Puzzles and Dragons

Just saw that the upcoming Angry Birds collab has a skill up mob for Neptune with a little over 1K ATK. I've not been fortunate enough to roll a Neptune at any point, but I'll happily pick up one of these guys to make my Lilith redundant.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Just saw that the upcoming Angry Birds collab has a skill up mob for Neptune with a little over 1K ATK. I've not been fortunate enough to roll a Neptune at any point, but I'll happily pick up one of these guys to make my Lilith redundant.
Yep, Rolled so many times hoping for a neptune, plan on using him until Lillith gets an ultimate Evo, although I kind of expect it out of Gungho now... with Angelion/CoC kind of setting a precident on it... Especially on my tanky blue Gab team it will be nice, a LOT of fights would end up going much faster, pretty much can just run gab/gab, poison, siren, hera-is and echidna which I think will probably end up as fast as double gravity, plus the benefit of armor breaking high def.

I've not been as happy with Bastet as I thought I'd be, usually hp has been a problem, seems like most of the time I'm better off just running Mono-Green with a Parvati/Artemis (with freyja/Athena) or Mono-Red (freyr/ares leaders with horus for burst) depending on the dungeon for just as much burst unless it's a tri-color dungeon...

Generally I'm running Bastet/Bastet/Artemis/Parvati/Athena/Izanagi... but It really feels like I need an extra orb changer, I'd like to try pairing up with Athena leads (but I have no athena friends) and then I'd use either Apollo or Verche as a sub

I tried running a full healer bastet team, but that seemed even worse, 11k hp is basically worthless.


New Angelit/Develit dungeon is TOUGH! But fun. I ended up 0 stoning once, one stoning once. Going to stam refresh once or twice and clear it some more...

Round 1:50% chance for a Mythlit,
Round 2: one regular dublit... (lame!)
Round 3 66% Dubmythlits 33% Tamadra
Round 4: Angelit or Devilit

For 60 stamina? Uhh Hell yes. Thanks.

Bustied my RGG and AO.

New Max +RCV/LVL bustied AO autoheals for 6594HP... was hoping for more.


<WoW Guild Officer>
New Angelit/Develit dungeon is TOUGH! But fun. I ended up 0 stoning once, one stoning once. Going to stam refresh once or twice and clear it some more...

Round 1:50% chance for a Mythlit,
Round 2: one regular dublit... (lame!)
Round 3 66% Dubmythlits 33% Tamadra
Round 4: Angelit or Devilit

For 60 stamina? Uhh Hell yes. Thanks.
Fuck I'd run the shit out of that. How hard are round 4/5?


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
Oof, if it is 60 STA it'd be nice if I was at 120. Need a couple more ranks before it is available here.


Golden Squire
New Angelit/Develit dungeon is TOUGH! But fun. I ended up 0 stoning once, one stoning once. Going to stam refresh once or twice and clear it some more...
After dumping 200 more stamina on Fridays dungeon and having 0 dubs to show for it --- AGAIN, I stoked for that one.

Generally I'm running Bastet/Bastet/Artemis/Parvati/Athena/Izanagi... but It really feels like I need an extra orb changer, I'd like to try pairing up with Athena leads (but I have no athena friends) and then I'd use either Apollo or Verche as a sub
I went a totally different when when I got Bast.. I love her because I can use her in my standing healer team (Valk) but even more because as a lead I DON'T have to run healer-subs so I have higher hps. Bast, Sigfried, Valk, Godin, XX (Sometimes Neptune, Chu Chu or Zeal), Bast. Runs about 16k hps which would be ~20 if I wasn't so lazy about leveling them.

All that said, it is going to be a lot harder to justify running a matching team that caps at 16x soon (except maybe in tri-color dungeons where it is ~100% up-time), when I can just run 2xZues for 12.25 AND get the 2x35% gravity thrown in. In either case you need to run them as a burn team in descends since neither are going to make mythical hp thresh-holds (or even most legendary for that matter) so needing to keep hps at max is pretty irrelevant.


... Tough.

Both enrage when you kill the other. They attack every turn...

Before the fight starts, you get healed to full.

Angelit - 2.3M HP 200armor
When you get the Angelit to 50%... double leader bind for 4 turns.
When you get the Angelit to 10%... multithits for 19084 (OR 57252 if enraged)

Her regular hit is only 9542HP AND changes random orbs to hearts (not sure if Poison orbs can be changed from this)

Devilit - 3.5M HP

He alternates between 2 attacks:
1. Make 6 Poison Orbs
2. Change Hearts to Jammers and hit for 18917 (or 56751 if enraged)

When you get Devilit to 20%HP, he multihits for 37836HP (or 113508 if enraged)

My strat was kill Dark boy first, you get lots of help from Angelit... but if you dont use the hearts, Jammers start building up.

The trouble was building a team that could deal with high armor (while getting bound) AND clear the final round.

Round 1: Not a big deal, BUT you gotta come out swinging or you end up with 3 mythlits that bind by color every turn... If you get lucky, you can clear the mythlits before your team gets bound, then you can stall enough to deal with round 2.

Round 2: 3 Dublits that hit for 33333HP have 20HP and 600000 armor. They hit every 3 rounds... They can start with 2 3 or 4 round delay. If you are running a monocolor team, you should be able to handle one hit... So... unless you got a poison or armor break ready, you are looking at 60 sources of dmg in 3 turns... Low cooldown armor penetrating attacks are also useful (UFO, Ra, etc). 5gem combos are also great here... If you can handle this round... Round 3 is a breeze! Make sure to finish this round with 13334 HP+

Round 3:
2 Dubmythlits hit you for 6667 each for 13334HP before you start. Setting their attack delay at 5.
1 Tamadra at 1 turn delay (can start at 1 or 2

2 Dub Mythlits have 5 turn delay, hit for 66666dmg, 25HP, 600000armor.
Tamadra has 20hp, 600000armor. but only hits for 270! But 50% of the time... binds one target for 3 turns.

Good luck... let me know what you guys come up with for how you would tackle it...

Not everyone has a Max Skill Ra... (9 turn all enemy armor ignoring 7777dmg)
Or Max Skill UFO (8 turn one target armor ignoring 300dmg)

Was thinking of Godin+Amaterasu bind immune combo.

Maxxed out... You get 7094 healing per turn. And since the worst part of round 1 and round 4 are binds... Makes stalling a bit more palatable.

Round 1 lits have max 8550HP. You would not have any help on dmg multipliers... but you should be able to kill at least ONE Lit if not two...

Assuming you can kill one lit on first turn ... That leaves you with possibly 3 Mythlits and 3 Regular Lits. I have never seen these mythlits NOT bind... but even if they did:

First lit hits for 954, rest hit for 9540, 3 regulat lits hit for 8550. Max damage round 1: 19044 if no binds... (10494 if 2 lits killed)

If 3 binds. 17670HP dmg. (9120 if 2 lits killed)

Your autohealing heals back a large chunk of that HP and hopefully you can kill another lit on round 2... leaving you with 8550dmg per turn from the last remaining lit (until you get back to full hp and godin works again)

At this point stalling is simple and you can charge up all your abilities...

Round 2:
If you are super amazing lucky... you get 3 different start timers. If you are super unlucky... You get two timers on 2.

Assuming you brought something to deal with armor, use it.

Welcome to Round 3:
Assuming you are at full HP, you will get hit for 8001HP... otherwise 13334HP.

Now this is VERY important...
You have 5 rounds to deal 25 dmg to the RIGHT dub mythlit. If you kill the LEFT dub mythlit... you have a 50% chance of taking 66666dmg rather than 13334dmg.

Round 4:
You are automatically at full health... But how do you deal with 2 sources of dmg every turn... A dark resist swappable sub.

Style 1: 18917 dmg (both attack)
Style 2: 9542 light dmg and 6 poison get made

Hrm... yeah... maybe that team wont work


Golden Squire
That's rough. 5.8 m is a lot to deal with, especially with joker-esq board issues. Probably try your approach and focus develit first with a mono-white when it goes live. LD Raph, Valk, Zeus, Indra, Genie, LD Raph (if I can find one up!). Should have the hps, gives me a gravity option to start and 2 'outs' if things start to go south plus will hit the decently hard since it is off color.

Be a long ass grind on the angelit though and will need to make sure the gravity + splash damage doesn't get her into bind range before devilit dies or that will be a wipe.


Six runs so far... used one stone to continue once (had a mythlit and a tamadra as drops, and was assured of finishing if I stoned)
Got 3 Devilits, 3 Angelits, 2 mythlits, 4 tamadra 2 dubmythlts. 1 stone continue, 2 stone stam refill. Not bad. Going to level up and then do 2 more runs and see how things go...

I am not particularly interested in the Devilits/Angelits at the moment... but 3 angelits 7 devilits gets you every current evo


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
This is the team I'm thinking of:
Dual AA luci, with ceres, FA luci, Shiva, hera-is subs.
Charge Shiva on round 1/2. Sweep 2 and 3.
Stage 4 grind lit down to just above 50%, grind dark down to 10%. Gravity, ms the dark, then ceres, followed by ms + FA on the lit.

Getting the % just right will be tough.

Running the numbers again it looks like dual gravity will be better than gravity+FA luci.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
I'll just rely on you sexy bitches to give me the correct team set up so I can max farm some stuff.

edit: I need to seriously re-prioritize my PADHerder. Was thinking of doing all the Busty / Awoken for the dragon knights next, and then the Toy Dragons. But am thinking about switching to evolving the couple of Light stuff that I don't have maxed....PADherder:[email protected]/* <![CDATA[ */!function(t,e,r,n,c,a,p){try{t=document.currentScript||function(){for(t=document.getElementsByTagName('script'),e=t.length;e--;)if(t[e].getAttribute('data-cfhash'))return t[e]}();if(t&&(c=t.previousSibling)){p=t.parentNode;if(a=c.getAttribute('data-cfemail')){for(e='',r='0x'+a.substr(0,2)|0,n=2;a.length-n;n+=2)e+='%'+('0'+('0x'+a.substr(n,2)^r).toString(16)).slice(-2);p.replaceChild(document.createTextNode(decodeURIComponent(e)),c)}p.removeChild(t)}}catch(u){}}()/* ]]> */@PG's monsters

edit 2: Forgot to say that after Sky Dragon Rush I ended up with: Omega Red Skill 4, Omega Blue Skill 2, Omega Red Skill 1, Green Elysium Skill 1 (I actually only got three drops of him the entire time), Omega Holy Skill 1, Omega Night Skill 3. No idea how many times I ran it, but it was a great source of XP and Money while up. Probably 30 runs maybe and I'd say 40% of those runs were 0 drops.


You're talking about Japanese version? Im confused.
Yes, I play on JP and US version...

The Angelit/Devilit Dungeon is JP side only for now. The busty evos for Gigas, Vamp, Hera, Zeus, and Original JP Gods (except Kagasutchi) are live in JP too.

My JP Side team is MUCH stronger than my US side, with more skillups, +eggs, subs etc.

I dont know how my US side team will handle farming this...

Without Max awakening on my anubis... the chance of getting bound is way too high...

4xHP/RCV: Luci Leader + Abyss Neptune + D/L Batman + Hera-Is

Gravity + D/L Batman + 2 Lucis takes down the Devilit before he gets into burst mode.

Stalling for 30 turns while skills come back up would allow you to kill Angelit at about 70% HP :p


Duke Vampire Lord busty evos...

Dark/Water Busty Balance+Devil = 2ATK/2RCV for Dark (same as Loki/Moondragon Lunar Dspinas)
+100HP +50 attack over regular Duke Vampire Lord

Water/Dark Busty Physical+Devil (requires devilit) = 3x Attack Dark ...
+1000hp -100rcv over regular Duke Vampire Lord...

Not very impressed with either of those... 3x dark attack is nice as it gives more farm team options... with the built in orb changer and 2ATK/RCV is basically a farmable (more farmable) MLD...

Also... with the +3 to friend presents... farming alt accounts to feed to your main got alot more interesting...

Viper Orochi Ultimate Evo... +1000HP... 50%Zombie -> 40%Zombie...
Would have to crunch the numbers to see if the extra blue orb and 40% outweigh the 800HP he gains from leveling up + evo + busty evo (remember the busty evo mats count as xp too)

Gigas Busty Evo = awesome (unless you really like super low rcv goemon)


Lord Nagafen Raider
The sonia's look really amazing... Red Sonia + beelzebub or Red Sonia + Astaroth seems like a winner. Can use gravity subs and 5x rcv 2x hp is enough to survive for sure, especially since devil has generally high hp subs.

Green Sonia + Chaos Dragon Knight seems amazingly good too. Dark dragons are generally the "best" to choose from, dark mystic would give you a Godin skill on demand. Caol-Ila and Nobunaga are pretty sweet stats with nice actives for round 1/2 stalling if skilled up. Green Droiddragon gives you access to armor pen. You'd have access to either a fortoytops or a pierdrawn (Or both) if you want to go into tank mode). Or you could use ADK as a sub to give you extra orb changing.

example team: Green Sonia/CDK/ADK/Toytops/Dark Mystic/Nobunaga with no + eggs... 35k health 4k rcv. 20k green 25k dark atk (heart maker, 3 orb changers, 1 nuker and 1 resolve like skill). Maybe not absolutely "game breaking top tier" like red sonia, but should be enough to zero stone every legendary descend.

Of course I think Red Sonia is a little Nicer than Green, thanks to the pretty awesome devil subs that have been added over the past 6 months. Hell you could also run a Red Sonia devil team with Luci... Similiar to Astaroth+Luci you're only losing out on 2.5k or so heath since Luci isn't a devil sub. You'd still be close to 30k AND have access to lolcannon


Lord Nagafen Raider
Red Sonia/SoD Lucifer/ Drawn Joker / Loki / Hera-IS / Hera-Ur (Can substitute Astaroth over SoD Lucifer)

35k Health, 8k red 11k dark atk, 9.5k rcv.. fairly massive burst between Gravity + Lucifer + an entire red/black board enhanced by Ur and Loki. Or you could say, swap in Persephone over Loki or use regular Hera over Hera-IS for even more dark atk..