Pussification in America: Political Correctness is Gay


Got something right about marriage
Wonder if this school will have signs like that

Gay community looking to form new private school in Atlanta

Some Atlantans are joining forces trying to start a new private school where students from all walks of life -- mainly those who are from gay, lesbian or transgender families can feel comfortable.

School organizers have already secured an Intown location but need more money to get the school off the ground.

School organizers and others in the gay and lesbian community are trying to start Pride School Atlanta.
They fought for the right to be included and treated as equals, now their fighting for "separate but equal". The circle is completing itself bros.


Best Rabbit
<Gold Donor>
I've always wondered that. Austin ISD prides itself on it's "one gender schools". Underperforming schools, usually full of minorities, get massive per student costs while the regular schools do not, and yet still do not perform better.

There's a bunch of modern-day segregation based on race, sexual orientation, etc. For some reason, many people seem to think it's okay.


I've always wondered that. Austin ISD prides itself on it's "one gender schools". Underperforming schools, usually full of minorities, get massive per student costs while the regular schools do not, and yet still do not perform better.

There's a bunch of modern-day segregation based on race, sexual orientation, etc. For some reason, many people seem to think it's okay.
It's OK when someone segregates theirself willingly. Segregation is not OK when you are forced to do it.


Musty Nester
They fought for the right to be included and treated as equals, now their fighting for "separate but equal". The circle is completing itself bros.

I do sort of understand, but they have to realize that this is actually a really bad idea. As in it's going to make the problems they're trying to address even worse. And the problems are real enough, I'm sure, not trying to poo-poo that. But you get one of these gay kids out in the world completely unprepared socially and then what? Once they leave your school is it not your problem anymore? Isn't the point of this to try to prepare them somewhat for the world that they're going to have to live in?

It seems like a really bad idea.

Maybe we can sue them for hatecrimes when one of these kids suicides.


JunkiesNetwork Donor
It's OK when someone segregates theirself willingly. Segregation is not OK when you are forced to do it.
That's pretty much it. If you join a country club that's full of your peers, whether that's white 1%'ers or small town hillbillies, you are stillchoosingto do so. You know...freedom. Same principal applies for private schools. I guess the segregation comparison sounds good on a bumper sticker for those people that think in soundbytes. No surprise that Both Sides Are Bad jumped right on it.


<Prior Amod>

I do sort of understand, but they have to realize that this is actually a really bad idea. As in it's going to make the problems they're trying to address even worse. And the problems are real enough, I'm sure, not trying to poo-poo that. But you get one of these gay kids out in the world completely unprepared socially and then what? Once they leave your school is it not your problem anymore? Isn't the point of this to try to prepare them somewhat for the world that they're going to have to live in?

It seems like a really bad idea.

Maybe we can sue them for hatecrimes when one of these kids suicides.
I don't think they care about that far into the future, they just don't want "normal" kids to pick on/bully their own kids.

But this will just create bullies in the new gay private school, cuz bullies are an everyday fact of life from the playground to the boardroom.


Egg Nazi
That doesn't make any sense in this example.
It doesnt make sense in any example, and is a refuge for people who lack critical thinking.

The negative consequences of segregation areidenticalregardless of whether it was voluntary or mandatory. As is so often the case, motivation is irrelevant. People who voluntarily segregate themselves to be with "people like them" have exactly the same consequences for society as people who write laws mandating segregation.


JunkiesNetwork Donor
We also have the freedom of assembly in this country. If people want to voluntarily choose to associate with other people that look like them or think like them then that's their choice. If they want to pay to send their kids to a private school that holds similar views as them, then that is their choice as well. Why do you hate freedom?


Bronze Baron of the Realm
As a kid 30+ years ago our school system got desegregated. It wasn't because the school system kept whites in a certain school or blacks in another. It was because whites or anyone with a job didn't want to live in the ghetto and attend those schools so they moved to the suburbs and out of the ghetto. The federal government took over the school system and they just got out from under it a few years ago. So I went from going to school 3 minutes away where my parents had bought a new house to be in that school district, to riding over an hour each way to get to a school where on the first day in the 5th grade I was met by picketeers who didn't want me there either. I went from a normal everyday suburban school to the ghetto where in the first week a kid broke a teachers arm and was allowed to stay in school.

They literally sat down and made every school in the entire parish (East Baton Rouge, the parish that includes Baton Rouge) and made them the same percent white and black to within 1%. An even dumber issue was because of this people moved, sent their kids to private school etc...so every year they redraw the lines to try and keep up with the white flight. My sister went to 4 different high schools in 4 years because the whites kept moving and that didn't sit well with the federal court order. So they just started moving them around - each year to balance them out.

They tried some really dumb shit. They changed the name of some of the schools because they were too associated with the ghetto. Chaneyville which is where Doug Williams the former Redskins QB went in the middle of nowhere that was 95% black to Northeast high school to avoid the stigma of going to the ghetto.

It didn't help the blacks or the whites, anyone with a job either moved out of the parish or went to private school. I went to private school. Now the white and the black schools are equally crap and my parents basically threw away a house they had bought because it became worth 1/10th what it was a year before.

Since then in the last few years a few communities finally broke off from the city and started their own school district which is now ranked at the top of the state. It took 15 years of legal hurdles to do it. Unlike TX where each school district is separate, in LA the city/parish ran the school system so if you were in that parish you were in the same school system.

It led to the 2 adjoining parishes to lead the country in growth for a long time, only to be renewed again post Katrina. Nobody left in the parish now except for a very small part that's not black/poor/ghetto.

All they managed to do is increase white flight exponentially, and make it so the school system isn't worth a shit for blacks or whites and now the parish went from 30% black to 65% black. Who's winning now? I don't know anyone white who lives in EBR that their kid goes to a public school.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
They did that shit in Kentucky during the 80s and 90s as well, except instead of bussing white kids down to inner city and urban schools, they just bussed half the minority and poverty stricken students from downtown out to the suburbs. Different methods, same results. Its pretty much why I dropped out of high school by 16 as a kid. Didn't feel I was learning anything, the whole thing was a waste of my time, the kids from downtown would pretty much just shit up every class, fight, fight with the suburban kids, changed the entire cultural of the school from sort of middle and lower upper class to basically gang banging (this was circa 92 or so)

They pretty much gave up the ghost on that effort after it failed miserably for over a decade.

It was a fad in the 90s to try and fix racial and economic segregation by shitting up the good schools and levelling the playing field.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
What really made it bad was you literally had no idea which school you were going to until 1-2 days before school started because they were still juggling the numbers and had to get it court approved each year.

When I was a freshman my sister and I went to different schools in two different directions. Lots of families had kids in multiple schools because they need X whites and Y blacks and they could get them from 1/2 a house or whatever.

When my parents could no longer afford private school I dropped out and got a GED and went to work. Turned out for the better in the long run. Eventually paid my own way thru college etc...

The first school I was bussed too wasn't even urban. They shipped us to the corner of the parish in the middle of BFE where all the residents were black farmers. We really fit in.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Yeah its definitely moved past the line, into the territory of full on absurdism at that point.


Unelected Mod
All they managed to do is increase white flight exponentially
That sure seems the legacy of busing that I remember from St. Louis. My parents moved because of it certainly. It was hated by pretty much everyone that it was forced on, black and white.

Desegregation had to be done, but forced busing of students for hours to try and reach mathematical equality was a disaster. I don't think you can really talk about the disaster of inner city public schooling in many areas without mentioning it, though I think that is probably not PC.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
That's normal for Kentucky though, isn't it?
Strictly speaking it did have a high drop out rate, but they just banned dropping out at 16 a few years ago, so literally speaking in the present, no, not anymore.


Musty Nester
We also have the freedom of assembly in this country. If people want to voluntarily choose to associate with other people that look like them or think like them then that's their choice. If they want to pay to send their kids to a private school that holds similar views as them, then that is their choice as well. Why do you hate freedom?
No, it seems perfectly legal and moral and all that whatnot.

I just think it's going to wind up being counterproductive and dumb. Unless they can attract some superstar teachers and expand their enrollment criteria past "gay kids/parents only plz". Maybe they can. I'm sure they're not TRYING to fail.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Gotta love "magnet" schools. Around here they didnt force people but rather each school had a focus on a particular subject that was meant to attract kids. School at I went to focus on sports medicine.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
I went to a magnet school before I dropped out for 2 years. They had 2 options, one focused on engineering which I went to and the other focused on arts. The engineering one went to the traditional most ghetto school around, but it wasn't bad because before they turned it into a magnet school they shut down the sports which drove the blacks out almost entirely.

The engineering wasn't bad and we had weekly visits from chemical engineers, process engineers, electrical engineers, structural engineers etc...of course it was sponsored by Exxon. Because of the lack of sports it got rid of a lot of people who had no desire to learn but were there to be cool.

Just out of curiosity I looked it up. Apparently the brothers won. It's no loner a magnet school and they have sports again and changed the mascot etc..

During a period from the mid-1980s to the late 1990s, Scotlandville was a magnet only school that required a 2.5 GPA to stay in the school. It also housed the High School for the Engineering Professions, which required a 3.0 to stay in the program. Both of these requirements, and these programs, were cut in the late 1990s. During this period of time, there were no major athletics at the school (football, baseball and basketball), as the main focus was academic. When this change occurred, the school lost the majority of the staff and leadership of the school.
The urban dictionary pretty much summed it up. Another social experiment, make a school most attractive to whites and place it in the ghetto as their only option. It's gone to crap now from googling with all the arrest, shootings etc..that have taken place there including teachers.

First school I ever knew of that had a full time police force that didn't patrol the students, they patroled to make sure no residents got in during school time.

Also known as "3rd World" combined with 2 other hoods(Banks and the Field). One of the roughest areas in Baton Rouge Louisiana. Home to the Southern University Jaguars, the Baton Rouge Metro Airport, and the East Baton Rouge Parish Prison. An all black community on the northside of the city, basically a big ghetto, and also contains two of baton rouges major project housing complex's, Elm Grove Gardens and Scotland Square.