Prometheus (Alien 0) - 1 Year Later

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
I knew it was about Christianity from the opening scene where the Caretaker sacrificed himself. I don't have a problem with the thumping. My problem was that it was derivative. I don't like movies or books where it is so derivative that not much is new. Every action or scene in the movie meant something else. That's fine. But the movie drew too strongly from the source material.

The movie could have derived from any other story, and I'd still not have liked it. Tell me a new story, not an old one wrapped up in a thinly veiled disguise.
And what was the message that the movie conveyed about Christianity if it was about Christianity?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Did you guys see the dark haired hot bitch when she was almost all naked and shit?

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
No, thanks.

Because it wasn't about Christianity. Sure, it had some elements of it and i wouldnt expect anything less, because Christianity itself borrows from the notions of life, rebirth and sacrifice that have circulated in different cultures for thousands of years prior to Jesus. Just look at Ouroboros or the Phoenix.

Just because a movie has cars in it, doesnt mean its about racing.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
Apparently, you missed Scott saying that's what the movie was about? Or are you being purposefully obtuse?
Are you calling that faggotry you linked an "interview"?

Its a bunch of damn suppositions based on another retard's livejournal post. Yeah, show me an interview with Scott where he clearly states that this movie is about Christianity.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Meh i though the movie was alright. Wasn't amazingly great but definitely not horrible. I guess people here love hyperbolie. Anyways these videos go a good ways to explain why the movie came out as it did.



Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Alien Resurrection was better than Prometheus.

Prometheus did have hotter bitches though, I'll give it that.


WoW Office
<Gold Donor>
does this really need another thread. Oh wait its a troll, proceed i guess.


Avatar of War Slayer
Read this for an hour and then get back to me:
"But some humans do act in ways the Engineers might have grudgingly admired. Take Holloway, Shaw's lover, who impregnates her barren womb with his black slime riddled semen before realising he is being transformed into something Other. Unlike the hapless geologist and botanist left behind in the chamber, who only want to stay alive, Holloway willingly embraces death. "

wait a minute. which brings up yet another stupid movie moment. Holloway, knows hes infected by some alien lifeform. And despite what that sentence says, no, his first reaction was most certainly not to accept death. quite the opposite. he denied anything is fucking wrong with him, had sex, walked around the ship, went down into the cave again.

Again, this is the stupid shit that takes you out of a movie. There is no way in hell, when we get around to interplanetary travel, quarantines won't be drilled into everyone. This is B movie level stupid shit. has no place in a AAA movie. Oh no, I got bit by a zombie. well, I dont want to die, so I assume I'll be the one guy in a million that won't turn. Oh, and Ill be sure not to tell anyone else, so they won't be ready to stop me when I attack them. Oh, and thankfully, no one else will be paying attention enough to notice me looking like death.
remember Alien? dude get attacked and what do they do? Ripley refused to let them back on at all. Gets overruled, and they bring him back to the med lab and put him in stasis. there medical equipment failing to detect the eggs.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
Holloway didnt even realize he was sick UNTIL AFTER he has sex with Shaw.

On top of that, with weird shit happening all around them with only a dozen and a half people in a giant ship, i doubt anyone's truly giving a fuck about protocol. I can certainly see why Holloway uncertain of whats happening to him (but relatively certain that he is condemning himself to death if he announces his condition, either by being killed or left behind) is reluctant to tell anyone about whats happening to him until he can go back to the alien complex and try to find out more information.

remember Alien? dude get attacked and what do they do? Ripley refused to let them back on at all. Gets overruled, and they bring him back to the med lab and put him in stasis. there medical equipment failing to detect the eggs.
If anything that just bolsters Prometheus when Vickers plainly says that she's going to set Holloway on fire if they bring his sick ass on board. And she does right there on the ramp in front of everyone.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Yeah, show me an interview with Scott where he clearly states that this movie is about Christianity.

He even referenced a scene that was deleted where the builder explains that they sent a Caretaker to Earth, and we crucified him two thousand years ago. They said they deleted the scene because they thought it was too heavy handed, and wanted us to figure out from the vague symbolism in the movie. Only, to me anyway, I knew what it was about from the opening scene. Only after I read the Cavalorn blog, did I realize that Scott actually referenced multiple scriptures in the movie.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>

He even referenced a scene that was deleted where the builder explains that they sent a Caretaker to Earth, and we crucified him two thousand years ago. They said they deleted the scene because they thought it was too heavy handed, and wanted us to figure out from the vague symbolism in the movie. Only, to me anyway, I knew what it was about from the opening scene.
Yeah, I know about that part. It doesnt make Prometheus about Christianity. It doesnt make the Engineers Christian, or purveyors of Christianity or anything like that. On top of that the scene isnt even in the movie.


Avatar of War Slayer
we know exactly how the pyramids were made. and we could recreate them if we wanted to.
interior ramps, and corners capped after the fact.

And there is no such thing as a missing link.
To use comics as a parable.
We have issues 1-11, 13-15,17,19-400.
Suggesting issues 12, 16, and 18 are a missing link, and thus probably aliens creating the jump, makes you a fucking retard.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
When have I ever trolled on these boards?

I'm simply defending my views.


Mr. Poopybutthole
On top of that the scene isnt even in the movie.
It's not in the movie because Scott was quoted in one of those interviews was that the story was of Cosmic Jesus, and he didn't want us to figure that out so easily. The Cavalorn blog expanded on the symbols, which were in every scene of the movie. You can actually line up what was in the scene with scripture, if you were so inclined. Things like when the Captain and the two shipmates holding their hands out as if crucified reenacted the two thieves that were crucified with Jesus on Calgary. Or the virgin birth, for that matter.

It's all too obvious.

You act like I'm pulling this out of thin air, these words are from Scott's mouth, that the bigger story was of Cosmic Jesus and we were supposed to figure that out.

Read the interviews again.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
It's not in the movie because Scott was quoted in one of those interviews was that the story was of Cosmic Jesus, and he didn't want us to figure that out so easily. The Cavalorn blog expanded on the symbols, which were in every scene of the movie. You can actually line up what was in the scene with scripture, if you were so inclined. Things like when the Captain and the two shipmates holding their hands out as if crucified reenacted the two thieves that were crucified with Jesus on Calgary. Or the virgin birth, for that matter.

It's all too obvious.

You act like I'm pulling this out of thin air, these words are from Scott's mouth, that the bigger story was of Cosmic Jesus and we were supposed to figure that out.

Read the interviews again.
Its the kind of thing that Infowars people engage in. Here, let me show you how it works

3 people died in Boston bombings, that represents the Holy Trinity. it happened on April 15 which is a Christian Feast Day and one guy got both of his legs blown off. This is symbolic of the Christian soldiers breaking victims' legs at the crucifixion. This can be done with just about any event or film in human history.

Also, its Calvary, not Calgary. Calgary is the place that has a shitty hockey team. The only thing they crucify there is NHL coaches.


The first was rather disappointing. The marginally philosophical aspects appeared superficial and poorly incorporated. It felt like a 3 part movie condensed into 1 movie and many of the characters were poorly developed. The aspects from the Alien's movies appeared superfluous and unnecessary. Had the movie been set in a different universe neither related or inspired by Aliens, it'd have been less jarring. The special affects were pretty and Michael Fassbender was superb. For me, despite some eye candy, the movie fell into the cliche of smart people doing stupid things with tired horror elements tacked on. It's a good movie to watch if nothing else is on and you're in the mood for Sci-Fi.