star Trek Into Darkness too because he wrote that as well.
JJ Abrams Star Trek was a piece of shit and I can only presume that Lindelof Trek will be an even bigger fail. I wonder how many more treasured sci-fi franchises they will rape before they're done


JJ Abrams Star Trek was a piece of shit and I can only presume that Lindelof Trek will be an even bigger fail. I wonder how many more treasured sci-fi franchises they will rape before they're done
Says he loves a Lindelof movie and then commences to bash Lindelof as a hack .... you need to learn to troll. I give classes if you want.


I saw this a few months ago and didn't understand some of it, having not been very familiar with the original Alien series. I caught the original Alien this past weekend and Prometheus made a lot more sense. I don't understand all the hate, but I remember the reviews from the original FoH thread absolutely destroyed this and kept me from seeing it in the first place.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
Says he loves a Lindelof movie and then commences to bash Lindelof as a hack .... you need to learn to troll. I give classes if you want.
Prometheus was good despite Lindelof since he butchered Spaiths' screenplay. Your usual of MO of picking a fight where one doesnt exist will fail this time. Troll better. And somewhere else.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
I saw this a few months ago and didn't understand some of it, having not been very familiar with the original Alien series. I caught the original Alien this past weekend and Prometheus made a lot more sense. I don't understand all the hate, but I remember the reviews from the original FoH thread absolutely destroyed this and kept me from seeing it in the first place.
Bunch of butt hurt nerds


Avatar of War Slayer
I have never seen a movie that aspired to be so smart, yet acted so dumb.

The big-picture story was fine, the movie was visually stunning, the cast was A+, and then you have the writing/plot which totally mother-fucked it into the dirt. It is so fucking stupid, that it is insulting. Lindelof is the Adam Sandler of Sci-fi and one of the biggest hacks to ever work in the business.
yeah, its like its supposed to be a comedy. Was this supposed to be a dumb and dumber sequel?

Like the red letter media vid.
this entire movie is just inundated with dialogue and set pieces that take you out of the story over and over again.

like 10min into the movie.
They wake from cryo sleep, and then are briefed on their job.
not the specifics of the job. The job itself.
These guys got into cryo for 2 year one way trip, without knowing what the job they were hired for was at all. Bear in mind, the first thing Vickers asks is if anyone died. suggesting that was a likely possibility.
Dumb shit like this completely takes you out of the story.

The quote about why they thought the aliens were progenitors. fuck I dont remember exactly what it was..
Experts in their fields. The xeno-biologist takes off his helm immediately, after being told that breathing the air is like breathing a car exhaust.
The guy that maps out the caves. gets lost. somehow...

Just non-stop stupidity.
Run sideways to avoid giant rolling ship..


Beautifully made, shot and the acting is competent.

Still the fucking dumbest movie ever. It's insulting.


Suspension of disbelief is one thing. Someone not understanding how to veer left or right is beyond retarded. Given the film hadn't exactly been gripping up until that point there is no excusing it.


Avatar of War Slayer
the real problem with the veer left or right thing, is the movie itself lampshaded it.
Between the lucky magic rock saving her, and the fact she decided to eventually veer right.

That entire sequence was cartoon physics/logic out of nowhere, and just takes you out of the movie. you start laughing at it.


Millie's Staff Member
horrible fucking movie and i watched it twice or rather i attempted to watch it a second time. i couldnt get passed the stoner scientists stupidity

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
If Astrocreep hates it, you know its awesome.

When has he ever been right about a movie?


Mr. Poopybutthole
If Astrocreep hates it, you know its awesome.

When has he ever been right about a movie?
But in this case, he's right. As Scott said it, this movie was really about Space Jesus. Weird.

We definitely did, and then we thought it was a little too on the nose. But if you look at it as an ?our children are misbehaving down there? scenario, there are moments where it looks like we?ve gone out of control, running around with armor and skirts, which of course would be the Roman Empire. And they were given a long run. A thousand years before their disintegration actually started to happen. And you can say, ?Let?s send down one more of our emissaries to see if he can stop it.? Guess what? They crucified him.

Yeah. The reason the Engineers don?t like us any more is that they made us a Space Jesus, and we broke him.?
And the whole way in the movie, from beginning to the end, there was Christian symbolism in every scene. This was just too derivative for me. Do something original.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
But in this case, he's right. As Scott said it, this movie was really about Space Jesus. Weird.

And the whole way in the movie, from beginning to the end, there was Christian symbolism in every scene. This was just too derivative for me. Do something original.
It not openly thumped in the movie. You wouldnt even make the connection between Engineers and Jesus/Christianity unless you read the interviews. As far as whatever other Christian symbolism you're talking about, its virtually impossible to escape that in a story about the origin of humanity. In some ways it has to be addressed and reconciled with our notion of human origin (Christianity) that has existed for pretty much 90% of Western civilization without being seriously challenged.

To have a scientist discover that we were just a scientific experiment of some albino race of giants and just go "alrighty then!" seems just as ludicrous.


Mr. Poopybutthole
It not openly thumped in the movie. You wouldnt even make the connection between Engineers and Jesus/Christianity unless you read the interviews.
I knew it was about Christianity from the opening scene where the Caretaker sacrificed himself. I don't have a problem with the thumping. My problem was that it was derivative. I don't like movies or books where it is so derivative that not much is new. Every action or scene in the movie meant something else. That's fine. But the movie drew too strongly from the source material.

The movie could have derived from any other story, and I'd still not have liked it. Tell me a new story, not an old one wrapped up in a thinly veiled disguise.