Puzzles and Dragons


Lord Nagafen Raider
GH Fan Festival - Ult Haku, v6.5 tweaks, new descend, PAD W | Puzzle Dragons Database

More new ults, also adding blue/green odin tamadras to go with the red one for odin skill ups.

Haku is getting either d/r dragon subtype or d/d devil sub type among others
Ummm, and the most important thing... being able to set 2 active leaders.

Also, holy jesus, I&I just went from one of my least used cards, to a pretty nice leader for descends Obviously... I don't have a blue valk, but could easily run Light meta, Isis, Hatsume (only skill level 2, but she's probably the easiest ninja to actually attempt skilling up other than hanzo which is the only ninja I don't have), and I'm praying Gabriel's UVO would be healer subtype?, and then I'd just make friends with a bunch of Sun Quons to have all the benefits of a 9x healer team with 25k+ hp and massive RCV (above 50%) PLUS 2 delays (with echidna) AND not having to run a king shynee or Sandalphon? I've pretty much ignored blue for the last 6 months, seems like everything is green/red/dark these days.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Gold Donor>
Man, just when I start to pull together a solid Andromeda team after pulling a blue valk during radiant gala, they go and change I&I into a solid leader..


<WoW Guild Officer>
and suddenly we're into the new event.

Anyone clear the new 88stam dungeon? Got roflstomped by being orb trolled with my Kirin team. I don't think 25x is enough to clear, so I might have to try the kirin-physical team with King Bubblie.


Vyemm Raider
and suddenly we're into the new event.

Anyone clear the new 88stam dungeon? Got roflstomped by being orb trolled with my Kirin team. I don't think 25x is enough to clear, so I might have to try the kirin-physical team with King Bubblie.
I haven't 0 stoned it yet but I have cleared it. 25x isn't enough to break through the tama's armor without a 6+ combo. Thats the kicker for Kirin. The last floor is easy, 25x with 2x3 light is enough to kill the red guy giving you another 2 or 3 turns to kill the blue one depending on the timer he pops with


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Well, I was pooping when I noticed it was available. Went in semi-blind with Kirin but it didn't matter, fatfingered combo on floor 2.

Not sure what to do for floor 6. Valk's active is useless, but she's my green and her light main is a big help. Hera-Is will never be up, but she's a good stat-stick and she's my blue. Could plug Lilith in Verche's spot, but he's big damage and a very useful orb swap. Echidna is Echidna. So it's gotta be Verche I guess...

Maybe grind out a couple more Blue Stone dragons to awaken mine. Cover B/G and give 2 kill boosts(will help get Lilith ready), and leaves a slot for Lilith. Have U&Y but untouched and really not eager to put effort in to them.

Hmmmmmm....could try Shiva. Would have to bring Lilith for 6. She'd be up easy. But Shiva needs 19 turns to be up for last wave and that's not happening. Might not have the guns to kill blue dragon without the enhanced orbs, even at 7 turns. Especially with only PHK for orb swaps.

Definitely couldn't slow-roll it with my Luci team, even with 5 turn heart maker.

Fuck....don't think I have the guns to pull it off with my Satan team either. No Persephone/Ronia and my Wicked Lady is like 0/8 on skill ups. So just DJ/Vamp for orb swaps. Not gonna get extra turns at the end there...

Usually by the time I finish one of these stupid posts I've come up with a viable plan. I am not particularly hopeful after this one. Short of rolling normal Kirin and hoping for a great combo on floor 6 it looks bad.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Going to run Kirin, Kirin, with green odin, echinda and Lilith. Haven't decided on a blue sub, I either need to run bubblie, hatsume or orochi to get one more skill awakening so Lilith is up by floor 6. The later two I would have to use tamdara s on.


Vyemm Raider
I haven't 0 stoned it yet but I have cleared it. 25x isn't enough to break through the tama's armor without a 6+ combo. Thats the kicker for Kirin. The last floor is easy, 25x with 2x3 light is enough to kill the red guy giving you another 2 or 3 turns to kill the blue one depending on the timer he pops with
After thinking about this a bit more my calculations may be off on killing the red guy. That said you can take a hit or maybe even 2 from him if necessary, but the blue guy will kill you with any standard team


Mr. Poopybutthole
Hopefully I can get more stones by then. Just hit 19 stones, with 40 box space. Rank 49 and just finished Castle of Satan on normal. I owe most of that to Gankak and whoever[email protected]/* <![CDATA[ */!function(t,e,r,n,c,a,p){try{t=document.currentScript||function(){for(t=document.getElementsByTagName('script'),e=t.length;e--;)if(t[e].getAttribute('data-cfhash'))return t[e]}();if(t&&(c=t.previousSibling)){p=t.parentNode;if(a=c.getAttribute('data-cfemail')){for(e='',r='0x'+a.substr(0,2)|0,n=2;a.length-n;n+=2)e+='%'+('0'+('0x'+a.substr(n,2)^r).toString(16)).slice(-2);p.replaceChild(document.createTextNode(decodeURIComponent(e)),c)}p.removeChild(t)}}catch(u){}}()/* ]]> */is. Their leaders cleaned that shit up. Hopefully I can get more people off that list to friend me. It's amazing what having a rank 150+ person helping can do.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I cleared my list of some inactives, you can add me at 369,743,265. Same for anyone else I am missing.


Trakanon Raider
I've got spots for anyone here that wants one, account is rank 150, Leaders of Relevance - Max Level Rebel Luci, LvL 85 LTron, LvL50 Blue Sonia- all fully awoken. Just have @RR in your name, I can make more room if necessary. 334,097,234


<WoW Guild Officer>
Man I got fucking orb trolled twice on legendary masks today. Then realized I don't fucking need either of them since I don't use the riders (and the ones I'd want to use are angelit/mythlit respectively).


Vyemm Raider
Aaaaaaand its here.. during a forest gala.. gg gungtroll gg
*Players' Choice Godfest*
[Duration]: 5/31 (Sat), 8:00 PM - 6/1 (Sun) 7:59 PM (PDT)

Your voices have been heard, and your favorite gods are descending upon the Rare Egg Machine. These 20 player-approved gods represent the mightiest and most powerful as chosen by the international fans of Puzzle & Dragons, and for 48 hours, they will appear at 3x rates!

(Note: Odin and Sonia will appear at their normal Godfest rates.)

And the winners are...

1. Da Qiao & Xiao Qiao
2. Archangel Lucifer
3. Yomi
4. Red Dragon Caller, Sonia
5. Horus
6. Incarnation of Kirin, Sakuya
7. Shiva
8. Bastet
9. Hades
10. Phantom God, Odin
11. Anubis
12. Neptune
13. Viper Orochi
14. Amaterasu
15. Kushinadahime
16. Lu Bu
17. Pandora
18. Persephone
19. Blue Dragon Caller, Sonia
20. Ra


Trakanon Raider
I want quite a few of those, but I don't have much luck when it comes to rolling, and a green gala makes me want to roll even less.


<WoW Guild Officer>
12/20 of that list :|

Though I guess I could go for another Yomi or Ronia.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I wrote this out elsewhere, mostly just doing my normal brainspew to work shit out for myself.

Non IAP, rank 238 and been playing since pretty early on NA release.

1) [1237] Da Qiao & Xiao Qiao - 1812 Votes

Don't have, will take but don't particularly want.

2) [628] Archangel Lucifer - 1617 Votes

Have, no need.

3) [140] Yomi - 1356 Votes

Have, made D/L. Wouldn't hate a 2nd, probably make it D/D.

4) [911] Red Dragon Caller, Sonia - 1287 Votes


5) [490] Horus - 1159 Votes

Have, never use. Do not want another.

6) [751] Incarnation of Kirin, Sakuya - 1084 Votes

Have, stupidly fed a 2nd one to her before she became a good sub for herself. Don't want another.

7) [236] Shiva - 968 Votes

Have, love, don't need another but might plug in for rows on his own team.

8) [494] Bastet - 924 Votes

Have, recent addition. Don't use, don't want another.

9) [130] Hades - 794 Votes

Don't have, don't need, don't want.

10) [1107] Phantom God, Odin - 744 Votes

GIMMEGIMMEGIMMEGIMMEGIMME! Did you not hear what a good boy I've been? C'MONNNNN!!!!

11) [498] Anubis - 687 Votes

Don't have, would play with D/L version some or sure.

12) [124] Neptune - 601 Votes

Ugh. Come on people, click over to page 2 of the Godfest choices before voting next time. Don't have/want.

13) [134] Viper Orochi - 600 Votes

No have, no need. But I wouldn't cry about it.

14) [138] Amaterasu - 576 Votes

Don't have or need, but I'd eventually use her sometimes for her bind powers.

15) [803] Kushinadahime - 563 Votes

Don't have or need, but I wouldn't be upset.

16) [1239] Lu Bu - 535 Votes

Have 2, don't need.

17) [1073] Pandora - 472 Votes

Don't have. Also don't have Hanzo or most of her ideal subs so not sure I could swing a good team. Wouldn't hate.

18) [575] Persephone - 470 Votes

Yes Plz. Need her devilishness to replace Wicked Lady.

19) [1088] Blue Dragon Caller, Sonia - 453 Votes

Don't have, but also have crap for potential subs so no desire for her.

20) [496] Ra - 452 Votes

Don't have don't want, but I'd feel like a jerk if I cried about getting him=P


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I'm skipping it. Everything I want besides Ronia is dark, so I'll either wait for dbz rem or a dark gala with a decent godfest. I've got 80 stones burning a hole in my pocket, so I hope we get super gold descended, otherwise I'm stoning 5x techs on Monday.